and night in with merer and the Drinker getting trashed with the web screen FES a che night cuz I'm feeling kind of Thrifty got to bend back of be and a bottle of whiskey H up the C have a glass of wine CU feel safe trouble walking in a straight by I will for the a it's open with our host M and the critical [Music] Drinker all righty there I think that's our C to get started woo alcohol movies TV ready to go stuff well welcome everyone to open bar number 97 we're creeping ever closer to that big 100 oh my God getting it's getting close I'm panicking M oh jeez yeah 100 Years of open bar I don't know what to say man it's been quite the ride not a bad run you know I think we've done pretty well yeah that in terms shows don't last 100 years I'm just saying that is true yeah that is true a lot of countries don't last that long so yeah I think we consider ourselves lucky on that yeah well as has become kind of tradition on the open bar would you guys like some pointless facts about 1997 since it's the year that we're setting right now yeah all right cool well this one will make you happy it was the year that Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired that was where up again season one was real bad not as bad as the movie though to be fair true also uh in your in your sphere of influence Wales voted in favor of devolution and got a National Assembly so there you go that was Where it All Began we became cave people we went back we devolved you devolved yeah voted for it you can do that it's like the Mario Brothers movie you know when you hit them with Devolution it was also the year in which Harry Potter and the philosopher stone was first published you know you might have heard those Harry Potter B I remember that one I know they were quite popular at some point I don't know it's quite obscure but you know um also the Year Mike Tyson bit Vander Holyfield's ear off yeah well nice one Mike yeah well you know we all have our bad days uh in terms of Music the topping the charts in the UK was Miss Elliot chumba WBA and SP girls so who doesn't love chumo it's quite the time also uh just in case you're curious for movies um you might have heard of this film that was out in 97 it was Titanic the biggest movie of the year one point 1.8 billion dollar which it must have been insane back then I mean you know ad just that for inflation it's like 20 trillion by today's money but yeah that was biggest movie of the year by far but it was also the year that gave us Jurassic Park the Lost worlds which was a really disappointing followup and I wish they hadn't made it but never mind it was okay made a Men In Black Tomorrow Never Dies and Air Force One that was the top five movies of the year I know them yeah I mean I'm kind of surprised Air Force One was in there to be honest because you know it was it was a decent action movie but I didn't think it would be the top five for the entire year but there you go apparently it was um it also gave us the full Monte GAA Donnie Brasco Goodwill Hunting LA Confidential and The Fifth Element so some good movies out that year absolutely and just in case you were curious about video games the biggest games of the year were Grand Theft Auto Final Fantasy 7 you might have heard that I kind of like that game but you know oh yeah I've talked about it once or twice uh golden eye Tekken three and Gran Turismo so it was a pretty good year for gaming as well to be fair it was also the year of crushing disappointment for me because I was waiting for Resident Evil 2 and then got delayed by an entire year so you know I'm still bitter about that my my doorbell is going one sec well that's probably a good opportunity to bring in the rest of the bar so our first guest here making his return from the land of EAP is metal Commander welcome back I have returned not in the bathroom as we tend to meme when I'm uh back here from the German lands well that's itan you can be my honorary co-host for the next couple of minutes while M deals with this doorbell hopefully it's not the police R to get him again you know get a bit tired of that yeah every time I over there there like police there like three times the day definitely not your fault or anything no no no I'm I'm a peaceful German yeah well anyway man thanks for coming back it's good to have you yeah thanks for having me always good times yeah uh We've also got Reaper joining us this evening welcome back to the bar my friend hi Al how you're so aus just can't get enough no well anyway I'll move on from that one uh and last up we've got Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers hello good to be here on a show unlike Hollywood shows this one actually gets better the longer it goes hey that's you know that nice that was nice so yeah happy to be back and uh I I he we're gonna talk about this person Kathleen Kennedy I'm not familiar with her so you guys will have to catch me up on I guess there's some controversy around her but about that one you're normally so shy and retiring about stuff like that but you know I think we can coax a few comments out of you about it but uh yeah not to worry we'll get to that bit and we'll guide you through what she's been saying recently but yeah I'm going to need some help on that one yeah we'll help you out is everything okay for you merer yeah I think I thought it was Lucas film but it was just a delivery that was meant for tomorrow so I mean you know [Laughter] better uh well anyway we're here we're here ready to start and um I guess first thing I wanted to cover was the fact that uh furiosa came out just barely even a week ago and massively underperformed in its opening weekend I think they were initially projecting something like 70 80 million for its uh Memorial Day opening weekend ended up coming in like 31 million so way underperforming and I think it's now according to box office module it's sitting at about 68 million worldwide against a budget of 160 million uh so I think it's fair to say this movie is at the very least going to underperform seriously and possibly just be an allite bomb and L hundreds of millions of dollars of millions and it's kind of joining the ranks of so many other movies recently like the Fall Guy you know like um what was the other one that was out um that kind of underperformed about if and Planet the apes Planet of the Apes that was it the Apes yeah so you know all like relatively crowd-pleasing movies with a a sort of a proven track record at least in Planet of the Apes case um all under performing and I guess I'm kind of wondering why like whether this points to like a bigger problem for the summer movie season ahead and just I don't know are people just not interested in movies at the moment like a couple of things oh yeah there's like a couple of things like in general people are not really going through the movies that much in general since the Co was happened and is over now yeah uh then Matt Max movie which is not about Matt Max I think there's a whole another people who are like I don't really care about other characters that much I mean furiosa wasn't the wasn't Fury Road so yeah I guess I'll go watch it maybe but then I think the biggest thing is they just released the movies three weeks after on digital nowadays just like oh they didn't do well in the first two days we're just going to release them in three weeks and you can just watch them at home and if I had the choice and I'm not going to talk about them day one or something it's like I'm just going to wait and just watch them on my Telly on my couch and actually pause the movie and go have a leak because the movie is 17 hours long every time I think no I think that's a really fair point actually especially the the streaming aspect of it if you're going to make things available just literally within a matter of weeks it's not even months now it's weeks after the theatrical run yeah what's the incentive unless it's some like crazy Zeitgeist movie that everyone has to see which it very rarely is yeah probably going to wait yeah Barbie barbin yeah yeah people are probably just going to wait and that's that's an interesting problem that I don't know how you get around I mean I know people have sorry Sor the ticket prices are probably the main reason why because you don't want to waste money on like a film that might be mid because um Fury roads only got like 300 odd million yeah it was and it was n years ago so it's a prequel spin-off with female lead which most people you know usually associate that with something terrible of a film that came out nearly a decade ago and the ticket prices are like three times what they were yeah so and it's not just you youve got to take out your whole family then you've got to do something else it's like over a 100 quid there's so there's so many layers to it you go to the movies like you just said spend a ton of money typically now more than ever you're dealing with some idiots on their phone in front of you that are distracting you because people are always on their phones they're always checked out um and then there's just so much to it inflation's crazy right now with the economy uh people just don't have as much money to spend and I think the biggest factor is the loss and faith in Hollywood generally speaking yes there are some Surefire things that people will go see because of momentum Barbie and anaheimer are the classic examples of that but used to people would look at it and go I'm a little 5050 on this movie I'm not sure it looks pretty good people used to tend to go see a movie they were on the fence on usually now they're typically like if I'm on the fence I'm probably not going to go see the movie because they've lost so much faith in the general Public's trust so that I think that there's multiple layers that play into this but ultimately it's the quality of the product that we've been getting consistently for the past five to eight years yeah I mean I like I know the thing that a lot of people have seized upon is that like this is a very obviously female Le movie that has not done well and there you know the narrative that some people have tried to build is like ah this is the end of the girl boss like it's just a sign that everyone's sick of it and nobody wanted this female lead movie I don't know if that's strictly true but it does make me wonder if there's um there is an element of they've had a lot of bad female Le films um over the past half decade or so if not more in some cases and I wonder if they are just more reticent about films like this now just because they've had some bad experiences yeah yeah I mean um it's the girl boss thing like look we consider and say that you know girl boss and that's a that's a really meme kind of way to look at it but when they are marketing something that you have to go see this movie because there's a woman in it and she's strong and powerful and you have to support women that's going to turn off people it doesn't mean you can't give people a a movie with a woman lead in it you just don't build around that and plus this is a this is a male franchise this is Mad Max yes I know Fury wrote everybody loved it I hated that movie um but um it everybody seemed to love that movie but it didn't I think uh Reaper brought it up it didn't it was like nearly I think it did like 375 million or something like that uh when it's all said done at the box office which is not a huge hit even for 10 years ago but yeah I mean kind of agree with that it doesn't it didn't do anywhere near as well as people the perception was that it did gang busters at the box office and it just didn't yeah I think its reputation kind of grew maybe with whole media as well like people became quite fond of it and it just became this like um this bit of a throwback to like the days of practical effects in action movies where everyone just keeps ring about like oh the action sequences are fantastic and they did a lot of their own stunts and that sort of thing I think there's probably more CGI than people give it credit for but you know it still looked really good and it was a pretty fun movie I recently oh sorry go ahead yeah no no I was just finishing up there so okay cuz I I recently just watched all the Mad Max movies because I was like a Mad Max Noob I only watched Fury Road years ago I was like oh yeah it was kind of fun uh and like coming up to furo was like oh you know what I'm just going to watch all of them the first one is a wild movie I didn't know what I was in for that was crazy super super low budget then road then Road Warrior love that one road warrior is great yeah uh Thunderdome I still don't know what what I want I think about that one that is another weird one the Tina Turner casting was a of an odd Choice yeah but every time it's like all the Practical stuff all looks really cool and then fured was like this weird retelling reboot reimagination but kind of isn't and I was just confused when I came back to that one but this was still fun and kind of same with f fury furiosa it's like there's some fun stuff in there but overall it's like yeah fun movie because just coming back to that I think if it would be another climate for Cinema I think this would have done fine like if people would still go to the cinema like they used to just like oh yeah it's like a little popcorn movie have a little action it's going to be fun stuff but yeah I mean I think there was like 10 people in my cinema before we go on I just I just wanted to welcome Jedi Brooks to the panel as well yeah you kind of I stealthy brought you in there just ignore them all stream let's see how long this go I'm totally fine I'm the L so I replied you said it to me when I was at work and I'm literally holding a laser in my hand so I and this is more important that and um yeah I just I noticed just before the stream started that you didn't get my reply so I'm here like ready to go like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah that's okay well I'm glad we were able to bring you in anyway and I didn't even realize there was that many of them like um I had never seen any Mad Max movie before so I didn't know what the [ __ ] is going on so we'll get into that it's it's great that it as met like hinted out there it all started with this lowbudget Australian post-apocalyptic Thriller like with Mel Gibson who was a [ __ ] unknown back then um and it's it's a cool little movie you know it's not a hugely complicated plot but none of them are really um but I think madmax 2 is the one that really put the series on the map that's the one everyone points to is like the awesome one that everyone remembers the first one it's kind of like it's pretty obscure the third one is just when it got too commercialized and and you know disappeared up its own ARS I guess and too hollywoodized and then there was just this huge gap where it just seemed like the franchise was dead and gone like who who was going to make another Mad Max movie at that point and then yeah it's like 30 years later we get this crazy um sort of Quasi reboot from the same director with a completely different actor playing Max and that's how we ended up with Fury Road and yeah like you guys said it wasn't a huge success financially but people just keep pointing to it as like wow that movie was amazing you know reinvigorated the franchise and I think if you were going to do a furiosa spin-off you probably should have released it within a couple of years I think if You' released it around 2017 2018 when it was still like somewhat fresh in people's minds you probably would have done a lot better I also feel like when normally when we get these like I don't know like adjacent movies about other characters they nor Gap fillers until the next one comes out and I think they're now working on the new Mad Max movie with Tom Hardy in it again I think I heard I'm not sure if that's true but that's something I heard somewhere uh it's just weird because you would expect this to be like a gap filler to the next movie and then like oh that was kind of neat I know what they did like they they actually wrote the entire script for furiosa and gave it to Charlie thoron so that she would know exactly what her character's backstory was and what she'd been through to help inform her performance which is a cool idea I love that like kind of attention to detail and stuff but it was I think the big problem was that George Miller was embroiled in a lawsuit with with Warner Brothers for years and years it just dragged on forever because the movie underperformed and he felt that he was not paid what he should have been given uh and it just became this big protracted battle that delayed everything it's just a constant problem we're in any business that's ever existed that's been successful ask one simple question what's going to make us the most money you know what's gonna make you the most money put Mel Gibson in a [ __ ] Mad Max movie at this point in time and everybody's going to freak out over it are there going to be people that are crying about it and whining yes you're still going to make a ton of money and that's going to be the most successful project that you can get uh Greenlight with this uh name and that story put mad mags in it and that's GNA make you the most money and they're not doing that and and again yes uh we like the Fall Guy I really liked the Fall Guy I had so much fun with that movie but it's part of the overall problem in Hollywood is that people have lost trust to even go see something that might look good but they're like well I'm not sure and I don't want to spend this money or I don't want to take this much time and I'll just wait till it comes out on streaming or whatever the Fall Guy was dumb fun I had so much fun with the movie but nobody went to see it because again overall faith has been lost I was having that same conversation um with a friend yesterday about how like people they really have to um put in the work to earn people's attention to go to the theater people aren't just going to go on the regular anymore that whole you know that routine of just like hey let's go see a movie Nobody Does that anymore like they have to actually earn it now and it's really difficult to do that because they don't see it their idea they've turned it into content and like that's just ruined the artistic aspect of it I hate to ask this question um well yeah I hate to ask this question but it's part of the problem that we don't have any of the big franchise movies anymore like we don't have any Star Wars movies that people used to go to the cinema to see we don't have any MCU movies realistically uh we don't have any Star Trek movies there's kind of nothing and so these all these like um Standalone films you know like the Fall Guy um like I guess in some ways even the Planet of the Apes movie because it's trying to kick off a new Trilogy so it's like a whole new story like are people just not bothered for them like is that just not enough to create any kind of event anymore don't think people want to pay for it because on on the streaming service Netflix um they went Rebel Moon even though both of them are absolutely terrible have been seen more than Barbie I think he went one of the highest viewed things both Rebel Moon movies by the way even after watching the first one people watched the second one Co and um just streaming in general has just changed the entire Dynamic of watching movies because people know they can you can always get around to when it's on stream with theaters you have the small window and they have to create an up hype and like they have to you know they have to earn that window because like I know when it comes to me I'm not going to the theater unless you there's actually something worth it like minus one for example you know basically has be a sure thing because when you went to see a Marvel movie you knew exactly what you were getting and you could take the whole family