One to Many Matching: GEDmatch Tools - A Segment of DNA

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many people take a genealogy DNA test to find cousins and if you're using the Genesis system of Jed match you can find cousins by using the one-to-many tool [Music] howdy I manually with family history fanatics and this is a segment of DNA in this series I am going over all of the different tools on the new Genesis system of shed match and today we're gonna be talking about the one-to-many tool so when you log into Genesis the one-to-many tool is going to be down here under DNA applications and for those of you who do not have a tier-one membership you still have access to this tool there are actually two tools right now and they're each a little bit different so I'm going to show both of them but first what I want to show you is that you manage kits over here in your DNA resources and by clicking on any one of these kits it's going to go to the one-to-many tool so just like that it will pull up the list of matches for that kit so let's go back and let's actually use this one-to-many tool and we're going to start with the one-to-many comparison result and this is the simpler of those two tools now what does going to have you do is it's gonna have you enter a kit number now this can be one of the kit numbers that you manage it can also be any other kit number that is publicly available so this is the quick table that it will give you for a one-to-many comparison and let's just go through each of the columns so that you understand what information is being displayed here so first off is the kit number column and that is just the kit numbers for the kits that you match and each one of these is hyperlinked if you click on them they are gonna open the one-to-many tool for that kit number so you can actually jump from kit to get to kit all the way through as you're looking at this different information the second column is one to one and this is actually a tool to do a one to one comparison between your kit and that's listed right up here with this kit that you're doing the one-to-one comparison to and what it's gonna do is it's gonna open up the one-to-one comparison form I will be covering that tool on another video but if you want to try it out go ahead and try it out now the next two columns are the name and the email and this is the information to identify that kit number many people in the name field they actually use an alias but the email is the email contact that you use to contact the person that manages that kit now one thing to remember is that as you can see here a lot of people manage multiple kits and in fact if you come up with DNA at Lee - web org that means you match one of my kits but I have a ton of kits for not just my personal side of the family but also my wife's side of the family and also for some other people that I manage kids for so don't assume that the person that you're matching with is the person that's going to be answering the email make sure whenever you email somebody you include that kit number and that alias because it may not be the person that's answering the email whose kit you match it may be somebody else so the next column is called the largest segment and this is the largest segment in centimorgans that you share with that person now with the top of the list here it's going to be a you know fairly big number if you have very close relatives as you go down further in the list what you may find is that the amount of centimorgans that you match is the same as the total centimorgans and that just means that you match on just one segment so the next column is the total centimorgans and in this column it is telling you how much total shared teaming you have and this is usually a good identifier of how closely you're related in some cases you can actually identify what that relationship is just based on the amount of centimorgans that it's showing the next column here is the generations column and this is an estimate of how many generations removed the two of you are in other words how far this kit of this person is to this next person now a 1.0 relationship is going to be either a twin or your parents when you get further away it will go to grandparents and then aunts and uncles on about 1.5 and then cousins first cousins at about 2.0 and it continues on by the time you get to about 4.0 4.5 it's really not a good predictor of how closely you're related other than the fact that hey you're at least four generations removed but it could be a lot further away and that's just because the amount of DNA you share is not very large and there's lots of different relationships that overlap with that amount of DNA the next column is the overlap column and this is an interesting one because this is part of the reason why Genesis was created now you can see with a lot of these right now it says na and these were all kits that were uploaded into the old Jed match system and so they were initially analyzed using the Jed match algorithms but as you go down your list you're going to come across some that have a number and a color highlighted what the overlap is is it is the number of snips that is being used to compare these two kits now the more snips the better so in this case this is red and it says it's 50000 snips and that means it's not necessarily a really good comparison but it's still able to compare whereas if we go down a little bit further we can see that hey this one has a hundred and thirty three thousand snips being compared more than twice as much as that other kit and it doesn't have a color at all which indicates that yeah this is a much better comparison for it it's probably much more accurate so the next column here is the date compared and this is the last time that these two kits were compared usually when a kid is upload it's going to be compared during processing to all the other kits as far as finding its matches so in some of these cases you can see that these were