One Piece Openings | My First Time Reaction | Part 1

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we're watching more anime welcome into another First Time anime reaction I want to say thank you so much for the support on the last video for all the amazing comments the most suggested comment on my last anime reaction video was reacting to all the openings for one piece so that's what we're going to be doing today I am always looking for more recommendations for new shows to react to here on the channel so if you want to leave a comment for what you want to see me react to next go ahead and leave one I took down about oh three dozen or so different recommendations from the last anime reaction video and looking forward to hopefully reacting to those in the very near future and if you go on to enjoy this one please consider subscribing it really does help support the channel and go ahead and like the video if you enjoy the content let's watch some one piece that is wild we've got almost 56 minutes worth of openings here let's not waste any more time let's go ahead and hop into it oh that is loud [Music] almost like a little bit of a story treasure hunting here I feel like this is the one that I have seen before great pirate era if you add to me I remember reading one of your comments from the last video uh monkey Luffy is that his name leave a comment Down Below on this one as well if you've got any great one-piece information for me I kind of want to watch this one the anime I mean but it's a little bit intimidating to me how long the show actually is oh the reason this is familiar is because I also reacted this was the one opening I did react to in the last video of one piece or of My overall anime reactions told you another uh another comment that I made on the last video was that uh I compared it to Pokemon at one point because I said it had that like adventure-like feel where every episode is almost like its own adventure and some of you like agreed with that some of you didn't um those of you that agreed said kind of but that the story is a lot more deeper which I would get I would expect compared to something like Pokemon where it's you know kind of a surface level story [Music] we are okay first one um liked it I would probably I'm probably gonna end up grading at something different that I did in the most recent anime reaction video uh I'll give the song A I'll say seven maybe yeah I I liked it it didn't dislike it but it wasn't you know I wasn't crazy about it um I'll give the story I'll just go with like a solid seven and a seven from both perspectives just to give myself sort of a place to start and then either move maybe that's gonna be higher once I actually do watch the anime because I'm assuming the first one is probably the most nostalgic for most people uh but I'll go with a seven and seven for both of those all right we've got opening number two coming up let's see it oh okay immediately like a bit of a difference in that this one doesn't seem to be as focused as much on the sea as the first opening did it feels quieter too lots of characters coming across the screen [Music] both the first opening and the second opening had a a familiar um or a similar feel that they opened with kind of someone telling a story I like that kind of sets the tone in a way almost with uh I mean obviously I don't I didn't understand it but you know what I'm saying okay so now we're getting more of these seed themes like we did in the first one but definitely more characters is the biggest difference I'm not crazy about the song I will say I think I liked the first song more so far is it funny that a couple years ago before I was like I I still don't consider myself like super informed on anime but a few years ago when I wasn't at all I would get uh one piece and one punch man confused okay I'm assuming this is one is called like believe in Wonderland based off the lyrics all right now I'm starting to worry that I may have gone too low with the first one because I think the song on this one I'm gonna give a six and I will go with the seven as well for the visuals the amount of characters was kind of overwhelming to me at the very beginning of that I was like whoa whoa whoa how many people we got going on here uh but nothing about this one I guess was like particularly standing out to me compared to the first one the first one I think I did like slightly more than the second one so far uh but let's go ahead and we'll watch number three something I do want to like start focusing on with these as we continue to watch more of them I really want to see if I can like follow along with what the story is without actually having ever seen the show obviously so similar thing here starting off with someone kind of speaking as part of the intro or the story almost oh okay yeah yeah see I'm I this one I'm liking a little bit more it's hard to it's hard to say exactly what it is that that makes an opening catchy I mean a lot of it is the music obviously but it's uh I'm not a fan of the like the Slowdown of the song I kind of wish it would have just kept going fast paced it's still kind of difficult for me to get a sense of the story other than that they're like on this adventure for these travels I mean I understand it's centered around Like Pirates there's a couple a new character or two in this opening though that wasn't in the last one like this dude with the with the antlers I don't recognize all right nice oh okay I like that ending okay this one I think the song was probably my favorite of the first three so I'll say an eight for the song and the visuals ooh just under the story of it I'm gonna go I go seven or eight I'm gonna say I'll say an eight I I liked that one the most