OneTigris ROCDOMUS Hammock Hot Tent | Danchel Folding Stove | CRKT Freyr Axe

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hi youtube welcome to the important outdoors my name is michael and today we have esme my dog and we're going to do some camping in a pretty unusual type of tent [Music] so this trip sees us back in the foothills of the rocky mountains and we're gonna try and travel a road that i couldn't get through on my last trip so the snow is too bad and we do still have snow but i think the roads are going to be passable i think if anything we're going to have problems with mud so i hate getting things muddy because i hate cleaning it up afterwards but i think it's going to be worth it just to see how that trails opened up since i was last here so without further ado let's get packed up and heading down the trail [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well this is as far as we got last time but as you can see the snow is melted down quite a bit still it's pretty solid in places so that's the way we'll be heading what a glorious day i really love this time of year it's just warm in the daytime cold at night no bugs no insects it's just wonderful garcias go see what's over there come on hop up lucky okay let's keep going [Music] so [Music] well i think we found a really good spot it's nice and sheltered up on the tops it's actually quite windy and we're completely isolated from anyone else which is perfect and we have lots of trees which is going to be important for our camping setup what do you think yes oh and the other thing there's no mud which is another big bonus just need to find two trees that are nice distance apart okay so i think we're going to string it up between those two trees right there this one the one behind i haven't set up this tent before so it's new to me there is a reason why i tend not to test tents before i get out in the bush or i go on my camping trips is i want to see how simple they are i obviously check all the contents is there but i tend not to put them up because i want you to see what it's really like to put them up rather than a well practiced person trying to sell you a product so we'll see whether it works out or not so i'm going to start with setting up the hammock i think that's how it's done but we'll find out together so this is the one tigress rock thomas hammock shelter stroke awning it's a multi-function style tent and it's a hot tent so i can put a stove in it so i haven't used it before not sure how it sets up however there are handy dandy instructions right at the top come back so okay so i don't like the way the top line's going out i don't think it's going to work it looks pretty crappy actually so i'm going to use my top line for my other hammock my superfly top and we'll take it from there needs a bit of adjustment so okay so right now i've flipped the top so that the stove pipes on this side only has one so i want it here and i've got my top line i've taken off this is stuff that i made quite a while ago and it's just some dyneema cord and some easy loops so i can string it up real quick so so and we are testing out the new wax i picked up from cabela's on my recent trip this is the crkt freya so so i think we got most of it up one thing i do notice it doesn't have any snow skirts i think any tent really that you're selling for winter camping it's probably not gonna survive oh it's not gonna be the best solution in very cold temperatures you can bank snow across the bottom but it's an extra step it's nice have the snow skirts already built in but it's big what do you think okay so amount of pegs i've used all 14 and it's not enough so you may have to bring more pegs i'm just going to make some up i can actually tie it off to the tree in the back so let me show you how far we've got so far and we'll take the first look inside together let's take a look at it so when you have two tie outs on this side on the other side i have the three i think i could pitch it a little bit closer to the ground and i may adjust that so i could actually lower it slightly from my top line but it looks good i do see a couple of upgrades from the other tents one of them is this new type of clip to roll up the chimney so it's like a toggle it's hard to do with one hand uh also comes with the stove jack i didn't even think to bring another one so i'm glad they included those it's kind of silly they didn't previously but also the distance from the cover down to the stovepipe on other tents they have them very very close which always kind of worried me so i'm glad to see they've done that also on the door roll ups they've used the same clips again this is a much better [Music] than the toggle type does have two air vents on each end on each end and i tried to i thought this was a mistake they've kind of looped these but it kind of makes sense now so whether your straps come through these two zips are kept either side like that and there's a little cover up here oh there's another zip up there or not nope it's just a weather cover they have these little tie outs but i've just looped onto the grommet like that so i've got the doors pinned back on this side just tied it out like that with those trees if i get any winds coming across from this side it's going to keep it stable again it's too far off the ground i'm going to probably have to change that going in the tent lots of room i can stand up spinning around so lots of room and this is where the stove is going to go right about here it's the other vent so yeah lots of room i think you could probably get a cot down this side or you could actually get two cots and use this as a traditional tent i know you can actually raise up one of these wings and you can raise up one of these wings as well make it to an awning i'm gonna have to fix that at the side now it's pulled out so those clips but it looks pretty good so i did bring esme's bed along this is the yep hole and i was expecting the ground to be pretty wet and she's got a one tigress dog bed as well come on fry your bed good girl it's your own little bed you're a little bad you have so much mud on you i'm gonna sleep here with your muddy feet okay ugh so i think we'll call that good next we're gonna do the stove okay this is the densho fastfold stove you've seen on my videos before i love my other titanium stove but this one is so much more convenient [Music] [Applause] foreign so i okay i think that's good it's nice and tight it's going anywhere i'm trying to keep the back end of the stove a little higher than the front i think it looks good yeah happy with that i think we are all set up actually took a while stealth was probably the fastest part looking forward to trying out the new tent it's always exciting try out a new piece of equipment i think this is probably a three season setup i would say i'm not sure yet if i would take this in snow i could have the snow skirts later on maybe and i may make that suggestion to one tigress so that future models have that bottom part as well so if you're wondering what i spend my amazon revenue on if you buy from my amazon links or use the link and you shop anyway i still get the credit for it this is it so i bought this from the u.s store and uh had it shipped out so this is where your assistant can help with viewing the channel and using my amazon link skills that is very odd i don't even see anything like that just kind of morphed into it so i'm going to give the freya quick test for these small logs they are pretty wet i can feel but we'll see whether it's a splitter or not it's not really shaped like a splitter it's more like a cutting axe but we'll see uh the reason i went for this as more of a backpacking type of axis it's very light which again doesn't lead lend itself to um being much of a chopper but we're already doing small stuff and it also has a very large surface area to get through and not a lot of spread so we'll see it's big enough as well to use with two hands so we'll see it's a little high see that worked out okay well that's surprising this one is very wet wow okay not very good one-handed i gotta say i'm a bit surprised well i never the head's become a little bit loose a lot of the time these axes dry out in the stores so their heads aren't they shrink over time so it probably just needs i can drive in these two round wedges or i can just soak it and some some oil see if i'll bring it back up but i did not expect that it's too late to do that that was right in a knot all right well it's got me a couple of hours worth of wood already so can't complain about that come on guys let's go in the snow uh okay [Music] so even though it felt a little strange being in a hammock inside a tent with a hot stove it was actually a very wonderful experience i enjoyed it very much i was afraid the hammock might swing into the chimney but that really isn't possible i don't see how you could do that one of the negative points is you do have to get out the hammock in order to put wood in the stove but that's a minor consideration so esme slept in a dog bed all night which was nice so i had the whole of the hammock to myself for once so that was nice to be able to keep her inside and close to the hammock without actually being in the hammock so that's another plus side if you actually can with pets but you want to camp with a hammock so what are my overall thoughts on the rock dummies i actually like the experience of camping in the hammock inside a tent and it does really extend the hammock season especially where i live in canada or if you don't like that exposed feeling you get by just camping in a hammock you want something close because you feel safer or you want more privacy this might be a really good solution for you so that's all we have time for today so until next time take care and as always thank you very much for watching if you like my videos leave me a comment maybe a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: The Emporium Outdoors
Views: 6,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z4HTt3uuIoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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