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the complete narrated chapter of one piece is out so loading [Music] hello everyone welcome to the manga information Channel and the chapter 1090 is out and of course I'm going to narrate it here but before we start don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification Bell and let's get into the video on the cover we see Kuru reading a book with cats around him another fan request page one chapter 1090 starts with Luffy taking the den den mushy from usop's hands to talk to the gorasay Luffy says hello my name is monkey Luffy and I'm going to be the king of the Pirates someone shouts what are you doing Luffy Luffy says hey you guys if you value York's life remove your ships from the coast York says help me we see kazaro at a loss for words some Marines don't believe it who are these bastards did they actually kidnap the island text box global economic newspaper headquarters we see Morgan's waffle and Vivi listening to everything Morgan says what this is big news what's happening there Vivi can't believe it Luffy San page two then the Gora say um so you're Luffy and who is with you Luffy says well if we count the wounded then the total is someone shouts not Luffy Geisha sound of hanging up the den den mushy Jupiter says is that woman's voice Nico Robin says Luffy don't give them information on a silver platter like that Luffy says sorry you're right but they'll back down immediately Usopp says only in your dreams you idiot don't underestimate the Marines then we see Saturn he says we have to protect three things first York's physical integrity and second the security of the bank's files that make up his brain and third the security of the power plant needed for mother flame production we can risk losing everything except her in short if we need to destroy everything do it page 3 vice admiral Doberman says but Rob Lucci and his team are still there not to mention the rest of Cipher pole sir Saturn then says well I'm just calculating the worst possible scenario we need to consider what's most important to us Doberman says understood sir then Saturn concludes humans are no different from insects even if their numbers decrease they multiply again Doberman just stays quiet upon hearing that York in tears says did you hear I made a deal with the old ones if you dare to hurt me they'll erase this island from existence just like a rented adapter page four Nami upon hearing this hits York shouts ah you'll pay for this I'll tell them Nami says I don't care about your tears Robin says calm down Nami she doesn't even have a weapon Chopper says have your wounds healed Robin says yes and thanks Chopper Kaku says to Rob Lucci ah I still blame myself even after we found two serifs I understand how you feel try to sleep and forget about it Lucci tells Kaku to rest for a bit Lilith is on the ground crying she says ahh Shaka Pythagoras Edison Edison says I'm still alive Lilith stopped screaming Lilith says for seriously injured two members dead as for the straw hat crew we see Kaku he notices that Luchi is talking to himself yes it was Kaku not usop the leaker has the same foolishness as Luffy Kaku says Hey Luchi who are you talking to Luchi says no one I'm talking to myself double page 5 and 6. then we see usop he says hey people in the basement are you all okay dialog box research basement of the laboratory we see the CP agents cheering a happy agent shouts thanks for the food another agent says hey don't shout like that they're still our enemies another agent says they're alive because of them another agent asks them to take them out of there but Usopp says they can't do it now another agent says then at least they've taken us to another place the presence of these creatures near us terrifies us someone else says aren't these seraphs our allies the real vegapunk says yes but if they go out of control are you sure they're safe Vega Punk vegapunk says absolutely these bubble balls are made of the same material as the Pacific Vista V3 bubble shields in other words they're even resistant to bombs I also made them with sea energy which makes them an effective weapon against fruit users s h says how dare they lock us up here this is amazing we thought they were just regular soap bubbles and sneak tells the agents while staring at them in any case you don't need to worry because we haven't received in order to exterminate you so we don't care about you page seven Frankie says thanks a snake we appreciate being turned back to normal the real vegapunk says strange I don't remember programming her to do that then we see a small flashback Luffy says Hancock those are my friends you have to lift your power from them please you're the only one who can save them a blushing s snake says okay I'll do it but stop looking at me like that then Jean Bae laughs and says haha so she really is an exact copy of Hancock she treats everyone poorly except Luffy it's funny how her serif nature reacts the same way towards Luffy vegapunk then starts taking notes interesting these Tendencies considered one of the pieces of information transmitted during the Clones production page eight Luffy says thanks again Hancock s Lake covering her face says what did I hear you say you love me Atlas then says Stila even though the communication system is back in operation I still couldn't open the Border Dome vegapunk says we won't be able to escape unless we disable this barrier York then laughs and says your attempts are futile