One UI 6 IS HERE on the Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra

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[Music] just before the turn of the year my tabs 9 Ultra got Samsung's oneui 6 update let's Deep dive into everything that this update has changed on Samsung's flagship tablet welcome back to S mobile TV you're here with Daniel to look at the One ui6 update we're going to break it down into different categories cuz it's not just about the individual features that Samsung have updated there is core things about how you'll use it that will make sense clump in together first we're going to look at the user interface and some different ways you can actually interact with it then we're going to dive into Samsung Dex and some of the productivity features that Samsung have enabled here it's not as important for tablets but Samsung have changed some things about the camera but more importantly they've changed things about the gallery and how you can interact with editing your photos and videos as well so we going take a look at that and we're going to look at some of the Samsung apps that invariably get updates throughout the update process and some of the extra functions that's enabled as well as touch on some settings that you should know about that's changed within one ui6 as well all right before we do crack into the user interface when you do get the download Samsung has got some things in here that allows you to check out the individual apps that will get updates as well you actually click on the list and you can untick if you don't wish that to get updated obviously just update them all it's way easier now once the update has finished you will notice a couple different things about 1 6 straight away the first thing is Samsung has made some subtle changes to the font and even the icons of the apps and something even more subtle is in Samsung apps they've removed the Samsung branding all together so things like the Galaxy store just says store things like Samsung Health just says Health it's just a couple of things that Samsung have done to refine the visual appearance of certain apps on your screens so it's not taking up too much space for example there's also a new font to go along with that again it's a very subtle difference but it's all about changing the aesthetic and just the feel of it part of this Rebrand with my 1 UI 6 is a new notifications layout you'll notice it here that compared to 1ui 5.1.1 is that the notifications have kind of been separate a little bit and grouped into their categories a little bit neater and more organized it's a preference thing I actually have gotten used to this new way that when I started using the old way before I updated I didn't like it so I'm I'm very much ingrained in this new way now and it's obviously a much easier way of interacting with notifications the thing is too this quick panel has undergone a complete redesign apart from the fact that the brightness slider has now there by default in the single swipe down which should have been there from the start you now have an expanded quick panel that is completely revamped what I really like about it is that Samsung has removed core functions from the Middle the the the thing you slide through the menu I don't know what you call it the panel the thing is Samsung remove core functions from the panel that you normally slide through and made it its own sort of fixed area like it or not I actually think it's a really nice way of bringing things that you will probably activate more frequently and look for more frequently and have a permanent spot for them things like your Wi-Fi and your Bluetooth which sit at the top things like the bottom which have your device control and your brightness controls all that's going to have its permanent spot and you still have the middle to be able to swipe through and find extra stuff as you need it you can edit these views and which toggles you can actually put there that's that's possible what is also possible is you can make this a single swipe away instead of a double swipe in the Quick Settings instant access menu that you see there you can activate a top right slide down option toggle this on and anytime you swipe down from the top right of the screen it will bring down this expanded quick panel you can of course still use the double finger swipe method to bring the expanded quick panel down from anywhere on the top part of the screen but if you just want the single swipe to be your main way of doing it you can activate that from the top right Corner the other thing that's part of this new quick panel redesign is the improved music player or media player you will now see proper album art in the expanded view the collaps view is still the same but in the expanded view your music player has a bit more sort of going on there it's a bit more aesthetically pleasing there some better animations and the album Arts there this same change also makes its way to the lock screen of one UI 6 you get that in your media panel there as well as in the quick panel inside the main part of the device while we're on the lock screen you can repos position your clock when you're editing the lock screen easier that's that's new back on the home screen Samsung has continued the theme of the two finger multitasking that they introduced with oneui 5.1.1 you can long press on an app and then use your other finger to swipe through the pages and drop it somewhere else it's very small change but it can make things a little bit easier when you're trying to to rearrange and customize your home screens that's a bit of a theme you'll see that throughout the rest of this video and some of the apps that Samsung has updated as well Samsung has changed multi window very very minimally you'll be able to keep a popup window held open in the recent tabs so when you have a popup window and you swipe up to go back to home when you go to recents that popup window will