One Question for EVERY NBA Team in 2024...

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yo what's going on y'all it's Cohen back here again today with another video and today I want to post one question for every single NBA franchise going into the 2024 NBA season these questions cover a variety of topics like how is this new edition going to work how are they going to figure out this position group how do they operate on defense offense everything in between like I said I'm talking about every single team we're gonna go from the Atlanta Hawks alphabetically down to the Washington Wizards should be time stamps on the video as well for you to find your favorite team and yeah should be a fun one I've been enjoying making these every team videos getting a chance to talk about each and every single Squad comment down below letting me know the answer to your favorite team's question that I pose or drop one of your own down below and I'll try to respond to as many as I can also as usual leave a like And subscribe if you enjoy hit the notification Bell so you don't miss out on future videos and let's go ahead and get into the questions first up we have the Atlanta Hawks and my question for them is will they be able to add a third star the rumor is the Hawks want a third guy next to treyong and dejante Murray on that roster a third All-Star caliber player and the guy that's mainly been rumored as Pascal siakum and I could definitely see a world where siakum lands in Atlanta you know they have a good trade package the Hawks do with AJ Griffin the Andre Hunter Clint capella could be a salary guy they also have Yucca kangwas and other young piece to throw in there if they'd rather keep AJ Griffin regardless of what the package actually looks like I think they're the most realistic destination right now for a pascal siacom trade now the problem is he reportedly doesn't want to at the moment extend with any teams that trade for him maybe he resigns in the off season after testing free agency but that's certainly a risk so maybe it isn't siaka maybe it's somebody else but really I'm just wondering if they're going to be able to actually pull off that third star try to push them towards Championship contention or if they're going to stand Pat with what they have now see if the young guys develop and try to make a play this season that way for the Boston Celtics my question is can their front Court actually stay healthy as I've said a bunch of times on this channel I'm a big believer in what Boston has building over there I think the kristaps porzingis Edition helps answer a lot of the problems that they had in the past couple years with offensive issues it gives them a third star next to jail on Brandon Jason Tatum I like the move a lot but the big concern is how are they actually going to be able to stay on the court KP has been pretty injury prone over the course of his career same thing with Robert Williams and those two guys are going to be integral to their success Al Horford is also getting older he might need to load manage or deal with some injuries of his own so if they deal with some problems in the front Court actually keeping guys on the court this Celtics team could take a decent step back if they can stay healthy this front court has the potential to be one of the best in the NBA but that's certainly not a guarantee when you take a look at the history of these guys for the Brooklyn Nets my question is how do they consistently generate offense defensively I'm not really worried about this team I think they're going to be pretty stacked on that end they've got Ben Simmons who I think could bounce back to be a pretty good Defender this season Mikhail Bridges who has consistently been a great defender over the course of his career you've got Nick Claxton down low door to Finney Smith's a good Defender you also have Royce O'Neil who can hold his own Kim Johnson can overall defensively I think this team really isn't going to have any problems but offensively that's a whole nother thing because kale Bridges showed that he can be a pretty reliable one option last season but that was only half the year we don't know what he's gonna look like over a full season especially now that teams know that they've got to really keep an eye on him maybe Kim Johnson jumps up to over 20 points per game without speculation and a lot of the other scores across the roster aren't great at self-creating or it's somewhat inconsistent so I do worry about the offense with this team defensively again I think they're going to be great but I'm curious to see how they actually managed to put points up on the board to match that great defense so the honest to my question is how are they going to prioritize Brandon Miller they just took him with the second overall pick and in my opinion he has the potential to be the second star for this team next to lamelo ball down the line but they've got a weird roster over there they still have Gordon Hayward a veteran Wing miles Bridges is now back after his year-long suspension you've got PJ Washington who may or may not be back over there you have other guys who are going to take shots like Tara Rozier LaBella ball it's a weird team and the Hornets also have a history of not really prioritizing their young guys now this could be different because Brandon Miller was just a second overall pick so keep keeping my fingers crossed that they start him and give him a lot of opportunities but I'm a little bit worried that Gordon Hayward is going to start over him he's not going to get as many shots because of a bunch of guys on this roster in my opinion they should trade Tara Rosie or trade Gordon Hayward go all in on this youth movement let Brandon Miller start and get a bunch of opportunities but I'm afraid that that may not be the case at least for the beginning of the season for the