of the three so far so I'll say eight on both accounts all right this is opening number four there's nothing on the screen that's like keeping track of which opening it is so I'm just trying to do it by memory and hoping I don't lose track as we go but this this is opening number four all right gotta be honest not vibing with this music oh oh oh oh oh those veggies look good though okay treasure King of the Pirates so that's like okay I'm getting a a little bit of a better sense of the story I mean that's the goal they're trying to be king of the Pirates or he's trying to be king of the Pirates I gotta sneeze excuse me [Music] I don't know man I I'm not vibing with this one even the the third one has definitely been my favorite so far oh the little guy with the antlers changed his shirt said smile on it bro this guy's got three katanas fun song but I think I mentioned this in the last anime reaction video I I not just with anime but just most TV or movies in general I kind of prefer more darker themes [Music] so this is not necessarily up my alley this song but what I'm curious about and maybe you you all can let me know down in the comments is how much does each opening influence the style oh I love the ending though influence the style of the story of that particular portion of the show or maybe it doesn't at all it's just like a different opening you let me know all right opening four I don't think it's no secret uh from from my feelings listening to that one I'm gonna go like a four on the song I was not not really feeling it the visuals were all are still good but I'll probably say six um maybe maybe it would be a five but those three katanas are gonna bring it up from a five to a six all right little uh Stardust to start us off oh okay I'm I'm with it so far also I think a lot of you were letting me know like specific openings of shows you wanted me to watch oh I like that that open that intro right there um also is this the first one that didn't have like a speaking thing at the beginning I think it might be a lot of you were letting me know like specific openings you wanted me to watch um is there a opening or openings for one piece that are generally considered to be the best ones I'd be curious if my favorites today are reflective of the most commonly liked ones or not the animation feels very different in this one so far almost like more three-dimensional than any of the other ones we've seen so far oh key change let's go baby I feel like that guy would be one of my favorites the dude with the swords I can tell I would like him this song's kind of catchy you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of uh almost like anyone ever play Mario Kart on Rainbow Road it it was giving me like Rainbow Road vibes all right I'm digging that one I think I still like three just a little bit more than that one pretty sure that was five that we just watched um but I'm gonna also go with a who can I do decimal points nah that'll be um I'll just do I'll say a seven for the song uh no actually yeah seven for the song but the visuals I think that was my favorite visual one so far I feel like it was maybe just because of a a change in style of Animation slightly or at least with the opening I'm gonna go in eight um maybe even a nine I go nine I'll say nine I'm gonna say a nine for the visuals on that one I they really caught my eye more than any of the other ones so far right opening number six here we go oh it almost felt like a different show right off the bat for some reason this one just kind of felt like it threw me in okay but this is that same style of I don't know what you call that I like the way it looks though water's pretty too what is is that is the the uh headpiece on the on the boat is there a significance of it if that being like a goat or what or lots of villains in this one man we're getting lots of characters in this one I feel like I'm I'm now starting to get a sense of a like a solid group of reoccurring characters one two three like six of them total six or seven seven [Music] there's my sword guy oh look at those kicks lots of uh lots of Weaponry that we're seeing being used in this opening in in East Lobby Bro Look at that guy's chin who are they I want to know who those people were all right that one was fun I like that one I'ma go eight for the story slash visuals song I'll say seven um you know not mediocre whatever's right A Step Above mediocre I will say now I'm getting a better sense of this not this necessarily the story but the characters involved with it um like this Core group of six or seven of them I think it is so you know I'm I'm getting there I'm getting there I do want to watch One Piece eventually uh it's just a little intimidating with how long it is all right opening number seven coming up it's cut up oh interesting wait this is like a throwback to the first one isn't it or is this the first one is I swear this is the first one or maybe it's like an like a special alternate one that seems similar no this is definitely the first one I don't know maybe the song feels kind of different I feel like it is different well I I honestly don't know I can't remember no no I've definitely seen this [Music] I'll have to go back and and double check after watching this [Music] [Music] okay that was slightly different I feel like all right so I went back and I double checked and I think it's the same except for that it's a different artist singing the song um so I guess on that very first one I believe I went seven and seven I kind of like the original song person singing the song better I guess I'll go six for the song instead of seven and seven for the visuals uh just because I think other than that it was the same as the first one let