stay there in its size and all and you click on it and it reopens it back into popup form it's there Samsung has changed the widgets around a little bit that is a new Smart Suggestions widget that is a little bit more customizable than before so you can actually exclude app now that you don't want to appear in the Smart Suggestions widget as well as control the background color and the transparency I think it's kind of neat to exclude apps because of the way Smart Suggestions works it's always trying to put apps that you use frequently in that card but you might not want some apps to appear it will reference that list and remove them and the finder app or at least the finder function Samsung has made something really small in there where you can long press on an app that you've searched for and it will bring up the menu for that app that you can go into a shortcut it's very very tiny but it's something that they've changed and I thought you should [Music] know now we're going to look at productivity and the two things that Samsung have enabled that are specific to the tabs 9 series the first is to do with Samsung decks without really telling anyone Samsung completely changed Samsung decks on the tablet I I don't know why it didn't happen on the s23 or the fold that deck experience is the same but on the tablet when you launch decks it goes into this new tablet Dex which is basically just a tablet the only difference is Samsung has sort of fused the tablet UI and the Dex UI and made like this hybrid UI you can see the old Dex UI here it's basically as it was you know it looks like a Microsoft Windows interface really but the new one it's it's there's a permanent taskbar down the bottom and you can swipe down from the top for the quick panel it's very much like one UI and the only difference is when you launch an app it's immediately resizable you've got the deck resizable window options there I get what Samsung have done here I truly do they're trying to keep the way you've organized your tablet screen into a more sort of interactive productivity environment but I think for Dex the purpose of it is people are going into a separate environment on purpose that's what they want to do that's their intention the good thing is Samsung has kept the old way of decks around so you just go into the deck settings and switch to the classic version but the new version will launch by default once you've updated so at least you should know that that change is there and you can go back to it no harm no fail the other thing Samsung has done is they've enabled link to Windows for tablets now so before it just used to be a phone function now you can link your tablet to your Windows PC and have all of that same interactivity from both of those devices whether it's needed I'm not sure because a lot of people your notifications come through on your phone but some people might not have a Samsung phone and they might have a Samsung tablet and the link to Windows platform will work on their PC and tablet so it's just expanding the availability that's pretty much what they've done from a camera point of view Samsung have brought in all the changes from their phone one ui6 into the tablet you get the new design of the camera app with the new fonts that all sort of come with it all the icons have sort of changed to be a little bit more aesthetically pleasing obviously the cameras here don't have the high resolution of your s23 or your fold so the only real difference to using the camera here is the new video resolution menu option that Samsung have made it's just easier now to select the different resolutions and frame rate compared to what it was before you also do get Samsung scan documents or Autos scan documents feature that they enabled on the phones I really like this one and I think for tablets it makes sense because a lot of people will use this as their productivity device so having the option to turn this on in the camera settings and then hovering it over a receipt for example and it will automatically detect that it's a document and you don't have to do anything else after that it will scan and take the photo and and shape it up and then you just have to save it afterwards I really like it one that's probably not too relevant for tablets is the keep pictures and videos level so Samsung through uh having the grid lines turned on so you do need to go in and turn the grid lines on first having able to level a feature so in video and other sort of photo and video modes you can basically have this little line pop up that keeps the videos and photos level should you take photos or videos on a tablet though no but if you do use this for recording sort of podcast whatever it is you can at least ensure that this is level before you go hit record some other settings that Samsung have brought into the camera settings in particular is you can now turn off the swipe up and down to go from the front to the rear camera this can be quite useful particularly if you accidentally are sort of swiping through change modes and you accidentally swipe up and it goes to the front camera and you're horrified with the selfie you can immediately uh turn this off and that interaction goes away and you just do it the oldfashioned way something that's quite neat too is Samsung has enabled a custom camera widget I really like this if you put this widget on your home screens you can press on it and it will automatically go into the camera mode that you have selected this widget to activate so when you're setting up the widget you can change the the name of the widget you can select the camera whether it's rear or or front and then the mode as well that you want to associate with it and you can also select the gallery album that you'd like it to save to so every time you press on this widget it will bring up that mode it'll then have in the bottom corner the album that it's saving to so every time you use it it'll save directly