ONLY TITANS in Skibidi Toilet Tower Defense

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I'm One V oneing my friend but we can only use these Titans so let's spin this wheel and see what unit is added to our team whoever wins gets 10,000 Robo so Lou what are we doing today well pip today we can only use Titans in Sky toilet Tower Defense and we are going to spin a wheel to choose which one we get oh I already know I'm going to get the best unit Oh no you're not buddy because we are going to spin this wheel right now and see which crazy units I get yet so pip here is the wheel I'm going to go ahead and spin it and see which units I get are you ready buddy oh I was born ready all right I'm spinning the wheel and come on come on come on upgraded Titan clockman I mean that is pretty good regardless of how good the Titan clockman is it doesn't matter because I think I'll get the Titan Tri Titan uh-huh well go ahead and spin that wheel buddy you're going to get nothing good all right buddy what this let's just click on this wheel and come on pry please give me something good like a potato and come on Finn fin fin and wait a second I just got a sonar Titan sonar Titan oh no guys that's actually kind of op so what were you saying about winning again Lou uh I was just saying that uh I would be really good and that kind of stuff yeah you know what Lou how about we make this a little interesting I'll let you spin the wheel again for a different time in oh you know what that sounds just peachy let me go ahead and do that then all right guys the wheel is up on my screen let's get spinning and give me something other than the clock man please oh oh wait the Titan computer man that's pretty good oh yeah mhm I'll be taking that thank you so let's go into my units and slap this guy in now I have a computer man and I have a clockman this is pretty good buddy and all you have is that little son not Titan it's probably terrible um no Lou the sonar Titan is the best Titan in the game all right well since I rolled twice you roll another one buddy go ahead all right Lou but you're asking for trouble let me just spin this again come on I got the evil Titan clockman what evil Titan clockman you unlucky as heck buddy Yep looks like I already get a victory Royale nope not happening buddy you know what I'm spinning the wheel again I need something good please game please so here we go let's spin this wheel again and please give me something good and oh wait have a pencil man I'm pretty sure that's a very good unit so I'll take it so let's slap this guy on and the worst part about this is I'm not getting any of the new units the only recent unit I got was the clockman don't worry Lou one day maybe the universe will let you be better than me oh no it won't bab it's giving me nothing just spin your last Titan and we we can 1 V one all right Lou you know how the thing goes first unit's the best second unit's the worst and third is the one with the hairy chest what yep Lou and that's why I just got a hammer pencil man nah bro this is not fair why are you just getting all the good ones you're getting the Sona Titan the hammer pencil B and all that crazy Jazz but whatever come on let's just one V one in PvP mode and let's see whose Titans were better sobody go ahead and put down your Titans just like this and let's get started I'm going ahead and got myself some scientists set up and uh we're not going to talk about how these toilets are already getting through and I've already taken like 12 damage you've already taken 12 damage Lou wow I didn't know you were this much of a loser no I'm not that bad but look I'm putting down all of my Titans right now this upgraded Titan clockman is actually pretty good it does a decent amount of damage right off the bat uhhuh but not as it as my evil Titan clockman oh well your evil Titan clockman is doooo buddy it's doooo oh well fin L if my evil Titan clockman is Doo I'll just delete it and put down another star Titan oh what you know what I don't care buddy because I have a really good setup going there is no way I lose I'll just upgrade my scientist like this and I should be good to go this clock man will not let any toilets through whereas your sonar Titan it's a different story are you sure about that Lou look not a single toilet can get through except for that one that's getting through right there oh never mind toilet oh well you got rid of it now but there was a toilet right there that was almost going to kill you I don't know what you're talking about but anyways pip look if I start struggling I could just use my clock man's ability he'll just throw his sword and kill them all oh well all right L but oh no my SAR Titans kind of sucked I thought they would be good let me just what are you doing oh my gosh you're losing already no no I'm just going to put down the pencil man and he should be crazy just watch this P it's literally wave three and you're already losing that's just because the Titans are bad starting unit once we get to the later waves and I have more Titan play down then you'll be done for all right well we'll see about that buddy but right now the longer you take to complete waves the more I'll be able to get my special abilities and I'll be able to go crazier and pip are you setting your sonar Titan to sonar mode that does nothing I thought sonar mode was op sadly not pip sadly that's not how it works but uh-oh it looks like some