OPEN LINE THURSDAY - September 23, 2020- Fr. Brian Mullady

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yen this is open line with today's host father brian milady in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3900 outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 [Music] you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous thursday to each and every one of you thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line if you'd like to be part of the program the number is eight three three two eight eight e w t n that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and if you are outside of north america we'll even put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two two you can always send us an email openline at where you can text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name in your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener is matt gubinski and jeff berson magnificent person handling our social media efforts so if you're watching us on youtube or facebook live you can type a question into the chat window and we may get to it by the end of the program and our host as he is every thursday dominican father brian mullady how are you just fine how are things in beautiful portland oregon muggy tell you what it felt like it felt like portland here this morning it was in the 50s it's going to be in the 40s tomorrow overnight here wow [Music] wow i know we yankees are loving it the locals are not not so not so excited about it no they want to wear shorts through christmas so speak speaking of uh autumn and cooler weather you know that's when like most of us go back to college and so you're going to talk about college right no yes well college sort of analogous sense yes there was a famous joke about this with cardinal cushing from boston who didn't know latin very well and in vatican 2 he got tired of them talking about the college of bishops that much he understood so he told the secretary you know this college they want tell them i've got the money i'll build it for them i think uh the thesis saying matthew was this week and it reminds us of one of the characteristics of the church which is that it's apostolic you know one holy catholic and apostolic we say in the creed and that's important to emphasize because for one thing we're the only church that believes that the bishops and of course the pope would be a part of the bishops that the bishops are the successors of the apostles and vatican ii took up the issue of what exactly the place of the bishop was because they had so emphasized the papacy in 1870 that by the 1960s they wanted to be sure they hadn't sort of left the bishops behind or basically portrayed them as papal legates that and so they want to be very clear that the bishops themselves in the local church not the universal church that's only true of the pope but the bishops themselves in the local church are ordained by christ to be the primary high priest and if any of you have ever been to our nation's ceremony you know it basically has two parts to it the first is the person dedicates their life they offer some their life and this is usually done by questions are you willing to do this are you willing to do that celibacy is usually a part of that in the latin church but then in response of the dedication of the person being ordained when the bishop lays his hands on this person and that's true either the bishop or the priest then they receive a consecration from god in other words they receive a strengthening of the character that they received in baptism the indelible mark to conform the crisis priests prophet and king and the fullness of that conformity is found in the bishops now vatican one had defined the infallibility of the pope but vatican ii they didn't really define it because there aren't exactly doctrines defined there but they wanted to formally teach the college of apostles together not separately but together were a second organ by which the infallibility took place and so they began to use this expression the college of apostles in the document on the church lumenegencium the problem was that this eventually took on the attitude using secular governments as bottles of a parliament and people began to talk about the pope as though he was separate from the college and they also began to talk about every the thing as though since it was a parliament everybody was totally equal and that we could change our doctrine by a vote now so alarming was this to paul vi that when they actually approved lumengenzium before it was finally published he added what's called an explanatory note at the end and this is what it says about the college of bishops and this is important to understand synod of sentinelity we're going to be discussing soon the word college is not taken in the strictly juridical sense that is as a group of equals who transfer their powers to their chairman but as a permanent body whose form and authority is to be ascertained from revelation for this reason it is explicitly said about the twelve apostles in reply to a part of the difficulty that our lord constituted them as a college or permanent group in the same way the order or body are used at other times for the college of bishops the parallel between peter and the apostles on the one hand and the pope and the bishops on the other does not imply the transmission of extraordinary power to the of the apostles to their successors nor obviously does it imply equality between the head and the members of the college but only a proportion between the two relationships in other words as peter is the apostles so the pope is of the bishops and therefore the commission that brought the document decided to write not in the same manner but in like manner and so matthew who has of course made a member of the college of apostles that his own problems he was the public sinner in a way he also as you know obviously must have had some financial gifts of various