to that album really clever now let's go into the gallery Samsung has put a host of changes here in the gallery the first one that they've kind of activated is a new info button this is a button that on the phone sits in the middle but on the tablet sits in the top sort of in that sort of options and menu settings you press this info button it'll bring up the information for the photo that you're looking at what Samsung has enabled in this information view is some quick edits in this view so depending on the photo that you're looking at it'll recommend a couple of different options what I noticed is if it's a photo of a face it will recommend to add a portrait effect to it so they used to have this before in the three dot menu but it's now brought to life in your face here and when you click on it it takes you straight into the menu to add that sort of artificial background blur and you can control it I like that it's been brought into your face bit more I think that means a more people will actually use it something you can do now as well is before you could create stickers or you could at least isolate and crop out when you long pressed on something in the photo it was a bit of a long process to create a sticker now there's a save as sticker option so when you hold down on the photo hit save a sticker when you go to add it to a photo later and you go to stickers you'll see it there within the gallery part of the stickers you can now add that into your photo something else within the gallery too is the dragging and dropping with two fingers so if you long press on a photo and then you want to put it into another album you can use your other finger to swipe through select the album and then drop that photo in with the finger that's still holding the photo again makes use of the two hands that you have and allows for a lot quicker multitasking interactions to take place and something else that no one's really talking about is Gallery Labs every single time Samsung bring out a new version of oneui the gallery will get a new function within Gallery Labs what's Gallery labs are here that's a really great question viewer basically what gallery Labs is is a hidden menu that Samsung has enabled to activate extra functions or bring functions back so the way it works is you go into the settings of the gallery and into a about gallery and you tap on the version number multiple times until the gallery Labs is enabled within this menu you will then see a bevy list of features that you can interact and you can see which one UI version that they've added things to for example with one UI 6 Samsung removed the information button from the three dot menu which is odd so you can bring it back pressing this button on gallery Labs but one I was really interested in was remote Gallery by what it says here in the description when you activate this you'll be able to start a remote album that can be accessed from people within your network within the home and I tested it and I've tested it multiple times and I still can't get it to work I don't know whether it's ready yet it's obviously in the lab so it's not quite ready for full fledged versions of the feature but it's it's just not working so I'm ready and waiting for when it does turn on but right now now doesn't do anything Samsung have optimized the photo editor there's a couple of things that they said in the change log that I'm not going to go into the main one is that object eraser now has a better home there is a four dot sort of menu I guess you could call in the bottom left corner that when you press on this object eraser is in there gives you a much easier access to a feature that a lot of people should use more often what I'm most excited about though is Samsung have brought in a new video editor it's called studio in the three I guess hamburger menu the three line menu in gallery you will see at the bottom go to Studio once you activate that it will prompt you to add it to your home screen as a shortcut which you can or can't do it depends on if you're going to use it but in here what I really like is Samsung has made it a lot easier to actually edit videos that are on your device the thing I most appreciate about it though above all else is the fact it will save a project automatically previously with Samsung's video editor if you made a video and you exited out the video editor you lost everything here it keeps it saved as a project you can come back to it at any time I appreciate that a lot and I'm looking forward to where Samsung can improve this over time as well mostly I guess tied to that is there is a new interface or enhanced layout for the video player the main thing I noticed is the icons are a little bit different and also the playback controls for Speed have changed it used to be a slider now it's numbers so you literally select numbers and it'll change the playback speed that's obviously a lot more user into intuitive and depending on if how often you need to use that that will make things a lot easier now we're going to look at Samsung apps and it's quite well known that Samsung update pretty much all their apps when a new version of one UI comes out but a lot of its background stuff it doesn't really change interfaces but the apps I'm about to talk to you have extra features and functions about them because of one ui6 first one Samsung Health now I say that and it's very much contradicting what I just said Samsung Health changed before one I 6 so it could be ready for one ui6 if that makes sense basically it's got a new interface the new card style layouts a lot cleaner or esthetically pleasing but the thing that I really like that they've done here is the custom cup size Allelujah if you use Samsung Health a lot and you track your water it's been fixed to 250 mil cup size for years so what they finally done is allow you to enter a custom cup size to not fix to just 250 mil cuz you might not have just 250 mil you might use