back in 2018 and this is probably when they were doing this initial Genesis crossover with some of these newer kits you can see that hey this was done back in 2018 in December so most likely this kit was uploaded in December of that here finally the last column is the testing company now previously Jed matched used the first letter of the KITT number to indicate the testing company but since then they have gone to just a random two characters for the first and so they'll actually tell you the testing company over here so if we're old Jed match Kitts you have to know that M is 23andme a is ancestry T is Family Tree DNA and H is my heritage with the new system for all the new uploads you can see right here hey it's gonna tell me exactly that this is 23andme and you can see over that the kit number it has two letters as the first two digits so it is a little bit different as far as the nomenclature for the kit number now something else to be aware of as you're going down is you'll see every now and then that some of these kit numbers will be highlighted in a green and sometimes it's a darker green sometimes it's a lighter green what that indicates is that indicates that this is a new kit you can see that this one was probably just uploaded in the end of March but if I scroll down here I can see that this one right here that's light green it was uploaded just about a week two weeks before that and so it's a lighter green what Genesis is doing is it is looking at the last 30 days to see what new kits are available so if you periodically want to be looking at your Jed match list and see what's new what you should be doing is once a month go in and look for these green kits which indicate that that is a new kit and you can add those to whatever match list that you organize somewhere else or take a look at them in more detail now one thing you will notice with this tool of the one-to-many matching comparison is that there's not a lot of customization that you can do there is not a sorting of any of these columns or being able to move things around and so what you need to use for that is you need to go to the other tool now the other tool is called one-to-many the beta and that means that there's still some bugs that they're working out still getting the final programming finished with it but I've used it several times and I find it very useful so feel free to give the one-to-many beta a try and we'll go through what is different about that so first off when you click on it you can see yeah this is a completely different user interface that you're seeing we're gonna put our kit number in here at the top and then we're gonna filter by either autosomal and X in this case we just want to do autosomal and then it has this offset we'll talk about that in a second it tells you well what size you want and then whether you want tag groups what the overlap cutoff is for right now I'm just going to search and so I get a match list and you can see that hey there it's a little bit different there's actually some different columns in here some more information and there's some other things that we can do now this first column is the Select column and this is for visualization options up at the top here now it's only available to tier one customers and so right now you can see that it gives me an X that I can't select any of these boxes but next column is a kit number and that's what I just described before it is the kit number and if I click on this then it's going to go to the one-to-many for that kit just like the other one did then we have the information the name and the email address and again that is the same next we have a new column the JED or wiki tree and as you go down here you can see that some of these have either JED or i don't have it listing wiki tree on any of these what this is is this is a link to a gedcom file so that you can actually see how that person is related based on what they've uploaded as far as a gedcom and I'll go over JED comes in another video the next column is the age and this is how long that kit has been uploaded so taking a look at some of the kids that I manage right here you can see they've been uploaded for you know three four five years six years in some cases because that's how long it's been since I've been on the JED match web site others of these has only been uploaded for a few months or in some cases you'll find just a few days now this column is this type and this is actually something new to me and I'm still trying to figure out what this is I might actually have to email the judge Matsch programmers to figure out what type is most everything that I've seen is a two so when I have some more information on that I'll be able to give it to you then we have these sex of the person whether they're male or female and this is reported by the person that uploaded this kit as is the next two columns which are the haplogroups for your mitochondrial DNA or for your Y DNA and again these are all self-reported by that group so some of them may be incorrect some of them may be outdated in some ways then we get to the total centimorgans and this is the total amount of shared DNA that you have with that person then there's the largest centimorgans and again this is the same as what we saw in the other tool but the difference now is as you can see each one of these is hyperlinked and that's because that one-to-one tool is now that hyperlink so that hyperlink will go to that one-to-one comparison the generations column is next and that is the same thing and then we also now have the X DNA so the beta version is reporting not only the autosomal DNA that you share but also the X DNA that you share with those people there is the source which is again what company that kit was from and of course the overlap how much overlap there is between those two kits now with this format there are some different things we can do you'll notice that in each one of these columns you can actually sort by alphabetically or