me know down in the comments if I'm mistaken on that regard all right next up uh this is either seven or eight depending I think it's eight if you include the last one hmm oh this is fun dude I I like this so far oh the one piece letters scattered okay okay I'm a little iffy on the song but okay I love the way the water looks also the significance of that Ram what is what is the significance of that and why was that chosen I guess I guess also do you think each of these openings are something that were some of them were like simultaneously developed do you think they're all actually made a couple months or years apart wait does the little person with with the antlers turn into that person oh no there's a little person with the antlers thank you okay I know we've seen this guy in a different opening oh I know we've seen that guy the tattoo yep and I know he's seen this guy what in the world is that so now I'm starting to get like a reoccurring sense of the villains even too [Music] I have I have no sense of whether there are like powers in this universe like can he actually just jump from one ship to the other ship and punch the ship that feels like something that was almost like emphasized extra for the opening but not actually something he does in the show or maybe it is I don't know I feel like they tend to fill up part of the opening with kind of this like map traversal thing every time oh that guy looked kind of cool it stitches all along his chest I feel like the visuals are getting better and I I notice that they're getting better now all right visuals for number eight going with a solid eight actually I think I'm gonna stick with that um the song seven solid seven on that one which brings us to opening nine I think I'm counting correctly although I'm like less than a third of the way through the overall video and I've only and I've done about a third of the openings so either the rest of the openings are really long or maybe I messed something up let me know down in the comments all right this should be opening nine though oh okay kind of a that running up on the hill thing was very similar to the very first opening he has this like arm thing going on I need to know more about the arm thing like is that actually something he does in the show like the uh the Mr Fantastic arms oh was that guy always with them or is he new guy with the yellow shirt on didn't recognize him person seems very not alive [Music] all right Mr Speedo man uh buff dear I want to know what that weapon is it's cool they each seem to have almost like their signature weapon that sticks with them throughout the show I don't know was that okay so there's definitely some sort of like uh love interest Dynamic going on with some of the members of the group I think that was the first time I had caught something like that a lot of those people seemed like ones that I oh see I want to go through that Arc whatever that is yeah I want to know if this guy can actually destroy ships with his bare hands and feet he looks like he's more ripped in this opening he's got abs and stuff did he have those before kind of like the shift in the music okay we can fly now love that love that many more Adventures when you can fly this guy I don't recognize from the other openings I got it did they find the treasure are they pirate Kings now all right I it might be pirate Kings now I don't know they just they got a lot of treasure there at the end of that one um I would have gotten with a seven for the song but that like little middle interlude where it got a lot faster and picked up the pace I'm gonna put it at an eight uh visuals for that one I'm gonna go in eight as well double eights for for both of those all right we've got opening nine on the way let's see what's in store for us little seagull action to start us off yeah yeah I'm liking the music can't see his eyes okay okay I'm not super impressed with the visuals so far on this one but I'm liking the song I feel like nothing's happening foreign whatever you call them arms what does that remind me of like it's another my gosh the Hamburglar from McDonald's was one of those villains in the background the other cool piece of this that I am kind of gathering from all these openings is that while the main group of them seems to be consistent like they added this guy like one or two openings ago but for the most part it's pretty consistent there seems to be like tons and tons and tons of villains uh which is cool it's kind of different from I mean I made the like the random Pokemon comparison in in the last video um and again me having never seen one piece obviously I think that is one thing that stands out as being uh distinguishing and different is it like in in Pokemon for example it's always Team Rocket who are the villains this doesn't feel like it has uh like one main Villain at least this is the second time we've seen the skull guy check out that guy's beard okay this guy I like him the most the one that looks like Zorro he's been in several openings this guy seems to have a pretty prominent role too mustache guy from the very first one is this the guy with the scars on his face yeah yeah yeah okay he he clearly is important as well dude I'm like learning the characters and I have no idea what any of their names are all right not bad okay that one gave me a lot more like context I feel like but I didn't love the song I'm Gonna Go um it was kind of like a different variation of the first uh opening song I'll go seven for the song and seven for the uh for the visuals I I would have got a six and if it didn't give me like tons of different people in it I feel like the first 30 seconds of that one was really boring if I'm being honest like with the seagull and then he