Chicago Bulls the question remains how long do you let this thing ride are you gonna go up until the trade deadline are you going to go to the first month of the season are you going to go all the way to the end of the year and export in the off season how long do the Bulls go before blowing this thing up it does feel inevitable that they'll do so at some point but the moves that they made in this off season signals to me that they're at least going to give it a go for the beginning of the season now by the deadline I think they've got to make a hard decision do you try and buy more and go all in on this team which I think would be a terrible decision or do you finally go ahead and blow it up mainly because DeMar DeRozan is a free agent heading to this off season and you really can't risk losing him for nothing when you probably could have trade him for a decent haul this past off season the offseason before or even at the trade deadline so I think they've got from now until whenever the deadline is it's usually like february-ish to make that decision and I'm curious to see where they land on that timeline before they eventually realize what the rest of us have this isn't going to work for the Cavaliers the question is who fits at that small forward spot we know Derek Scotland's the one Donovan Mitchell's the two Mobley is the four and Jared Allen is the five going into this season now that could change eventually because apparently they're not super sold on the big Duo of Jared Allen and Evan Mobley maybe they'll move Mobley to the five eventually but for right now we know those four are going to be in the starting lineup who is the answer at that three spot is a completely other problem icicoro has been their attempt to answer that question but he's been inconsistent on both ends he shows some great flashes defensively but then struggles off ball he knocks out some shots sometimes but can't really do much else offensively and even that three-point shot isn't as consistent as you would like it to be they bought a George nyang and Max struse who could both theoretically play some minutes at that spot although niyang is pretty slow footed and isn't exactly going to keep up with many of the threes out there he's a lot more of a four and also Max truce is a bit smaller he's 6'5 and already having dare Scarlett and Donovan Mitchell in that backcourt you probably don't want another small guy out there at the three spot so I don't really know there's also like Harris Levert they could try Jetty Osmond they could try a number of guys but nobody feels perfect at that spot maybe eventually someone will establish themselves as that perfect fit but for right now that remains a question mark for the Mavericks my question is are there current bigs enough they've got a lot of talent across this roster Luca Kyrie Josh Green they added Grant Williams so I like Maxi cleba they have Jayden Hardy Off the Bench Seth Curry a bunch of other guys this team is really talented but the big position is continuously a question mark for them they've got some decent guys like Dwight Powell but I think he's more of a bench big where Sean Holmes was not very good in Sacramento maybe he fits better here in Dallas but I'm still not super high on him Derek Lively I like a lot for the future but I don't know if he's gonna make a championship level impact like they want him to from day one Javale McGee they brought in and he just was not good in his first season as a Maverick so they've got some guys you seem promising but I don't love any of their options in the moment to me it still feels like they need that Center trade to really solidify this team as one of the best in the west I don't know if they try to make another Edition in the summer if they wait to see how it works in the season before trying something if they wait up until the deadline I don't really know but I'm not completely sold and I do think right now their big situation is their biggest weakness for the defending champ Denver Nuggets my question is will their youth Off the Bench be able to step up enough in the starting five they've got a pretty solidified group with Jamal Murray contavious Caldwell Pope Michael Porter Jr Aaron Gordon and Nicola jokic it's probably the best starting five in the entire league but beyond that there's a bit of uncertainty especially after losing Bruce Brown and Jeff Green in this off season they're gonna need a lot of production from young guys who really haven't been in those roles before now one young guy who is already kind of established in this rotation and showed a lot was Christian Brown in their Championship run he was big but other guys like Peyton Watson for example Zeke Naji gion Pickett knew rookie that they brought in Hunter Tyson Julian Strath are young guys like that will likely be called upon in this rotation to play some minutes and potentially some big time scenarios now thankfully they've got a bunch of young guys that they can cycle through and find who works the best but none of these guys are incredibly established so there's a chance that if they don't step up and don't perform to the level of those other role players they had the Nuggets could falter a little bit now I do trust their development and think ultimately they'll be fine but it is certainly something to keep an eye on for the Pistons the question is how do Jay kniving kid Cunningham fit together as a backcourt this is something I talked about a good bit in my full Pistons video if you want to hear more about them make sure to go check that out but I think that this is the core of what the Pistons need to evaluate over this year and the coming Seasons they project this two of the best guys on this roster Kate of course is seen as their franchise guy being the number one overall pick a few years ago and they just took Jay Navi who had a great rookie season