OPEN LINE WEDNESDAY -December 15 2021 - with Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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from the studios of ewtn this is open line with today's host father mitch pacqua in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewt that's 1-833-288-3986 [Music] outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous wednesday to each and every one of you thank you so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line uh if you'd like to be on the program the number is 833 288 e wtn that's that's 833 eight three nine eight six if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and we will put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can always send us an email open line at or you can text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program at gubensky screening your phone calls jeff berson makes his triumphant return as our social media maven and father mitch pacquiao is our host as he is every wednesday how are you fine good how are you and apparently charles berry is screening i've been informed yes it's very important that we get those credits right the union will be calling you have some emails there sure uh this is one related to my television show yesterday from phil in los angeles howdy father mitch i have i had heard your answer to the hawaiian ladies question about bishop sheen's uh canonization delay and wanted to ask if john paul ii had the same issue brought up for him prior to being named a saint namely um there are questions about some sexual abuse in the diocese of rochester i've been told and that they are investigating to make sure you know what uh bishop archbishop she knew about that etc no they just didn't know that so that's been part of the delay i've again i've been told i'm not involved in it uh directly so um i uh and he wants to know the same thing was asked about uh john paul the second a big issue with him being pope overall priests and all of the sexual abuses that were going on while he was pope i've heard you explain it once about why he did what he did i was curious about his becoming a saint so quickly after his death did they conduct investigations into him knowing about the hundreds of priests that were committing these atrocities uh thanks phil in los angeles phil um i'm not i i was not directly uh involved in any way with the investigations about his canonization um i just wasn't so i can't speak with any authority to say they did or did not um i do know that he was absolutely livid about the neglect of bishops and cardinals and he did let them know he himself did not in any way condone or pass by the abuse of anybody by priests young people or otherwise he was adamant on that and did not think that this was something that could slide and at the same time he was not directly involved it would be parallel to asking the president of the united states to handle concerns about police abuse or parallel to this topic the federal government has known that sexual abuse of children is far more widespread in the public school system than it ever was among catholic clergy or any other clergy for that matter it's now at this point from the latest statistics i've heard it's almost five times the rate and given the number of people involved in it you're talking about a a few million kids being abused over the last 70 years and you know as a matter of fact just in the decade of the 1990s it was 290 000 uh children and it's uh and that was just a decade the number of priests who were involved in the united states was 11 000 kids who were abused over 52 years not 10 years and so when you multiply that to 77 decades you're talking about somewhere in the 2 million child 2 million children being abused the president doesn't have control over that in any direct way you would never say to uh mr clinton mr uh biden mr obama mr bush mr trump any of them why why didn't you stop these these things that's local jurisdiction and what they can say is uh that you'll be removed and in fact pope john paul did remove bishops for neglect as has pope francis and pope benedict um when there's been neglect those who are responsible have been removed but you have to keep in mind that the uh phenomenon was only discovered in the uh 1980s the first case came out in the late 80s in the united states and then this you know avalanche of cases was revealed eventually 11 000 at the instigation of the bishops doing that kind of research and that was their proper responsibility the vatican did deal with the part of disciplining priests who were guilty of such abuse from their side and in fact cardinal ratzinger later pope benedict xvi would spend his fridays personally going over the cases but he had a whole staff that was working on these cases so it's i don't have any evidence that the pope let anything slide once he knew about things but he also had to use the principle of you know collegiality where the the folks at the local level must deal with these cases just as the local school districts the state states and the local school districts have to take the cases to court for the teachers the president cannot possibly do that even if he knows about it it was under president bush's uh first term that the number of cases in public schools was studied you can get that study by the way from the u.s department of education but he couldn't do anything about it it had to be done locally and there's something like that it's a principle subsidiarity is what i'm looking for that they have to do deal with that there and uh you know i again i know for sure i know for a fact uh from firsthand witness the pope was furious with the cardinals for failing to handle this faster than they did and he called them to task so that's one of the things you have to deal with okay about a minute left here yes um here's one thing uh good question uh dear father mitch i have an old friend who i used to be close with was gotten into witchcraft bad um and they told me they had put a curse on me and they said they cursed me with uh with what they