but like furiosa could have been a massively horrible movie but um it's kind of you don't want to waste the money you don't want to take the risk especially when you got a whole family yeah well I mean you wouldn't take a family to see furiosa anyway I wouldn't imagine because it's it's pretty violent you know it's it's probably not kidfriendly so I think it's in that awkward spot of like well it's going to the people it's going to have to appeal to are like basically Mad Max enthusiasts which I I can't imagine that's huge Market in 2024 well again though you look like none of us expect the top gun Maverick to come out and be the biggest film of the year and one of the biggest films in recent memory we all heard about oh Tom Cruz is coming back okay this kind of will this be good you know is there going to be a female that's going to tell him how terrible he is and she takes over because that's what a lot of people thought but it came out and it was awesome and I no one expect not even if you would have said topka Maverick's gonna be good still no one was like well that's gonna make like a billion and a half dollars no one saw that coming yeah but it it connected with people on a Nostalgia level of like I remember this from my childhood but also when I or when I was younger but it's also uh the proper evolution of the character within the story you do that with Mad Max and have Mel Gibson in it and even if it's not going to be something that you thought was going to be huge it's going to be far more successful than what we have now but again you're you're challenged by YouTube they're they're competing with YouTube they're competing with streaming services competing with video games competing with smartphones you've got to give people something that's gonna get them out of their house and want to be motivated to go see it you have to earn it you have to earn it now got to earn it abely that's that's why I saying so interesting about Top Gun is like you get so desensitized to like Marvel movies making a billion dollars like [ __ ] Aquaman piece of [ __ ] DC movie made a billion dollars but Top Gun is one of the rare times where you're like oh man I'm I'm like happy for you I'm happy for Tom I'm happy for everyone who's involved how how often can you say that that you're happy that a movie like made all that money it's like only a handful you know yeah we should not be desensitized to a movie making a billion dollars that should mean something but Marvel and all these slot movies have turned into nothing well I mean something that's made for everyone is made for no one and Marvel wasn't making movies for everyone Marvel was making movies for the fans yeah and then that was also for the general public to a certain extent but they weren't making the go we need everyone and by not making it for Everyone by making it for the target audience and making it good and putting the right people in the the roles you did by default make something for nearly everyone everyone was in love with the MCU uh all the all the kids from school that used to pick on kids for watching comic book movies were standing there on a Friday night to watch the next Iron Man movie everybody was there now Marvel is at that point quotation marks are going up making it for everyone and guess what that means you're making it for no one I just don't that should be S that should be such a simple concept that should be instilled into any like company like just understanding these basic aspects of Storytelling that are just going to create rot and look where we are now like what happened to the MCU in these last a couple years should be studied like they were unkillable just two seconds ago and now you blink and it's like the marveles were here chasing cats around and where's where's Thanos what happened to Thanos I was I wanted to see Thanos with his turn-ups on his farm I would rather watch thanos's farm for [ __ ] like season after season now as Bane once said Victory defeated them you know they they were too successful and they just became so plac it they were so used to just winning everything that the the standard slipped and you know we we've covered this before like I think the the focus on Disney plus and just churning out the content sludge pipe for that like drains so much of their creative abilities and their their resources that there wasn't enough then to put into their movies and it just all resulted in homogenized garbage yeah you hear how much those shows all cost and you're like why did this this looks horrible this is ter terribly rich written where did you put that money can I have a little bit of that stol it where where's the quality control though like just cuz it's like like I'm I'm a I'm a welder so I'm so used to QC being a part of your every day one little mistake even over a millimeter could be like a big issue for something and this is just for a [ __ ] little piece of metal who cares you got we're talking like just billions of dollars on the line here and you're not gonna like have any type of quality control whatsoever well that that quality that quality control went out the window when Ike pearlmutter was forced out because did he not have the Marvel creative I can't remember what the the technical term was for it but it was basically a group of people that had the green light every MCU project and if it didn't meet a certain level of writing quality and conceptual quality then it just didn't get pushed forward uh and once he was out that was out Kevin fige had free reign to make whatever he wanted and then there was no quality control anymore it was just Kevin that sounds similar to George like going just just going off in the prequels like you know no one can say to him where he was much more reigned in in the Kennedy in Star Wars Jennifer Suki in Amazon yeah it's the people in charge wait when you get Executives who don't have that feel for what like constitutes good storytelling and what's actually going to work and connect with people then you got problems because I I get that there's a business aspect you have to balance there but when they don't even have the business acument to understand what's going to be financially successful even then that's when you end up with where the MCU is that's where you end up with Star Wars spending a billion dollars a billion dollars on the rings of power how did that get past anyone I I uh to this day I refuse to believe that they spent a billion dollars where did it go it's either a tax right off or it's uh it's been siphoned off into other projects and stuff there's no way a billion dollars it's like Dr Evil though it's when he go how much the budget and he goes1 billion dollar little thing I I I I just house the dragon looked so much better and it's just well I'm not even talking about the writing and just the comparison of the storytelling just look at them it's just disgusting where did the money go I don't know how they do that how they did that with rings of power um in terms of just in terms of Furioso before we kind of leave it behind I guess because it's going to consigned to the ash heap of History soon enough I was curious what your thoughts were on on Anya Taylor Joy taking over the role of furiosa because it was a it was a bit of a stretch to move Charlie th on out and put her in because he's not necessarily an action star did you guys any reason did they that I was kind of confused it wasn't the same wanted to digitally deer I don't think two reasons her eyeballs that's it that's the whole F she got that's the only reason she was in this movie The stared the camera did you notice that every shot every 30 seconds was just hyperfocusing on her eyes like we get she has like very striking eyes but I feel like they they they went that well way too often in this movie too where it was almost offputting like we get they they they were trying not to focus on her eyes but they're so [ __ ] massive they could help it oh man she's an OD one like she's right on the verge of looking like a space alien it's like an inch like meter MIM they were any bigger just right on the border did did you think the the 40 minute flashback was worth like did we need that how does everyone feel about that I think it could have been a bit shorter I wouldn't mind if I think you could have wrapped it up in 15 minutes easily then that's pushing it for a like a flashback intro to the movie if you think about something like I don't know what could I equate this to like Conan the Barbarian you know you get that flashback to when he's a kid in his village and it gets ransacked and then his family gets all murdered and he gets enslaved that's all wrapped up in like 10 minutes it's really quick and really efficient This is 40 minutes like that is that is way too much you start to think like oh well the focus of the movie is on her literal childhood at a certain point because it goes on for so long well you got think about it like Lord of the Rings we see froo quicker than we see Ana Taylor Jo you know what I mean it we introduced to the sh in Lord of the Rings faster the efficiency of the character work in those movies like just off the bat like Marion Pippen like buckleberry Ferry let's go like when they're helping them it's just it's just it's over it takes two seconds to like get you on board with them I was yeah sorry no no I was going to say Batman Begins is uh to me one of the best examples for like like efficient flashbacks like when he's having that camp scene with razal WL then he goes back and basically shows his whole history ditching his life and going into crime you get years of of his of his story right there in two seconds and like you get so much substance there I think we we could have did that with for this and like saved us 40 minutes you know I there was a tad insecure because it needed a big bad villain but it couldn't be a [ __ ] Joe we needed someone else unfortunately she worked for Morton Joe canonically which means we've got to make someone new and we got to explain why she's not why she's where she is my God because I was uh I was maybe texting when I when I was watching it I was like I got a few angry ones how am I more than an hour in and I can now say the plot has started that's nuts it kept going and going and going um I think they did a very poor job of deciding what should be relegated to spoken uh you know history versus watched history I get it it's a visual medium I'm sure he's got some quotes related to that uh but there's a sense that um you could cut down on a hell of a lot of it and possibly add a whole new plotline with maybe another character maybe a guy called Max I don't know could be that but um like I remember hting the uh the action scene that everybody was praising and I was like oh [ __ ] is this is this be like I'm going to watch the action scene I'm going to think yeah that was pretty cool and then that's the movie now because the rest of it I mean I Know How It Ends she's going to get [Music] him with you I was dramatically unsatisfied with how she gets them antic climactic we got a 40 Day and Night War oh here we go you don't get to see it yeah like say that that's she just going to drive slowly after him in the desert like she ambushes him jump into and then he's like terrified her to the point where he splits everyone up and I was just like well if you'd just taken a head on you might actually have killed her I don't know doesn't even seem quite like in his character that didn't feel earned her being like this scary force at that point I also um I'm not fully convinced that we couldn't have just had Char's Thon have a younger actress to play when she's younger and then when we skip because like they they connect us right up to Fury Road like there's a scene with where she's with the girls that she gets out of the and I was just like oh during the credits they show you basically all of F road yeah oh I did rewatch Fury Road after seeing this and I think that Charlie thron is better as furiosa than any Taylor joy and I do think I think a lot of her like as an actress and I think it's cool that she's in so many different things but maybe she's in one too many things and they're like well just Spam her she's popular it's like maybe maybe save her for the role she's suited to I don't know I have so much respect for her after atomic blond like her per her portray those fight scenes were just badass and so many people skipped it because they just called it the female John Wick but that movie is pretty pretty crazy it is good U the plot itself isn't great but like the action sequencies are really impressive and yeah she looks like she can hold her own and it's it is a shame because I see the Dilemma that they had with that one it's like you know Charlie Theon is obviously 10 years older than she was when she did Fury Road and we have to make her look younger we're not going to be able to do that with makeup it's going to have to be digital daging which is expensive as [ __ ] to do for an entire movie I was talking about Anya Taylor Joy when I said getting spammed I like Shel I don't have any issue with her being around Anna Taylor Joy I liked her in the Witch and now she just in everything staring at the camera with her eyeballs like that's all she's there to do yeah and I don't think she's a bad actress I just I don't know about this this what I mean that's why I felt like this movie didn't disservice to her I think she's a better act she's she not she's more than just her eyeballs like that's I need I can get more out of this this actress than this I think did a better job I do wonder if this was just her maybe her agent or something saying like yeah you need to try your hand at doing action flicks as well like because it branches you out a little bit opens up other possibilities for doing other mov counting his money not even count his money going yeah you should just do that yeah and it's like she's not an actress I would associate with action she is she's a very good actress I very much respect her but I've never seen her do an action flick before and she doesn't really seem like she's built for it like she seems very like delicate and and sort of feminine which is fine for what she does it's just like furiosa is not that kind of character and God bless her she does her best but she she doesn't quite feel like she's made for the role like Charlie Thon was yeah when she's like um if we find uh dementus he's mine I was so half expecting um imort Joe to just slap it like shut the [ __ ] up yeah they should have just laughed they all should have just laughed at it like she's just I don't know a lot of it I didn't feel like she'd earned that weight at all with the audience or the characters like why would Joe take that seriously he' be like I'm sorry what what did you just say to me like what beef between her and DeMent DeMent whatever Chris [ __ ] Hemsworth I was G to call him Chris dementus that didn't even feel really like I get it he killed her mom but I never really got the sense that she despises this guy I almost like even that part wasn't portrayed very well like this is her bit like big Revenge plot like really as as M pointed out other than the the murder part you know well as M pointed out like they had this awkward problem where they had to like she couldn't be fighting aort and Joe because we know he's alive in Fury so it has to be someone else so how do we get him how do we get her from that guy to imort and Joe by the end of the movie and then you have this awkward tradeoff where she gets like sold to a Martin Joe as like part of the peace deal and then escapes but then she doesn't actually run away from his Camp she just like stays there and pretends to be a boy and then no one notices and then she just becomes like a mechanic or something and gradually works way up the ranks I I couldn't believe the uh the amount of times we jumped just a short amount of time to be like okay so this is what she did she went from here to here to here to here to here to here to get to here to have this and this and I was like that I didn't need that I could figure a lot of this like having a you know run away and then skipping to when she's an adult probably would have been enough for me the idea that she hid as a as a war boy or whatever I'd have been like I I could buy that and then when she was old enough already she can prove herself before which is what the big action scene was to me she proved herself during that which got her her way onto the war rig like permanently and I was just like yep that's good enough I don't need the other half an hour will you show me how she like gets through the ranks or tries to do this that the other I don't even think it built character that much at least not for the time code because say that uh Fury Road is benefited a lot by this Chris gold described it as a DLC I'm inclined to agree with him but it's it's a it's a bit I don't know if it's too long of a DLC to make it worthwhile for that 40 minute Gap we just didn't get enough like in ter if this whole point of this is character I just don't feel like I got much that much I could have it could have been an exposition could have been a flashback could have got just as much from from one of those was to put it in context and I mentioned this in my review like Fury Road was just over two hours this is two and a half so it's like a 30 minute uh increase and I would argue that Fury Road had more characters and more plot events to deal with than this does and so it it doesn't really justify that extra length it just becomes kind of bloated and slow and like there was definitely times when I was looking at my watch thinking [ __ ] hell is this thing ever going to end can't going and then the weird part is all the important character work we should have done is between Jack and furiosa but there we just do like yeah it's been 12 years now or whatever she's now uh also on the Rick and does all the things and then they have this this little moment like oh we're so close and I like are you I mean I guess but that was the wor talk most of the time that was the most botched part of the movie for me for me that relationship because it's so important like that transition with those two [ __ ] face paint head but he like they didn't do anything with it I think her and Chris were better together in terms of like devel their Dynamic you know because at least he saved her that one time we had something I think that part was so [ __ ] you didn't get a whole lot from petorian Jack like as a character I didn't really know what he was about and what he valued who he was as a person like he's just kind of this this almost fantasy figure for it it's like oh he's a good-looking guy that she can get romantically attached to and then run away with but I'm sure nothing's he literally is come with me and I'll teach you everything then the next the very next scene is I've taught you everything you he was he was a skip cut like like um like what's it just I don't know a jump cut of some kind man like they just skipped that whole portion which you could have just isolated that the whole flashback on that portion of it like their their relationship yeah I would preferred watching them in several different scenarios that were really difficult then watching the 40 minutes of her moving through Morton Joe's ranks making sure she can build things and you know when the whole sequence where it's like there's like a cran or or whatever the [ __ ] and some guy is getting confused on it and she has to get in there and do it herself and they're like wow you're really good at this now you can have the role of wearing this mask that'll help hide you I was like I don't need this like I there's so many ways my brain can contextualize how she would have hidden the more obvious features like I I get it it's fine you don't need to show me this but you do need to show me the