Only Women Have to be Modest! (Girl Defined X Paul & Morgan Reaction)

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is it actually Christmas right now no for real like we had you know Halloween came early with the whole Liberty Baptist Church thing calling me mr. pumpkin and now that's that's just something that is ours and and that's all the twitter handle's had the pumpkins in it Halloween came early and now it must peak Christmas because Paul and Morgan and girl defined did a video together on modesty thank you to all four of you for this gift which you have bestowed upon me I'm mister atheist let's do this oh I didn't even tell you the best part yet not only is it on modesty it's defending that there isn't a double standard regarding modesty as far as women and men go yeah I think we're gonna have to teach them something but speaking of teaching them something for the very first time on this channel everyone celebrate I have a sponsor to plug and the cool thing is it's a sponsor that I like a lot today's episode is brought to you by skill share so skill share is an online learning community and it has thousands of classes this covers anything from creative skills to entrepreneurial skills so you can get into classes like photography which is the world I come from and I'm actually jumping back into because I need to get my skills sharp again but there's also creative writing productivity marketing all kinds of stuff I also mentioned that I'm going to be upgrading my editing skills this is actually going to be how I'm going to do that and if you get a premium membership you get unlimited access to high-quality classes from experts in their fields so you can gain new skills and live your best life that's a meme Skillshare is super affordable comes in less than $10 a month which is definitely cheaper than every photography workshop I ever took in person hello time since my old friend and what's even cooler is that Skillshare has given me a special link which is down below anybody who clicks that will get two free months of Skillshare and I'm not saying you should give them even extra love for being my first sponsor but I am saying that okay all defined went on Paul and Morgan's channel now Paul and Morgan also went on girl defines Channel and they basically talked about like purity and they it's it's a lot less interesting and they kind of take a long time to just make one point overall Morgan tell some of her like background story and and how she became pure again after she had lost her virginity to a past relationship and that Paul was accepting of that obviously there's a lot wrong with that whole concept anyway because the idea was that know like you were impure but you were able to make yourself good enough for me again however overall not that interesting of a video in my opinion and I don't just say that I'm not trying to be mean but this video right here is insert gag noise here I'm not gonna actually make the gag noise because last time I did that I understand there are a lot of sympathetic pukers in my audience that I made them gag also and I apologize for that so anyway we're going to talk about appearance and why it's important and whether the double standard is there and you know there is something interesting here that's never addressed which is the fact that girl defined here made a blog about how you shouldn't have tattoos and that they think even the secular world understands that and you will see throughout this thing that Morgan has tattoos which Morgan I support you having tattoos even though girl defined as not let's go ahead and jump past all the introductions because I think everyone here already knows who these people are and let me get you straight to where they start to begin presenting their thesis claiming to be Christ followers then we need to let him into every area of our life even alright not much development here but again just giving you a little introduction here they think that Jesus belongs in the closet just wanted to make sure that you understand girl to find is on the record is saying let's put Jesus in the closet from where as well then guess what men should have the same standards men should be wearing shirts of the fool so we thought we just used that kind of as a springboard for this conversation so if that wasn't clear Paul is basically saying this is what people were saying and reply to some of our modesty videos in the past that if it applies to one it should apply to both he wasn't actually taking that same position they are going to now refute this I will tell you I also disagree with the idea that both men and women and obviously I recognize that there are more isn't that gender is much more complex than just the idea of men and women that anybody should be modest at the beach or at the pool because I don't believe that anybody should have to be modest I'm not saying people can't choose to be modest in fact I am the I feel the exact opposite I think people should wear the amount of clothing that they are comfortable wearing and that people shouldn't make presumptions about their character based on what they are wearing and I even more reject the idea that wearing certain things validates certain actions in response Morgan then returns with this nugget of wisdom you know our social media is pushing on yourselves show your body love yourself see all the world and be like yeah you know what to tell you the truth there are parts of this argument I agree with in parts that I disagree with the idea that this is the world's argument or