the curse seems to come true i've really been suffering because of this and i want my life to go back to normal how do i break a curse on me thank you and god bless you know here's one of the things uh that you do first of all you take time making sure that you stay in the state of grace by you know avoiding sin using frequent confession and also uh you receiving the sacraments often especially eucharist secondly to this is where an act of faith comes in you have to place your trust in jesus it's not using some magical formula to counteract their magic it is trust in the savior jesus christ and remember what saint john wrote in his first epistle chapter 4 the one who is inside you jesus christ is stronger than the spirit that's in the world satan you trust in him and don't worry about any other formula that could sound magical or something he'll break it for you 833 288 ewtn it's open line wednesday with father mitch i still have my sanity because of ewtn and listening to your station everybody needs to listen to positive things if you only listen to the negative things it just gets very bad if it weren't for your uplifting and wonderful people that conduct your programs i don't know if i could still be not crying ewtn helping people grow in their love and understanding of god have you ever heard someone say we need change gk chesterton says modern men are not familiar with the rational arguments for tradition but they are familiar almost wearily familiar with all the rational arguments for change we should not be too quick to favor the new over the old we should never tear down a wall unless we know why it was put up if we don't understand the purpose of a tradition we should first learn that purpose and then decide if the tradition needs to be changed or if we are the ones who need to change maybe the tradition is right and we are wrong spend more time with the apostle of common sense visit for more information and go to to discover more books and programs written and inspired by gk chesterton this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205 271 or send us an email to openline adoption should you could you and then what straight answers from a psychologist and adoptive father of 10 by dr ray guerendi he's drawing from professional and personal experience as well as scientific research dr ray provides authentic answers to challenging real life questions regarding adoption such as healthy motives and reasons to adopt rearing children with special needs of which dr ray has a few and adopting children of other races which the guernies are well acquainted with adoption should you could you and then what the december selection of the month from ewtn publishing uh but i are by our good friend dr ray garenda you can find that at ewtn's religious catalog available now at ewtn rc a couple of line open lines rather open for you at 833. 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 first up today is luke a first-time caller uh watching us on youtube today luke you are on with father mitch all right can you hear me sure all right i had a question about vatican 2 i was doing a little bit of uh reading on that and in catholic principles on ecumenism number three a little bit down there i'll read the following paragraph for you it follows the step quote if all of the separated churches and communities as such though we believe them to be deficient in some respect have been no means deprived of significance and importance in the mysteries of salvation for the spirit of christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation end quote so that kind of infers that there is salvation outside the church but the church for centuries is taught that there is only salvation in the church so the vatican ii kind of seems to contradict what the church is always talking explain that a couple couple things well what yeah uh in terms of this you know what part of it do you see as the main problem in in the issue all right quote for the spirit of christ not refrain from using them as means of salvation and referring to okay uh christian communities outside the church sure which and i'll cite real quick uh pope benefits the eight says wheatler and his papal vote when himself states we declare state and define that is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the roman pontiff now he would be the the question and as a matter of fact uh one of the teachings of vatican ii is that the fullness of the christian faith and the fullness of the church is found in the catholic church correct yeah no no salvation outside the church no no no no vatican ii says that there is the fullness of the christian faith in the catholic church correct all right all right yeah yeah but there's also a recognition that there is partial truth in many of the denominations for instance do they not uh have the or maintain their faith in the scriptures as the word of god as the inner word of god they do that yeah and they also believe that jesus christ is the only uh savior the only mediator between god and man and they know they accept quite a number of the truths and most of them accept the trinity not all and it's that recognition that there is partial truth and that many of these matter of fact i'd say most of these churches do seek the salvation of people in christ they seek that now do they offer a complete notion of salvation no and the vatican council recognizes that it is incomplete but it is partial now here's going to be the uh the question about how we approach this is this a situation [Music] do you remember the passage in matthew i think it's chapter 12 when uh it says that he did not go about shouting on the streets and that he was fulfilling the prophecy in isaiah that he does not break a bruised weed or snuff out a smoldering wick remember that verse all right and here's the question we see bruised reeds and smoldering wicks and given the present time not that of you know of the beginning of say the protestant reformation where there was the this you know other set of issues uh about uh hating the church