One Piece Card Game: EB01 Format Budget Deck Lists!

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[Music] hey everyone Eggman here with a another video and today we have five different budget deck lists that are approximately $100 or less for the one piece card game it's for the eb1 meta it's also early May in case any cars change in prices but I've had a good amount of people just say you know one piece is expensive and they're just trying to get into the game and they don't really have a good deck list or good way to start with it so one to make this resource uh most of these decks I think are going to be moderately uh affordable and moderately uh you know good in the next couple weeks too so I think that was important for this uh and then we also have some ways to kind of upgrade them uh when you have like a couple more kind of expensive at least currently expensive cards to help out the deck so we have five different ones you can check them out we have Nami we have uh Ru we have Sao we have UTA and we have cat Curry too so we're going to go over them real quick if you guys have any questions let me know if a card is just more expensive than I think it was let me know too in the comments but uh in general these should be again a good blend of affordable but still effective and and fun to play so there we go starting off with nami uh we're going to know that Nami is probably going to be the cheapest viable deck for a long time unless they just make some like super rare secret rare kind of thing for the deck uh but the reason for it is because it's an alternate win condition deck it's a self Mill so it's an additional rule when your deck reaches zero cards you win the match instead of losing it uh and then has a dawn times one when your opponent takes damage to their life through the attack of their this leader they have to trash one card so uh the idea of this is a bit of a solitire deck and just the fact that you have to use a lot of uh different cards to draw cards and just kind of control and stall out for a lot of ways so because of that none of these cards are super rares I don't even know which one's the most expensive maybe Kaa because it's a rare that's you know a rare 2K that a lot of people use but other than that most of these are commons and UNC Commons newest card is white snake from op6 the rest of these uh maybe actually level up B might be the most expensive card cuz it is a starter deck 3 card but even so like these are are pretty cheap for his and if you don't even have this card you can probably sub it out for something else but uh generally uh a pretty uh self-explanatory deck you just do a lot of uh you know defense cards you make sure you leave Dawn up for cards like desert spot cards for like uh your uh death wink and then if you have cards that hit off your life you have a lot of cards that just trigger and do new effects such as the impel down old Stars L you draw to Sanji peel off same kind of thing and uh and pretty self-explanatory from there so obviously not playing like the traditional one piece experience with a deck like this but if it's something that you are just trying to get into the game and play uh it's an easy way to do so and a very cheap way to do so too so this is Nami pretty self-explanatory we also I don't think I mentioned it it's going from kind of like cheapest to more expensive uh as is but I I don't think there's going to be uh much cheaper of a deck than Nami that can also get you a top 16 win which has been happening this month as well so it's still a deck that tops right now too so there it is there all right next up is uh rayu so Ru is probably uh like a good starting point as well only issue with this deck and I will notice is that it has a pretty bad match up into a meta deck which is the red and purple law which did get a good amount of new cars in eb1 so it's going to be a little bit more popular because of that so you do have to kind of tend with that as an issue for the deck uh but otherwise it's generally uh pretty uh easy to build and and easy to run most expensive card is the vinm smoke Ru just because this is a generic card uh there's a lot of decks that want to use this to just draw two off of a four Dawn 5K so that does happen for some of them other than that I think the rest of this deck is pretty uh cheap as is we have Vince smoke judge which is super rare but it's a very uh Arc Type based super rare so and you don't even have to run four copies of it we have vinsmoke Ichi as well which is a super rare as well but again it's a very uh Arch type based one so it's a little bit trickier for uh for this one to to get into others so honestly I think the card is is great for you there and uh I don't really uh yeah I don't think anything else is really too expensive as is so uh the only thing that we are doing is we are playing like the yongji package because it is the cheaper one uh if you have copies of this or if you uh are able to get them we do also have the five drop Queen blocker which I personally think is better in the deck than the Yoni package I think most people walked away from that one but uh this is a great blocker also has a dawn minus one which means you're able to use your uh leader ability with this so it's technically a draw two discard one draw one uh so a net of three