questionable kinds and but when he met our lord he changed and he changed throughout his association with our lord so that after the holy spirit came upon him he as a member of this college experienced the fullness of communion with god and as a result because of this vertical communion a communion with the apostles and it's important to state and this is part further on an explanatory note the commission therefore agreed almost unanimously on the wording in hierarchical communion and the statements about the canonical mission there is no such thing as a college without its head the subject of supreme and entire power over the whole church this much must be acknowledged lest the fullness of the pope's power be jeopardized the idea of college necessarily and at all times involves the head and in the college the head preserves intact his function as vicar of christ and pastor of the universal church and the collegiality where the bishops act together is demonstrated first of all in the fact that it takes three bishops to consecrate a bishop ordained a bishop and also in the fact that they have to act collegially which means to say that they can't go off and just define doctrines on their own or teach things apart from what their competence is and one important point to make is that no synod of the local bishops nor national conference enjoys by itself the right to teach doctrine they have a right to at least to define doctrines they have an obligation to teach the doctrine that all the bishops in communion all throughout the centuries have taught and they also have an obligation to do this in union with the pope the pope is not separate from the college he's a part of it and in fact he's the only bishop that is allowed to speak for the college as a whole and i think one of our problems we have today is very well summarized in a statement by george weigel where he characterized the misreading of vatican ii is kind of a parliament or corporation in this way in the final analysis it is really a question of imagination or self-understanding and that for bishops is an irreducibly theological question to repeat a bishop who truly believes he is what the catholic church teaches he is does not behave like a corporate executive managing a crisis in which he has little personal involvement a332 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's open line thursday with father brian malady [Applause] i don't like looking back i prefer to look forward and keep moving forward there's plenty to cover there's a lot a lot of folks on television they read the questions on the cards they wait for the answer and then they read the next question of the car we don't do that we really talk like we're talking today and i do a lot of research and try to dig out the bits and pieces of a life or an agenda that people don't want to talk about the world's over with raymond arroyo tonight eight eastern on ewtn radio and television i lost a mentor recently barbara morgan had taught me how to share the faith while i was at steubenville as a student i called to thank her as she lied in her deathbed and to ask her to pray for my work the work that she had taught me how to do amazingly the person who mentored me in my work didn't seem to care about my work at that moment at all she said chris the best thing you ever did was marry natalie hold on to those around your table those you brought into the world hold on to them don't forget them and when you see me again i'll be before god interceding for your children it was a great reminder that i can't hear often enough it's easy to lose yourself in your work especially if it's worked for god but no matter how lofty your work is if your vocation is marriage and family life it pales in comparison to whatever other work god has given you that work right in your home is the most important work of all hold on to those around your table friends this is chris stefanik from [Music] this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-271-2985 or send us an email to openline glad you could join us for open line thursday here on ewtn with father brian malady our phone number 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3 you may want to check out ewtn's religious catalog next time you're by a computer or goofing around there with your phone ewtn's religious catalog your online destination for catholic books dvds rosaries devotionals holy reminders and so much more by catholic shop ewtn today by the way you can receive regular emails from ewtn's religious catalog all you do is visit click on the word subscribe that'll open up a little sub menu for you just select religious catalog and you will be off to the races let's go to the phones right now father here is a joe joe is in dexter michigan listening on the great ave maria radio joe what's on your mind today uh yes i recently attended a funeral and when it came time to come up for communion the pastor did not tell the people to cross their arm over their chest if they were not catholic and they could come up for a blessing and it was pretty obvious during the funeral that there were very few catholics present because there was very poor participation so um i felt he didn't really protect the eucharist and i wrote him an email about it and he didn't respond so i wondered do i so what's your question do i report it to the bishop uh i wouldn't report that to the bishop uh the the hand cross thing is uh you know it's not really in any ritual or anything it's a custom that has grown up in this country partially for the reasons that you mentioned and so if a given priesthood to choose not to do it he's not breaking any law he's just not observing a custom that some people have used to try to distinguish people who are perhaps aren't worthy prepared or something like that okay and joe thank you so much for your call that opens up a line for you right now at 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio let's go now to brian