relationship between these two before you cut it off which um I think they could have done better with that too in fact the whole sequence with uh I mean are we allowed to do spoilers yeah yeah yeah so where he dies uh Jack I feel like they didn't do that very well nor did they do her Escape very well at all in fact that might be the worst thing in the whole movie I don't know I'm looking at the text that you sent me when you got to that fit and you sent bro the way she lost her arm what the [ __ ] what did she B through like what happened completely nobody was paying attention to her that whole time they were so fixated like they made it seem like he was like having some type of like outer body experience watching this guy get dragged through the dirt and then they cut the her gone like it was the bike should SE like the bikes are going around in circles yeah like how many how many hours did they ride around for like can you not just been like 12 hours sit and just wa how'd she walk all the way back to the SEL with one arm leing so so for people watching this who haven't seen it like she gets her arm crushed in a car crash like it's like uh Chris Hemsworth chasing her when she's trying to make an escape and his car like his big [ __ ] monster truck Rams into her and her arm gets caught in between and like crushes it then like they want to punish her by m making them um watch or making her watch as her boyfriend is like tortured to death so like she gets strung up by this [ __ ] mangled arm and then wouldn't you know it like while they're all distracted she just like I guess slices it off somehow or bites it off and then just run away and no one sees her and she doesn't bleed the [ __ ] out thought so yeah because like I don't know man I'm guessing that amputating your own arm is quite a painful experience and you'd probably cry out or do something like it'd be hard to stay quiet during all of that and then in the desert no water you bed like is generally a problem when it comes to things like that she was en circled like where did she go without getting spoted it just doesn't make sense like why would you tell us this and then show us that yeah yeah right they're part motorcycle as well like what how did she get out of that just how did they not catch her they have bikes she's bleeding to death like it's she's got one arm it's makes no sense well she was lighter because of only one arm so she was faster you could follow the blood yeah if you can't if you can't follow let follow the blood trail cuz there's going to be a lot of it she's tougher than Sabine man like how do you about the woman what about the woman in the beginning and Mom where she shoots the gas canister on the back of the bike it explodes and she doesn't even she's not phased and she's on fire yeah when I when I saw it I was like oh maybe the jacket has like some protection that you nope not with that much Fire gets rid of it it's like the whole [ __ ] up and blood a grenade went off behind it and she didn't even Flinch yeah cuz she's she's that hard you know and then she just gets off drops and rolls and then she's good to go again you can do those scenes and like have it like you know adjust the arm or something a little bit and like make it believable but they want it to be so dramatic to where like her entire back and head is inflamed for like 30 seconds like no that's not going to work it's you know as well like the the robotic arm that she has in Fury Road is obviously a kind of Hallmark of her character like I was kind of curious like where did she get that from and it's literally just like Army of Darkness with with the ash when he loses his hand and then he's like I need to build like myself a new one and like two minutes later he's constructed an entire like like robotic arm with like a wheelchair thingy that's just hanging in the in the engine take CU she's like spent a lot of time Building engines so that allows her to build complex cybernetic prosthetic glims I guess I don't know she didn't even heal we didn't even get to see her heal we they skipped the recovery completely and just got to like oh got a new arm here we go like really really really late well she's practically healed when she meets a Morton Joe because she's in the meeting with one arm going oh you have to get him yeah she should be bleeding right then and there that's man I'm not the biggest fan of Fury Road but there's a couple of payoffs in it I quite like and one of them is when Max is on the uh the hood he's about to fall off between two big cars and uh she grabs him on his foot and he's like dragged you know it's really close if she lets him go he's dead and then uh another dude comes in from behind with a knife and there's this moment of uh she has a choice to continue to sort of hold him make sure he doesn't die but she'll have to sacrifice being able to stop a guy from stabbing her in the gut and that happens and so then the rest of the film is like she's on a bleedout timeline which you know without getting into more of that I like a choice like that compared to what I think they did which is waste the losing of the arm I would have been fine as an angle if she' just lost it in the middle of a fight I can respect that sure fine if you want to do it that way but what I would have thought especially with the whole map to the green place wouldn't it have been uh a little bit more meaningful to have her either lose it to save um the guy in the war rig or to kill like to prevent The Escape of dementus right and that would explain how the green place got destroyed yeah someone else found the way to it I suppose gone just just before we go on I know um Jeremy you've got some stuff going on that you need to drop out and uh and Tackle so um yeah man I just uh I want to say thanks for coming in yeah I appreciate it man like I said I was worried this would happen when I agreed to come on but I appreciate it uh thank you for having me on I'll make it up to you and I'll come back next week if you want me to or the week after and I'll be here for the full show so I appreciate it great panel as always you guys keep uh being toxic and I'll be a fan of yours so nice to meet bye guys no problem man all right bye by um it could take a second to Envision it but just yeah the nature of like DeMent is about to get away and she uses her arm to jam something to stop him and it costs her the arm costs her the green place but that Revenge you know that need to kill him something thematic instead of when the wheel hit her arm I was like oh [ __ ] is that how it's gone okay and then it's still attached I was like oh yeah it's funny because I I don't know if that was just me I thought like three times that she lost her arm because one time she gets stabbed in the showers like oh that's how it goes fine I thought that rocket launcher nothing happens to her like oh okay I don't know when it's happened then go like well it's like they they've just T they're just [ __ ] with us you know they they know that we know it's going to happen and so playing with us it's like that movie uh Hot Tub Time Machine I think it is where which whichever movie it is where you know the guy's going to lose his hand so throughout the whole movie they just keep [ __ ] with you has anyone seen that movie I can't even remember what it is now but yeah Hot Tub Time Machine someone in the chat um but they did it better this one was kind of like just awkward and U yeah like you say like there's there's no real dramatic weight to it because it doesn't happen for any particular purpose it's just an injury that she takes she has to like cut it off to escape but then that's not even a sacrifice either because the arm was so [ __ ] mangled it probably would have been useless to her anyway so yeah well to me there's no decision to make there it's like apparently she could just Escape if she cuts off her arm like well I guess you cut off your arm then otherwise you die so yeah but almost any other time you see someone lose a limb in a in a in a movie it's or any type of story there's some type of like meaningful sacrifice there there's so much you can do there's so much drama to mind from that and to just waste this opportunity was like embarrassing to me we don't even know what happened like rather than actually like you know having something that we can really like compared to like Luke losing his arm and how much that that moment means losing his hand where compared to this we have no idea what even happened did she bite through did it's it's just stupid Echo I don't understand yeah I don't understand how she got I assume she would have to bite through it because she didn't have any blades or anything on her even just saying that that could have been thought maybe they wanted us to think it just tore off like she didn't even intend for it just hanging there goes like oh [ __ ] all right I guess I'll dip now like just she just got lucky she's like yelling in pain she crawls away and Chris just like ah the yells of pain and not Escape that is think about this from a creative standpoint in terms of the things that they skipped they skipped literally the arm cutting off and they ski the recovery of it they just what was the point then like there's completely no point of that you know using that whatsoever they ski you think as well I don't know like losing a limb is probably quite a traumatic thing like would that affect her in some way like would she be like oh my God I'm going to be a [ __ ] for the rest of my life like nothing she just kind of carries on like nothing really happened it's just a mild inconvenience for her and then just finds the new one yeah and then as though it's like a video game where you've done all the side quests you're like I got to go kill that boss right where is he he's over there I got yeah yeah super lame needs must and all that you know I mean but you know I was just thinking there like is there things that we could pick out about this movie that were that were positive um that we thought were decent like I guess visually there's some lovely shots in it it does look like a nice a nice visually impressive film I got say there's some horrible looking green screens uh things there as well zooming in things it was like uh it balanced out byit by a lot of shitty shots so it's hard to even like comment on that I say my biggest comp compliment is um Chris Hemsworth is fun I it confirmed that I just like him as an actor he had nothing to work with but as soon as he was on screen I woke up a bit I was drifting I was drifting like 20 minutes into it but he got me through the movie I just like him as an actor he's if he doesn't go too crazy he actually has some really good comedic timing and everything so really fun kind of wish um we' cranked up his reasoning a little bit more you got a really like quick delve into his mind at the end and I was like I kind of wish that guy was throughout the whole movie yes I get the desire to be like ra I'm crazy I'm gonna kill everybody ra but like the guy the guy who has almost a philosophy is like oh oh can we have that one seriously we got very little of that throughout the movie and so you were never entirely clear on what was motivating him like he just seemed to be a guy who th like thrived on war and chaos and adversity I guess because what they seem to be kind of going for was like um he's in his element when he's got a war to fight or he's got some kind of enemy to overcome and then you know when he achieves his aims and he's got control of like the refinery he kind of runs it into the ground because he's not that interested in being like some administrator and like you get the impression of like this guy would just gradually um you know fall apart if he was just in a world of peace and prosperity because like that's not really what drives him um which is fine I guess for as a character flaw I would like to see more exploration of that a bit weak throughout all that you can get the sense that there's something deeper to him underneath this there's something more there's something here and we don't get to see any of it until like the last like 30 seconds of his character like we I wish just like Mar said that why couldn't we got that like that seemed that was so much more interesting and it's the same prefer no furios just Joe versus um Chris Hemsworth yeah they're they're much more interesting characters because is actually the most boring character in her own movie yeah REM like Wonder Woman all over again remove her from the movie and we might have had something I would love to see just a Morton Joe focused movie with like the whole cult aspect they going on it's like witness me there something just hype about it like [ __ ] it how buil it and that would give you a whole set of new characters because we could set that you know as many [ __ ] 40 years ago or something do whatever you want yeah no that would I think you know cuz we the movie tackles like the 40-day War for the the Wasteland and stuff and like it's all just glossed over as a couple of like little montages and that's all you see that's a movie in unto itself like that's a fascinating bit of history of the the world and the Wasteland and stuff but again we just don't get to see it um and it's like the movie is just trying to focus on all the wrong things um it it's set up this interesting Dynamic but it's it's telling it through the lens of a character that we don't care all that much about which is yeah it's a real shame make it clear stor one if furiosa's name was it was a new guy character called Fury I still think this film would do about as well like I don't I don't see us car and it's gonna have to be Max and making the story meaningful in some way because I don't think the story was particularly like I think it's it works and I there's plenty to say in terms of like how it works the a Tob connective tissue like you know the the flashbacks how they all lead together it's like yeah I follow I understand this story though if you'd ask me as like a pre-screening before it came out I'd be like I don't know how audiences are going to do with this one like I struggle to recommend it I'd be like just watch the others I don't even mean that in like a get away from me terrible I be like it's not fantastically paced and I don't think you're going to benefit that much from the story I just don't no it's kind of a standard Revenge quote unquote flick it's it's but like I don't if you compare the action per second in Fury Road to this it's staggering oh yeah you know what would have been a more interesting story if like say dementus and imort Joe had like forged this Alliance and like they were actually quite tight with each other and like furiosa gradually Works to undermine that and like create a rift between them so that they go to war and she can then ultimately um weaken dementus and Destroy his power base so that she can then get to him you know like a kind of count of Monty Crystal type Revenge plot where there's a lot of actual thought and planning that goes into it that could have been a more interesting story but she's kind of like passive in a lot of the movie like she's just caught up in events that are outside of her control which again just doesn't fit very well with this Revenge story because she's not necessarily out for revenge for a lot of the film she just wants to she flirts with the idea of like running away from all of it and leaving it all behind yeah just go back home yeah well the problem is is it ties it tries to tie up with Fury roads and she rescues all those women but she's had like no interaction with any of those women in there like she could have started the war between dementus and imort and Joe to try weaken a Morton Joe to get the women out and then her plan fails like that could have been the closest we got yeah the closest we got was like she sees one of them give birth and he gives and she gives birth to like a deformed baby and so she's probably that that woman's going to get turfed out into the Wasteland because she's useful um and it's like well her motivation there was just like I don't want to suffer that same fate I just I don't want to like have my life just dictated by whether or not I can bear imort and Joe a child that's why got it but it's not like she had any particular compassion towards those women or anything I didn't get that impression it was more just I don't want that to happen to me yeah yep which is it's not quite the same thing it's not as altruistic and yeah like I think the the final Catalyst for it was the the big dude trying to you know assault her and she runs away from him because he's [ __ ] rarded she cuts her hair beforeand and I was like no no it would have been better if he grabbed her hair and that's what makes her shave her head mhm yeah you rather learn something yeah like don't let men grab your hair I think you unless you're into that kind of thing that's the biggest thing you just pointed out for now it just seems like everything was Half Baked every little thing had potential but it's every single aspect was Half Baked which is weird yeah was Morton Joe when when he figured out the the girl he just put into this uh breeding hall or whatever they call it it's like yeah ran away it's like oh dude that was [ __ ] when it's like doesn't speak at all she's of that age and then later the uh the [ __ ] son finds another person who can't speak at all who's just the right age like do I recognize he's like I guess he is [ __ ] that's like his whole characteristic so yeah they need him to be stupid for that whole character to work it's just dumb yeah it's frustrating you know for a movie that's so simple in terms of plot to like still make basic mistakes like this it's kind of disappointing because you think like well okay you know George Miller made a point of saying like we don't go in huge for dialogue here characters only speak when they really need to and it's not a complicated story that you're dealing with okay so you can make it super solid then because it's so simple tighter as well yeah and it's like the kind of fail on both counts I guess which is a real shame because when we do the whole thing on the war it's like yeah that's that's what I was want want to see like in view they do like shooting and there's like these guys and with these uh I don't know they basically do like the the floating thing with the I don't know sand or whatever you want to call them I thought the octopos he was cool an aesthetic it just um comes from nowhere though no of course that's the thing there's just not enough like context for a lot of this yeah like and to be fair you know there was you know that's a staple of the Mad Max franchise I think like if you go back to the road warrior like there's all kinds of like weird and wonderful characters from the Wasteland that are part of like the Lord humongous um army and like there's no backstory really for them they're just there like they're just visually interesting but that's all you get from them I don't know what they're going for there like it's just that strip back simplistic style of Storytelling or what you I'm totally on board with that it's just that you're going to need like main character interest if you're going to have side characters that no one knows anything about meanwhile I'm like looking at the octopos being like well he's almost the like other than her someone I was like the most interested in like oh like yeah because it's just not enough for me to grasp on to why was the dude filling up his nipple through his suit like the whole time what was that what the [ __ ] going on here all I had no I I had no idea what was going on and like I was like so give me something give me someone to follow and um yeah other than Chris I didn't really enjoy anyone's performance it was just really dull and it felt it it took forever it just kept going and yeah