nud toilets are getting through I don't want to deal with nud toilets kill them computer man kill them oh this is bad this is bad I just took so much damage there is no way pip you're about to lose you have 62 Health do you even know how to use those Titans or not of course I know how to use the Titans Lou I'm not a loser like you uh-huh well it kind of seems like your Titans are struggling a little bit wait no they're not how did your sonar Titan get so good well because Lou I upated my scientist all the way so now I'm making money money oh well I guess you're making money money but you'll still not make it as much as I am and uhoh uh you know what I don't care about that ner toilet it can get through all at wants Lou you can't just let the nerd toilets through or you're going to lose oh it doesn't matter I'm not going to lose buddy my Titan computer man can deal with a lot of different things and uh-oh oh that's a lot of ner toilets that's a lot of ner toilets uh-oh uh-oh uhoh oh it's over for me it's over for me come on just kill them all turn them all around turn them all around Okay computer man you got this buddy you got this just hold on hold on just a little longer and oh no he's not doing anything oh I'm going to take so much damage no sucks to suck Lou oh no it doesn't suck to suck well it does suck to suck but you know what bu I'm going to go ahead and put down another Titan clockman so I don't have to deal with any more nerd toilets and because I can I'll put down another one too yes you're not going to beat me this time buddy trust me my Titan clockman are going to hold down the fort and when those nerd toilets come I'll just throw my sword at them like that oh these nerd toilets aren't even hard to defeat Lou why are you so bad oh maybe they're not hard to defeat for you because you've got all these Titans at the end of your track yeah I have to be prepared somehow well so do I buddy but sadly not everybody can be prepared look I need to upgrade my tights and glockman to make them better uhoh more nut toilets go sword wait what they all duplicated oh no Lou if you join Boy Scouts you would know that you had to be prepared I was a duck Scout after all oh pip I know you were a duck Scout but that doesn't make you better at this game than I am it's just these little nerds they keep getting in the way yeah Lou but you're a little nerd getting in my way all the time but you don't hear me complaining that much did you just call me a nerd I'm not a nerd uh yeah I just called you a nerd Lou what are you going to do about it um well I'm going to destroy you very very easily at this game that's what I'm going to do buddy because look I'm not struggling against these toilets at all anymore well neither am I I might be losing healthwise but I know I'm going to win when the clock strikes zero um pip when the clock strikes zero wao what do that happened I just farted oh I know you did why was it red though because it's a don't ask oh my gosh all right I won't ask but I'm destroying these clona toilets fair and square this is very very easy just you wait until it's dead and boom easy easy easy but now I have 6,000 I can go ahead and start upgrading my clockman to level three I just need a tiny tiny bit more money well my clock me is on level three and he's actually crazy he has a 0.5 cool down well mine's going to have a 0.6 but oh your clock B's better than mine but it doesn't matter after this round is done I should be strong enough to defeat you and how many Titans have you got placed down 20 million how how did you do that buddy you know what I'm not going to ask I'll just play let's get this upgraded Titan clockman to level three and yeah it's definitely holding down the for now we seem to be okay let's start upgrading our scientists now we need all the money we can get oh no amount of money can save you Lou oh yes it can buddy the more money I have the better I can upgrade my Titans and the more damage I can do so uh maybe you should check yourself well you wreck yourself buddy oh I'm checking myself already Lou checking myself with evil Titan clockman oh come on and you know Lou I never knew a red unit could' be so good oh and I never knew that a yellow unit could be so bad but it's fine I just upgraded this guy to level four and now he does AOE damage it's over for you now pip oh well who knew if you joined the dark side you can win well I don't know buddy I have this nice AOE damage now which basically means I can kill loads of toilets at the same time whereas your little clockman could never do that are you sure Lou my evil Titan clockman is probably the best unit in the game trust me I'm very sure that your evil Titan clockman cannot beat me after after all you have to be skilled with the units not just have them oh I am skilled skilled at placing down the units yeah maybe you're skilled at placing down those units but are you skilled at using the abilities at the right time huh no I didn't think so either yes I am Lou just watch this I'm going to use this Hammer pencil's ability right now pep you used it at the complete wrong time you kind of just let a lot of toilets through by using your ability at the wrong second buddy don't worry I can use my ability again in 4 minutes yeah it's going to take you a long time buddy whereas my ability is basically always ready it only takes a minute to recharge well it's probably not even good well the ability isn't