brian is in fairview heights illinois listening on covenant radio hey brian what's on your mind today yes my question is regarding uh you know god god is not supposed to change he remains the same you know in the old and new testament however if you look you know interested in reading the old testament it seems that uh god became angry with israel uh you know when they turn away from him and you know he allows them to you know be wiped out that kind of thing so but you know jesus new testament doesn't seem quite that angry i guess the way i put it well first of all you're dealing with jesus's human nature in the new testament not as divine nature which doesn't change uh secondly those things are poetic devices in the old testament especially because god is very mysterious to us and we know and only know him analogically we don't really know him directly to be able to express certain things that we perceive as changes in divine providence in response to things that we do where we know we're disobedient to god but obviously god doesn't feel anger he doesn't have passions he doesn't have a body so he can't be described as sort of changing his mind every day the problem is how we perceive it as we look on our relationship to god so whatever may happen god has obviously foreseen this in the creation of the world from his eternity and he has tailor-made all the events according to that but we don't see it that way because we don't live in eternity and we don't see things in his perspective we live in time and they unfold for us okay brian thank you so much for your call it is open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio our phone number eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three eight matt will get those calls uh screened and on the air just as quick as we can possibly do that right now let's go to patty a first-time caller in minnesota listening on siriusxm channel 130 patty what's on your mind today hi there my daughter has been invited to a same-sex union ceremony and i was telling her that it would be grave matter for her to attend that especially she just got married in the church so um and they had a beautiful catholic ceremony or wedding anyway and she says well she was is wants proof she says well where is that written you know where does it say that that is not something that she should be attending can you help me find some resources well i can help you find some resources i can explain what the the difficulty is when you attend some something like that you're basically agreeing with what's going on and if you don't agree with it you're being hypocritical to attend so the idea is with her is you have to underline to her that apparently she doesn't agree with same-sex marriage hopefully otherwise she wouldn't have gotten married the way she did or experienced her life the way she did now for young people today as you know they have a very strange idea of truth because society has a strange idea of truth and truth has become sort of what works and it's the idea what's okay for me might be not okay for someone else but i have to respect their um idea of what they think the truth is well that's true up to a point but if the person wanted to commit murder you wouldn't respect that hopefully and the same thing is true with this this is a a terrible thing and i think you need to ask her if she agrees with it or not and if she doesn't agree with it why is she going if it's just to be a nice person well you could be a nice person without having to be present at something you think is wrong is that helpful for you patty um yeah well she is looking for proof you know she's looking well is it written in canon law is it written in some documents in the church and also i said you know i think it probably applies to any part of the celebration also because it's out of town and so they plan to you know stay overnight there and i'm like you know i think it's even more than i think it's the entire um the entire thing but i mean especially the ceremony so um is would it be true also for any of the following like the reception and celebrations too well there's an argument ceremony well there's an argument about that um some people who are more rigorous say you shouldn't even go to the reception other people who are less rigorous and their morals would say well that you could do because it's not strictly speaking the marriage the problem is the approval of what you would consider to be sinful behavior and how far that can go and there's no no i'm sorry there's no law that specifically says this i mean my god the law books that have to be five thousand if we were trying to stick to these weddings believe me no most priests their most hated tasker weddings because everybody has different ideas about it the bride you know oh bridezilla you know i mean you have no idea how many strange things i've been through about this marriage business look things were much simpler of course and people had the same religion they just went to the same wedding and the church used to be a little more merciful about people that didn't have the same religion if you got a dispensation you didn't have a big church wedding what you did was you went to the rectory and you got married privately with two witnesses that was the sacramental marriage to preclude all this business but now it's here in society even even our political leaders are hypocritical about what they consider what they tell you to do and what they do i'm sure the young are very confused about this but i don't think you can show it to her in a book but of course she is an intelligent human being hopefully and you can explain it to her and she should be able to understand the difficulties with the approval of something she considers to be evil by being present patty thank you so much uh for your call just as an aside father my my own wife adrianne has been a church singer for many many years been a cantor been a music director she would much