the pope is antichrist et cetera some of the some of which still remains but is it not also possible to say look these bruised reeds these these people who have much of the truth but not all of it are we going to approach them by saying look you only have part of it we're breaking the reed off we're going to snuff out this wick or are we going to work to gently blow what's in the wick back into flame to understand the the fullness of the church and it's i see this about a an approach to how we deal with folks in the other denominations and will we have more opportunity to recognize the truths that they have and that we share in common and build on those so that for instance they can come to have the full canon of scripture they don't correct they remove books from the bible and how do i think that we do better by starting off with the books that we do have in common and start to deal with the questions of the canon etc with a recognition of what we do share together and build upon that that was i think the i i know the approach that the vatican council was trying to take and the approach of uh pope boniface the eighth at a time where you know it was very dif you know it's a complicated time um so much so that he was nearly beaten to death and later died of his wounds um because of his own disagreements with the french king these it's not it's not the same situation and most of the folks that we deal with in protestantism are not leaving the church in order to join protestants but they're born into this and they assume that this is the way things are and this is where pope pius xii in the 1940s was very clear that you cannot say that anybody who is not formally inside the catholic church may not go to heaven that was a position that was condemned by pius xii long before the council and it recognizes that people also have a conscience that is not fully formed through no fault of their own for the most part you know that it just isn't but what we can do is start off and that's what the vatican council is trying to do in terms of taking a diff slightly different approach that we try to build on what we do share and work forward with that and share our faith together in order to build up bonds um that that would be the way i see the difference i don't think that it's a watering down of our catholicism it's rather taking an approach that emphasizes how we can mend the bruised reed and blow the smouldering wick into flame that would be the difference are you referring to the bruised reed as the relationship between like let's say protestants and catholics no no i i would refer to that as being the um the deficiency of truth it's not that they have no truth there's a deficiency of truth and that's a bruised reed but the truth is in the catholic church there's no bruise read the read is the catholic church no no no no the faith that other folks have i agree that the faith subsists in the catholic church i agree with that but i'm saying that the faith that so many millions sincerely hold is that bruised reed and i want what they have to grow back into strength and that's where we can introduce the fullness of truth from catholicism by showing respect and for what they do have and helping to strengthen it till it comes to the fullness and that would be the approach now there have been many who tried to take an approach well we can compromise therefore that's not what the vatican council said and that's not been church's teaching you cannot compromise the truth and you don't give and take on truth it's just like you don't give and take on partial answers and math yeah but if somebody only understands algebra one you have to take some time before you can start to get them to do trigonometry it just takes time to build that up and that's what we have to do is work to recognize where we have things in common the the truth in common and the truth about christ and then where they're deficient help to strengthen them till they come to the fullness of that truth and that has i think overall better effects than outright initial criticism uh which is awful what they they they think the same about us as i've seen in many of the debates i've done but you know another approach starts and as a matter of fact one of the things i've even experienced in doing the debates a number of the people who watch begin to see that fullness of catholicism and uh one of the people who converted while i was doing a series of debates with tim staples who is a good example someone who really wanted the truth no matter what it ended up being and you know he saw that in our faith but we had to start off with respect straight ahead we'll talk to peki and peggy rather in circle pines minnesota john in cincinnati steve in detroit lakes minnesota we've got plenty of time for your phone calls at 833 288 ewtn that's 833. 288-3986 it's ewtn's open line wednesday with father mitch paqua [Music] ewtn the global catholic network i'm doug keck and welcome to the cwtn bookmark brief speaking with my friend dr ray gurendi about a wonderful book adoption should you could you and then what straight answers from a psychologist an adoptive father of ten proudly published by ewtn publishing available through our ewtn religious catalogue so adoption are a lot of people considering this and are you trying to deal with the stumbling blocks from going forward i'm trying to get people past the fear factor all the nervousness because there there's all kinds of what-ifs and many christians will say well i don't know if i'm called adopted and i'll say well the lord wrote it down in james take care of the widows and the orphans in their distress so he wrote it down well i don't know if i'm capable well you won't find out if you're capable till you get there yeah but that's a heck of a chance to take with the human life isn't it yeah well where's that human life going to be without you very good dr ray gurundy of course his book adoption should you could you and then what published by us at ewtn publishing available to our catalog this has been a bookmark brief thanks