there are some concerns with the lack of shooting between the two among some other things but I think long term they'll be fine and this year in particular is a great chance for them to gauge how these two guys are going to operate together and more importantly what other towns do they need to pay connects them to best optimize their skill sets for the Warriors I think the question on everyone's mind is was the Chris Paul acquisition worth it bringing in CP3 was something that nobody expected from Golden State in this off-season he gives them a really good ball handler and playmaker Off the Bench which I think could be huge for some of those second units and overall I think he's going to be a good addition but he did come with the cost of one of their best young players in Jordan Poole looking towards the season if Chris Paul doesn't work out if he's injury opponent if the Warriors falter that move maybe looked back on as a massive mistake also if Jordan pulled balls on Washington we'll talk about him a bit later when we get to the Wizards so this season in particular is going to be really fascinating to see how Chris Paul works with this team and if that trade was actually worth it for the Rockets the question is and this one is also in the coming years who becomes their franchise guy they've got a number of players on this team that I think could be their number one down the line Jalen green is the number one option because he was taken a few years ago with the second overall pick and is already average over 20 points for him as a young player and feels really like he could be one of the top scorers in the league consistently down the line Jabari Smith Jr they also just took in the top three last year he had a rough rookie season but showed a lot of flashes over the course of the year and in summer league and I think he still has a lot in the tank alprin shengun is another popular pick to be the best player in this team as a really fun playmaking big that many people are likening to maybe a jokic type guy down the line now I don't think he's going to become yokichu as one of the greatest centers of all time but maybe you can utilize them in a similar way running your offense through him so there are quite a few guys who I think could be the best player in this team down the line maybe even amen Thompson and this year it's gonna be fun to evaluate that see how those players play off of each other who takes a leap especially now that they have more Talent on the roster with Fred Van Vleet Dylan Brooks amongst others they've got a better Coach than email doka this season I think is going to be one that's really telling about who is the future Alpha of this squad and I'm really curious to see who it is for the Pacers their question is who is the power forward going forward they've got two main options in my eyes it's Jairus Walker and it's Obi toppen I have said multiple times on this channel I think Obi toppen is is a prime breakout candidate for this year if they give him a lot of opportunities give him that starting spot he could really Thrive but if he fallsers a bit or if the defense is rough maybe they instead subbing Jairus Walker who was also a player that I'm really excited about for this upcoming season he was one of my favorite prospects in the entire draft a great defender I think he's got more of an offensive game than he showed at Houston at times and could fit really well with the other young town on their roster so I think over the course of the year it's going to be a battle between those two guys to see who maybe ends up being the four of the future alongside Tyrese Benedict Mather and Miles Turner and whoever else in that starting lineup for the Clippers my question is how do you balance load management as well as team chemistry this is a point I talked about a lot in my clippers video make sure to go check that out if you want a full breakdown of the team but pretty much Kawhi Leonard and Paul George should probably load manage it's no secret that they're both injury prone and supplying them less if you can during the regular season I think is probably important but at the same time last year while those two were load managing and also just dealing with injuries in general it felt like the Clippers really failed to establish any type of identity they were super inconsistent on both sides of the ball they were kind of middle of the pack offensively and defensively they just didn't have a calling card and I think a big part of that was because those two guys weren't consistently on the court and they weren't figuring out how to play with the role players the role players didn't know how to play with them the lineups were all over the place you need your stars in the lineup to establish some kind of identity for your team so how do you balance the load management but also build that team identity and just try and find some way to get Kawhi and Paul George both healthy for the playoffs while also having your team ready to go for the Lakers my question is who is going to close games for this team I think there's a lot of different ways they could go of course LeBron James and Anthony Davis will be out there as well as likely Austin Reeves but those other two spots are up for grabs if they need some defense it's likely Jared Vanderbilt if they want more offense it's probably rui hachimura and at the point guard spot if they're looking for defense they probably go get Vincent if they want more three-point shooting they go Dilo and some play making there's a couple different ways they could go I think that starting point guard spot between Gabe Vincent and Dilo could also be somewhat contested throughout the season of course Dilo is probably the better player and I think he will and should get a majority of those starts but if they're looking for a better defensive matchup maybe they