oftentimes they say that this is the secular argument that I don't necessarily agree with I think that a lot of people hold my view and that the progressive view which is usually what you are alluding to is be comfortable with who you are and dress for yourself I once again fully accept anybody who wants to dress more modestly because they made that decision for themselves I just want to see these shame cycles remove so when a person makes that decision they are making that decision literally just for themselves not because of social pressure and shame which are usually based on the prior generations hang-ups that said I definitely think there are lots of displays of vanity and people can be a bit over the top with it certainly I think many people in society have learned to be very judgmental of a person's outward appearance and we could argue about what the source of that comes from and I would definitely sit here if we were really litigating this and make the case that a huge amount of that comes from the inherent misogyny found in the mainstream religions that are practiced I'm not saying that that doesn't mean there aren't there are no misogynistic atheists I dare say there are way too many of them to and in fact the next part I'm going to show you I think kind of alludes to what I am talking about this religious shame idea where this judgemental mindset comes from we're going to pop forward to Kristin talking about her husband and the way her husband reacted to her wearing certain clothing I look at this it really points to certain parts and it's distracting in he's like I want you to be beautiful I want you to be feminine I want you to embrace all of your womanhood but to be considerate of how you do that in a way that honors God and then it's really just honorable to the people around you and this is where religion comes in in such a negative way this is why this channel exists to call out these sorts of things this sort of casual misogynistic shameful way of speaking to a woman in this case about the things she's wearing doing it as though you're coming from a place of love and a place of understanding meanwhile a dressing from the very GetGo that it was a level of discomfort of presentation in other words it is a personal hang-up that you're now tying in to well that's not what God wants you now don't get me wrong I think that your hang-up comes from being told that and you being raised in such a way but it is still a personal hang-up nonetheless and that's a disgusting thing to say to someone but I want to push back on that and say that God's made man and woman to different beings this whole thing that we're saying men and women aren't the same is not true we are saying that there is no role that is specifically for one or the other and in fact it is people in my camp who take the differences between gender more seriously because we acknowledge a higher complexity to gender and a gender spectrum and that there are things that typically a more feminine person is going to be a drawn to versus a more masculine person but these things also only being typically that they happen more often and that many people diverge from that and that that is completely acceptable and okay it's funny because it's people like you who always say we're saying gender is completely meaningless or that there is no actual meaning to gender but then complain that supposedly we've invented a thousand of them which one do I push on that and say that God has made man and woman to different beings I mean there right men have specific roles according to the Bible specific things that they carry and women have specific roles the only reason why your statement is correct is because you said according to the Bible according to the Bible yes that is true the Bible is wrong and this is such a it's funny because someone's going to use the word boring here shortly it is such a boring idea that everybody who is ever born has one of two categories I was going to say to choose from but not to be choose not to be chosen to be assigned to and that that tells you what your life is supposed to look like and this is another place where religion clashes with science where the Bible doesn't seem to be compatible with modern science because we now know through psychology which is just as much a science as anything else that our brains and our identities and our personalities are extremely complex and to have such binary thinking and to have such a dichotomy that that you cannot diverge from is going to and has made so many people completely miserable now saying across the board but typically men are gonna be more visual so did you hear it did you hear how he undermined his own point he said I'm not saying across-the-board but typically men are going to be more visual so this rule is in place because men are more visual but no there is no double standard because men are more visual however you said not across the board and not typically so you are acknowledging that there are a significant number or maybe you think it's a minor number but the truth is it's a significant number of women who are stimulated by visual stimuli and you're trying to defend there's not a double standard even though in your own wording you acknowledge that there are women who also are visually stimulated and I'm promise you have no idea it is way more than you realize let's just continue there because of the precious thing he says next Oh in this specific area I would say that it is a little bit more of the responsibility of the woman to just watch how she