not and it's just just like you said it's not terrible but it's just under a recommendation like I wouldn't want anyone to go through that oh any Mad Max fans being like should I check it out be like no you'll be fine no wait it goes and streaming yeah likeor you probably get someone to just make a super cut of like all the the road chase scenes like with all the watch them yeah like just watch that that's probably all you need really fun could been half an hour that big that big wari that's still like a real thing they build so that you can tell like yeah it's it's cool yeah like again that that that action scene around the midpoint of the movie which is really like the one that people point to is like the Highlight in terms of like action and spectacle and stuff and probably quite a lot of practical effects it's still not a patch on like some of the big action set pieces from Fury Road that's the thing like I like there's still bits on Fury Road where I look at that and I'm like holy [ __ ] that just looks amazing like I can't believe they did like a massive like pyrot Technic stunt man um you know scene with all these cars and everything all in one take like it's just incredible to watch yeah we got the war rig again but it was worse yeah we got that's the thing you could have had new vehicles or you could have had bikes or could you could have done something else but they just repeated the war RG scene bits as well where I look at [ __ ] and I'm like that's like the most in like inefficient weapon that I could imagine for a scenario like this where you know you've got paragliders with machine guns mounted to them and like they're they're getting towed along and they have to like then fire their guns at the war rig how's that meant to work like how you meant to aim something like that like it's all just it's all nonsense man Gas Town Gas Town had a giant oil o oil Mo around it with flamethrowers right next to it went you'd set your own moat on fire someone smoking a cigarette very effective yeah oh well that someone scream don't try oh well that that was furios I suppose there's not much more we can say about it it was it was a movie um it looks like it's going to flop it's going to be another one to add to the list for this year bit sad really but hey you know we've always got the acolyte to look forward to are you guys excited just around the corner now I'm going get my lightsaber Whip and uh yeah we spent an hour breaking down that [ __ ] trailer manit it was enough for me I didn't want to see it anymore the most interesting thing was like a little alien dude who had like a beard we just making fun of the kids the rest well I mean at this point like they've already started to set up the defenses for this um and like as you guys have probably been made aware um Kathleen Kennedy's been doing the rounds doing an interview with I think the New York New York Times uh that's been then repeated in variety uh already setting up the defenses for this uh for this TV show so basically saying um if you don't like it it's because you hate women a tri tested tactic again are they we we're doing it yeah we're doing the same thing again like why break a winning strategy I suppose it's been going since about 2018 2019 so just carry on you know um would it be nice when they when they do these interviews one uh like one time and they're like uh I think we did a really good story with great characters you should watch it start that they get fired canceled done like they she wouldn't allow that well I uh I won't go through the entire article because it goes on forever but uh I will say like some quotes from from her in relation to this she says operating Within These giant franchises now with social media and the level of expectation it's terrifying I think Leslie Headland has struggled a bit with it I think a lot of the women who step into the Star Wars uh struggle with this a little bit more because of the fan base being so male dominated they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal so yeah I think the problem is is the men essentially but it's good because Kathleen Kennedy and Leslie hedin together are working to eliminate all of the male fans within the Star Wars fan base and so it's a problem that's kind of solving itself like they're gradually just giving up and saying I just don't want this anymore um but I just thought like yeah give it a little bit more time like the the remaining fans who are still annoyed uh about the the [ __ ] things that you're doing uh they will become apathetic to the point where they just don't care anymore and then they'll just move on to something else and then you won't even really have fans anymore so it's an interesting problem that kind of fixes itself in the long run but I just thought it's interesting that their strategy obviously is to preemptively plant the seeds that anyone who dislikes the acolyte is doing it for for sexist reasons rather than just because the show looks like absolute garbage the amount be us five we're the only watching it that's I'm saying the amount of people that'll take in that garbage and take it seriously is that that that number is dwindling by the day like people are starting to roll their eyes at that [ __ ] now like just the the preemptive like remember the whole Reva defense people bought that if Kenobi came out today and they tried to do the Reva thing no one would take that [ __ ] like no no no your show is just [ __ ] like admit it like they have there when are we gonna get the turn of the tide if someone just admits like this was a bad take this was a bad idea well they always like a couple of months later when it's to late it's like actually that show wasn't that great it's like yeah maybe yeah know I said that like months ago thanks when you called me a sexist well I think I think my favorite I think my favorite like um transition in that kind of vein was rings of power where the guardian um first like they LED with the whole like this show is amazing it's the best thing on TV and then like a month later same author and everything said right now that it's all over can we just admit that the ring of power was absolute dog [ __ ] find that man's name Legend it's just but that that's it's so interesting that the mentality was got to defend corporate product because it takes diversity boxes and that make me happy you know and then once it's over and it's safe to criticize it then I can say like nah it was actually garbage like the truth comes out they sh it immediately they don't get the juicy pre-release uh footage anymore that they can get all the clicks with so yeah what this this looks good this really good you should remember what was the um they took the influencers and none of them watched rings of power no yeah it was actually I like Game of Thrones more one of them was busy watching the dragon she was busy watching the dragon she had got Rigs of power yet like that is the that's the ultimate right there like oh just teabagging that show I hope they come out again at the same time that's one of my favorite things that's ever happened like ever it was it was truly the worst choice of PR that you could ever have made but with the acolyte like it just feels like nobody's going to watch this anyway like the best case scenario for them is that it's kind of blandly forgettable like it's not too offensively bad it's just kind of a meass Star Wars show that's probably the best they could possibly hope for and nobody's really gonna watch it anyway really hard on this one though did that echo echo was eight episodes and they cut it down to five hoping everyone would forget it do you think they're G aites or do you think they're so delusional they'll just go yeah [ __ ] put in everything no I I think they've I think they're putting a lot into this personally actually believe it's good I don't know if it's that or if they're just going to try and overwhelm people with visual spectical but just looking at the trailers it kind of feels like there's a lot of money behind it and I don't know if that's just over compensation like we've got to try and sell this thing because if you look at pretty much every other Star Wars TV show that they've made they've all been [ __ ] failures you know even the the best case scenario where you had something like Andor you know it it was pretty good quality in terms of right and stuff but nobody really watched it so again it was a failure from a financial point of view yeah I just worse CU Andor was the same as Ahsoka in terms of viewership and ahsoka's got more recognition she was like a more recognized character so each one seems to be doing even worse and I don't think the acolytes like who's like is there any star power other than the guy from squid game no one knows the name of his name is Ronald okay M Sid G so [ __ ] right nobody remember [ __ ] name I remember ill that's it they would have they would have they would have him go racist Star Wars fans you know fans of ours but he probably can't speak English well so they have no one to come out and like insult you before the episodes like you you've got Karan Moss who I think is probably the closest you get into uh I don't know a movie star or whatever or with a bit of star power in this show probably long yeah I mean she you know kind of an irrelevant force in Hollywood now but like it's just kind of a legacy thing I suppose that's attached to this show but yeah I can't wait for the the sort of Hostage videos where like she records something in her car saying like I'm so disappointed in the uh Star Wars fans piece of [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you watch my video yeah I don't know why they keep burning their reputations with that [ __ ] you know some of the celebrities just don't understand out of touch completely out of touch didn't they didn't they spoil the twist in their own trailer there's twins I heard the girl with the because apparently the the girl with the clo of a face who's fighting K and Moss he's an evil one there's a good one but the thing is though they both have the same hairstyle so these twins are separated at be have gone to the same Barber gotten the exact same hair color gotten the exact same style my God it's uncanny it's like I can't I can't even begin to describe with words in the English language how unexcited I am for this show like there's just nothing in it there's nothing in the trailer there's nothing in the promotional material there's nothing in any of the the cast or the actors attached to it that makes me think oh yeah I want to watch this I mean the Star Wars YouTube channel is trying they put like 10 videos out in the last like three weeks like look at behind the scenes and official clubs like yeah I don't care they're desperate man what's there to talk about who no one gives a [ __ ] it's kylo with teeth that's what we got aren we we got kylo Ren with teeth we got the Mena and violin apparently that's that's one of the clips I'm G I'm going to have a look actually their their YouTube channel just to see out of curiosity oh God yeah just uh so official CLI from the acolyte 321,000 views the acolyte exploring Star Wars 51,000 views that's from yesterday that's with a that's a Channel with 4 million subscribers uh what have we got the yeah um what's the dislike isn't it like um well 74,000 likes 180,000 dislikes oh man what's the what's the uh 6.6 million that's latest trailer I mean that's just low engagement in general isn't it did you say 175,000 dislikes 180 180 yeah plus it rounds down so it probably be like 190 200,000 it's like a dying channel it's like one of those famous YouTubers that accidentally do something and everyone leaves boie of the internet going to be like documentary and how it died yeah but it's like that with most of these official channels like especially like that on Twitter you know where you've got like sites like Kotaku or something like that or the New York Times where they got millions of followers apparently and then they post tweets that get like 50 likes that that's just it's dead completely dead they try pick a fight yeah it's like the only engagement they get is by saying something incredibly stupid MH yeah Matt Max doesn't need Matt Max anymore it's like okay was tic I refuse to read it doing that everyone's dying of obesity these days and that's a good thing that's a good thing sure okay sure I did like this tweet from John Gates oh sorry this Super Chat [ __ ] tweet um Daisy countered this kind of language from the reporter tried to bait her into a similar response weeks ago um basically saying that her interactions with the fans had actually been really positive and this is Daisy Ridley as well you know if she's she's had positive interactions than anyone can Kathleen Kennedy is contradicting her own actress who said how positive her interactions with the fans had been also Star Wars Episode 2 game coming to Playstation network next month don't care about that interesting but uh thanks though yeah thanks I can I can confidently say I don't give a [ __ ] about a single Star Wars game ever so yeah anyway that's just me though I don't know about the rest of you well she knows she knows that Daisy really has got nothing else I mean it's the upcoming Ray movie which [ __ ] God knows what gonna be it's the best move for her what else is she gonna do Noley I would I would take that role make as much money as I can out of it and then [ __ ] retire because my career is over anyway this is the play man I hope all her family and friends are pushing her towards us like let's just or she just go absolutely n their head start picking fights maybe that'll get more popular Darth Ray is what we're going for just BR real Attack the interviews it's GNA be new next Creator clash it's well give her give her another five years she could do go down the Kristen Stewart route you know she just did everything in her power to be the most obnoxious AR Soul on the planet so sure would you want to see like Ray or Finn or C like anyone from the sequel Trilogy like if they actually get an opportunity for redemption in the future who would you want to see get a shot at like a real I wouldn't I wouldn't want to put the actors through that like especially you know I think John boa seems like a good guy I don't want him to like have the humiliation of being in another Star Wars movie same with yeah same with Oscar Isaac yeah he's a good actor with a good career like don't jeopardize that by being another shitty Star Wars film just walk I would redeem Finn have a whole film redeeming them and the very end blow him up you might just make it as brutal death as possible can you have his final word beay Ray got the button Ray's blowing them off I'd watch that yeah [ __ ] good Lord I mean Fu who gives a [ __ ] about Finn or Ray or anyone nobody like what's after the sequels Ray training two [ __ ] [ __ ] a girl and a boy boy will be a [ __ ] [ __ ] girl will be the key to everything you already know what the story is going to be yeah well they already explained the plot because it's like Ray trains uh two children uh two young padawans uh the girl begins to exhibit mysterious Powers because of course she [ __ ] does what else could it possibly be it never ends this is what gets me so frustrated with specifically Star Wars and Marvel these two in particular you can do anything there's so much room for storytelling and they just do the same [ __ ] over and over again like a zombie well it's like Lally just doing the South Park meme you know uh it's so it's so tired and predictable and like dated at this point it's I don't know man it's like someone in 2024 still going like what the it's like played out like a decade ago and still doing it he goes hello fellow kids how' you do fellow youths that's thing as well it's twins in the acolyte we've already had [ __ ] twins I just hope all everyone in the show dies that'll just be the only fun thing I I think yeah we get behind that they're gonna ruin Yoda or somebody they're they're gonna there's gonna be we're talking about this show like there's nothing but I just have this feeling they're gonna [ __ ] us over somehow like Kenobi somehow [ __ ] over ant Buu if they can [ __ ] over ant baru then anything's possible they can do it anything they're gonna do like a younger Yoda they're gonna go oh he's younger and not more mature he's still like 600 years old it's like oh I wasn't as wise I only got wise my 700th year oh man yeah it's pretty stupid just the idea of seeing Yoda in this show is turns my stomach because he's one of the few people who hasn't really been [ __ ] with by the by um Disney it's yeah all they have left he's GNA be [ __ ] [Music] raw they're gonna give him the meat and give it to him raw just a running start I I did like this quote as well from Leslie Hedland in relation to all this stuff saying as a fan myself [ __ ] I know how frustrating some Star Wars storytelling has been in the past you mean like since Disney took it over I've felt it myself yeah sure you have I stand by my empathy for Star Wars fans but I want to be clear anyone who engages in bigotry racism or hate speech I don't consider a fan r a problem because I think you're going to defin you're going to Define hate speech as anyone who criticizes your show exactly problem with that word same with like fat shaming or any of those type of things like people just make up their own definition for these terms and just if it fits the bill it's it's crazy low bar how many seasons do you think this will get uh one just the one many just one yeah I suspect that's one too many Star got five I mean anything's possible at this point how' that happen how did that happen like this devil deal probably got spin-offs it's got an animated show it's like you'd think it's this giant success no one is watching it it's like cockroaches in terms of like Bad Bad Robot Star Trek shows um you just can't exterminate them like they just keep breeding and there's more and more of them and yeah like you say nobody's [ __ ] watching I don't understand how they justify it financially but they somehow do yeah that's the thing I don't hear anyone talk about I don't see marketing for it I don't see this thing that I don't know how it's had legs for Five Seasons that's insane to me like peard I can see getting a few season just on the name alone right but this discovery I don't get it I don't understand probably since season two I think of Discovery people just kind of stopped talking about it it got to that point where like you you got through the confusion then the anger and then the apathy and then that was it yeah it just faded into irrelevance and it was almost like then it didn't matter how good or bad it was because nobody was criticizing it anymore because no one cared enough to even watch it it'll be interesting in like 10 years time we're all older and then we just look back and season 25 of Star Trek and we just go what have they actually done there'll be like this gigantic Universe of Star Trek nobody has watched yeah but it's gone the same it's gone down the same exact Road as Star Wars where the [ __ ] stuff now vastly outnumbers the good stuff yeah to say You're a Star Wars fan now is kind of awkward like because ma majority of Star Wars is [ __ ] like there's it's anyone asked me that question I'm like well like there's so much I have to explain you know like imag pieces I imagine the conversation would be very much like I am a Star Wars fan now and the other person would just go why why do you need help what do you it's like so you're a [ __ ] no it's so true like being a Star Wars fan wasn't something to be embarrassed about like in the prequels that was a boon I remember I remember it well this is not it's it's embarrassing it's completely embarrassing now I think most people watching it have just lost a remote yeah they' have no other choice