go gave Vincent Dilo really struggled on that end throughout the playoffs I don't know it's pretty interesting the Lakers have a lot of talent and I think there's a bunch of different ways they could play things for the Grizzlies my question is will the John Morant suspension sink their season he's gonna miss the first 25 games of the year due to that suspension because of the stuff he did in the off season and that's a lot of time that's over a quarter of the year now the Grizzlies have been pretty good the past few years when John has missed time but not only now are they going to be missing John Morant but they're also going to be incorporating Marcus Smart into things who is a good player and I think will fit in pretty seamlessly eventually but I could see some Growing Pains they also have to figure out their three spots still where they're relying probably on a lot of young players but Dylan Brooks is gone so they're gonna be losing some of that defensive identity and one of the team leaders I don't know I think the Grizzlies could really struggle out of the gate without genre to begin things and even when Jah comes back you now Midway through the season have to integrate this star caliber point guard alongside Marcus Smart who's new to the team I think that John Morant suspension could be a bigger disaster than people are realizing for their season and ultimately it could push them pretty far down the standings now when fully healthy with John the lineup I think the Grizzlies are one of the best in the west but at least for the beginning of the season it's gonna be rough and that could ultimately prevent them from getting an ideal matchup in the playoffs that could sink their year altogether for the heat my question is what is their Damian Lillard backup plan right now they're of course the favorites to land him and I think they eventually will but say that they don't either he doesn't get traded there he goes somewhere else or the Blazers say no we're not going to trade him right now we're just going to hold on to him going into the season and the Heats only have to begin the year without the star point guard that they've been looking for what happens do they try an angle to trade for a different star especially if game gets dealt somewhere else do they just try and run it forward with this roster which is good but I think they're going to take a step back because now they're missing Max shoes they lost Gabe Vincent Tyler hero is probably somewhat alienated because he's been at the center of all these trade talks what happens I think this Heat roster with day game is one of the best in the East and I still think they're good even if they don't get them but if they don't there are certainly some major concerns with this team for the bucks my question is is running it back going to be enough last year they lost an embarrassing fashion to the heat in that first round now I do think they still were a championship contending team they did lose Giannis and maybe if Giannis is healthy things look differently but those are all what ifs we can't look on that instead we've got to look at the result and they lost in the first round they should have been able to overcome that Giannis injury and eventually he did come back but it still wasn't enough going into this year they where they didn't change that much they changed their head coach they've now got Adrian Griffin instead of my Buddha holder and they brought in like Malik Beasley but they lost Javon Carter and really didn't do much else outside of that so my question is is that going to be enough for them to go from first round exits to Championship contenders I still think they've got a championship contending core but it does worry me a little bit the fact that they fell so easily in that first round maybe they're completely fine in that last year was a fluke or maybe they're setting themselves up for disappointment again for the Timberwolves my question is can Rudy go bear and Cat coexist together it's the same question I had going into last season but we didn't get to see them play much alongside each other over the course of this year cat of course missed most of the year he missed from like Black Friday till what was it March April he didn't play very much whatsoever dealing with an injury so they looked good at times when they played together they looked bad but they never got a full season to establish chemistry and really say hey we either can or cannot do this this upcoming season is going to say a lot about this Duo and I think it's going to show the Timberwolves the moves they have to make going forward whether they have to trade one of these two guys or if they can continue to try and build around them alongside Edwards and Jane McDaniels for the pals the question is as always will we actually see Zion and Brandon Ingram on the court together this year it feels like we never see these two guys play alongside each other last year at the beginning of the year the Pelicans were one of the best teams in the west and they dealt with injuries both Zion and Ingram amongst others and suddenly they failed on the standings and they missed the playoffs losing to the thunder in the playing tournament where Zion again did not play are we actually going to see these two guys play when they do play they seem like an Unstoppable Duo and the Pelicans look like one of the best in the west but that's very inconsistent and if they again have a season where they can't keep these two guys on the court do they start to consider trading one or both of them for the next my question is can RJ Barrett be the third star on this team they've got Joe Brunson who's an All-Star caliber guard Julius Randle who struggled in the playoffs but at least in the regular season has been an all NBA player and then there's RJ Barrett who they're paying a Max contract at the