dresses to honor God and the way she dresses and be even perhaps sensitive of the men around her or specifically wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong you're wrong little scrubs reference there God gives us all gives us women certain ways to honor him and he gives men certain ways to honor him and they're different ways to honor like there are similarities like in our marriage you know there are similarities how we can love one another so at best this argument right now is basically that God hands down these rules and it's different for the only two genders he recognizes and that those are just the role basically that that we might not understand that doesn't make them arbitrary they are his ways are so much greater than woman for your family oh yeah we got right onto the topic and this is the whole problem with everything we're gonna see a little bit more of it but we we just skimmed the surface a little bit here first of all the whole Collings things goes so yeah basically gods an uncomfortable teenage boy too who's been kilted out of you know touching himself and so he needs all women everywhere to dress modestly to honor him and then notice the phrasing and now you can make the argument that this is somewhat a colloquial phrasing but keep in mind the topic and how consistent it is with the other stuff we have covered from these individuals God has called you to provide for your woman your woman your property you own them your responsibility is to lead them your responsibility is to be in charge and to take care of your property come on Jimmy you're being too cynical they are not making that argument here because if they did that they'd like come up with some really terrible metaphor Oh what this say maybe there was a girl or a female youtube channel that wanted to bring out something specific to men like maybe challenging men not to be so passive and first of all this hypothetical I just want to point out real quick is ridiculous because they've already pointed out in videos the whole the men are the leaders of women kind of thing and I am pretty well certain that Paul would not accept the authority of a woman to challenge him to do anything anyway finisher not terrible hypothetical to step up to be better leaders in the relationship like God has called us men to do it wouldn't be well there you go he just acknowledged exactly what I just said you it wouldn't be right for maybe me to watch that video and to get upset and say okay if you're saying that men should be better leaders and step up then so should women because that's not a mantle okay so here's the many ways this is completely ridiculous first of all this is not the mantle that God has called women to carry yeah so first you're going to need to demonstrate that your your faith is anything more than just your feelings it full spoiler alert it's not a second of all this whole idea that you would even accept such a sort of thing obviously I already pointed out why that is ridiculous I would also be opposed to any video saying that inherently because you're a man you need to be a better leader I happen to know many women and otherwise non-binary and other individuals who are not men who all have very good leadership skills the fact of the matter is the people who need to be called to be better leaders are leaders and to project that on anyone or take that away from anyone based on the lifestyles and livings of a Bronze Age myth buck that is what does that thing Republicans really hate being called Oh got it right sexist as fun for one women have it's one of those points where a person makes it and you think they just made a relevant point and then you think about it like you really think about it and you go okay so what what makes a curve what makes something being a curve fat or shape in a presence in a certain direction more worthy of covering up than something that isn't a curve and by the way as an individual who is well overweight I assure you that I have much more dramatic curves than any of the individuals here except from perhaps Paul I don't know I've never seen what he looks like below the belly button Jimmy you are better than this do not go Photoshop him on top of some like Nicki Minaj hips alright let's get back to a point where I cap disagree in half agree on we're going to move forward to 9 minutes and 26 seconds and turn things over to Kristen okay so first of all we get back to the ownership thing that's the big area where I completely disagree in fact you might wonder what about that I even half agree with I'll explain in a moment but this is reserved for our husband once again this is that very religiously source misogyny that I'm so frequently bringing up the thing that I almost half agree with when when she mentions the creepy men now the way she phrases it is a very poor way to phrase it but I can tell you that i 100% sympathize with the idea that sometimes people dress in a certain way because they don't care for the way they are treated when they dress otherwise so once again no one deserves that no one no one should have to go through that but an acknowledgment of the reality of the way the world is for a person to make that choice because they want to avoid it because the world does suck I totally sympathize and I totally respect all right now let's move to the frigging irony of the goddamn night the use of words meaning something other than their actual intention that is irony and that's a Futurama reference so talking about it being boring certainly the way you projected it as though