One Piece Manga Chapter 1118 Review Being Free

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hey everybody this is Captain ye here with you for another one p chapter review this going one p chapter 1118 titled being free so let's get into it so the beginning of the chapter starts off with the yam cover story and she's eating her little plate of um I don't know what it is but you know she's eating her little like bentto plate of food that somebody made her and she's finally setting out past the flower Capital to go to I forgot what her first destination is but she's going to go all around wna so she's finally heading out to go do that after second hi to a few people so the first uh panel of this chapter starts off with the Iron Giant that just got hit by the goray last chapter he went flying I thought he landed on like a random part of the island but apparently he landed on a on a marine ship and he's falling into the ocean and he specifically says these words he goes where did you go I wanted our paths to cross you were here right joil booy how strange how very strange R and he's getting deeper and deeper into the ocean and then the Bor gor runs over just to check like to make sure that the Iron Giant fell in the water and the sinking and you know all the Marines well most of them didn't really see the gor form so they see this gigantic giant fly over Landa to the Olen they're like what the heck was that like giant bore come over like what the heck is that what is going on on his a lot of them like random bir ra Marines are like freaking out seeing all this crazy stuff andway after that we cut over to different parks around the world specifically dress Rosa um Alabaster we see that guy that Viv was child her friends with we see a bunch of group of peoples really confused what just happened you know via Punk was saying some important stuff and then he just got cut off and there's no visual transponding now well they had the visual up but it was just on like his face talking you know it wasn't some was going on in egg head so he just cut off and they're like what what happened some people are thinking well veega Punk did say he committed some sins and broke like a law or two so the government probably just killed him some other people are thinking well no they wouldn't do that I mean come on I mean yeah he broke a few laws but he's the world's smartest man they wouldn't just kill somebody like that right and other people are thinking well at the beginning of Egghead well not at the very beginning but you know a little while after the beginning of Egghead remember the world government had publ in the paper that Luffy was holding Vega Punk hostage so they're thinking oh Luffy he said in the paper that was holding him hostage so he probably killed them it was really funny cuz we go over to Leo and he's thinking oh soy land was holding them hostage the ter Mission cut off and Rebecca's like are you kidding me I just told you don't believe the newspaper and you know Luffy he wouldn't do something like that like what are you thinking we got over to York and York is getting called on by the gor and the gor asking them how many Vega punks are left besides her and only Vega punks that are left besides heard as he says is out is atlas and Lilith so I guess Edison died down below in like the basement area my head Cannon is that the only vea pun that's going to survive is Lilith well I'm thinking Lilith is going to go with the straw hacks and become like a permanent member as a scientist that's my head Cannon your could probably survive maybe you know see the gore say whatever to help to help them Atlas might die I I don't want her to die but she might die but those these are the last three vegga punks Atlas Lilith and you are so all the Vega punk I mean all the Vega punks all the G say are like okay well Punk wers can still function even though Stella is dead the main Vega Punk so we need to make sure to kill Lil and Atlas because we can just use Punk records with um York and use whatever else techology here with her so those are just loose ends let's go kill them so obviously that's pretty bad Luffy Dory and bragi finally make it to the giant Sip and they get up there obiously Luffy's freaking out about how big the Sip is all the Giants there we cut over to Vice Emeral Bluegrass and doll Bonnie was able to turn them in little kids which is so funny because you know doll's like really mad as she's a kid and Bluegrass and then we cut over to Bonnie she has a gun so I'm guessing maybe she like shot them with the gun and turn them in the kids and she's just laughing she goes uhoh you guys are going to get some big trouble for letting us get away especially me right I'll see y'all later then the boat actually starts to sail away like two giants jump on push off and we're starting to sail away we're not like 10 km away from the island we're still pretty close but you know we're starting to get away from the island we're pretty close son he calls Nami like hey our boat is moving how are you guys I me says that we're going to Kudo burst like any second now we're going to head your way into the ocean so don't worry no she specifically says we're going to Kudo burst and you know get into the ocean soon but they might need their help to land kind of softly and Sanji says don't worry I'll make sure that you Lilith and Robin are Okay and usopp's like wait a second what about everybody else he goes don't you guys even dare worry for a second you guys are going to be totally safe in my care who like hey I'm up here too in Zoro you don't you know you got think about the rest of us that that part of his gag is pretty funny when he just forgets everybody else besides the women I don't know why that that part of that gag