one scene from every episode (jisbon's version) the mentalist season 7

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morning [Music] morning hey your coffee thank you it's a beautiful day you want to sit out here yeah you can just push all that stuff to the side it's going in the garage I'll take it around there in a minute it's a lovely day yeah should think about getting you a key to this place huh oh that's a step uh would make things easier what do we have in here vintage car well that should definitely be garaged didn't really strike me as a vintage car kind of girl it was a graduation gift for my grandfather I think it was his favorite thank you for helping me with all this it's my pleasure it's been nice we're going to have to get back into the real world at some point though yeah really really you want to talk about how we're going to do that maybe or sure okay s it what's up boss Wiman I know you still have time left on your leave but I need your help help you mind suiting up not at all what's the case it's a homicide it's complicated I'll text you the address okay you know where I can find Jane I have no idea where he is all right I'll track him down okay see you there bye you really have no idea where I am it just seemed like the thing to say you embarrassed no God no it's okay if you're embarrassed no it's just things with Marcus just sort of went down to and I just would like to keep my private life private just for the moment not forever or anything is that okay yeah sure that's fine you sure yeah I understand my turn hi Abbot don't tell a whole lot of little lies just one big lie is enough and everything else just stays the same you're from Chicago you have three brothers you're ticklish I am not ticklish yes you are everybody is ticklish when they being tickled if you want someone to trust you ask him for a favor even a small one Jane I know what I'm doing one last thing when you shower promise me this that you will wear the flip-flops please a it makes you look less attractive which should be considered and B the floor is a patrion dish okay okay I hear you thank you it's time are you good yeah the warden has set it up so that you'll be sharing a sale with Marie the sooner you get her to tell you we cold is the better I'm ready be careful huh I'll wait for you go oh thank you what what was that thing you said was good was Mana something man it's like a little pizza what's up nothing nothing did something happen between you and er Fint what she made a point of letting me know that it did so did it uh well um actually yes something did oh when we were working together we we kissed we kissed just once in her hotel room the story just keeps on getting better it was nothing don't say that okay okay well you're right it it wasn't nothing at the time but it was a long time ago and uh it was never going to amount to anything it just it couldn't why didn't you tell me I didn't think about it oh when we found out we were coming here you could have told me yes I thought about it then but I I made a decision not to tell you because I was worried that um that it would come between us I just wish I'd heard it from you first that's all yeah uh I should have told you I'm sorry it's okay really are there any others that I should know about the people we've worked with it would it would help me if I if I no Laur I always thought that maybe something happened with you too o Laur uhhuh okay how about this I'll tell you about Laura Li if you would tell me about one wal de Mash bird you said that Manakin is like a little pizza yeah that's right yum that's get some yeah T please is that your phone what's up boss he had it all worked out I know what you mean guilty conscience is a terrible thing to waste in the meantime we've got nothing in the gem show L tonight well not completely nothing Pon set Upton was a smoker well I think that tells us who's behind all this certainly how I can get a confession how there is one problem what well um I'm a little sick I'm not I'm not sure that I can do it so what are we going to do well you could do it me sure you've seen me do this sort of thing heaps of times I have no idea what you're going to say but I'm pretty sure the answer is no why don't you come by the Airstream and I'll explain it to you why can't you just tell me now because I'd like to see you and I was hoping you would bring me some soup fine tomato or Bean please I got it okay admit it admit what you enjoyed yourself you love this job as much as I do well I love eggs but that doesn't mean I want to eat nothing but almonds for the rest of my life fair enough what's the alternative pork chops Co slw french fries what's the alternative for us are you talk about quitting but what are we going to do what's a plan well I don't have one as yet that's a problem isn't it well if we wait for a plan we might never leave maybe we just need to quit and stand still for a while let life happen let a plan take seed wait for plant seeds to grow we drive each other crazy maybe maybe not maybe we'd be very happy W know until we try aren't you happy now well I am happy for the first time in you know how long I'm scared Jane one of us could get run over by a bus tomorrow not if we're on a beach in Polynesia buses can't go on Sand you could get eaten by a shark well if you don't go in the water that sounds pretty boring and wussy don't you think yeah but they have palm trees and hammocks and cocktail tails and sunsets pineapples an endless boredom sunburn bugs the size of helicopters I've been on vacation now you're just being negative it was an example of how we could avoid buses but we can do anything we want we could learn to sail buy a boat sail around the world right what what I've always wanted to do that a lot of people do it I mean we could do it there wheels and storms and Pirates scurvy besides I get seasick you do yeah how badly pretty bad well maybe you get over that we are not sailing around the world all right Beek keeping who doesn't like honey are you just come up with the best ideas beeking well I think you'd look very cute in one of those little beep how is that [Music] romantic the lights are a nice touch happy birthday thank you make a wish and here is your GI open [Music] lisb been the one and only from the CBI you kept the pieces yeah looks pretty nice doesn't it it's perfect I'm