ONLY CARPET CHALLENGE (Minecraft Build Battle)

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[Music] yo yo today we're gonna do only carpet challenge Anneka challenge amigo baby crayons alien pool table creeper fridge alien grab the carpets black green light green light blue sign the where do we start in the middle they started this chin if it fits right here aliens what will we do without them the same as right now cuz they don't exist you don't know that you keep dreaming maybe I am an alien prove it show your birth certificate one day huh we will have people that were born on Mars that's amazing and you believe it hey where are you from Mars what language are they gonna speak on Mars probably English probably on with a really funny accent it might be possible defensive lands their first and starts colonizing it well if it's Elon Musk that's gonna accomplish it first and it's probably all gonna be Americans from California the funny thing is enormous it's actually an African American no he's not yes he is okay by definition he is African American but you hadn't thought of that huh he's trying to put a look together like one what is this guy talking about no I'm trying to figure out why the Pixar isn't lining up mmm no but if you don't know Elon Musk is from Africa yeah from South Africa South Africa that's the country yeah but he is a US citizen now he better be the last alien movie I saw was probably men in black good stuff they are making a new one now it is already released on me oh I got confused it was actually bad boys for life yeah well that is maybe you messed that up yeah cuz Will Smith is in both movies now you're talking about men in black international yes I've actually seen that without sound I was on an airplane and the guy in front of me was watching it so they just decided to watch with them yeah talk about invasion of privacy just kidding yeah look like a fine movie but you know Will Smith turned down the matrix yes I do do you think he regrets that no he made a video about it yes I thought he said at the time I just did Independence Day and men in black so then another sci-fi movie approaches me and I don't want to be known as the alien dude the alien dude yeah so he said nope who knows huh maybe if will smith was neo neo maybe the movie wouldn't have been popular or maybe it would have been even more popular I don't know I mean Keanu Reeves did a great job yeah he did and maybe if neo was Will Smith then Morpheus would have been a white guy okay what a dynamic you know Jana Reeves would have been Morpheus perhaps anyways that's our alien yeah we ran out of color so he's blue interesting here we go here we go it's great please what a cute alien epic is that cactus Eric nice cute Oh slime you can see it's brains eel epic and we got Oren he's looking like an earth that's crazy we're only a small little ball for this alien he's so big we have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Mike Wazowski cool cool it's a great OOD with a stick I come from outer space oh cool UFO area 51 and you want to remember the raid and here we got some pipes oh that's our carpet art it's um decent it's alright it's working on this guy really Oh oh my god okay awesome this is okay cool he's just chillin look at this guy he's triggered really they just copied Google we did that's right to aliens good hello it's made from prismarine interesting is he smoking there's some kind of stuff coming out of his head the smoke is coming from top that's weird UFO abduction and House horses but the horses in the back go not pixel-art they can't get another hood this guy kind of looks like you hey come on okay fine kind of looks like your mama maybe second round only carpet challenge let's go Flying Pig angry animal happy airplane and a red panda red panda yes red pandas are not red they're orange which idiot gave them the the name red panda he is colorblind he couldn't have double checked with someone who wasn't are they even palace maybe they certainly don't look like pandas do they eat bamboo no they don't they look like raccoons raccoons are pretty cute yeah they call those trash pan yeah they do then what is the normal pan are called the normal pan is the Panda black white panda or was it the giant panda or something ah that's it yeah I believe the official name a giant panda you smart even though they're not giant so we have a color blind and a size blind and a trash they call them trash pandas because they like going through people's trash that's usually why you find them yeah well I saw this one YouTube channel who had like hundred videos every morning when he goes to work there would be like five raccoons stuck in the garbage bin and he would save them is there any reason why these things cannot be pets they're probably hard to domesticate okay universe wants a new story of a guy who had gorillas know a chimpanzee as a pet oh the chimpanzee was fine his whole life until one day the package delivery woman rang the door chimpanzee opens the door and mauls her to death no okay but it wasn't pretty yeah that's literally removed her eyeballs from her face what don't mess with chimps I believe I read this in a zoo that if you smile at a monkey they see it as a threat or something I actually don't think there are any other animals that smile like humans really you've never seen a gorilla smile okay well then I mean besides primates and Apes no animal smart dogs they don't smile they don't smile no but they always look so happy you're saying that's just the way they look and they don't actually know okay I smile by showing teeth there you go universally speaking for other animals if you show your teeth it means you want business too that's a pretty nice carpet art yeah looks good Goldie cute yep here we go time to start voting here we go first that's a cow a cow looks good great epic it's a dog and a cat classic well the dog looks a bit like scooby-doo if you want a different color it's a doll fix on our swords unfinished sadly what's with the color I've never seen a yellow dog no okay we got arrows pointing towards a cow it says it's animal of familes ha bamboo is a dog very skinny and what is this some idea of some animal good quote that's ours carpet art cute Chetan it's working and again is it I think so Oh [Music] Pixar's its chicken as a peepee really or its let's pretend it's poop coming out yeah it is and he ate a little pink is something that is could be anything could be a dirty Pig could be a cow could be a dog could be a bear it's probably a pig rolling in the mud that is an elephant elephants havoc that's beautiful what a majestic creature so smart so big how did that get legendary though it's all she's a pixel art they love big swords I love pigs watch yeah it's so easy to build that's why the only carpet challenge here we go sponge umbrella clock farm magician spongebob let's do a funny meme that I haven't seen in a while sure go what's the back story behind this meme again that we're building I mean back story yeah why did he make this weird face well I don't remember there are too many episodes well there's this great website called know your meme calm yeah great website I'll just put it up on the screen there you go thanks thanks as if we can see it I'll watch it later no you want no I don't watch my own videos people make fun of you for that yeah but you know you're already watching and once in the Edit yeah so I guess you will see you then probably will yeah could this be the third legendary or am I gonna jinx it I hope but you hope that I jinx it yeah no hmm you know what I mean yeah but you aren't gonna jinx it if you say it well too late I already did it I'm not gonna edit it out we've done it a few times before but it's very rare to get three legendaries very rare it's already rare to get one legendary we get one like every five videos 15 runs boom looks like we are done we're done we should not have used orange or should we what else can you use legendary color it's carpet challenge forget it and we're done well go here we go can we get the third don't want to jinx it you just did no I didn't I didn't say a word we have a point right there in a bath that looks nice cool magic Sponge Bob spongebob there we go what that looks scary creepy huh creepy very creepy cool lava and Sponge Bob okay okay OOP yeah spongebob that looks like that Pokemon yeah Hitmonlee Hitmonchan one of the two not hitmontop it's a sponge walk it's pretty big looks more like cheese if you ask me that's epic it's a bucket sponge they are mopping the floor clean nice havoc that's our carpet art mm-hmm let's check the votes I don't think it's gonna work oh there's a ton of poops yep nope hm-hm you jinxed it spongebob well I'm sponge on top of the tap see some chemistry lab I didn't and it looks like it and sponge king cool we within the triple win okay no triple a generic to legend is really the triple win yep well thanks for watching have a nice day bye
Channel: JerryVsHarry
Views: 3,221,638
Rating: 4.8982596 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, build battle, minecraft vs real life, real life, realistic minecraft, funny, kids, for kids, child friendly, way to nether, danomg, minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker, challenge, noob, pro, hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker, roblox, lego, animation, monster school, legendary
Id: r20j1fDu9Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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