was just walking on the beach for a while uh but it was not bad not bad I'll go sevens for both well this is a very different vibe [Music] I don't hate it wait is this guy on their team now skull guy I'm getting like this feels very like the sound of it is very like 90s hip-hop almost they're not hip-hop but oh okay yeah this is very different stop I get to learn their names Sanji Chopper I love that Robin Frankie Brooke okay so he's with them now Brooke [Music] Chopper's my favorite which means what there's nine of them total [Music] I like the sun a lot gives me like kind of boy band sounding vibes I think this is opening 10 right pretty sure it's opening 10. [Music] oh who's this new character you got snake earrings foreign I don't know what else to call him [Music] I love the idea of tons of different villains just like reoccurring over the course of all the episodes I think that's so cool [Music] who's that wow that might be my favorite man this is tough do I have to give something a 10 eventually if I was gonna give anything a 10 of something I've seen so far it would have been that one so I'll go the fact that I got to like learn their names at the beginning I thought was really cool so for that reason I'm gonna go 10. uh plus like I I just I liked it a lot the song was great song I'll go nine uh but like visuals and story and just the overall enjoyment of it I must say 10 that was my favorite one so far which I think it was opening 10 too all right opening 11. cooking world you can definitely see like how different the animation is in in these last few openings compared to like one two three and four he's got a tie on now this feels like something like very big story wise happened and the tone has shifted a lot for some is that a llama in armor that is a llama in armor that is a massive dog this is just a very different vibe from the last one lots of animals though that's fun what are we looking at we're all we're all freaking out about something but I have no idea what it is still don't know what is it it's a massive turtle [Laughter] okay oh my gosh there's art it's just every animal in this opening ginormous [Music] I don't think we added anyone new to the party I think it's still the same nine people [Music] would this be oh those are some long swords man has a mustache on his tattoo I gotta know what the deal is with his arms oh there was longbeard man see what uh oh Zorro it's probably I know that's not even his name and that's just the name I've kind of assigned to him but if you know what the guy with the big Hat's name is let me know down in the comments okay new character who seems to be very important oh this may have been the person who was standing opposite him was that in the last opening okay kind of slowed down vibe from the previous one I'm gonna say I think these last two have actually been longer as well um I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with an eight or the just enjoyment and the visuals aspect of it and I will say like a seven for the song wasn't wasn't super vibing with the song especially compared to opening 10 that one was great but that was opening 11 we just watched which means this next one is opening 12. that's how numbers work all right I do like that the the flag is like a reoccurring constant in each of these I'm liking the song a lot so far too I just I just generally like rock music a lot and I'm getting that that uh since from this one flames okay I really want this like heat drop to happen did he do something to his eye in this season or in this Arc he's got a little thing under his eye okay this guy again oh the guy with the asce tattoos the same guy as the guy with the the face mustache backed hat this feels so much more dramatic than most of the other ones the last one was like so happy go lucky and this one is like very emotional okay oh yeah I liked it [Music] it's like oh there's a three eye scratch [Music] man the world of One Piece just feels so big and I think that is so cool it makes me makes me excited about watching it wait is is the tattoo guy his brother did I just kind of Ruin part of the show for me [Music] oh there's long beard well that guy had some groovy glasses Zorro Elvis man see my thing is does this world whole world revolve around pirate stuff because it feels like a lot of these people don't really seem like Pirates I feel like I just like ruined one piece for myself and I I'm like guessing that they're Brothers that I just ruined one piece for myself wow okay story wise I feel like that one gave me so much to think about I'm gonna say a nine for the visuals slash story slash General enjoyment just because I feel like I gained a lot of Knowledge from that one uh in terms of the show at least I think let me know if I'm wrong in the comments uh the song I'll say like a seven though I wasn't like uh no you know what I'll go eight I liked the Rock at the beginning of it uh eight for the song nine for the story of the 12 we've watched so far probably E3 10 and 12. I think were my three favorites I would say uh but what about you guys which one is your favorite one-piece opening please remember to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed this one and again as always let me know down in the comments what you want me to react to in the future I would love to learn more about just the world of anime and all of your recommendations so please leave a comment down below to let me know what you want me to watch thanks so much for watching have a wonderful rest of your day peace
Channel: BenBen Reacts
Views: 54,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7qvIsxa9byo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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