reverse alphabetically so you can look at the kits in an alphabetical fashion if you want to look at the ages so you want to see what the most recent one is you can look on that or if you want to see the oldest one you can do it that way if you want to just look at all the ones that have a jet match or a tree you can click on that and it's going to bring all those to the top again with the total cm that's gonna be either all atop or all at the bottom if you're just looking with haplogroups and you want to group those together then you can click on the outlet and that's going to group each of the called hyper groups to get and another one that is important is X DNA if you're looking specifically at X DNA matches it's gonna be able to pull up those matches that you share X DNA with now with this beta version there are also some other tools and go back to the top we can actually see this we're gonna change some of these around and we'll see how the list changes so first off I'm gonna start a new list and it is one to fifty so this is just looking at my matches number one to fifty so the first thing I can do is I can go up to this limit and I can change that limit so let's say that I want to look at my top 100 matches well now I have a hundred matches and for the free side you can actually look up to three thousand matches now three thousand matches is for most people going to be plenty of information that you need what we can do is we can go over and see at my three thousandth match how much centimorgans I'm sharing with them and all the way down at the bottom you can see at three thousand I share roughly nine point nine sentiments with those people so the next thing we can do with this list is we can start at an offset so let's say for instance that I'm looking at this list and I've already looked through all of my first top 100 matches and I want to just be focused on the next sets so what I can do is I can put 100 and the offset that means it's gonna start at my 100 and first match rather than my first match and it's going to look for the next 100 matches so this is my 101 - 201 matches and I can change these numbers based off of anything within here as long as I don't go above 3000 now the next thing that I can do is I can change what the limit is so for instance if I change this to a higher number then that will eliminate those matches that only share a smaller segment of that so how can you use this well I'm going to look at my 500 matches and let's say of that top 500 matches I know that I have a lot of endogamy and that is where we have family members not necessarily close family members but second third fourth fifth cousins that are intermarrying all the time and so you end up looking like you share a lot more DNA than what you really have and what it does is it means that when you start to look at your match list you have thousands and thousands of matches that are all these small you know 1015 sentiments but they're really really distantly related to you so by changing this and let's say I'm just gonna change it to 20 then it's going to look at everybody that has more than 20 sentiment shared so you went so you can see that that matchless went from 500 people down to just 143 people because these people all have to share at least 20 cent of Morgan's or more the next one is tag groups now if you have tag groups you may have made them a different color now I don't actually have any tag groups tagged on this account right now because I'm going to show you how to do that in another video but what this will do is it will actually bring the group's up to the top so that you can focus on any of those tag groups now finally the last tool here is the overlap cutoff and if you remember I said that the more overlap you have the better it is for a match so if you want to eliminate some of these smaller kids with with too little overlap then you can change that number so for instance I want to change this from 45,000 up to 90,000 so I want at least 90,000 snips matching to be able to call it a match so when I search through there now as I go down what I'm gonna find is that in this overlap column the very last column it's either gonna be n/a which means it was already done on Jed match so it definitely has more than that 90,000 or any of these new kits are going to be above 90,000 you're not gonna see any of those 50,000 kits or the red kits that we saw earlier so those are some different tools you can use on jet match in the one-to-many matching remember there's two tools there's the basic one that doesn't really have a lot of the sorting and then there's the beta version that you can sort through different things you can actually change the thresholds for what you're looking for as far as your overall matches I would recommend that this is the first place you start when you're getting on to Genesis and start going over your match list and seeing what matches you actually already know and which ones you may have already matched with through one of the other programs like ancestry Family Tree DNA 23andme because if they've uploaded their kit to jet match and you match them on jet match you should also find that match on those respective websites now if you have any questions on how to use the one-to-many tools put it in the comments below and I'll try to answer it for you and if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and tell your friends [Music]
Channel: Family History Fanatics
Views: 247,002
Rating: 4.9708076 out of 5
Keywords: genealogy, family history, family tree, ancestry, family search, dna, dna test, gedmatch genesis, gedmatch, gedmatch genesis results, gedmatch genesis tutorial, genesis, find my cousins, dna matches, dna matches explained, genetic genealogy, andy lee, family history fanatics dna, family history fanatics gedmatch, one to many matches, a segment of dna, dna test results
Id: DbGF7bdouE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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