for stopping by we'll see you next time want to be notified when ewtn openline goes live on facebook follow ewtn radio's facebook page and click the bell icon to be notified ewtn has its own official youtube channel with tens of thousands of videos covering just about every conceivable topic of interest to catholics and best of all it's free every day ewtn adds new tv shows live events devotionals homilies and specials to its youtube channel visit the ewtn youtube channel today ewtn the global catholic network hi this is janet williams we embrace the essence of feminine spirituality on women of grace tomorrow at 11 a.m eastern here on ewtn radio and now back to open line with father mitch paqua this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 peggy in minnesota hold on you're up next but first kate is watching us on youtube father mitch and she wants to know why does the church no longer celebrate amber days and rogation days i'm i'm not sure at all what the reasoning for that was i think my own hunch is that as the culture continued to secularize there was those regation days and ember days were days of abstinence and fasting not only in lent but in other times like at this this week would be a time of that extra a little bit more fasting and abstinence and this uh you know once the church no longer had the big influence on the calendar she invented just say in uh gregorian calendars named after pope gregory because he sponsored the correction of the calendar um and the jesuits did the correction uh so but the the church's role in the uh setting the norms for civil society ended up meaning a lot of people didn't remember it anymore in many countries the amber days and regulation days were absolutely forbidden you could not do that under penalties uh from the the government because they're anti-catholic and uh in our society it was just forgotten and so these were not part of the rhythm of life anymore uh and so rather than have people trip up by missing out on it they they i think they just removed them that was my hunch um it happened in my when i was young and i i don't i just wasn't paying attention but i think probably some of it had to do a little bit with the novus ordo mass yeah well it was also because you don't have those liturgies that went along with the enemy right right well that's probably correct too that's probably correct too i i'm not i'm not sure that that was the reason but that may well be i again i just didn't pay attention to and i don't remember anybody even explaining it to they just seemed to stop so very good peggy is in circle pines minnesota she is listening to us on siriusxm channel 130. peggy thank you so much for holding on welcome to the program hi father mitch how are you doing i'm well thanks good i have a question about the senses that were taken at the time that joseph and mary went to bethlehem did anna and joachim ever have to travel at that time also for the census yeah we suspect not because when our lady was born they were already a very elderly couple and the lack of mention of their names in the gospels is connected with the high probability that they'd already passed away so they wouldn't have been around and our lady and you take a look at the proto-evangelion of james and you see that our lady was in the custody of some of the priests at the temple not in the custody of her parents and they oversaw her um uh engagement to joseph her parents did not so the assumption is that they had passed away all right and it's always just one question that's always been in the back of my mind you know yeah well if so it wouldn't have been very far for them they had been residents of jerusalem that's that's where they had lived so only they would have probably just stayed in jerusalem but our lady that the church of her birth is in jerusalem i don't know if you knew that yeah yeah yeah and it's i'm watching oh i've been good and um at that uh and it's both the greeks and the catholics recognize that same spot as the and they each have a church built over that uh uh area uh their adjacent trees are right back up against each other and there's a grotto that you can go from the greek church to the catholic church same grotto um and that she went up to nazareth after she was betrothed to joseph who was up there working okay and just to help you fill in yeah yeah and the reason that he would be up in nazareth working rather than in his own native town of bethlehem is that there had been a revolution in the north and one of the roma the roman capital of galilee had been burned down so the romans were in the process of rebuilding it and it was just a mile and a half across the crest of a hill from nazareth to that town so that's where they were working wonderful you know it's like something you know when you're reading the bible you come across that and it's like well yeah what about about what about the rest of the story this is why i feel like uh paul harvey are you really too good god bless you peggy thanks so much for the phone call next up is john in the queen city cincinnati ohio listening on sacred heart radio john you're on with father mitch hello uh father and company yes what can we do for you um one thing that kind of ticks me off this time of year watching mainly tv instead of christmas you always hear holiday gifts holiday parties yes yeah i want one of your take on that maybe i have the wrong idea but it just kind of hurts me why shouldn't it irk you dirks me i agree with you not with the what the uh you know the television stuff that avoids that notice we don't call it the holidays we we very openly celebrate christmas and advent you know this is avid we're not singing christmas carols we're not talking about chestnuts and snow and what color the christmas should be and missing you and all that stuff um the secular society does this constantly i did a paper on this man a matter of fact when i was living in cincinnati teaching at saint xavier high school i wrote this paper i saw this pattern that every time the secular society celebrates a catholic