rather sing at a funeral than at a wedding because she would rather because all eyes are not on jesus they're they're on the bride they're on you know whatever whereas uh for the funeral she feels like and she she can help give that that person a holy send-off right right very much well i've had so many strange experiences and i don't i don't do many winnings because of course i'm a was a professor all my life seminary sure the few i've done some of them of course they're in california too which i could you can imagine is even worse won't even get into that open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio our phone number eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine six or you can shoot us an email if you prefer that openline gene wants to know father what is the catholic stance on natural selection gosh what is natural selection i think he's getting into darwin territory here oh you mean the evolution of the species i think so strongest uh yeah well there is a catholic position on it exactly except for the fact that it's defined doctrine that you have to believe that the human race began with a man an individual man and a woman bias the 12th to find that and also that obviously men and women can't be evolved from non-intelligent species because i mean the body might we might make a case to say the physical body might be but even that would be difficult but god implants the soul and uh in animals the dog mother and the dog father when they have a dog baby there the soul is created along with the dog baby but that's not true in human beings in human beings the soul has to be directly created by god in each individual case of a human person because it's not a material soul it's a spiritual being so whatever you may believe about how the the physical constitution of the universe occurred god's direct action and especially with two people is something you have to affirm okay well very good and uh gene we hope that's uh helpful for you if you would like to send us an email for a future show the address is openline at openline at a little a pro tip for you here my recommendation is put in the subject line either put thursday or father brian or something like that so that we can make sure that it gets into the right uh folder coming up in the next few minutes we'll get questions from jonah and ray and douglas karen james lots more straight ahead on open line thursday with father brian mullady on ewtn [Music] [Applause] [Music] the words of blessed carlo ogutis when we face the sun we get a tan but when we stand before jesus in the eucharist we become saints by standing before the eucharistic christ we become holy the power of prayer depends on god's action not on our praying the holy spirit prays within us with groanings too deep for words as romans 8 says and he empowers us to seek god and to seek from him all that we need and the answer to prayers are always from god in order to worship him and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for children in unhappy homes almighty god we thank you that each one of us is fearfully wonderfully made you are our father and we are your children we pray for children who have not experienced your love in their homes console them lord we pray for those whose parents have separated comfort them lord we pray for those who have no one to turn to be their refuge lord grant all children the security of a happy home and assist those who now suffer amen tomorrow on more to life building trust are you struggling with trusting yourself or others we'll help set you on the right path that's tomorrow on more to life now back to open line with father brian malady this is open line on the ewtn global catholic radio network hey guess what there is time for you to call in open line thursday with father brian milady here's our phone number 833 288 ewtn father brian standing by to answer those questions of yours at 833-288-3986 jonah has a great question when god created adam and eve it says here that they had salvation and grace well why did they need salvation and grace if they were in a perfect world what do you think father well what that means is that adam and eve were created in grace so they could go to heaven we can't go to heaven without grace and even though there was no sin i don't think i would use the word salvation because we hadn't committed sin yet but we certainly needed grace to go to heaven because that's god is infinite and we're not so they were created in not only in a state of grace with all those marvelous gifts of infused knowledge and loving obedience what the council of trent calls preeter natural gifts and that's all related to the fact that human beings are called to see god in the face and god wishes to share his goodness especially in that way so adam and eve were created from god's goodness because he loved them with the ability to arrive at him as uh by direct knowledge at the end of their lives okay very good uh jonah thanks so much for your question here's one from ray now what is the relationship of the essence of god and the essence of man does the mediation of one's own essence have anything to do with one's existence i don't quite know what it means by the mediation what i will say is this there's an absolute difference between the two because in man as in all creation assets in existence are really distinct that you are is different from what you are in god's case because of his own name he gives himself that mysterious name among sinai i am who am yahweh ego me god's essence in existence they're absolutely one so there's no distinction in god between the fact that he is and what he is he is being itself with all the other things that exist they participate in the being of god because their essence and existence are really distinct and that's even true of the angels the nature of the angels was a very difficult problem to explain in medieval philosophy and it was because they have no body no matter no material