too good he just throws his sword and does a bit of damage but I guess it's still better than nothing but do you even have all of your scientists maxed out Lou yeah of course I do buddy I've been maxing them out while you've been slacking and sleeping they're all right here I haven't been slacking I've been beating you oh yeah well you're not going to be beating me after I do this upgraded Tian clockman fully upgraded now this guy is literally a machine gun all right Lou all right but I bet your clockman doesn't have time freeze oh well my clockman doesn't have that time freeze ability but it does have this look he throws his sword and um it just goes down and hits a unit in the face he throws his sword what is he Captain America no bab he's not Captain America he throws his sword not his shield oh well I throw my shoes wait what do you mean you throw your shoes wait would that be your special ability if you were a unit in this game yeah I don't really have shoes which is why I don't need them so I throw them at other people oh my gosh well I guess that's okay then buddy you just keep throwing your shoes at people and really really annoying them well I just keep shooting grenades at these toilets and uh you keep standing there all sad because your units do nothing yeah Lou I'm so sad I'm crying right now crying tears of joy because I'm going to finally be you oh yeah well do you have AOE damage no I didn't think so either buddy well I don't even know what that means Lou I have sonar Titan damage oh well that is AOE damage but uh it's still not going to beat me trust me when the Sona Titan came out I mean maybe it would have been good but uh not anymore oh you're right Lou the sonar Titan is so bad which is why I had the evil Titan clock man well just because you have a new unit does not mean it's going to be good trust me and also the sonar Titan is all news buddy the developers literally made it weaker yep and they made the evil Titan clockman stronger um maybe they did and maybe they didn't I don't know buddy but Lou how do you think you're beating me when you only have three Titans I thought they were super bad well that's the thing pip they are super bad if you just put them down and don't upgrade them but they really shine when you max upgrade them and they become extremely really strong killing machines oh yeah they probably cost so much money to upgrade well they do but that's why I've got some maxed out scientists now I'm just not struggling one little bit this Titan clockman literally shoots grenades out of his hands and blows all the toilets up and he has Splash damage it's op buddy oh Splash damage oh is he peeing on them no he's not peeing on them he's just hitting them very hard that they all die at the same time oh well I'm going to ask thean to put Splash damage on my Sonar Titan bro tanric isn't the owner of this game how many times do I have to tell you oh I don't believe you Lou oh well I do believe myself buddy the owner of this game is fixated games Oh you mean broke games no fixated because he's uh fixing the game all the time oh yeah fixing the game there were a lot of bugs in One V one mode a while ago yeah but I think they fixed them until maybe about wave 40 and when we get to wave 40 you'll see what I mean buddy but right now I'm going to put down a bunch of hammer pencil men just like you did so that I can do a little bit more damage what were you talking about trying to get to wave 40 there's no way you could survive all the way there oh yes I could buddy don't get your tail in a Twist I could do it in my sleep I would never get my tail in a twist maybe my feathers though sometimes they do get stuck what yeah Lou when people throw tar and feathers on me sometimes it gets really Sicky oh my gosh wait people throw tar on you that's a little mean don't you think yeah Lou one time someone said I copied B blocks because I guess B invented us so they threw tar on me why would they do that oh you know what guys that's actually kind of mean well it doesn't matter anyways Lou because I got a feather transparent and now I'm back oh my go all right well I guess you are back you are the PIP that I know and love buddy but we do need to keep killing these toilets buddy they are getting a little bit stronger every round it seems oh yeah and I'm also getting stronger every round so I'm not worried at all mhm all right then but watch this pip I'm going to go ahead and put down another upgraded Titan clockman and upgrade this guy a little bit so now I'm literally a death machine this is literally a death factory for toilets I mean look the toilets coming through the front door get smacked a few times by these Hammers and my big slam ability and then they walk into my clockman and um yeah you know the rest of the story they die oh just kill them already um pip I am killing them what do you think I'm doing buddy I I'd say I'm killing them a lot faster than you are no you're not I'm killing them as soon as it's gone well so am I I've got all my Titans right at spawn buddy well let me just use my evil Titan clockman special ability wao pip you've got to stop using that it like Wiggles my screen around really hard it's so annoying let me just do it some more oh my gosh how many do you have not enough oh that's so loud and so annoying you got to stop over there loud and annoying just like my fart um yeah and just like you buddy but anyways I've upgraded my