moment and they're still looking for him to take that step forward I don't know if it's ever coming where he becomes an All-Star or at least a fringe All-Star caliber player but if he does take that leap that would be huge for this Knicks team if he doesn't again this upcoming year and maybe a star player becomes available around the deadline perhaps the Knicks pull the trigger trading a bunch of those picks that they have alongside RJ Barrett and maybe some other young talent to bring in an actual third star for this team to help Elevate them forward in the top tiers of the Eastern Conference this is a big year for RJ in my opinion he's either going to say hey I'm this third star and I'm and important part of the future or he's going to say hey you should probably include me in a superstar trade package when that comes around for the Thunder my question is who's gonna be the number two guy in this team going forward we of course know that Shea is the number one he's an all-nba guard he just scored 30 points per game it's pretty clear that he is the franchise Cornerstone but beyond him who's gonna be the second best player there's Josh giddy who is shown to be that guy pretty consistently over the past couple of Seasons there's Jalen Williams who's amazing as a rookie maybe he takes a sophomore leap there's Chet Holmgren who could be an incredible defensive anchor from day one and providing some spacing on that team I think there are so many options to be the squad's second best player this upcoming year Shay is the obvious number one but that two spot is up for grabs for the magic the question is who is the backcourt of the future they've got four pretty interesting guards over there that are probably this season gonna be fighting to establish themselves as the guys going forward they've got Anthony block who they just drafted with the sixth overall pick they've got Cole Anthony they've got Marco fultz and they've got Jill and Suggs who they drafted a few years ago go all those guys have differing skill sets some really impressive Parts some parts that are a bit concerning it's a really intriguing group of young guards this season they're gonna have to give them a bunch of different looks try these guys with a bunch of different lineups to see who is going to be the guys going forward I think Anthony black is probably pretty safe as one of those guys because they just took him and I do think he projects as a great fit with the rest of this roster but beyond him I'm really not sure if I had to pick someone it's probably Markel fultz to be that other guard but he also can't shoot very well which is a problem with the rest of this team including Anthony black so they've got a lot to figure out with that grouping I'm really curious to see how that shakes out who they start at what points and ultimately who ends up joining Paulo Franz and Wendell Carter Jr as the starting five of the future for the Sixers my question is will tyris Maxie be able to take that next step this is both with or without James Harden without him they're gonna need it more of course because then they just have Maxi as their lead guard but even with Hardin Maxie is the swing Factor the Sixers have consistently been a championship Contender that can't get over that second round hump but having a young star in Maxi who could someday be an All-Star guard is a big bright light going towards the future if Maxie becomes that All-Star he establishes himself alongside him beat as one of the best guard big Duos in the league then that's huge for you and you have two guys you can build with going forward if you just find a third star you're golden but if Maxie never quite reaches that level that's somewhat of a concern this is a big year for Maxi to maybe take that leap especially if Hardin leaves and I'm cursed to see what he does for the sons my question is who does a majority of the play-making duties Bradley Bill is going to play the point guard but I think Devin Booker is the better playmaker Kevin Durant has also shown some chops so I'm curious to see how they operate this thing they really don't have a true play making point guard like they have the last few years with Chris Paul instead it seems like it's going to be almost a playmaking by committee type of situation with Phoenix I'm curious to see how it works and how that offense looks with that setup with the Portland Trailblazers my question is will they be able to deal Jeremy Grant it seems like they're probably going to trade Demi load at some point they've got this young chorus shading sharp Anthony Simonson Henderson but Jeremy Grant still feels like the odd man out as well as Yusuf norka she's involved in this too but Jeremy Grant in particular because they just signed into a massive 160 million dollar deal that has him here for the next five years it feels natural that they'd probably look to move on from him at some point soon but that contract is pretty big and I guess he wouldn't be a bad veteran player to have alongside the young guys on this team eventually they'll probably trade him but I'm just wondering if they'll actually be able to do it this season with the big time contract or if it'll take you know at least an off season or two to actually make the deal movable for the Sacramento Kings the question is can they up the defense the offense I think again will be ridiculous with sabonis with Fox with her with monk Harrison Barnes that is a loaded offensive team but the defense was a big problem all regular season and in the playoffs they also had some struggles too now they did take the Golden State Warriors 2-7 games but this king's team wants to be a championship Contender and to do that they've got to figure out how to play defense more consistently does it take a trade is it a scheme issue that they can figure out they've got to fix this defense and if they