cards uh a net of two cards sorry is is pretty good for using that effect uh but other than that um that's what it is Queen's not even that expensive I think comparatively to where it's been in the past uh it just hasn't really had a printing in a while which is why it's is like that so but other than that I think the deck is self-explanatory uh a bit linear at times but you do get to play uh a deck like this that kind of shows you some fundamentals about Resource Management which is nice uh and again as long as you're not playing against red purple law you're having a pretty good time in a lot of matchups but that match up is rough which again I think is going to get more and more popular in the next couple weeks so a little bit of cautious for that but otherwise a very fun deck so there is the ru there the next up we have Sabo and I wanted to make a deck over one of the three brothers uh from the new Advanced St deck for it so uh I decided to go for saos because I think he's generally uh the cheapest if we were to build this deck off of two copies of it uh we'd be able to do good I do know that two star decks uh for this are a little bit expensive so I do recognize that as it is but I think if you just buy the singles from it you could be in a good spot Ace is probably the most expensive card uh for from the stard deck specifically just because it does have uh brush and it's pretty generic for you outside of that uh and the probably other most expensive card is this promo Luffy being able to use this to uh like just be an extra 2K that your GARP can find is strong for you uh but if you don't have this promo it's not a big deal we do run a bunch of other 2ks I just run two more of this Luffy just to make sure that we have more targets off of our GARP to able to get those searches more consistently and uh I think that's a good ad for it so uh generally actually I think you can just bu what buy one of these start deck then you get a couple copies of these Ace uh this Luffy is not as bad as it used to be used I think it's under $10 right now so it's not too difficult to get a place at of this Zoro is pretty cheap too because it's got a lot of printings at this point and then the rest should be just Commons and rares the only other card is maybe Sanji uh this is probably under this is under $10 right now as is to uh being able to use this though like you don't have to run this card either to be honest it was just another card to play off of our life so if you don't want to run it you do not have to run it there uh flampe is great uh it's just another card as a 2K but also take cards from our life uh and the only uh like if you want more ads to this card to this deck too uh being able to add the uh hiori to your light um as a 2K is great this is over $20 a pop now though so you do have to be a little bit careful uh it's a little expensive so I'm not going to say you have to add it to this one of of the Three Brothers this one is the one you needed the least for it I feel like it because sabo's pretty good at putting cars into their life as is so I don't think it's really needed and uh yeah this is the build here so probably uh what Sanji you can get rid of if it's a bit too expensive um but I think I think this Luffy is pretty good and again the ace so you get if you buy one of the stard deck uh 13s and uh and get the rest of these cards just singles wise I think you can pretty much build this for under 100 especially if you just change this back to the two drop Bluey and uh and just go and kind of go from there so uh yeah and I again like it's the newest Star deck it's the one on the Block and so uh I think if I want to make a deck that uh could fit into this price range while still buying one of the star decks as well so there it is uh another kind of star deck one is the uto one uh I will say like if you are trying to get into the game outright this is probably like one of the the best kind of compromises between price and accessibility kind of thing uh you can just buy the stard deck UTA as is uh for one one of those which I still see I I don't know if if it's I'm in a rare area for it I still see this one in stock because generally it's not the best starter deck by itself because it mostly has reprints in it which is good for people getting into the game but someone who's like me who's been playing the game there's not a lot of new cards that were added so we got the uh event cards and then the three dropo which can just get two extra copies if you don't want to get another starter deck and then we do have most of this uh expensive card here is the Nami this one's uh it's been worse it's it's at an okay price range I think they probably should have put it in the UTA deck but that's fine uh and then also we do have uh the mihawk if you can only get two copies of this you only got one of the star decks that's fine you can just add some other 2ks uh and then the the donkeyote D Flamingo is the choice for this one this is a pretty cheap green uh top end card if you want to go to a little bit more of an expensive one uh there is the usess kid which I think is like $30 right now so uh it's a set one super rare so those get pretty expensive if they end up being pretty valuable and uh this kid's been more and more popular as the last couple weeks have been going on and