speechless you really didn't know what it was you can see for [Music] yourself you really didn't know I'm genuinely surprised this [Music] is this is such a beautiful gift thank you so much days Bravo are you sure you're not just pretending you didn't know what it was to make me feel better because you don't have to make made me feel better no come on please Lisbon just take the compliment fine Cheers [Music] Cheers I'm glad we came back home me too it's nice I don't think I've said this I mean I know I haven't said this but I don't really know if I need to because you always know what I'm thinking well not everything would you be surprised if I said I love you I'd be I'd be lying if I didn't say I would be moved by that I love you I said it I'm surprised there you are here I am yeah okay what's wrong why you must already know yeah I I took you you took me off mhm on purpose you knew that wasn't lien on the sixth floor you had to have but you sent me there anyway yeah that's right that's right I wanted to protect you protect me mhm I'm an FBI agent it's my job I'm sorry but what you do it again yeah I Y probably would that's the problem it's not a problem a really big one you can't do that you have to let me do my job if you can't if you can't I don't know like how do we work together [Music] well we work it [Music] out you know we never finished a conversation no I got busy life throws you curveballs we talking about baseball now I'm serious I want us to be strong together we are aren't we I love you and I also love what I do you can't be jealous of that it's not that what is it w I don't want to lose you I don't know how I would react you're not going to lose me you don't know that nobody knows what's going to happen you could die tomorrow I could we need to focus on what's going on right now right here it's good it is very very good yeah okay are you sure yeah do you want to Dan here in front of everyone sure okay one dance two everything is a negotiation with you come on [Applause] [Music] how you doing places like this must be hard for you anyway I don't feel like going this weekend it just doesn't seem right is that okay yeah I can't do this anymore what do you mean I can't watch you do this work I mean it it could have been you and that cough and and I don't I can't go through that again Jake you're the one that walked in that house yes so that you wouldn't you could have died how is that different me dying it's it doesn't hurt me you can't keep pulling me from the path of oncoming trains yeah why not because there's always new trains coming every day I'm leaving you can come with me or you can stay here but I have to go go where you going some place [Music] nice what were you doing in Arizona I went to the Grand Canyon the Grand Canyon H have you been no I hear it's big huge how's the te hot good thank you I would have mailed her your cup but I didn't know where you were well you knew I'd be back no I didn't I can't read minds the first time I called you I thought you missed my call second time I thought he's busy okay we'll call me back the third time I thought he's dead he is dead head in a ditch on the side of the roof I didn't mean to scare you well you did scare me I'm sorry okay I'm working through something and I just need space to think I can't Soldier on like you L we're all upset I can't just run away from my work here this job is too important to me yeah I understand what can I do for you to help you figure things out just tell me time I just need some time okay time's good I can give you time I just need one thing from you what's that don't ignore my phone calls okay well that's that's fair all [Music] right [Music] what is this did you buy me another horse just a little further okay is this a trick breathe that air in okay I'm breathing in that air and voila Jane what is this it's a little Shack that I'm going to renovate make some additions we both knew things had to change I I couldn't make you quit and I need something to do so you're going to build us a house that's right and when I'm done if nothing else we have a place to live it's a start so you're going to work here not not at the FBI you're quitting maybe I I don't know I haven't decided yet what I'm glad you got it I am but I have needs too like what I need to know that you're not going to run away again I won't I need to know that you're committed to this to us I am that's why I want to do this okay then are you going to take off your wedding right it just it seems like you don't want to let go of it no it's not that I understand why it's difficult for you it's it's just that I'm used to it I know this ring has been with me for a very long time and uh it has obvious significance with my past it also represents meeting you if I didn't have this ring I would never have met you so in a sense uh it has the potential to represent my future as well and I'm not expecting it would ever wear it but I want to share it with you and I want to represent our future [Music] together I want you to be my wife will you marry [Music] me okay yes yes excellent I'm glad that stalman I was a little nervous you knew I was going to say yes no even after all these years you're still a mystery to me I am Patrick do you take Teresa to be your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold in sickness and health For Better or For Worse till death do you part I sure do and you Teresa do you take Patrick to be your lawful wted husband to have him to whole in sickness and health For Better or For Worse till death do you part I do then by the power granted me by the state of Texas I declare you husband and wife you may kiss the bride ladies and gentlemen Patrick and [Applause] Teresa there's something I need to tell are [Music] you no you're you're kidding me I'm not [Music] kidding you [Music] are I am [Music]
Channel: » ᴄʜᴀʀʟᴀᴛᴀɴᴊᴀɴᴇ «
Views: 126,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jane and lisbon, The mentalist bloopers, The mentalist once said, cbi, jisbon, patrick jane, red john, robin tunney, simon baker, teresa lisbon, the mentalist, the mentalist clips, the mentalist jane and lisbon, tv series, one jisbon scene from every episode, season 7 the mentalist, white orchids, brown shag carpet
Id: 4l-vjz8Rkl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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