ONE PIECE: Luffy vs Kaido - Wood Carving ASMR
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Channel: Woodart Vietnam
Views: 1,392,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luffy gear 4, kaido, kaido dragon, luffy gear 5, luffy new form, wood carving, one piece, mihawk, luffy, zoro, wooden art onepiece, gỗ âu lạc, nghệ nhân âu lạc, woodworking art, woodworking tools, nghệ nhân âu lạc woodart vietnam, wood carving art, wood figure, one piece manga, one piece figure, carving wood, carving, woodworking, woodworking projects, whitebeard, gol d roger, king of pirate, luffy vs kaido, big mom vs kaido, kaido onepiece, asmr, art asmr, wood carving asmr
Id: 3aoUPU6RRsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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