once again there is a roll list and it's been issued to everyone that would seem boring however that's not the case it is literally Ubu boo boo enjoy being you and enjoy being yourself whatever form that takes and you're saying that that is boring compared to God makes men and women different which means there is one way for all men to be and one way for all women to be tell me how that's less boy ring spoiler alert again it isn't and I feel like you know this because once again you're actually living a life that is separate from what you advocate for you have taken on a leadership role and a ministry you are going out and you are doing things you are earning money from your book sales from your your YouTube channel you are literally doing things that really go against a lot of the things you tell women to aspire for themselves so it turns out you looked at that list that was prescribed for you and you found it too boring and found a way to live outside it while making excuses for why you haven't which is basically what everyone does who doesn't actually live that Bible but says they believe in it for example what Morgan has done regarding her tattoos you simultaneously exist on two different spectrums of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy if you're one of the ladies commenting and responding and saying if I'm not allowed to wear this then guys need to wear their shirts in the pool now what is the motivation behind that comment is it because you genuinely are going to struggle being around shirtless guys at the pool we would say typically that's probably not what's going on there you so once again a projection and undermining of your own point because you are saying typically but it doesn't actually matter if they are literally just pointing out a double standard because they understand that in regards to their own body it is actually this forced modesty this forced perception of sexuality and what a body is for that largely almost entirely comes from the religious world that is what is causing this struggle amongst the men you don't see these problems in all of these tribes over the world that just don't wear clothes and I'm not saying we need to aspire to be a totally nudist colony I certainly don't want that even I quite enjoy clothes and my winter clothing game is fire so many peacoats and you are just straw Manning here once again because there aren't a lot of people who when they're making the argument or making the argument on upon the basis of well it's going to make me struggle though there are plenty of people who could they are literally just pointing out that there is an act actual demonstrable double-standard and making the connection of that double standard to the differences in the way we perceive sexuality why so often is it the case that religious people like the four of you see society moving and progressing you can look back through history and see that when societies progress that they progress you can see that right now is the greatest time to be alive because of all of that and that it should mean things will always get better and yet you see the car continuing to move forward and you're trying to shoot out the friggin tires it's hard to try and encourage people like you to put the past in the frigging past understand it so you can learn from it but start to move forward because that would be you know maybe move on from that silly book you got oh man new upcoming video from dear mr. atheist why the Bible is silly that's a good title you're in such a struggle for you it's more that oh I'm yep that's right they just mocked people seeking fairness oh it's all about fairness especially when the fairness is not being issued on arbitrary ridiculous lines on the basis of a personal interpretation mind you because remember God is gray is still a Christian person who I love very much who also criticizes these four people for their litter like super outdated views and their excitement to perpetuate misogyny at the end of the day these individuals here would mock the concept of fairness because God didn't mean for things to be fair what can be more telling than that do not forget today's amazing first mr. atheist sponsor which is awesome and that there is a personalized link down below click that link go check it out see if you want to take your two free months of Skillshare it's just it's pretty cool and otherwise don't forget to hit that subscribe button we are closing in fast on 200,000 social media and links to support the channel can be found below and let's end this episode the way we end every episode by taking a look at these amazing patrons who keep the channel alive and moving a special thank you to my orbital teapots Mia abort Caleb Ariel thatthey cat godless Traian mAb Adeeb Abadie Maya and Matthew and today's patron of the day who is dinara would love I band Jimmy snow mr. atheist was not my father
Channel: Mr Atheist
Views: 298,839
Rating: 4.9126897 out of 5
Keywords: mr atheist, dear mr atheist, jimmy snow, girl defined, bethany beal, kristin clark, paul, morgan, paul and morgan, girldefined, paulandmorgan, cringe, girl defined modesty, paul and morgan reaction, paul and morgan response, girl defined response, girl defined reaction, christian modesty, paul and morgan show, kristen clark, christian dating, christian modesty for girls, christian modesty for women, cody ko, girl defined parody, girl defined cringe, exposed, reaction
Id: YlWRnB4QbTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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