I think it gets more popular than op7 so uh I think the card is good in UTA if you want to do like a two two split uh between the two of them you can uh just like two doy and uh you just put a what L A mihawk or something and you put them in there I think that's fine for you but um it's it's just kind of how it is you don't really need the top end for some matchups uh usess kid will win you some matchups though which is why uh it's put in the deck as is but I think UTA is just a very straightforward uh deck and especially right now where we're only running seven cards that are not film type you're just going to be able to get a card draw from your leader every turn and uh and that's what it is so uh Nami again is probably the most expensive card that you need to get four copies of but outside of that I think the rest of these are pretty cheap Commons and uncommons and uh they're just really nice for you so again if you're just buying one of the ster deck utos and you're just picking up the extra singles from there this can definitely be under $100 and I think is pretty accessible as as it is too so uh probably that's probably actually more cheaper than the theab list I'll be honest uh so maybe I should put it over there but uh yeah the UTA UT is in a good spot for anyone trying to jump into the game and uh in an affordable way as well so and then lastly we have katak Curry and uh this this one's probably the one that's leaning the most to like maybe over $100 and there are definitely ways to make this deck a lot more expensive if you want to uh the biggest kind of cards that you kind of need are your llins uh so the tend drop and the Seven drop uh seven drops a little bit expensive to be honest so uh I'm only running two copies in this build if you have more copies of it go for it uh but again kind of like the idea of if I buy one of the yellow star decks the lindland ones I get two of these and two of the bru lays uh actually I might get four of the bruay I don't remember offand but uh being able to get those are very helpful for you and then being able to uh just kind of bling it out from there I think the most expensive card outside of that is the peros sparrow I think this is like $10 to $15 right now so it's it's a bit needed for this deck it's obviously uh a little bit Arc Type dependent but it's a great card to play off your life and a lot of decks can't really get rid of this without giving you the value back which is very nice uh Sanji again a little bit expensive uh but not too bad as it's been and I think it's under $10 I think like $7 right now so not too bad and then uh the rest of these are I think pretty cheap as is so mostly just Commons and mostly rares to be honest so maybe uh you know a dollar each uh onami should be pretty cheap as well uh yeah I think all these these other cards are rares uh outside of uh yeah I think it's rares this is uh yeah yeah yeah so all these are rare so maybe these add up and nickel and dime you to to over 100 at times but um I think if you're trying to play like a competitive deck uh katak Curry is is there right now uh some people are saying it might drop off a little bit in eb1 uh and it might do that but it's still just been not the worst deck to play for like the last year since release and I think it's just still going to be around uh in one way or the other so just with how good yellow can be at times and and how it is so if you want to upgrade the deck uh there are a lot of different ways uh eight drop catak Cur I don't think this is needed in the deck as much as it has been previously but a copy or two of this uh would not be bat if you have it do not go out of your way to get it for this deck I think there are some other yellow Decks that need to play this card and uh this deck is not that so you are fine without it and uh yeah general just pretty cheap uh Charlotte cracker if you have those you can put in the deck too if you're more sanes go for it too but uh I think this is a good balance of uh competitive and also affordable and you can check that out too so anyways that's going to be it for this video uh I did my best to make sure that these were moderately affordable in some cars if there's a card that I again thought was cheap and it wasn't please let me know I'd like to correct it uh but you can find all these deck lists in the description if you want to check them out and uh and check out the game too so that's going to be it for me thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys appreciate it and I'll catch you all next next time Dam it [Music]
Channel: TheEgman
Views: 4,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon, Ball, Super, Card, Game, Bandai, Digimon, Digi, Mon, Digital, Monster, Monsters, eggman, One, Piece, Deck, Deck list, Marines, Declist, Purple, Tier, Teir, List, Decks, Deck Lists, Lists, Multi, Box, Opening, Regionals, Bann, Banned, restriction, Trafalgar, ST10, Livestream, Twitch, OP05, Set 5, New, Era, Awakening, Luffy, Sakazuki, Navy, Blue, Impel, Enel, Sky, Island, Rebellion, Revolution, Guide, Extra, Booster, Oden, Kyros, Hanyabal, Down, Tournament, Flagship, Event, Iron, Man, Leaders, Games, Matches, enel, deck list, competitive, finals
Id: wDoJzRpEueU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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