principle and so bonaventured and others tried to do it by saying that they kind of spiritualized matter but when it came to saint thomas he said no there is no matter in the angels they're pure spirits but their essence in existence is not the same and as a result they're not the same as god also on every other being below the angels the real distinction between their asses in existence also gives rise to the presence of material body leave it to st thomas aquinas to unpack it so that uh well it's it's your mortals can accept it well it's also a famous idea that's really one of the reasons he's called the angelic doctor because he arrived at this expression it's in aristotle but it's not quite as quite as concrete or well expressed but um that's was behind a good bit of his formation of his thinking okay so very good it is uh open line thursday with father brian malady we're waiting for your call right now at 833 288 ewtn that's power to 833-288-3986 the host priests receive the power to consecrate the host because once they've dedicated themselves to god through the laying on of hands of the bishop the holy spirit strengthens into them the conformity to christ is priest prophet and king which they received in baptism so that when they enter into the mystery of the holy mass and they say the words of institution this is my body and this is my blood they no longer act as themselves the person whose name is on their passport or driver's license they act in persona christi capitus in the person of christ the head of the church and it's by his power because the primary celebrant of every mass is christ the human priest is merely his representative all right okay it's through um the human priest obviously says the words and receives the physical uh eucharist the physical body and blood of christ but it's christ that's acting in every mass that's why also it's not just a supper it's also a sacrifice and sacrificial element is extremely important to affirm and unfortunately has been quite eclipsed since vatican ii so the power is given by the laying on of hands by christ's institution okay very good it is uh open line thursday with father brian malady father we just received a text from ruth ruth says why did jesus curse the fig tree it doesn't seem at all the thing to do oh uh it's a symbol a parabolic symbol okay if i recall correctly i mean you know you i can't answer every question in scripture without making it up sure no i don't know the whole thing by memory i'm sorry the bible uh it's a large book okay but if i recall correctly it's because the god expects us to bear fruit and grace as the fig tree is expected to bear fruit but then it's either that or another episode of scripture where he wants to curse the fig tree and they say well let's let's uh you know tend it for a while and see if it won't change or bear fruit and that would be conversion of heart but it's because the fig tree hasn't realized its final purpose in the same way christ makes an analogy between us and our final purpose which is conversion of heart to go to heaven okay very good and uh why don't we go back to the phones right now here is a mark in allentown pennsylvania who's listening on siriusxm 130. hello mark what's on your mind today hello um so i had a question for father and i was wondering like when when we die you know we hear our future of body and soul and our soul separates from our body when when jesus died um and before he he rose from the dead you know he he's got a he had a body a soul but he also had his divine nature so did his soul always stay attached to his divine nature or uh no this is a famous question saint thomas takes up too uh the soul and the body were separated but each remain in union with the divine nature so um they aren't in union with each other see so the resurrection of the dead reunites them together and you remember that jesus body was in the tomb but his soul went to the limbo of the just to the harrowing of hell then in the resurrection they're reunited but they both remain united to the divine nature but not to each other in our case of course we have a human person and our body isn't united at all to the human person at the time which is an unnatural condition because man is made up of a body and a soul so that has to be finally resolved and that's what's resolved in the resurrection of the dead and there's a natural relationship between the two and saint thomas does say interestingly that there's a a transcendent relationship of the soul and therefore the person to the body after death but they have to be reunited also okay mark is that helpful for you very helpful thank you father sure all right thank you so much uh here is a question now is from sam sam just texted us why do you think saint thomas aquinas was wrong about abortion was it just his knowledge of science that led to his error all right well first of all saint thomas was not not wrong about abortion okay he was very clear that abortion was a sin and a sin of murder however he was following ancient biology uh aristotle believed that there was a progressive animation which occurred between the soul and the body so the the body had to be so formed physically to receive the implantation of the soul so it wouldn't have been given a conception and aristotle believed and of course they obviously weren't able to investigate this because they couldn't take fetuses out of wombs and you know they didn't have biological instruments and all that uh to he thought it took 40 days st thomas tends to follow that opinion but he's very clear that since the natural progression is from the conceived human being whatever that may be until the soul is finally implanted to interrupt that by human design is the same as murder okay now of course we today because of dna and because of other things know that if there even were a progressive animation which is a debated point because there's a progressive de-animation remember it usually takes at