(OP05) Katakuri vs RP Luffy! Rare and Sleeveless Locals Final Round! One Piece TCG

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all right man go have fun you too man I'm not here ohing [Music] broken [Music] go uh nine to lead look at my top life I'll leave it there I'll [Music] take go six [Music] lead broken all [Music] trash [Music] oh TI I a bro what is this gay little eight what is this gay little eight uh aan my top life I'll put it to the bottom go ahead oh no it's dud okay slightly L dude slightly I got six 1K yep that's good hero effects [Music] [Music] can you get f oh yeah oh I'm cheating uh five seven M I don't like this today seven drop trash your life or heal one I think I will heal you one and you're go go leader [Music] nine yeah go you're at nine now yeah and at five life it's Do or Die time boys seven eight to lead look at my top life to I'll leave it there no open on [Music] nope a nice hand nice [Music] four cards yes [Music] [Applause] sir [Music] oh yeah there's another one [Music] no [Music] trigger not just l l [Music] [Music] a [Music] nine to look at my top light n um let's put it to the bottom seven open on yes sir shot you have another one it's okay you can just trash your life just trash life go ahead that's nuts six cars an N yes sir [Music] that was [Music] ridiculous feel too many cards though I'm [Music] afraid [Music] the [Music] 1K no [Music] trigger six cards in hand again never ends nine to lead with my top life put to the bottom no way that's all I got it's all I got goad the cycle never ends I just keep I just to keep picking away in life until you draw something [Music] good I just like go for it [Music] here what you want me to get is this going six life uh 2 oh wait I screwed that up how do I screw that up that's crazy wait six left yeah I screwed that up that's wild um [Music] card oh no that's what I was afraid of seven life no trick go for it [Music] man [Music] is that your first trigger in this game yeah the yeah had the Barrow first one [Music] um [Music] tendine you [Music] comments Mario buff Sanji to eight a [Music] eight 13 lead r g oh that was pretty sick I was whether or not I should have just gone for game with this last turn I think it was it was scary cuz the my life it was like it was this one and this one so I would have just play like a block her out and then like trash her to heal another one I don't know oh no that would have been sick no the body definitely like shafted you didn't have the body I was like sa we did that we did that dance F like three turns three turns in a row you had that big mom
Channel: KuroTCG
Views: 2,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5XZXmsU6lkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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