Titan clock man to level five so now I'm literally a de Factory I could just sit back relax and not have to worry look I'll even throw my sword because I feel like it I'll just throw it this way and boom there we go it's going to go through all the toilets and kill them oh and look bab it seems like you're still struggling while I killed all the toilets way before you did um Lou if I was struggling I probably know how to spell struggling but I don't what what do you mean you don't know how to spell struggling oh yeah I don't really know how to read oh my gosh well that the oh well it doesn't matter now P because look those toilets are getting through I killed them all as soon as they came out of Spawn and uh it seems like they're getting through a little bit there buddy those buzs are you sure about that I'm very sure what oh well you know what it doesn't matter buddy it doesn't matter if you killed all those toilets it just means that you got lucky after all it would make sense and look I just upgraded my hammer pencilman to level five so now I've got two units that are absolutely Unstoppable and I can also get rid of all these toilets before they even get through what are you talking about luck Lou this is a complete steal game no luck involved um pip I think there is a lot of luck involved with these games sometimes there's like big waves where some of your units don't even attack the toilets yes they do louisy look my Titan clock are killing them just fine well I mean technically if you think about it pip when you kill a nerd toilet it spawns two of them in and your units don't even recognized there's another toilet there so they just give off and stop attacking them oh yeah that probably when I'll too op yeah it's really really annoying but look I'm just going crazy right now absolutely nothing's getting through and no no pip it seems like you're having a bit of a hard time over there what are you on about Lou there's no toilets over here to struggle with all right but I'm just saying this now buddy when you start struggling don't come crying to me oh no I won't be crying to you I'll be crying to Lou's mom but what do you mean my mom oh I really love her Fresh B cookies hey but pip you only have 60 Health left and it seems that Astro toilet almost got through um no Lou these Astro toilets aren't even getting close to getting through I'm just saying buddy you are going to have a hard time if you do not get your act together well my ACT is together right now I'm a great actor I could be on a Hamilton Hamil what yeah Hamilton one of the founding fathers did you know I was actually one of the founding fathers of my faite country the United States of America okay okay okay pip what was that and uh I don't know buddy I don't want to hear you yapping anymore about the USA when you could be yapping about how bad you are at uh this skiy game I love the USA Babs stop yapping about the United States and start Defending Your Spawn oh come on Lou I just love being patriotic uh-huh I know a little bit too patriotic if you ask me but anyways p we are getting closer and closer to wave 40 are you ready for this oh yeah I'm ready to crush you well you might be ready to crush me buddy but are you ready for the nerd toilets to start glitching out and uh crush us both L I'm prepared for those nerd toilets don't worry well you might be prepared for them but I don't think your units are trust me they won't be just watch this buddy this wave will start we'll kill a ton of these toilets and then some nerd toilets are going to appear and absolutely destroy ours oh well I don't believe you well here they come buddy if you didn't believe me already they're just walking straight through oh well looks like that proves your your units are trash bro what do you mean it proves my units are trash I can't even hit them and oh no here we go they're going to get through buddy oh no way look you're taking damage wait how did I just die wait I didn't die it says you won why does it say you won it says I lost ow you literally have zero zero Health up there buddy oh well Lou I think that means totally not Lou has zero health I declare myself a winner oh oh my gosh but you know what fine I guess you can be the winner of this challenge just today all right well fine people let's go back to the lobby and I'll give you your 10,000 Robo I'll see you there all right pip here we are back in the lobby all right time for me to transfer you that 10,000 Robux oh yeah Lou you know where to find it since you give me 10,000 Rob B so many times um I've never done that once but fine here you go buddy you can have it touching baby well what are you going to spend all that Roblox on PB since you have a lot of it now fortnite skins oh you can't even buy fortnite skins with roox but whatever oh yes I will we just watch but anyways guys if you enjoyed that video and want to see more just like it make sure to leave a like subscribe down below and click the next video on your screen out L out
Channel: PipBlox
Views: 33,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pipblox, louieblox, pippy, blox, louie, looies, loieou, pipe, skibidi, toilet, tower defence, toilet tower, looie, roblox, sunny, melon, sunny and melon, digito, digitosim, skibidi toilet, tower defense, skibidi otwers, op units, cosmic
Id: 3RYFiSbhvys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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