is pretty funny anyway the fastest G I assume is the bird one he's coming in hot and we cut over the Luffy eating a ton of food in like the kitchen area of the giant ship so the bird gor comes over I forgot his name but it's the goray that's like really tall and he has like the really long mustache beard people say that he looks like gona's brother because he kind of does you know gone fall from skypia that's that's the gor that's coming in the bird one so he flies in and he has fire breath he starts to shoot fire breath out of his mouth and two giants jumping away and block it with their Shields but the fire you know disperses so you know parts of the Sip is like going catching on fire so they have to hurry up and put it out Dory and baragi are thinking this is bad one of them can fly and they can regenerate so they can follow us no matter how far we go away we you know we got to deal with this problem right here and right now and after that let me make sure I'm getting ahead of myself all right yeah okay so Luffy goes back into gear five and Bonnie calls him you know Su God NAA Luffy like I know that who that is but he goes hey Bonnie I don't know how your powers work but try to be like me so we can whack these guys out of here Bonnie like I can't be like you she goes he goes yes you can just try really hard and she starts to think to herself like oh you know I can be like that and she also remembers what Luffy said about how this form is the form that he takes about being the most free in the world so she goes distorted future give me a uh give me a fure where I'm totally free and he and she actually turns into a gear five Bonnie which is so crazy obviously the gor that's there is really surprised that the uh that you know see was a turn to gear five and everybody else we get this one sweet panel of Kuma looking up he doesn't say anything he's still sort of in his unconscious State maybe or maybe not because he's looking at Bonnie in in the sun god Nico form and then we see a panel right under him where he first found Bonnie as a baby telling Jenny to rest easy he'll finally you know he'll take care of the baby no no worries that was a really sweet scene oh well I guess panel everybody else is freaking out and ly goes okay let's take these guys out and that's the end of the chapter 11 80 I mean 1118 uh two Naas running a monuk and we also see The Iron Giant it seems like he's going to get back up that's what it looks like right here so that's going to be pretty bad for the girl s and I saw a lot of people mad at this panel because this panel you know leaked last night and it wasn't translated or anything but you know we saw Bonnie the son got NAA form which is so crazy everybody was freaking out about it and I'm like well what's the problem everybody was saying oh this garbage and stuff I mean Bonnie's been able to do this I mean when he does the stord a few so it doesn't last for too long so not like she can just go into gear five anytime and even if she can it's only going to last like I don't know Luffy last in gear five like 10 plus minutes Bonnie's like I don't know two minutes you know not gonna be too long I don't get the problem with this I mean it's kind of cool she's finally able to you know Kuma you know she's Kuma's child and Kuma religion was the whole s Nika thing and seeing Bonnie finally turn not finally turn into it but turning into it was kind of sweet I didn't really get what people's problem was with this panel people calling older garbage and stuff I mean I don't really have a problem with it that's one number two I kind of wanted Sanji when a bird came in I was like oh okay here comes Sanji cuz Zoro finally fought the guy with the sword this is a giant brother can fly Sanji can fly or Skywalk I wanted that I wanted that fight to happen this whole time I thought Soni was going to come in I mean he could still come in to help you know two s Nikas coming in plus sanii that's domination on this bird so hopefully Sanji can come in and do something cool uh but they're probably gonna do something crazy on the bird for and then Sanji I don't know long he even going to get to do anything on the bird but hopefully hopefully but uh that is the chapter I did want to say one more thing I was going to scroll back up but my phone is not letting me actually let me pause it and see if I can like restart the page or something oh yeah what I wanted to say was I'm guessing since the I GI going to get back up I guess that means the transmission is going to start back up maybe not from the place where we stopped so maybe V up be talking about something else completely different at the beginning of the chapter when it was cutting out he said the name was going to cut out so who knows he was going to say maybe people were saying he was going to say the name of the ancient Kingdom maybe but it cut out so I'll probably keep it going and we'll find out something else and I also want to know why did he say bring a visual transponders now he specifically had an audio one and a visual one and so far all he's been doing is just talking to the screen so why what's the point having a visible one if he's just looking at the screen so you know saying get a visible one means he's going to show something hopefully we get to see exactly what he was going to show so that's good so any anyway that's the chapter for you guys today so like share and subscribe I'll see you all later thank you all for watching iing go all me wonderful human beings and I'll see you guys next time bye bye all right
Channel: Captain Yeet
Views: 28
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OnePiece1118, OnePiece
Id: poIy51GLhH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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