least three hours for the soul to separate from the body and death it would be a very short period of time but we're and the church as you know has never defined the moment of animation and so but they have said morally that the human child has to be treated as a child from the moment of its conception because we're not exactly clear when humanity actually occurs there we should not sin by excess and just assume it wouldn't be and therefore would be murder also okay but generally it would be for us today given our modern biological methods it would probably if there were but animation it would be maybe a couple of hours okay well it is open line thursday with father brian malady uh sam thank you so much for your text uh we can get some more uh we can't get some more phone calls in here as well eight three three two eight eight ewtn is that number eight three three two eight eight three nine if you have a question for father brian milady on this thursday afternoon here on ewtn radio i want to tell you about a wonderful program that we air right after the sunday mass if you're listening to us for the sunday mass be sure to stick around leave that radio on for a great little show a little 15 minute radio show you never hear about 15 minute radio shows those kind of went out with high button shoes i think or the huntley brinkley report but we're still doing it we've got a great show that airs right after the sunday mass called stories from the heart with sandra mcdevitt she tells some fantastic stories that she has pulled out of magazines from like a hundred years ago these are wonderful pious and holy stories that i think you will really enjoy the approximate time because we don't know exactly when the mass is going to end every day the mass is the mass but right around 9 15 in the morning eastern time is when you want to listen in for stories from the heart with sandra mcdevitt right here on ewtn radio karen has a great question father she says when we say that we recognize valid baptism of other churches well we also claim no salvation outside of the church so how do we reconcile these two things well no salvation outside the church is one principle the second principle which is equally important morally is that god never condemns those who do what they're able to do now in other churches certain protestant churches we do believe they have the sacrament of baptism we have a slightly different understanding of what's involved in it because they're not exactly clear what's involved in it yeah and the reason is because luther didn't accept the exoplato of the sacraments but they they do mean to baptize they do intend to do what the church does and they do use the proper words that they do use water and since anyone can baptize uh we accept that now that means that in some ways they're in some potential members of the church uh in fact vatican ii has a great line some people are members of the church and act others are members of the church in potency and the potency becomes more pro remote depending on how far you are away from the revelation of christ and christianity the only people who will be definitely excluded from salvation would be people whose potential cannot be realized and act and that would be the damned they're revocably fixed in their choice but for anyone else as long as there's life there's hope and what we emphasize at vatican 2 was that there were certain positive means of union with the catholic church even given the negativity of some of these religions of course pagan religions are even more difficult but when it comes to the protestants we do have many things we agree on to the extent that a person emphasizes those and may be an ignorance concerning why they won't join the church then they would experience salvation okay and also we do believe that the baptism of anglicans and lutherans and presbyterianists a couple of denominations are valid and also their marriages are valid because the minister of marriage remembering catholicism is not the priest or the minister it's the baptized couple through their consecration of baptism okay but they wouldn't believe their marriage is sacramental we do okay appreciate that and thank you so much for your question let's go to uh alan now he's listening in uh my college town a beautiful city cape girardeau missouri listening on covenant radio alan what's on your mind today uh hi uh i'll try to be quick um i i just wanted to hear father's opinions about or thoughts on the like latin mass being i don't want to say it's being tougher to you know so like to get to all i guess for my area kind of but like what's the thought about what's kind of happening with black mask but i've seen it i don't know i've only seen it online and uh it was so beautiful and uh the closest one i have to be in cape i think is an hour and a half in saint louis i believe but i'm not saying the best that every match is beautiful and i love it and i and i love you know you know it's not i just want to hear his thoughts about what could be happening and maybe i heard wrong on the news and i apologize if i did sorry but okay well it's a long complicated question but i'll try to unpack it just a little bit for you first of all the term latin mass is a misleading term because both all the extraordinary form which is the old right and the ordinary form which is the present right can both be celebrated in latin so i hear all these people talk about the latin mass has been forbidden i said not at all even in wtn has latin singing sure daily mass sure so that term is very misleading secondly uh john paul ii and benedict and paul vi and everybody on earth up until recently has been very clear that there's only one roman right not two and so they uh by the pope benedict described it best by saying there's an extraordinary form of the roman rite an ordinary form and both have good things and both have bad things about them not bad things that's about wrong term difficulties in