where is it it's just [ __ ] content they've lost the the the ball completely on they're watching like the next sequel Trilogy whatever the [ __ ] and parents come in go oh God I was watching P don't be caught watching Star Wars my God thing is though it's in a month you've got in the same month you've got the crow Bad Boys the the boys House of the dragon and um dead no that's next month yeah but you've got like House of the Dragon the boys and um who cares about the boys don't bring that one up I'm just saying in terms of popularity this is just going to fade out quickly I just serious serious hatred for that show because I when I watch season one I'm like this is my [ __ ] show I love it it wasn't perfect but in terms of my enjoyment I was so on board and season two just spit in my face stupidity everything I thought the show was season is the same is that that's what I'm saying I i' i' I quit completely after season two I don't ever want to see it again and from what I hear they didn't do anything they've done in the trailer you can see homelander son he picks homelander then he picks Billy now he's going back to home he went why the [ __ ] does anyone want this kid [ __ ] it's like homeand and Billy for the 15th time are going to go into a room and go no this time is the last time we're going to kill each other next time and then he won't because season five is being announced carries that show I think that's why people like it like look how crazy the show it's a spectacle now there's no story no one talks about the storytelling Dynamic it's just m I think it makes most things the memes yeah I honestly feel like that was a one season show like the entire appeal of it lay in the novelty of subverting the superhero genre which was like you know it was a cool thing to do like five years ago now we're kind of way beyond that point where we've we've subverted it now where it's all it's already a parody of itself so no one gives a [ __ ] about that stuff anymore is the norm yeah yeah the norm is to be an [ __ ] superhero that's normal yeah and the the whole yeah the whole thing about like trying to be so edgy and so like like on the nose with political commentary memes in seon the [ __ ] [ __ ] memes in season two that they invented home the guy yeah the guy saw some memes and then murdered someone and he's just crying and [ __ ] that's how it works it's that really clumsy like political allegory stuff that nobody [ __ ] wants in their entertainment anymore because to go like oh we put Cox and and murder in our show when so every other show every show's got a sex scene Game of [ __ ] that's the boys a big [ __ ] phony man like they're just a FR you're not what I thought you are like you [ __ ] I'm so bitter about that show because I think season one we have this aome jokes this crazy racist lady but she's not going to say any STS whatsoever like who's not really a na no racist would say that like just just spit it out like it's just pathetic man I I hate especially if you're superpowered who's going to stop you it's it's yeah because turning powers on and on initially sold itself on like oh you know we're criticizing both sides of the political divide and all that stuff like cuz we're we're everything's absurd it very became it it became very clear very quickly like this is purely seen from one point of view and we know exactly what kind like what point of view it is of course it is I so like you say it's safe edgy it pretends to be like critiquing things it pretends to be satirizing things it doesn't really fra yeah it's the same [ __ ] um there was one super chat I just wanted to answer here for TGO Lima says hi on last orders Number 96 you spoke about that Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner and the gremlin it's a short story by Richard mat I Am Legend I recommend the book it made me not like Will Smith movie very much um I've heard that is a sequel coming out and Will Smith's back I am leg coming out why not I am alive again somehow dud we're getting a sequel to twister called Twisters oh my God I saw I almost fell out of my seat like you [ __ ] kidding me I feel like I want to go for a shower after you said that well I mean I want to know twi's son who's going to get revenge on them for in the trailer two Twisters right next to each like what this time it's personal yeah after surviving one twister they go another twister another one comes are are they GNA like the same yeah it's like yeah my dad was killed by a twister or something but it was the fear of Twisters that really killed him I don't know they're going to declare war and drop Bs on twist to fight twist it and then just gets picked up and flung I think it's actually the child from the first one was like I'm not hunting Twisters anymore it's like but then she comes she's getting grabbed back in taking a sniper rifle to a twister I think spins the other if I counteract the wind he tries to make his own twister God you're [ __ ] right I get I bet you the the finale of this thing will be to create an anti- twister I was about to say inter the real one I'm pretty sure there wasn't a trailer they're trying to destroy a twister with a twister don't me on that go watch it watch a trailer but I'm pretty sure that's what they said in there it's like [ __ ] that actually makes me want to watch the film now for how [ __ ] it's going to no what have I done no John you've got to spin anticlockwise that wonder what year it is we also get another Beverly Hills Cop movie on Netflix apparently that's okay because Eddie Murphy basically stopped aging about 30 years ago that's true PA true put that on pause yeah and bad boys four I was like what is happening though this is all we get Martin the crow the reboot bleeds black blood yeah not not high hopes for the crow well you friends will be in about half the movie you know how like I do like a summary every time we do an open bar it's like ah open bar 97 let's talk about the the movies that came out in 97 I I if we ever get to this point where I'm looking back on 20124 [ __ ] hell like top movies of the year it's going to be so depressing to like summarize this no are we going to cut it off at some point 2016 maybe I don't know come it would become quite hilarious like beyond that you're just telling like y loads of kids there was a time in 2016 when we had nothing but [ __ ] yeah that that that that that time just never stopped essentially um speaking of [ __ ] I I know there's also um Ryan Johnson's announced his third Knives Out movie you guys that anymore why is he still allowed to make movies he's why does why does he keep getting deals I don't get it he must have gotten a package deal for like 18 movies or something he shouldn't be allowed to own a pen like he should just be banned from any type of creative apparently enough people watch it you know and Glass Onion was celebrated quite a bit for its um witty script how is it Ryan still making movies and JJ Abrams is like nowhere to be found he's just missing Joy hisli I mean I mean they're both equally [ __ ] but yeah JJ just kind of took the the rap for Ryan's fuckups I yeah that's what I mean nobody blames Ryan for this equel Trilogy anymore and I'm like I didn't I didn't forget no no no no no I didn't I just feel like the I feel like JJ in like the for the casuals eyes most people blame JJ but I still know what [ __ ] happened like R Ry he [ __ ] threw a grenade in the [ __ ] middle of the room he blew a [ __ ] everything FM wasn't that the only film with zero problems Kathleen Kennedy didn't sabotage anything she went Ryan you're doing a good job I'll let you keep going that's Ryan's Vision was a [ __ ] disaster he [ __ ] everything yeah apparently the the production side of things was actually really smooth um and it went quite well but I mean that's not really any indication of like the quality of the finished product it's just yeah show you how stupid they are they're so [ __ ] stupid they go I think this is pretty good and everyone's going yep yep there was no one anywhere at lucasfilm who thought this could create some problems I think people might not like this no there's a lot of warn Ryan like they people warned him and he ignored them openly there's lot of people probably like watchtowers in the studio anyone who dare question she just snaap their fingers and the person was dragged off just like does anyone else have any problems no is she um is she going to be leaving this year because it's my understanding that her contract runs out in the Autumn time oh she's never leaving she she'll live forever clone her I'm going to clone her she's Undead she's a she's skeleton she she will just she'll just Star Wars will just be keep getting eaten by her forever you do have to wonder like at a certain point do you think like okay I've uh I've destroyed Star Wars enough now I can move on I don't know destroy something else and then he look like there's nothing left everything is broken already what do I do now she I wonder I wonder if she'll insist on staying on until that Ray movie gets made cuz I kind of feel like Ray is is like her baby and like she just really wants to cement that char but but she'll she'll do that with Evan she'll go just two more years then two years passed uh just another two more years and she just keep kicking it down the line her main goals from what I see it as is was to destroy Luke destroy Han and build up Ray and she did the first two you know so her last goal for before dipping is definitely gonna be like you know raay Redemption that's her baby like you said it's just this woman is insane but she can't she can't redeem Ray because she's [ __ ] talentless she's just going to get ray more angry and then she go oh you hate Ray now and she's going to WR make like 10 more movies oh no that's the one thing we didn't want to happen it is great like CU like the one thing they can't do is force people to go to the cinema and watch these movies yeah you know like you can make as many Ray films as you want but like nobody's going to see them so okay like well if you count these numbers and these numbers it's actually more successful than the most successful movie ever yeah I I wanted I want to go on a maths course with with with Zack Snider you can't Hollywood math is amazing that can't count like confirmed like that guy is such a d the year he's had in terms of his reputation just getting shot on I'm oh yeah it's been a can't wait for those extended Cuts I think is he still doing the um six movies the new kind of Trilogy he called her six movies they can't I can't believe Netflix is going to give them give them money for those oh I can't people are watching them like it doesn't matter if the scores are terrible like people are apparently watching The Rebel Moon films and that's all Netflix are ultimately going to care about do we believe this I think movie movies only just show things people will only go to cinema if it's like a pre a good franchise that's got good reputation they're not going to risk it because they'll watch people like movies movies are still getting watched just on Netflix yeah but people don't want their time wasted either like if you're going to go out to the theaters like I was saying earlier like they have to really earn it now and the only way they think they can do that is just by pumping out well-known franchises so people know you know they know at least it's this comfort zone that they need they're not willing to rle and risk you know watching a new story of something they wasted their time Rebel Moon The Madame web sat at number one on Netflix for a long time as well apparently oh yeah they did so at this point movies top ones the metric for this [ __ ] then it's like well that's that's what I mean like if you're telling me those like that and rebel Moon one and two are at the top but all the other Library are not able to compete I I don't think I believe that well also if you can I'm G to put my tinfoil hat on you for a second it's their platform they can put in the top 10 whatever the [ __ ] they want like anyone can check like there's no numbers next to it so that's the thing that's so weird about this whole streaming thing is like really like they can just do whatever they want and like I don't know I I prefer seeing the box office like that someone going out and watching like no way home or what was the third SP why can never no home or yeah that Mak as much money as it did um that really shows something you know like that metric very you can't do that with Netflix I don't know what the hell's going on that was the last good Marvel movie well only some people liked Guardians that was me not very good which one did you like more out of those two no way home easily but strictly the character reason I'm assuming right just the peters and for I mean I don't think there's much of anything good about Guardians 3 yeah I enjoyed my first watch and I think we both started talking about it m and was like oh no this is ass oh no I enjoyed it but it's not good that's allowed by the way in case you're wondering I think Guardian 3 like the only thing it had was people's love for the Guardians They carried it that's it they like these characters they'll watch them even in a [ __ ] story um it's a little frustrating that we didn't get a better send off for them though it just felt like they saying about k k is like this amazing Jonathan Maes amazing actor absolutely fantastic then High EV the guy who plays High Evolution comes across it's like a million times better that guy is one of the best things I've seen in Marvel like he legit like sold every line like I love that dude Jan mes was [ __ ] sh so overacting he said like three different attempts like in different multiverses and different versions like if you get three different attempts at a character and you're they're all [ __ ] every version of you no matter where you are well who did he play he played a Chinese guy he played a guy with a terrible voice and uh he played some weird Egyptian who didn't sound Egyptian considered he went to clown college or something whatever underestimating his clownery coule he had a couple lines in Ant-Man that weren't complete [ __ ] but then it all fell apart like immediately oh God don't remember of Ant-Man don't remind me of Marvel and general sad modok the big face modok big testicle what a hero what a hero man yeah my guy it was just don't be a dick oh what the [ __ ] man why the man's dying in front of you like he's oh God sa all of the universe probably yeah you The Avengers yeah it's funny though cuz he's dying funny face little PE so that that is one of the best scenes to highlight I'm glad you did showing like the the show runner the writers comments on it like the fact that that's their idea of the scene they didn't even know what they had with modok there they something meaningful that's gross literally I think I'm the only person on Earth who listens to the audio comment from allel movies naturally but uh it's such a great insight to how much they have no idea what's going on in their film they're just like yeah we did this I think we think how do you not see that it catch that in a redraft the potential for for that scene I'm just the character and it's just H why are they in charge of these projects if they have this little understanding of Storytelling well it's like in JD Payne and Patrick McKay on rings of power they're just yes man they knew that's how they got their job they didn't do anything special they only have sorry yeah speaking of which we we've got some great news for rings of power season 2 are you guys ready it canell well not quite that good no but you know Tom Bombadil that exciting character from The Lord of the Rings books that was so popular that they didn't actually put him into the Lord of the Rings trilogy uh which was possibly the best decision they could have ever made well he's going to be in season two of rings of power and just just look at him right there it's so funny so this one is funny to me because I I wasn't I'm not familiar with like the like the lore with Lord of the Rings for the most part like all the characters that are not in the movies basically for for a long time well for the most part so I I scrolled by I like what was that weird wi wizard no whatever and then later on the day I saw little platoon like oh this is bomo deal he he's supposed to be like colorful and everything it's like oh he doesn't look like anything like he's very gray and look like [ __ ] yeah normal wizard man I wasn't even aware this was like a lot of the Ring thing when I S pass like oh a weird wizard anyway moving on he's always singing in the books right and there's one point where like he saves Frodo's life but Frodo is still so [ __ ] bored of him that he puts the ring on to escape from him like [ __ ] thisy I'm out of here and like it's weird because like it doesn't have any effect like it doesn't make him invisible to Tom bombo like he's just like where are you trying to go you dick get back here listen to me sing a bit more he would have ruined actually like that' be good he break the entire tension of the ring is just destroyed by his existence like deleting it is and like because you know he's just messing around with it he puts on his finger it doesn't make him go invisible or anything it's basically got no power over him um and essentially he's like a GameChanger and so there's there's literally one point in the book where they're like why don't we just give the ring to this guy and get him to go destroy it for us because like it doesn't seem to even corrupt him or do anything to him and Gandalf's just like I probably just forget what the point of it was or whatever it's just like n yeah don't worry about let's not talk about that it's he breaks everything it's so stupid yeah and and when token was asked about him apparently he was just like I didn't really have a plan for Tom B I just thought a idea hilarious that got [ __ ] stoned one day and just made him did he really say that yeah yeah he's not meant to like he didn't really know what to do with him as a character I read the book and I'm thinking like what are we doing here this is a complete waste of time like everything else is like flowing and like this makes sense and but why who's this Tom guy why are we still here every P it just kept going and ler they never mention him again it's literally a complete waste of time it'san it's like the first mini Adventure that they go on before they get into the main adventure of like trying to you know get rid of the ring and stuff and so yeah spans multiple chapters it wastes so much [ __ ] time like if you tried to put that into the movie it would kill it absolutely kill the pace um yeah they decided but we're now on to the drgs of the [ __ ] toen lore so yeah sure like throw him into rings of power season two makes sense I suppose so there he is he's gonna be this isn't boring enough we need to make it as boring as we possibly can so no one pays attention yeah isn't there more um pictures where he looks miserable because he's supposed to be happy in he and Jolly's always singing yeah like if I was to be super generous I would say he represents a kind of natur deity like so um he he's he doesn't have any like larger goals within the world um he if it's summertime he's like all happy and jolly if it's winter he's kind of like fairly inactive like a Hipp wizard almost basically yeah like you know whether like tolken was smoking the pipe weed or something when he came up with this dude whatever like he represents something that's way older and more primitive than than the ring and Sauron and the elves and all that stuff like this is a dude who existed since the dawn of time doesn't he have a wife yeah gbury if she's not in the pictures do you think she's divorced him and took all his stuff and now he's miserable she's gay and she