I froze everything with a secret password unfortunately for you I didn't share it with your brains and I have no intention of sharing it with you no matter what you do Lilith jumps on her and says you're starting to get on my nerves York says hahaha this password and the world government are Shields that protect me now I'm starving Stussy arrives she says we were surrounded from all sides our Fleet consisted of 100 ships and nearly 30 000 soldiers on board Sanji with Starry Eyes says indeed the situation seems critical here you go sweet Stacy coffee would you like a cup vegapunk Stila says you said your name is Nami are you navigating correctly Nami says yes page nine Nami looking at the log pose says the log pose hasn't set a destination yet but I think we can follow one of the destinations you listed in wayno one of the destinations is the northeast of the island vegapunk says ah yes that's the direction of elbaf Luffy and usop are delighted let's go there finally Robin says we've been dreaming of visiting the island of giants for a long time Luffy and usop very excited start singing about elbaf then we see Stussy noticing that Rob Lucci is staring at her so Stussy reproaches him saying stop staring at me all the time Vega Punk then says it's fortunate that the Vega force is anchored since there's a fleet surrounding the island they have to escape through the port a small map is shown with vegapunk explaining the Northeast we have to go to the Northeast on the other side to the island fortunately the Vega force zero one is stationed near your ship page 10 vegapunk continues I wish it could take us beyond the enemy but it can only fly in egghead's airspace it will fall as soon as it leaves Frankie says it's not a problem they would use the Buster shot as soon as they pass through it no one will be able to catch up to them after flying for kilometers vegapunk says wait your ship can fly a whole kilometer Hassan let's name this plan Frankie says yes it works with Cola vegapunk says what cola Atlas says well but we need to disable the limit Dome before anything else York laughing says haha you'll never figure out the password Stila says then let's hack it don't underestimate the great vegapunk page 11 vegapunk says Lilith take the opportunity and go to the Vega Force Lilith says sure let's move the ship to the other side of the ground we need to hurry they might bring down the barrier at any moment Bonnie says you're right disrupting it will allow us to escape but it also makes us vulnerable to enemy attacks Lilith says exactly Lilith smiles and says honestly I've never left this island before going out for a walk Luffy says you'll surely miss the food here Bonnie says me too like you I won't enjoy eating tomorrow so let's take more pizza with us Luffy says we have cheese on board so don't worry Sanji can make it for us Bonnie then Praises Sanji saying that he's not only good at fighting but also in the kitchen Luffy says why did your mood suddenly improve that seems strange Bonnie says I admit I improved after giving up on killing vegapunk Luffy says well that means you won't bother us with tears like last night Bonnie says hey I wasn't crying page 12 we see the Marine ships and hear voices Rob Lucci contacted us now we know what's going on inside report this to all the troops Saturn says did you hear the conversation borsolino kazaru says yes it was the straw hat right trying to give us the impression that he's in control of the situation but but it seems we've cornered them like rats Saturn says the Dome is a defense system made of light you can't manipulate it since you're the light man kazaru says it does seem possible but the man guarding that Dome is my friend page 13 Saturn says you just need to ignore him kazaru says I can't ignore a man who's determined to stand up and fulfill his duty I won't go against my principles besides if we attack like this there's no doubt sentimaru he'll order the arm sea monsters and the 50 pacifists under his command to sink our ships our losses will then be immeasurable Saturn says um the situation is getting more complicated and the power plant where is its location kazaru says Rob Lucci is smart and cunning he sent us all the information we needed page 14. then we see orders to the Marines get ready to fight a vice admiral says let them prepare rakushiki Masters get ready to descend as soon as we launch the attack another vice admiral says release all the cipher ball Agents from captivity another vice admiral says to the artillery units remember explosives don't work on pacifists another vice admiral says aim at the armed sea monsters Luffy speaks let's go how exciting I love it here page 15 then the attack begins kazaru says yada no kagami sacred mirror centimaru says here it comes Uncle pacifistas take out all our enemies at the end of the chapter Luffy has a shocked expression and says someone very powerful just arrived here end of the chapter we won't have one piece next week actually for the next two weeks that's it folks Luffy's expression was genuinely shocked which gives us an idea of the danger kazaru represents and that's all if you liked the video please leave a like subscribe to the channel and hit the notification Bell until next time thank you
Views: 881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece 1090, one piece chapter 1090, one piece mangá 1090, luffy x kizaru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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