vatican ii they wanted to try to make the mass more accessible especially to the peoples of the mission lands like vietnam the philippines africa now the all right with its latin right had a wonderful unity about it where you anywhere you want in the world you know you got the same thing also you didn't have to face the people which has its own liabilities to it um but they anyway they they haltingly wanted to use some of the language of the people they did not want to do away with latin totally and they wanted to make the ritual more accessible unfortunately for various reasons when they finally did produce the present missile there were some difficulties with it and these are very much described by louis boulier who worked on the commission one of the difficulties of the offertory prayers which could be greatly improved to try to emphasize there's a sacrifice going on that the old ones in the former right could more properly be used also opening the mass to facing the people which is not something vatican 2 authorized but became quite common afterwards tends to put the priest on stage yeah and since there's lots of options yeah the priesthood in the present right the priests well i don't know some of the things i've seen are just really weird anyway um putting them on stage tends to suggest that we're like a television show and we're trying to entertain the people instead of have them worship god coupled with this was a and i'm not sure it's because of the present right because i certainly believe in transubstantiation and i know a lot of people who do who were raised under the present right but there became a lack of interest in eucharistic theology john paul ii reflected on this in one of his documents where he said even though he felt there were a lot of positive changes in the present form of the mass that there were also a lot of shadows too and one of the things he mentioned was a lack of almost destruction of eucharistic devotion all right before about 1990 that's why i said this is very complicated [Music] generally the former right wasn't permitted except on very rare circumstances then john paul ii began to open it up and benedict xvi opened it up completely he said when he did that that he hoped the good things of both rights would eventually come together and produce a beautiful form that could satisfy everyone so far that's a hope that has not been realized now for whatever purposes the present pope wants to return basically to that situation before they opened it up and we know we've lived with it for 20 years but many people have come to really love the traditional right in a way that the people that were forced to go through it every day with no option many perhaps didn't or they found they founded a breath of fresh air to have some vernacular and all that so i have no strong judgments about this one way or the other um all i would say is that you have to beware of polarizing the church too much about this okay very good and alan thank you so much uh for your call let's go to tim now in texas listening on guadalupe radio tim what's on your mind today yes i became aware that a teacher in freshman religious class has told the students that it is a mortal sin murder to take a person off life support even when there's no discernible evidence of life without the machine you know whether it be brain dead or they just can't survive and they're just prolonging the suffering and i've always been taught that that's wrong to suffering and one student asked you know that her grand her parents had to take her grandparents off life support because all it did was make suffering and he still said that was murder and mortal sin and i was always taught that nothing i mean that isn't i would like to know the father's response okay well first of all there's no brain death of their suffering if you're brain dead you're not suffering there's no impulses in your brain at all all right uh secondly this is a medical ethics is a very hard area because everybody in a sense is different i when i was dealing with this question i consulted some of my friends that i know to be quite expert in this field and they said well if the person is truly is brain dead then of course all the body is doing is keeping the person's body functioning but if the if the machine is withdrawn it won't function anymore and he also said the person i was consulting said you know the respirator whatever it is could only work for so long if there's no soul there because pretty soon the body itself realized there's nobody at home oh wow and begins to shut down also there are some infallible signs of brain death and i can't remember them all but one is i think if you put ice water in your ear it should react in a certain way and if it doesn't then you know there's nothing going on there there are several physical indicators too but you're right about the fact that if there is brain death it's not merge to withdraw life support if there's any any chance of and that's just not non-recognition it's not comatose state or anything okay tim thank you so much for your call hope that's helpful father could you leave us with your blessing please may the blessing of almighty god father son and holy spirit descend upon you and remain with you forever father thank you so much we do appreciate that and uh there were a couple of texts we couldn't get to we'll try to carry those over to a future show and we want to thank you for joining us today for ewtn's open line thursday father brian will be back next week and we'll have another great program for you tomorrow with colin donovan on behalf of our great team here i'm tom price along with jack williams we'll see you next time return to rome pilgrim's journey back to the eternal city in the midst of the corona
Channel: EWTN
Views: 664
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: datX5ZgCxEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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