she's found a she's found a nymph or something to to sh up and Tom is just alone she half the Hut divorc W Widow Tom like he's just like in toughest State ever yeah this might be is that him on the left Jolly giant I think so yeah Hagrid he's so miserable like he looks like he's just oh just got nothing else to do now she's took everything the kids uh I don't have enough money to move on he's just stay his H till he dies that's what he looks like I don't give a [ __ ] about this character but I'm just looking at this that's not Tom where's the color where's the like I think Reaper theory is right this must be like Whittle Bombadil like that's the only exclamation punished Bombadil yeah punish it's you know what it looks like it looks like Zack Snider's Bombadil oh no like four Shades Darker and you'd be holding like a [ __ ] skull or something it's going to be a slow-mo shot of him like marching through the woods of something everything is blurry it's like I'm wondering if CU gandal like if this GNA be a scene is he leave him where he's like hey you know a hat would suit you well and he's like oh my God maybe buddy maybe you look good in Gray he throws it to him then he say says b uh you should have some color on you he's like oh we have the sounds like they're getting gay with each other yeah why not yeah they look like interrup joke about that but like who knows anymore God damn no stay go with the flow start rubbing his shoulders and he goes what are you doing Tom let this happen don't fight it I think this is a perfect encapsulation of everything that rings of power represents though like we're going to take the the drags of talking lore you know the [ __ ] that wasn't even good enough to put into the the movies with Peter Jackson and that's going to be like one of the big deals of our new season um yeah it makes sense I suppose we're just we're picking the bones I suppose of what this you know this narrative once was running out of recognizable characters leftovers for sure well they've only got the rights to so many things I suppose and it's pretty pretty limited yeah you got a speed at which you can ruin stuff they're probably thinking well we' got five seasons we got haven't got a lot of characters so we destroyed Tom in season two we destroyed elron in season three season one me [ __ ] loser I mean yeah you destroyed gadriel in season one so that was a pretty big accomplishment well done she swam the Atlantic Ocean they destroyed my in season one [ __ ] everything up like nothing made sense in that first season so terrible the sea is always right they [ __ ] up the sea [ __ ] the sea is the sea itself why you rescue her because the sea is always rting go the Sea's trying to drown her that same scene he's he's like talks about his wife and it's like what happened to her he goes my wife like two minutes apart why would they do that where's the editor someone help it's so stupid man oh my God I I I just hope the guy who created Mount Doom is is okay I hope he's still around oh Old man walri or something yeah he's like I'm gonna push the button click disgusting [ __ ] Lally the most you remember when they when they had to get rid of the one tree that they didn't cut down funny and they give you this white shot all the trees are gone but there's this one tree still standing right to it dug right into a tree they couldn't see it coming just appeared out of nowhere how do you take the guy who was gangster enough to say [ __ ] you elron I'm keeping the ring [ __ ] you how do you take a Sor and like turn him into that little [ __ ] that we got in the rings of power like he he might be the person who got screwed over the most and not even thinking about it because it's like I you this can't be you you you wouldn't no no I I hated it I hated it so much well look fake sister with the giant tits oh yeah you bring those back oh remember yeah that was the one thing I remember about that character like I don't remember her name or anything it's I just remember she had a [ __ ] spectacular rag I do remember one thing they they not only came out at the same time at House of the Dragon but they did like um a bedroom dying Old King scene like just like visera so we had that comparison as well and it's so [ __ ] in the rings of power where they nailed theer one it's just one of my favorite comparisons ever man it was a stupid show didn't they add racism like the humans called elves knifers [ __ ] H knif you stole her from Dragon Age that was from [ __ ] 2008 he stole her from another fantasy you lazy bastards he literally taking your trades he had him yell let the path go it's so [ __ ] like on the not it's just yeah that whole scene was insane how does funny thing though like I bet they were all patting themselves on the back when they wrote that scene yeah they were yeah no people are totally you know they'll get what we're going for here but yeah you think they might not get it yeah how can we make this more obvious what was the um that sure was gonna be great how is what's the island called again like Atlantis numor how does that look worse than minth when this is supposed to be Min like a million times better yeah this is meus terth on steroids and it looks worse well yeah because everyone in this show is [ __ ] and so are the people who made it so it's a classic example of a character can only be as smart as the person who writes it and yep there's your benchmark right there take them yeah well I like the point you made as well about Ailor even like this is the guy who cuts the ring from the the hand of Sauron like literally the guy who almost destroyed Sauron from Middle Earth and he's just like this soft pasty faed little [ __ ] uh who's just like always staring off at the Horizon like a zoned out daydreaming you're telling me he's this daydreaming little twink that's like they grew up to somehow like be the guy who said no to like the risk he took that just the type of we got one line from him in the movie and like the amount of like agency he had in that one line and like the amount of character we got out of it that he would be willing to do that even though the risk is you know of course he's being influenced by the ring but still it was just you can't that and give us this like he looks like a heroic character as well that's what I think they did so well with the casting there he looks like the the yeah the the big like armored hero who's going to conquer everything and you know he got seduced by the power of the ring and corrupted by it yeah which is great but like he's still got that look about him like you imagine this is a guy who could take on Sauron and and perhaps stand the chance against him like with this dude [ __ ] hell I wouldn't let him take on a [ __ ] caramel latte exactly this guy it's just he's not the same he doesn't have that same like Charisma it's you can't your casting is so essential like it really really the factor even someone we only had like one scene for taking that dude and then giving us this I just don't believe it Tom MZ will go hey a seal door have you heard of Andrew Tate he has to shap oh boy I like this numar looks like a shitty Mediterranean fishing Village it really does yeah it just looked cheap and dollars I feel like I had a lot of people had this experience of like going into the show bitter but then as soon as it starts it's like H so there's a horse over there that's a dragon looks pretty good everything looks kind of legit this feels like Westeros what's going on here compared to like um rings of power where every single thing look [ __ ] I think the only thing I complimented was the Orcs looked okay some of them but they were vampires they could stand in the sun Dracula ORS what was that yeah again that's them taking one line from the books and just like extrapolating it into this nonsense like literally the books is just Orcs don't like sunlight like it makes them uncomfortable or whatever now it's like oh it [ __ ] melts them like vampires now they're Reapers from Blade 2 like what the hell is this [ __ ] man yeah how could they ever win a war you got to getar half a day yeah how many volan are you can't keep pouring water and all the volcanoes on Middle Earth there's only so many there's only so many wal DRS out there yeah old man walri like I think D you were gonna say he's the key to everything he's one of the most important yeah literally the most important event in the entire history of Middle Earth was just done by a random [ __ ] hobo just put the sword in the thing and turn it like okay this ridiculously convoluted Contraption goes off to pour water into Mount Doom and make it erupt and turned Mordor into Mordor just a wall they could have just destroyed the wall it would have worked fine too and who who built all that stuff and then like they got to the point where they they were about to trigger it and then they're like n we better we better not we wait an Elvin watch toer it was an Elven Watchtower but somehow a Mordor sword oped it yeah the [ __ ] is that likea there was like some other loyalist Who was every day making the hike from like a pond so they with a cup of water like I'm going to do it eventually drop by drop I'm gonna have my Vengeance I think my favorite bit from the the new trailer that we got was Don Lemon last who just B he kind of explodes out of that wagon that he's hiding in and does like a spin mid a is he still flipping he's still flipping around [ __ ] elf guy oh my God didn't they want to do more action in this one or something they they learn thing that was lacking from the first season next they spoil I mean it's not much of a spoiler but a seal do right next to him in the trailer wasn't he like missing at the end of the Ring Power like knowing that this thing yeah after they all survived a pyroclastic flow yep oh yeah they did oh so bad [ __ ] disaster man running diverse Regent lady got like pyroclastic flow to the face and you know lost her sight but then part she just went blind eyes look fine why did nothing else get burned but her eyes eyelashes eyebrows Chris the extras got burned so but you know what is they think they're so like clever they go oh she'll be blind so she can't see what her right hand is doing in numor the blind queen like they're so [ __ ] poetic it's all on the nose it's all it's like I we say this a lot for stories but rings of power really feels like it's written my kids because they they think this [ __ ] is deep and T like that's the thing that bothers me the most if they're self-aware whatever but they think this [ __ ] is like onar with the the Rings that's what bothered me the most like you think this is clever you think this makes sense you think this is Well written I sometimes think about the stone stuff they talk about in the beginning and I still don't understand the [ __ ] they're talking rocks are sinky and boats are floaty open Touch the dock they make a good yeah it's like it's like a 13-year-old girl that was asked to write Lord of the Rings fanfiction like it's that like Earnest desire for like really deep introspective dialogue but like you just don't have the life experience or the vocabulary to actually do it yeah you can see what they wanted to do they just they can't pull it off yeah empty and siron get cat eyes because it looks cool yeah it looks awesome Epic yeah I think the the [ __ ] wig memes were justad pretty funny what's the have you seen the South Park episode where they had to destroy Walmart and he goes I come in many forms and he puts a mustache [Laughter] on that's gonna be fun that's gonna be fun yeah we got that to look forward to who's excited Nori is like one of the best examples of [ __ ] storytelling in terms of an entire season and we learned like nothing about her they did like one thing one scene worth of development over an entire season like Psychopaths yeah those those guys were uh curiously very absent in the trailers like those stinky definitely not Hobbits they they're like they weren't even in there I think if I remember correctly yeah well they've all gone wandering off Trail I think that would be honestly I think that'd be so funny if like they all just died off screen just just just the stranger going around like they oh die [ __ ] yeah I definitely didn't murder them all it's okay I was hungry one crazy half foot with a knife going oh no they all slowed down what could I do no one can keep up with me I can't get over [ __ ] lety D the black Hobbit stabbing that lady in the foot in the face that she made like that's one of the funniest faces I've ever my entire life like the [ __ ] the no teeth and everything about it like she just so perfect remember not Gandalf not gandal was like a child All Season then out of nowhere he can just speak normally yeah yeah follow your nose I I when they did that that's just the ultimate insult I just love how yeah like all season we were like oh it it it clearly isn't gandal this is a fake out it's someone else it's going to be Saran or you know radagast or something uh and then it's just like nah it just is Gandalf that's the best we've got all right then yeah fine um let me answer a couple of super chats here John Gates says much like Doctor Strange Love Christine in every Universe I hate K in every Universe also come on guys clearly fringy will fly in Australian twister counteract the American one they spin the other way down there just like the water does got good point actually sense yeah yeah yeah so we need an southern hemisphere twister to counteract the American one it's the B for the ages truly um Aaron charm says oh Tom Bombadil was a merry fellow bright blue his jacket was and his boots were yellow green were his girdle and his breacher all of leather he wore his tall hat and a swan wi feather now let's see how much of that rings of power is going to get right yeah shoes aren't yellow the brown no close enough get that right does he have a blue jacket on I need to I need to a lightish blue it's a Zack Snider blue oh washed out yeah it does look kind of vaguely it's like grayish blue it's weak you think he's going to give Gandalf his hat because on the first picture he's got a hat then when he's got his clothes off he doesn't have a hat when he's in the white I mean gandal we got to see the origin of gandal hat it's very important it's going to be Tom bombadil's hat yeah he's going to win it in a card [Laughter] game here's a question actually how does the Morton Joe not notice that his most priced position was lost by his son he usually kills people who only look at his wives yeah they're just they just cut away immediately and there's no reps whatsoever we didn't even see his reaction talking about when furiosa gets lost when get yeah if you remember he says um I'm not doing anything and then they go well you know be honest he goes well I thought I saw something so he's got plausible deniability you can just say I think I did see yeah rectus erectus with his amazing like cover story like oh I I thought saw I saw someone running away so I thought I'd take a look but I didn't see anything so I'm going to go away now don't ask me any questions bye I just thought it was really how elaborate the Escape Plan was but it was so unnecessary it create that it would have taken ages to make that wig convincingly oh yeah when she could have just ran off at any point not not like while she was in the vault thing or whatever once he had taken her out there was several moments where he wasn't grabbing her she could have just ran yeah like no she needed the wig I was like okay on to the walkway she's underneath her arms don't even reach around the barrel she's holding on I don't know she should just slipped right off and fell to her death I also want to challenge a little girl to make a wig out of wax and random bits of hair in real life a few hours imagine what she'd end up imagine this horrifying like tortur where m is just forcing little girls to make wigs you're not get out of here until you make one to my sa fun the best one gets $5 to spend at the store whatever there you go the best one gets to stay [Laughter] alive all right let me let me ask a couple of super chats here because there's a there's a bunch here that we've we've had as we've been talking Samson the mighty says Drinker and panel let's make a bet how many more years are we going to have to put up with the message in movies and video games before they say that's enough go away now you want you want to place your bets gentlemen how many more years of this are we likely to get I know forever GNA try it forever it's probably going to go down I mean it's stop making communis 60 years so it's like this could last till we're all dead I think as soon as it just costs them too much money they're just not even going to try anymore for the most part I feel like or just turn tone it down quite a bit I guess I don't know would you say it started around 2015 what would be the starting point um I mean people point to various things like a lot of point a lot of people point to Ghostbusters the 2016 one is the Catalyst um you could probably you could probably make the argument that like force awakens had it uh with Ray is like the this kind of all conquering girl boss character who was just amazing at everything but yeah probably from 2016 onwards that's where it really started to kick in I think within this the next year like we're still going to have to suffer through this one but by the end of 2025 we're going to start to see the real transition because like it's the wheels are in motion now people are fed up once the casuals um are on board with this [ __ ] or or once they're fed up with this crap like we're gonna have to get back to storytelling eventually yeah there's there's always the demand for it isn't there there's always the market for it it's just like are you going to supply or is someone else going to have to do it parasite is a good example of that like it's just a story nobody knows any of those actors it it's just just tell me a story and it was good and I'm so happy at one the Oscar just for that sake yeah no they they I like this one actually they seem still seem to be in the sunk cost phase right um Jimmy dant yeah it's a long time to keep following a losing strategy it's like Gambler you could keep doing that till there's nothing left left and you get your money from Black Rock so why would you stop yeah and the election this year once the election's over they're just going to go f they're only quieten down now because the election stuff whoever gets in they're going to ramp back up yeah um Jimmy Dantes says hail Drinker what are some of your favorite TNG episodes and do you think they'll ever try sorry you'll ever try your hand at writing fantasy or sci-fi so with TNG um I know I suppose I'll fall back on some of the old classics like um the Inner Light um the first episode where they meet the Borg um all good things obviously that's a a fantastic way to round out a series like that and um man Skin of Evil I what's that measure of a man that is a very good one yeah um yeah that's where data is put on trial essentially because they want to turn him into like just um fodder to to figure out how Androids work so they can make more like him and it's like yeah it's a pretty good ethical argument for the what is the nature of Consciousness and and um what RB as Humanity um and it's funny to think about because I watched Atlas today and they try to talk about that but it's more a joke that movie was awful by the way I've had so many people email me saying like oh take a look at Atlas and review it cuz it's so hilariously bad it has it has really funny bad stuff in it but also just a lot of bad stuff it's uh that's kind of kind of funish is Jenny From the Block good in it y yeah the The Annoying Thing is right with her she is still in really good shape and she's still really hot even though she's old like