feast they d they take away the religious component and they turn it into something either uh with pagan elements and then they go and say well this had its roots in paganism when they're the ones paganizing christian celebrations you know you see it new year's they don't celebrate the circumcision of our lord and his naming and receiving the holy name of jesus they celebrate father time who is the uh god the roman god saturn and his baby son who is jupiter uh and you and you just go on through the rest at st valentine they don't celebrate a martyr bishop they celebrate cupid a pagan god the son of mars and venus and it goes on and on with all the and so they cannot stand to celebrate christ and they they can see it as a way to make money but they don't see it as anything that brings them all religious peace and in fact uh it was a few years ago at the denver christmas parade they forbade a float that had a nativity scene on it because it had no place in the christmas parade they said that and so this is one of the things that you have going on so back in the 50s our priests were already preaching from the pulpit keep christ in christmas today we have to say return christ to christmas and you know because it's they take them out and you see the um you know a lot of stuff uh going on with every the rejection of christ lying about him i was uh recently at a restaurant and they were showing a television show in which they were blaspheming god they were saying god is immoral and human beings may be sinful but they're more moral than god is this was on a tv show showing it being shown over the bar appropriately enough at a restaurant so this is the society we live in um we have to be all the more conscious and explicit about our catholic faith god bless you john thanks so much for the phone call today 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number still time for your calls at nine eight 833-288-3986 steve is in detroit lakes minnesota a first time caller listing on real presence radio steve you're on with father mitch hello holly man hi wait a minute how did detroit get to name your lakes well when you've got 10 000 of them you run out of names oh okay never mind i got it all right steve after we took care of that now what do you have for us well i was in a bible by i went to one of my friends he's not catholic he's a bible believing christian i was one of his uh catholics remember that don't let him get away with that catholics are bible reading believing christians too but go on i told him that i told him good anyway especially since we wrote it yeah i i i agree pretend you're from texas and don't get scared i hear you but anyway i uh the leader said uh he made a statement about he was talking genesis one day from there when he's talking about the woman and he said it actually refers to the so-called the christian church the woman means like the the all the christian christians who believe all the christian believing churches and it all and it's the same in the revelation when he talks about the woman with crown stars twelve stars and uh and uh i i knew that wasn't right because i know i was catholics with who believe that's mary right and i said well well what i said to that include the catholic church then and he said no because we elevate we i think that's mary and we elevate her through the divinity so we're idolaters so i was wondering where do they get that why do they say that that means the uh the woman refers to the like the bible believing christian church instead of mary all right couple things first of all don't ever let him get away with that correct him next time ask him where do we say or teach that mary is divine you better not blaspheme and don't let him get away with making statements that are flat out false that's not allowable if he wants to teach the bible then he has to keep in mind that it's the word of god and it comes from christ the word made flesh who personifies truth not falsehood if he's going to teach falsehood i'd walk out i would i would not put up with that nonsense because it's the catholic church makes it very clear mary is not god and we don't make her god we don't teach us she's god she's a creature like the rest of us except that she's without sin and she was chosen to be the savior secondly take a look at that they're taking a woman out of context and this is where error take goes on when you take a text out of its context it's usually done for a pretext of error that's what's going on here so in [Music] genesis 3 14 and 15 you see that i will put enmity between your seed and her seed between well between you and the woman between your seed and her seed okay now does that seed refer to christ as the one who's going to destroy satan because that's what it goes on to say it does it not that you will strike at his heel and he will strike at your head that the seed of the woman is a reference the first reference to the coming messiah now here's the question for them if you believe that the seed that destroys satan is jesus christ then you better not say that the woman is your church or even our church because the church does not give birth to jesus christ christ is the one from whom the church comes just like eve came from adam so also the church comes from the new adam jesus christ and you better not be trying to say that your church started i don't know what year uh but it sounds like it's a church that was started maybe in the 80s maybe the 90s maybe just five years ago they did not give birth to jesus christ and no church did he's the source for the church and they better teach that truth and not try to make up something that is simply false and here's one last question to ask them the word that's used there the zara isha the seed of the woman between well it's her seed and your seed the word zara is the word for seed and that always in the bible refers to the contribution by a man to the conception of a child how is it possible for a woman to have the seed except in the virgin birth which i assume they at least believe that that all of christ's