can sum somehow Shore it up and make themselves at least a solid defensive team they'll be amongst the best in the west again for the Spurs my question is what does Devin visel look like in a full season vessel was amazing in the time he played last year he showed so many flashes of being a star level score the shot creation the shot making some really difficult looks on a team that really didn't have much talent around him whatsoever I expect Evan viscel to have a monster season this upcoming year if he's able to avoid injury which is a bit of a concern he had some injury issues last year but if Devin fiselle stays fully healthy keep an eye on him as one of the biggest breakout candidates for this upcoming year and a future star on the Spurs team alongside Vic for the Raptors my question is are they going to be able to get value for the stars on this team to me it feels pretty obvious that the Raptors are heading towards a rebuild and that they'll likely have to trade both ojen and Obi and Pasco siacom pretty soon I think OG is less likely because he's still a bit younger but I do think eventually both those guys will be dealt off this team maybe even Jacob portal in those trades as well the question is how do you get value for them and what value are they actually going to be able to get they've had problems with that recently they let Fred Van Fleet Walk this off season for nothing when they could have traded him at the deadline they also let Kyle Lowry walk for pretty much nothing they did get precious at Chua from the Miami Heat in that signing trade but overall they didn't get a big time haul when it was reported that they might have been able to do so at the deadline beforehand you don't want a similar situation with siakuman ananobi you've got to go ahead and find some value for them whether it's at this year's deadline throughout the season in general or in the off season you have to find a way to get actual tangible assets for your two stars hopefully they're able to do so because if they aren't their reboot is going to start a lot slower for the Jasmine question is who starts in the front Court alongside Lowry Walker Kessler for a majority of the Season those two guys are obviously going to be there Larry's and All-Star Walker Kessler is an elite rim protector but who's that third guy and I think there are a number of options ochaigbaji played at the three a good bit this past season and I thought he did a pretty good job he's a young player that has shown a ton of flashes and provides some good spacing for the rest of the lineup otherwise they could go Taylor Hendricks who they drafted with the ninth overall pick and I think projects as a great fit alongside Walker Kessler and Lowry marconin but that might involve Lowry moving to the three spot which he's done before in Cleveland but could be a bit wonky and you know do you really want to mess with what Lowry did this past year at the four otherwise they could also if they again want to move Lowry to the three put John Collins out there he was a shock acquisition for this team in this off season I was stunned that they were the ones out of everyone who traded for him but I don't hate the idea of buying low on John Collins they traded basically nothing for him and if John Collins can turn it around find some of what he did in his first few seasons as a hawk with this team he's a really good fit in that front Court too they've got a bunch of interesting options I'm curious to see who fits there and who ends up being the full-time starter and finally for the Washington Wizards my question is who on this team is a franchise building block this is the first year of them going towards this reboot and it's the first chance for all these guys to say hey I'm someone that has to be here when we go into this new era Jordan pool is of course a prime candidate to do so I think he could have a breakout year and we'll probably shoot a ton maybe kuzma stays as a veteran on this team for the Long Haul you've got Bilal kulabale who's now here with the seventh overall pick I think he is a franchise Cornerstone but he's got a chance to prove that this season you've got other players like Danny of Dia Corey kisberg Johnny Davis who didn't have a great rookie season at all but maybe he turns things around it's a fun time in Washington where things are super uncertain but the future looks bright and this is a chance for all these young guys to say hey I've got to be a part of us when we're trying to compete for a championship in the next like five years or so so yeah that's my question for every single NBA team this upcoming season let me know in the comments down below what you thought of your team's question what the answer to that is also leave a like And subscribe if you did enjoy helps the channel out a ton this is probably a longer video I've seen some of y'all say that you like the longer videos some of you have said that you don't so let me know what you think I can shorten them if you want me to otherwise I could keep dropping some longer videos it's been fun to do so in the off season uh but yeah as always appreciate y'all watching I'll see you later everyone say it back
Channel: ThreeCone
Views: 13,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA, Basketball, NBA Predictions, NBA Reactions, NBA News, NBA Trades, NBA Rumors, ThreeCone, Damian Lillard, Portland Trailblazers, Sixers, James Harden, NBA Awards, Oklahoma City Thunder, Golden State Warriors, Chris Paul, Steph Curry, Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James, Anthony Davis, New York Knicks, RJ Barrett, Denver Nuggets, Nikola Jokic, Miami Heat, Dallas Mavericks, Boston Celtics, Luka Doncic, Kristaps Porzingis, Phoenix Suns, Kevin Durant, Devin Booker
Id: cw3mPL67aJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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