it's so upsetting she's so hot but she's so bad yeah like it's like it's almost like you know she's having to put so much eort to obviously stay in great shape and be hot and it's like you're putting her in the shittest films ever with it it's like somehow reward that give her good movies to be in you know is atlas the one where the Mecca's non-binary even though it's made out binary code that scene specifically is really funny because no one reacts to that when the robot says it just move on like I don't know what I'm supposed to think is like is this just normal happen does it happen all the time like oh those that robot again yeah okay it's just really it's just really weird I don't know why they even included it it's just so out of nowhere it's really funny though uh I did like this one Atlas sagged what's this she's 54 and she plays a 38y old in Atlas right yeah that is pretty cool though next one is uh Samson the mighty says M did you know that there was supposed to be a spike spin-off show and that the p TV movie was turned into a comic book written by James Marsters thoughts yeah there was a lot of uh spin-off potential for Lo of different characters because Buffy was super popular but uh James master has talked about this a couple times it's the France rubel Koozie or whatever the producers they have like a ridiculous amount of power and control over Buffy and IP and getting it past them was the difficulty I think the best thing they had at their fingertips was a Gile spin-off Ripper that would have been really good Choice prob show that everyone would have liked but never mind we got Buffy and Angel and that was it okay um Elie Leen says halil open bar I saw Escape From New York for the first time I went blind sorry went in blind and loved it what does the panel think of it and should I do escape from La no don't do escape from La it's F garbage yeah as for Escape From New York it's it's a classic John Carpenter movie it's like low budget like very cool soundtrack um Kurt Russell was AB absolutely awesome as snake pin it's just a a neat little early 1980s Thriller I suppose pretty pretty cool movie I like it I don't nothing else I can say about it apart from that really I need to watch it never seen it it's a good one you you'll have fun with it um but yeah don't watch escap from La UPF oh my God tsunami man tsunami it's like the it's so goofy they've even got the like the the cheesy like Hawaiian surf soundtrack while he's doing it dud they got the two it's like the most 90 scene that ever exists yeah um Samson the mighty also says everyone do you believe that actors and directors deserve a second chance depending on what they've done to return to Hollywood and work again what depends what did they do yeah what did they do did they kill someone I mean I yeah you can you can probably exclude like puppy eating or like you know murdering children or anything from that but like you know maybe it's just like they made some crap movies or whatever or made some like controversial comments like do they deserve a second chance I would say so what about JJ AB almost even him right say he made a great movie I'd be like well okay like you know maybe there's still something in the Bas a second chance and he throws in your face I'm talking hypothetical here you know hypothetically if you made a good film i' I'd be like okay well give this guy another shot maybe ultimately want to appeal to Freedom if people want to give them a chance like if we were the producers who had the money to give certain directors a chance I ain't gave him JJ I'd be like n I'm gonna spend this on someone else but yeah you do you they if it's not about whether I I wouldn't give them a chance at all but if they got an opportunity and they made something great I wouldn't discredit it like if Ryan made a great movie I'd give him his credit I'd be like what the [ __ ] happened Ryan like you turn over a new Lea like what's going on here buddy but I don't know I um everyone deserves a second chance not dad and Dave though they can burn in hell [ __ ] them everyone put everyone else except no not them [ __ ] they died I hope they burn in hell yeah there's limits to human compassion right here F that name they Elsie Leen says merer how many repeat catch-ups did you actually do on EAP two I think I'm hoping there wasn't more but if there is enjoy multiple answers to the same question everybody I did like the idea that you went for two hours without actually realizing that there was a question You' already answered too many super chats I feel like I'm gonna be in the running for having answered the most [ __ ] super chats in the planet at this point because I'm a part of so many shows that do it so much on my own show hard to keep track okay trying to keep them interesting and different but also suffering from being like what's your favorite thing like I already answered this times damn it check catch up 17700 and8 we had this um the most recent one we did for open par like someone asked us a question about like the our favorite captains in Star Trek and went went off in this big tangent for the next 20 minutes talking about it yeah it happens well yeah people I think genuinely see it as like a game at this point what question can they ask that'll get a good conversation that hasn't been heard before I I think the the time I feel really guilty is if someone sends like I don't know like a $100 Super Chat and be like what do you think of this te TV show and it's something I've never [ __ ] heard of in my life oh man and it's like ah [ __ ] hell cuz I don't want to let people down but at the same time I can't pretend to have seen something that I've never heard of before so it's yeah it sucks but just the nature of it I suppose and then someone sends $1 like favorite Star Trek Captain yeah that's it we're gone hour Marine lad says plans for open bar 100 m face reveal or Jeremy John's Jeremy John yeah come up with I think we that special special guest Chris Stockman I think we could bring him on can we get movie Bob on actually I think he would he would love the chance to converse with us just gonna get the Chris stckman movie Bob so newest episode of smiling friends Nostalgia Critic is a guar in it and uh [ __ ] movie Bob was so upset he was like what the [ __ ] like nostalg gets to be on smiling friends that's upsetting it's like no a that's just type of Cameo I don't like or something along those lines he shut up culturally irrelevant are we movie Bob oh well never mind um chucken Housen says Hil chat I just want to say I'm excited for part one of Cobra Kai on July 18th can't wait to hear about the open bar segment along with Jeremy and Reaper singing its hash brown re legendary Praises also Hawk is the best he is indeed he the MVP of the coper world but I don't know man like I hope they bring it home I hope they can stick to Landon with this one and just give it a satisfactory conclusion because cop Kai's been a great little fun show over the past few years so yeah I hope it gets a good ending um Dr E says or he's just joined fellowship with the drink so welcome aboard Sir with the drink yeah nice Paul strambi says Disney acolyte the Pander stone is strong with this one one is so strong Mighty in fact Jordan pen Dragon says the only thing I'd say I genu genuinely like from rings of power was the score for the opening title by Howard Shaw because it reminds me of the real Lord of the Rings I mean that was nice I like that either I think the dwarves the dwarf Kingdom looked fun like um seeing kazad doom kazad doom yeah and uh Duren was likable until he turned stupid that was that's all I can compliment yeah uh tgv monster says hi Drinker M Reaper Jeremy Meto and Jedi so hello to you sir thank you um RR tnz says I had a dream that Chuck Norris punched me and I woke up with a black eye say wouldn't it be great to do a happy hour or recommend on dodgeball Chuck Norris would definitely approve cheers dodgeball is great sounds like he was assaulted in his sleep black guy and he's just ignoring her going oh Chuck nor I think there's someone in your house attacking you it's like my wife abusing me it was Chuck Norris who came in my dreams it say Mom D running B on stop [Music] snoring dodgeball is a movie I haven't seen in at least 10 years but I remember it just being fantastic oh it's awesome fantastic yeah yeah it's great we had this that that nice little run of movies in the sort of mid to late 2000s that just we're not going to get again like just great comedy movies St can't do it anymore Tropic Thunder and hot rod I'd put in that selection as well oh oh yeah easily what ties a lot of these things together Ben Stiller I think he's one of the most underrated like actually you know what really like him he has a wild hot take about Tropic Thunder that everyone be like what I think it's underrated pretty highly [ __ ] rated but I actually think that there's more to it even so with how much Everyone likes it it ain't just funny I rewatched it like I want to say half a year ago and uh I was kind of struck by how much um how much strong writing there is in it and how much of a point that film makes in loads of different ways about uh you know Hollywood and the character I was gonna say it's it's got the real feel of a movie that's made by people who who've had a lot of experience in Hollywood and it's just like taken the piss out of their own industry yeah a lot of people just say it's really funny and it's like it's also really meaningful yeah we used to have good advice like don't go full [ __ ] good advice dude the [ __ ] memes from that film were crazy good and it and it if I feel like if you explained it today like the broad you know elements that came together to make it someone would be like that was funny like it wasn't just funny it's like one of the best comedies ever I I think if you took Tom Cruz out of the equation as well it wouldn't be half as good Les Grossman is possibly one of the greatest characters ever they struck [ __ ] gold with that crew said he wouldn't come on unless he could dance and Ben still went to okay and he put him in at the very end of the film dancing I it's it's legit one of the best parts of the fil so funny it's just the fact that he's got giant prosthetic like [ __ ] hairy hands like well see and that's that's the other aspect of that film it's so celebratory of like action and War movies yeah it has so much fun it reminds me of Hot Fuzz in that way like it it has fun with like famous scenes that you're familiar with but also like lampooning them but then respecting them as well we should do something for the these films they're so good I want them back give me yeah yeah Mikey gusler says I've been seeing a lot of people on Twitter calling movie goers dumb and stupid for not seeing furiosa because they're letting good films flop and are welcoming terrible films instead what are your thoughts on this yes it's the it's the children who are out of touch I don't know I don't really buy that the audience is any stupider now like overall than they were when when great movies succeed were they stupid when Bobby and Oppenheimer succeeded because what's funny to me is like that tells me nothing about the audien's intelligence yeah those two coming together at the same time you know like a that just seems like cope like you're all stupid that's the problem it's all you yeah like dig a Little Deeper there you know people on Twitter and maybe think like is there a reason people are just generally a bit disenchanted with this with movies and with the Cinema and having to spend so much money on it yeah I think as we said earlier you know there's a fairly complex picture of of different problems that are all intersecting right now and is just killing Hollywood it's killing Cinema attendance right now and I don't know if this year is ever going to pick up from it like this could be just like one of those glitch years where everything just kind of went wrong and it might take until next year when we actually get things back on track or we could be living through the end of this era however long it lasted for we're entering a new one where I mean first of all get those budgets down Jes I thought furiosa's budget was lower than Fury Road I checked I was like oh [ __ ] really was it's got the look of a film that was done for sub 50 million yeah I don't know I don't know why they spent so much [ __ ] money on it how much did they spend 160 million yeah oh man it doesn't feel worth it to me it's absurd for what's actually in it cu what is it it's like a bunch of Vehicles driving around occasionally they blow up and crash that's the kind of [ __ ] you could do for like 10 30 I think this subject has come on every single time I've been on open bar because so important I I think this is the first thing like me you've ever talked about the budget like can we just stop ballooning these budgets and just like why don't we learn from Joker like it's just it's one minus one is the best example it's just they made that for peanuts compared to you know I think it was something million for Godzilla 2014 and then minus one was 12 million isn't black falcon re-shooting half the movie they re-shoot it again really they're doing it again about like how are you re-shoot reshot shoot like what the [ __ ] is going on how many movies you I I honestly think they should release like all three versions of that film do it hav't they also like Rewritten the blade movie like a fifth time that's inlux as well they can't afford this it's way too late anyway hasn't marala Ali left now like he like straight up left production he threatened it several times I don't know if he's left straight up I do know this project means a lot to him but it's just being like the last I heard it was gonna be him and like four female protagonists and he's just like you know a passenger pretty much like you know the whole yeah nobody wants to see that nobody wants to see like you you do that with blade it's over like I just feel like people will really not take that winner just don't his daughter and something I don't know nobody she she's the girl who's the key to everything of course if they were bringing back maybe but no didn't didn't you send me a thing where it was like talking about the mission impossible 8 budget oh God where it's gone north of 400 million because they've done like extensive reshoot they had a submarine era that cost them between 20 and $30 million damn and it was so I was reading into it something to do with a crane that was moving the submarine or something it's just like good God like one era and it's cost them that much the budget for that is going to be insane by the end no way that's anything but a flop like I think it's almost impossible there's no way it's making more money than it's uh Mission Impossible dead reckoning seven part one whatever the [ __ ] I don't even know what they calling this I almost feel bad be part two is it like they're going for a different name because they don't want to be to associated with the Flop well yeah because I there's not enough name power if you if you call it Mission Impossible that's strong dead reckoning part two people gonna be like what it's like oh yeah right dead reckoning right right I mean there's no part to yeah as far as I'm aware they actually have renamed it on like streaming services or whatever just just I mean are are are they going to Market this as the last one this is definitively the end I'm guessing so unless they're going to be the lost her ra to try and but I don't they got to [ __ ] this up it's it's already too expensive oh yeah yeah and it shouldn't be it's Mission Impossible like it shouldn't be that ridiculous be the [ __ ] era we're in where it's like just throw another hundred million at it and that'll make us more and it's like who the [ __ ] told you this yeah and who's going to make that money back we need to get it back too Tom would be more experienced than that like he's someone who should know like to not to make that type of mistake like it's interesting well I'm surprised because the to be fair you know if you have a submarine era that cost you as much as 30 [ __ ] million I guess you know that's unfortunate no one intends that but the fact that they're doing all of these same things after no offense is the dead reckoning part when it failed compared to what they were after so like why wouldn't you try and consolidate a little bit yeah this is not the time for these type of M massive ballooned up budgets and [ __ ] and [ __ ] I'm wondering I like the submarine error that you keep bringing up with it it cost us $30 million no I'm thinking about like some guys like you could have rent out a warehouse we could just [ __ ] spray paint everything steel is and you know get like did you really need a real submarine it's like yes [ __ ] I know you committed but come on maybe it's gonna look and and be amazing and maybe I'll say you know what that was so [ __ ] worth it but I don't know man it's just it's gonna it's gonna be sad to watch Mission will end on a whimper be like how it goes yeah oh well especially when we we did last week when we did open bar it was like 1996 first mission impossible movie came out 1996 um like a lot of people watching this right now probably weren't even born when that movie came out and this franchise is still going with the same cast I mean it's insane why couldn't we get Fallout again that movie was so [ __ ] good that was good yeah I mean yeah can can we attribute some of like dead reckonings failure to just like it was done in Co there was a lot of pressure on it like a lot of I don't know a lot of elements were working against it that one or we just gonna say this just a bit [ __ ] I don't know man like it depends who you ask because that's a pretty contentious topic I think even chat would be completely split down the middle of whether or not that film was good I'm not sure how everyone feels here but I thought it was awful I was really disappointed with it um yeah same it was like the opposite of Fallout I felt like all the intelligent writing had been yanked out of it and they did barely anything with a very difficult premise from the [ __ ] first selection of scenes when they established the AI has gotten into all like intelligence agencies I was like so so over doing this is the Ultron problem you're not going to be able to solve this and you're gonna have to Nerf the AI hardcore in order to have a story that doesn't just fold in on itself whatever there's like a [ __ ] eight hour stream we did talking about it don't get into it right now but um you know that combined with a couple of other things I mean we talked about this the the major stunt to the film was was heavily advertised in such a way that you kind of saw the stunt before you FM that's a mistake man it was shot in such a way that it looked like it was fake but it wasn't so it just kind of undercut the point of doing it like yeah they spoiled it like everything about that is a botch like I respect the [ __ ] out of Tom Cruz for what he does but come on like that's just I don't know it's strange the the approach he's taking now on this committing this much money to a project like this especially after the last one failing um tgv monster says I agree with Mike from G&G Wednesday [ __ ] George he hates Lord of the Rings but talken finished it unlike you George plus this guy hates his fans get off your lazy bum and finish the book George so yeah George yeah yeah George you fat [ __ ] yeah how many days been where's Gary at [ __ ] guy man arcade stor says is it me or does furiosa chapter one have some very strong anti-immigration messages in it so get out of our green Place well to be fair they just I don't even know what they came for was it there was they were rumaging through something and then they just leave right well I so from what I understand