dna as we would say in modern parliament all of christ's dna comes from the blessed virgin mary there's no man who contributes his seed and she fulfills this because she's the only woman who gives birth virginally and her seed is the messiah that crushes the head of satan raise some of that to them you may want to to get some more details on that understanding you may want to get a hold of my bible study mary virgin mother and queen a bible study for catholics i lay this stuff out so that folks can understand the old testament roots of what's going on with our lady and nobody should try to get away with falsifying the meaning of scripture does that help oh absolutely father i i thank you i i i i got so frustrated i tried to tell him that we don't worship her we we venerate we can't we can't yeah if i knew his mother or her mother i would show her respect she better do the same to jesus mother like that like our president you know we he's a high we show him respect because he's a high you know really high oh yeah he's the president sure but you know i mean i don't have to go to the president mrs seeker and mrs pavin who were the mothers of my two oldest friends i showed them respect beca and they showed my mother respect that was the way it is that's what you do with the mother god chose you to give life so you show respect god bless you steve thanks so much for the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 ewtn live tonight there's royalty in the house father mitch we have a grand duchess of the hopsburg dynasty to um uh her her royal majesty her royal highness uh her highness will be with us uh princess maria anna galitsin and we'll be talking about the canonization process for her grandmother empress zita and former queen of hungary and uh one of the things that i'll be talking about my grandparents were her subjects and my grandmother died just a couple weeks after the empress i remember taking note when the empress died first it was news i said ah you know that was bush's grand empress and then bush said well now you two will meet so that's tonight ewtn live 8 p.m eastern right here on ewtn radio and television next up is john in oxford pennsylvania listening on siriusxm channel 130. john you are on with father mitch hi father mitch thanks for taking my call i'm honored to speak to you i really am i've been with you for a long time well thank you very much for calling i appreciate that it's very kind i have a i have a question and i've pondered this uh more recently lately i'm very active in my parish i serve in a variety of ministries as a sacristan an usher uh elector i'm an extraordinary minister of holy communion and it lately because of the pandemic situation and not all the parishioners are returning in person to mass it's not unusual for me to serve in all of those roles within one mass and i didn't know if there was any and i'm happy to do that i i really enjoy you know serving but i didn't know if there was any church teaching or guideline that would discourage me from performing all of those roles within one mass i wanted your opinion on that no no no there's no problem uh with you know those are roles that are open to the laity and you if you're the only person there you can do all three um that's not a problem and again it's not the normal situation this is a situation where people are not present so you know you go and you step into the breach and you do what you have to do to help out uh and i think that that's that's perfectly uh fine there's no problem in canon law with you know having to take care of all those roles uh at once it's happened more than once and it's not any kind of a problem we heading out to ron a first-time caller in brooklyn new york listening on sirius xm channel 130. ron thanks for holding you're on with father mitch hi father nature my name is ron yeah i have a little problem with uh someone at the hospital he's uh he's a sedum and he doesn't believe that mary was uh that mary gave birth out of out of out of the holy spirit you know and that the jewish people don't talk about it because they sort of just disregarded her and uh because she had a trial without a wedlock so how would i approach this you said he comes from a jewish background yes he's the freedom okay oh okay okay and here's one of the things there is a statement in the talmud that a roman soldier and they in fact in the talmud they named the soldier had relations with mary and he was the father now that's a statement in there it's not uh i don't know that it's official teaching by anybody but it was an opinion brought up in the talmud and you know he can um say that that's his uh opinion um but it has nothing to do with anything from the uh earliest days in the new testament is very clear everybody is well aware that she was uh a virgin and that this virginal conception was a miracle they she knew that it was not by nature that's why she said how can this be and an angel said this but in terms of him not having faith there's nothing you can do about that except pray and fast for him the gift of faith is a gift from god and you can't argue that with somebody um you have to pray and fast for them and be the the good example you know uh to him um and then leave it in god's hands but that's that's the way i would uh handle that thanks ron we appreciate that phone call the hour just flew by father mitch yeah would you leave us with a blessing the lord bless you all and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you and lead you in all your ways by his peace lord bless you the father son and holy spirit amen amen on behalf of our host father mitch pacquiao our producer michael mccall call screener charles berry and our social media maven mr jeff berson i'm jack williams thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line back at it tomorrow with father brian milady until we get together then god bless
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: a7u9DU__XQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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