a 800 mil bottle and that's what you Track by bottle so you can enter that in now really great the calendar has also got an update there's a new schedule view which when you press on it rather than showing you every day it just shows you the days in a chronological order that you have events scheduled for nice if you're someone who just wants to see what you have and doesn't need to plan anymore this is the view for you in keeping with the other two finger multitasking theme that they've introduced you can also drag and drop events using this method so in the daily or weekly view if you long press on an EV and then use the other finger to swipe you'll be able to swipe through and drop it down into a day that you want it to be on simple and Samsung has said they've integrated reminders more tightly into calendar so you can see the reminders tab there it will show you your reminders and there's a shortcut to go into the reminders app from the calendar itself which they've also updated the reminders app Samsung has brought in uh some more optimized and enhanced layouts for its list view for example and they've also added in all day events that you can schedule in reminders and some extra categories as well if you're like me and you think reminders and calendar should just merge into one let me know in the comments because I 100% think that should be the case Samsung internet now I have made a YouTube short about this change Samsung internet has brought in a really cool feature called background play let's say you're watching a video on YouTube even for example maybe and you wanted to exit out of that and have the sound keep playing currently it will stop the video no sound will play with this background play feature turned on it will keep the video playing in the background even once the app has been exited it sits inside the useful features settings within the menu you turn this on and you can have it either be through headphones only or through the just on in general and when you do go out of it you'll see it sitting there continuing to play the sound outputting really clever and can be really useful they've also enhanced the tab list for large screens so this being a large screen is exactly what Samsung are referencing here they've also enabled the two-finger drag and drop for tabs as well so you can create folders and whatnot from tabs using that two finger multitasking method that I've been displaying so that's here as well smart select one of my favorite little screenshotting tools that Samsung do has also got an update it now has this little magnified view so when you are sort of trying to precisely to crop something it brings up a little magnifying glass to show you how close you are to the thing you're cropping and when you pin something to the screen permanently there is a option to extract the text from that pinned version of the screenshot so you can then copy and paste that text anywhere you like the my files app which is a very thorough app that Samsung have to store all of your information very organized as well it's now Consolidated the trash or recycle bin into one so there's been different recycle bins for gallery for my files and for voice recorder for example Samsung has now decided to bring them all together so if you have things in the gallery recycle bin or in the my files recycle bin it's all going to be housed here together in one Consolidated version finishing off with some settings Samsung has introduced a smarter airplane mode this is actually really good if you travel a lot and you put airplane mode on all the time or flight mode as as we call it here when you turn it on it automatically shuts off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth excruciating the way it does that what Samsung has done here is it will still do that the first time you turn flight mode on but when you turn it back on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whilst it's in flight mode it'll actually remember that gives you a little notification to let you know so the next time you activate flight mode it'll keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and especially it's great if you've got headphones connected or if you're connected to the inflight Wi-Fi it'll make sure that that stays on and again it lets you know once flight mote has turned on that that setting has been changed clever Samsung has changed the battery settings menu not only have they removed it from device care I shouldn't say they've removed it cuz it is still in the device care menu they've just now given it its own spot within settings but the battery settings menu looks a little bit different they've removed some features out to be more prominent like protect battery and also it just looks a little bit more neater the way they've designed it so you can see things a little bit more visually for your battery usage in this settings menu and that is effectively one ui6 on the tab S9 Ultra now pretty much all of these move its way back to the tabs 9 as well so they will all apply a lot of these changes so don't stress if you just saw the ultra in this video does apply below as well thanks for watching make sure you subscribe to S mobile we've got a big month ahead big year ahead 2024 so make sure you you hit us up here also go check out our website as well as all our socials Instagram Twitter Tik Tok we're everywhere pretty much and we'll see you in the next one [Music] thanks
Channel: SamMobile
Views: 65,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SamMobile, Samsung, Galaxy, Android, Google, Galaxy Flip, Galaxy Note, Galaxy S, Galaxy Fold, Galaxy A, Galaxy M, Samsung Galaxy, Korea, One UI, Mobile, Smartphone, Tablet, Wearable, Smartwatch, Samsung Mobile, Samsung Electronics, Samsung fanpage, Firmware, Review, Hands-On, Tab S9 Ultra, OneUI 6, Galaxy Tab S9
Id: SU2c6oH3Mdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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