apparently this was like a secret place like somehow no one found this like they just found this this place of abundance believe every time they saw someone at their at their like Forest Borders or whatever just [ __ ] shot them and put them in a ditch somewhere so it doesn't tell anyone it it should be pretty easy to find CU it's literally a giant rainforest in the middle of a gigantic desert yeah so like it's literally the only thing that's green within like a thousand miles like a day or day and a half away from them so I they were getting chased and he going is that your father chasing us it's like okay it's a mother and like all like none of the men thank you thank you the entire time I was thinking where are the men there's no way you're telling me that like a child is missing from the village no guys came there would have been a whole group of people that it's it was there a morbidly Obe fat woman in the green place it was really funny standing there wonder what they were hting at there like on fruit the one place that's completely idilic and peaceful and like everyone has abundance of everything is the one that's run by the the the mothers um I'm sure it's the I think they established that in Fury Road already that it's like a place only with women or something I don't know why how that happened they just said that I think it it's not so much that it's only women there it's more like it's run by women or something but then like what you when you get to the end of Fury Road it's like oh yeah like the water went bad or something and we couldn't figure out how to solve the problem so we all just ran away well the Earth went sour so they just just all went away how did it turn sour I don't know just said it yeah uh Deval says uh you're stuck on an island the only way off that island is to watch every film back to back of either Zack Snyder JJ Abrams or Ryan Johnson there's also a loaded gun with one bullet which one I'd pick yeah but theoretically if you had to pick between those three filmmakers who would you who would you watch well who's got the shortest amount of films no probably Ryan Johnson I think yeah definitely not SN definitely not SN his shit's like just gonna drag andest three hours of killing a field in slow motion one of his films is longer than everyone else's entire like [ __ ] watch do you have to watch both the normal and extended for Zack no way we're picking him then instantly counts just just delete him there too much probably Ryan then yeah he was the lead get over quicker or the gun Kev O says Kathleen Kennedy what I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed forever it will yeah probably seven right that's Kevin Spacey's quote from Seven I think yeah yeah that's [ __ ] up blue Coler loser says it's odd labeling furiosa a flop Elemental the great showman did 400 million sorry 500 million and opened low they were labeled flops though theaters need to give films time to grow like before I mean I would agree with you normally but like I think with the climate that we're in now like you're opening weekend is your chance to make a splash and if you don't no it's not going to get better like Memorial Day weekend as well was a longer weekend even yeah and nobody seems to be talking about furiosa now it's like that's come and gone it's just done now I also it makes 10 to 50 over flop status that's probably still a flop to the company they' be like that's still [ __ ] they probably expect much more but like you guys said earlier it should have been released years ago so to capitalize on the hype of the first one um m856 6 says Hey guys sorry if my super chat from last week came off as snarky FYI I was just trying to let M know how Star Trek lore built off of Star Trek 6 so not sure if I remember EXA what your Super Chat was was the one where he offended you so much one someone brought up like a correction on how certain things work and I think I said like I wouldn't even know to where to begin because I don't know anything about like I think it was like a broader thing about how something works in the world and we I would have said anything in in contradiction to that because I wouldn't know to say anything about it I'm sure speak offensively either no re [ __ ] you yeah been seething about it all week just sending me messages constantly I'm so pissed off about that Super Chat man now you're back how dare you yeah M just completely misremembers everything don't even remember it this guy's been like traumatized from this well no it was like if one of you said you know [ __ ] Captain bing bang did did the big war and then someone says actually it was both captains that did it and you're like okay like think you are just I don't know yeah fair enough if that's true I don't know uh here's a question um howy Drinker in Pano if you could live in any house um what's that mattity little mat I think that's a type typo it's supposed to be mat mat or movie show what would it be and why for me it's the culling house from Twilight the movies are awful but that house is sweet pet the critical dogos for me all right well I can try and do that actually smooky smooky a house is he going to come is he going to come over here spooky is like I'm not your clown there he is well done critical doggo all right now you can go back to like being unconscious for the next 23 hours trying to sleep yeah uh yeah movie houses I suppose that are cool I don't know I always thought doc Brown's house from Back to the Future looks cool because it's just got so many gadgets and ridiculous things in it always thought that place looked kind of kind of cozy and neat Richie Rich had like crazy house if I remember correctly from the old movie yeah roller coas find whoever's got like the biggest richest one will sell it and then get whatever house we want you know I'm sure Mr Burns's house is sick we'll take there you go yeah his Mansion yeah like you want to live in the Weasley's house but then you get really annoyed because the toilet keeps moving around yeah while you're ticking [ __ ] on it plus you have to you have to live in a house full of Gingers as well I mean do you really want to deal with that I don't think any us do really they bite you and you turn into one a fate [Laughter] word pronged exposure getting by the sun you go the gingers what about the the house from that one uh horror movie we made in E movies well that just kept getting bigger but doesn't looks like malignant malignant it just looks Tiny from the outside is like just key seems getting bigger and bigger room it's bigger and bigger yeah talking about mother the like [ __ ] artsy movie Nobody watched that that what the [ __ ] one of the most confusing movies ever what the hell happened um where's my live stream gone oh yeah so um M8 566 also says I just like how I discovered country became more important over time remember that when franchises built on their lore instead of nuking it Fallout um yeah I mean I suppose that is like it became like a Cornerstone of the Star Trek franchise and yeah man an extremely good movie I suppose yeah certainly enjoyed it Northern English bastard says disappointed by furiosa uh then best check out the 2015 Mad Max game which apparently is really good actually um also great stream on Final Fantasy 7 always happy to see my pal blue as a guest of yours yeah it was good to have him on man um he was very good very knowledgeable and um yeah it was good to talk to him for good things about the MMX game yeah too um John Gates says ever play episode one uh movie Tian game I got it on PSN and my God you can slaughter a whole village of gungans right after Quon tells you not to oh amazing nice I'm sold yeah uh M I've L know Quon then does like what does he say to you afterwards time to go same thing he says at the end of Kenobi the [ __ ] yeah that pissed me off much Quon had that one little scene and the whole contradiction of his death with sabine's existence in all threea they've damaged Quon and he's barely even been here Quon what s like you said Quon wrong Quon Jin Quay who's qu Quon qu go qu qu whatever his brother Quay Hey Brother uh Mr Luca says hello hello to you Mr Luca ghost of trinker liver says with the rate at which Hollywood is declining how long will it take for the Asylum to surpass them in quality and quantity of Film Production I mean like still round oh yeah got to be oh great they'll do like Titanic three and stuff um but yeah well you've got like less to a lesser extent you've got companies like a24 and bloomhouse and stuff like they they're producing movies on very small budgets but like large quantities and inevitably some of them will be successful so I don't know is that a better business model ultimately can they do Civil War and was the most expensive movie they've ever done and it was dog [ __ ] Les listen learn just do cheap movies didn't they say they wanted to switch around their plans to make like more mass appealing movies see how that work I think I I don't know because they want to make more money I guess I think they're making like a movie with d Rock right now like a UFC fighter or something I think it was like 24 it's a biopic um I can't remember the mark something I can't remember name but the rock should not be playing [ __ ] it he should not be casted in that he doesn't look the part at all the rock shouldn't be playing anyone I don't want to see I'm done with him and I like rock but I'm I'm just done with him I can't do it anymore man he's just a just business all the time yeah it's he's shown no passion for for acting he Peak with Black Adam we all know it and was done now yeah oh man isn't he losing like you know hundreds of thousands of followers oh yeah yeah per month like people are just totally turning their backs on them I'm sure someone made a video about this and it was like the the categorized all of his Instagram posts and all that [ __ ] and it was like 85% of them are just ads for his own products yeah that's all it he's just a business machine he do the thing yeah he doesn't actually have a personality or a life or anything he's just exists to sell stuff to you people have no money he's been that way since like the 90s if you if anyone watched wrestling in the 90s The Rock he's like he's he's been business-minded since then this has all been part of the plan and he's he's trying to stick like he I respect the hustle how driven he is but like dude this opportunity has just been pissed away to now people don't even give a [ __ ] about you and at a certain point you have to think like okay have you not made enough money now maybe can you turn your attention towards more like artistic stuff or things that are fun yeah or take risks I um there's there's certain movies that like that you always have to hold on to them to like hold on to the fact that like this person can act I always reference um uh the gift when people say Keo Reeves is a shitty actor he plays an abusive husband in that movie and he's like fantastic everyone should watch just to see keano play an [ __ ] like he does such a good job and The Rock I saw him in a movie with John Travolta years ago where he plays like a gay gangster or something I can't remember when it's actually funny he does a good job he's not playing The Rock he's it's he's fun he's like he's got like his whole crew he's a gangster but he's like super he's like was twoy I he was a gigantic two fairy that was pretty much the meme for the F he like would it be funny if he was a tooth fairy anyway we got a film to make on to let's go well you know you had him in Pain and Gain where it's like he's playing a pretty morally [ __ ] bankrupt character who's just out for himself like last like acting he did or something close to it that's before he became you know there he was like rock the actor now it's like rock the brand and so he you know he transitioned into something else good way to cover it he did actually have some like roles that you can tell he acting now it's strictly strictly strictly just a product that he's selling you know yeah I think it's that tweet where it was like oh him in the bay shirt and oh this is from four different movies and he just dresses the same and all of them I think that was the beginning of the end for him the video I saw as well it's like where he keeps pretending like he's going to In-N-Out Burger for the first time and he's done it like three times now yeah yeah I saw that I like why are you even doing something like this why make that your hell to die on like oh I've never been to a fast food joint in my life [ __ ] why what was um Hobs and Shaw didn't he have a contract him and Jason Stan could lose a fight yeah I everyone that everyone in the Fast and the Furious movies all the actors had that in their their contract stipulations lame apart from Tyrese Gibson who apparently just became like the [ __ ] Whipping Boy his ass lose yeah it's turn into like when you're just that concerned about your reputation that your characters cannot lose a fight you've that's where story dies it's just what is this [ __ ] well then it just becomes like a bunch of people who agree to participate in a shared event like it's not it's not a movie so much as just like a collaborative meetup that that's all it becomes and then everyone's concerned about their brand and looking good rather than actually telling a story and it's just yeah it's a strange way to make films man compare that to when you guys um interviewed uh Neil Marshall is his name the guy who made a descent and he talked about the girls and how how they [ __ ] soldiers and they were in the cold and they all the [ __ ] that they suffer through to make that movie and they were all on board for the creative aspect of it compare that to this [ __ ] where it's like no no my character can't lose it's no it's just it's the mentality the difference in the mentality like you should be willing to like suffer and put in that work to get the creative project out but I don't think it that way anymore um I'll do one more here uh this is from ades says how do you rank the first three Blade movies so everyone what what's that we're all agreed on the third one being lost yeah I would probably say two then one and then three like the second blade movie is really [ __ ] good like they really died i' have to rewatch him to know if I prefer one or two same one is a much better movie than two in my opinion two is a much better action flick like if you just if you just it's one of my favorite action movies in terms of just the pacing and like I'm watching it strictly just watching Reapers and vampires [ __ ] [ __ ] up the third one is nonsense Wesley Snipes shouldn't have Partners Ryan Reynolds that made that I've never forgiven him for that they had Triple H in that movie like it was [ __ ] terrible oh yeah the first one is actually really good the firsty SN just CGI into the movie no he his eyes were CGI because there was a scene where he's lying on a cold like a Mory slab or something and they needed him to like open his eyes like was waking up and he [ __ ] refused to do it for whatever reason cuz he hated the director he wouldn't speak to him he locked himself in his trailer and just smoked weed that's all he did yeah that's the that's part of the reason why like Ryan Reynolds gets so much screen time because he just ended up taking over a lot of the the scenes from blade because it's like he was just willing to do them they car he's in a car talking to blades and Wesley Snipes his in there so he's just talking to an empty car he's just going yeah I know talking to No One the guy they casted is Dracula I think that's my least favorite inter interpretation of Dominic pel yeah oh yeah he's [ __ ] actor so lame I hate I hate that movie he seems like a chill guy but yeah not a great actor because he was in Prison Break as well wasn't he yeah yeah he was one of the brothers in that and again he was like the worst part of that show by far yeah the other brother was good I remember liking him and um Wentworth Miller who's I've always remembered that day Wentworth is such a weird first nameth Miller I think if him and Walton Goggins were in a movie like I just couldn't handle the the Goofy name [ __ ] Synergy going on there Walt and Wentworth detectives he's like shouting out of yeah chill out Walton it's saw a viral tweet by the way about I was ask what you guys think about Ryan Reynolds Once Upon a Time was an actor and now he's sort of like he's kind of turned into just a flanderization of himself like doesn't do anything genuine kind of like with the rock where it's just it's he was an actor at one point and now it's this brand it's this thing the FL I sort of I sort of blame Deadpool for this where it's like Deadpool is just Ryan Reynolds on steroids and because it was big successful it's like it was just encouraging him to be himself in everything would you not argue it happened before that though like he' been been that a lot of people say like Deadpool is just him being him yeah but it finally worked in Deadpool that's the weird thing about yeah yeah but he did he did play other roles as well where he actually tried to act and I feel like after Deadpool it was like he got the formula just locked in it's like okay when you see a Ryan Reynolds movie after Deadpool you know what you're gonna get it's just Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds I've never seen him do anything else I've never seen him in a serious role before like I've only seen him do this from Blade Trinity all the way to Deadpool but Deadpool the format that actually worked with it there was like a a Michael Bay movie that he was in was it like something Underground seven underground six underground some that was more not like super serious but like it was definitely not just him playing Ryan Reynolds was that the one where he's trapped that's Barry no I didn't watch that because it was Ryan Reynolds this is what I'm saying that's one of the uh five movies where people say he acted and I can I've seen buried I also I quite like Smoking Aces I think he does a good job in that as well he was in The Amityville Horror remake I'll give him a break I think he acts in that yeah because he's got like Ryan Reynolds mode and then actor mode and you it's nice to see actor mode you get it every once in a while it's so funny where we're having to picked them out and be like I think he acted in that movie it's like he played a character that wasn't Ryan Reynolds I guess movie so yeah he could do it I'm just saying like after Deadpool like it became very rare and now he is just Ryan Reynolds the [ __ ] goofy caricature of himself because people talk like that movie if that felt like an AI thing as in like if you not like from a trailer or seeing it or anything just like you tell me Ryan Reynolds is in a big movie about stuff just you know it feels like the southp joke with h Rob Schneider was just like a stapler Rob Schneider is a stapler he's a carrot love that mem it's so [ __ ] funny well anyway like on that that bomshell revelation that Ryan Reynolds doesn't really act anymore I think it's probably a good time to finish up open bar for this evening but I want to say thank you thanks to everyone who's joined us tonight um Jedi thank you for coming in as a late arrival you kept in suspense there um Reaper metal more a pleasure to street with you guys as it always is you it just occurred to me this the exact same setup as last time me um meow and Reaper yeah it the exact same oh yeah you're right think about that that's a kinky dink that was yeah that definitely was a coincidence um but yeah thank you guys for coming in for this tonight thank you for everyone who super chated us we'll catch up on any ones that we've missed as always and thanks to my awesome mods who do the great job that they always do but tonight for now at least that's all we got for today go away now bye bye