One Of The BEST Free Synth VST Plugins 🎹 | Odin II Synth Demo

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hey beautiful how you doing welcome back to the channel everyone today i feel obligated to make a video about one of my favorite free synthesizers because i've just gotten so much use out of it although i have highlighted this synth on the channel before i haven't really shown it in depth and after looking around i couldn't really find any videos that i think sort of showed it and did it justice although there are a handful out there today we're going to be taking a look at odin 2 from the wave warden odin 2 is also fully open source which is awesome to see so if you want to contribute to the development of odin 2 you can do that or if you want to pull apart the code and go digging around in the guts you can do that as well you can download it now with the link in the description i don't see why you wouldn't it is really free and really kicks ass and it is available for mac pc and linux one other note in this video i'm going to be using a build version 2.3 which is not the official build version but it may or may not be by the time this video comes out today's episode of morning coffee with cameron is brought to you by distrokid if you've got some new music you're ready to share with the world check out my friends over at distrokid it's a fast and easy way to get your music out to all the major platforms in the known universe for only twenty dollars a year with unlimited uploads check out distrokid with my vip link down in the description below you save seven percent and it's a great way to support the channel so i can make more videos like this one as always with these types of videos i would first like to start by giving an overview of odin to the features the layout and all of that kind of stuff because i think that's just useful information to know before you download and start playing with something so that raises the question what is odin 2. odin 2 is a 24 voice polyphonic synthesizer it features three different oscillators three different filters there are five effects which you see down here these can be clicked and dragged to be reordered we've got four envelopes we've got four lfos we've got an arpeggiator we've got a mod matrix and we've even got an xy controller down here thrown in for good measure if we bring in a few oscillators and a couple of the other filters here you might immediately look at this and go wow this looks a whole lot like thor from reason and you would be right but while there are some very obvious design and feature inspirations from thor there are also some very unique features to odin that make it worth owning even if you are a reason user taking a look at the oscillator section here we can click the drop down menu to access the different oscillators there are eight different oscillator types and three different oscillator engines i guess i would call them down here that allow you to click in and draw your own custom waveforms and use those where this gets particularly interesting is the ability to pull one of the other oscillators as a source within another oscillator here i've got the phase mod oscillator and we have a sign and a sign and if we just give this a quick play you'll hear it's just a basic phase mod sign thing [Music] but if we click in here we can actually go into the wave draw and i can pull wave draw from oscillator 1 and use that in the phase mod oscillator which is a pretty neat feature when you consider stuff like that along with all of the envelopes and filters and stuff paired with a pretty decently sized mod matrix you can very quickly get some pretty big and powerful interesting evolving sounds flying out of your speakers from odin now taking a look at the filters here we have quite a few different filters there are 13 different filter types and these feature a similarly flexible approach in that we can route them in a few different ways to the master amplifier as well as choose what oscillators feed into that specific filter so if we do something like this we can see we have low pass sem 12 and the ring mod so low pass and sem 12 right now feed into the amplifier right now low pass is feeding into the sem 12 and then that is going direct into the amplifier or we could route these to be in parallel and then we could choose oscillators one two and three the final filter here is actually post amplifier you can't choose the input or route this in any different way so that's just kind of the master post amplifier filter section personally i've always considered the filters the real soul of a synthesizer and odin 2 has some of my favorite filters in any synth plugin outside of maybe synapse audio's dune 3. if you take a look at the filters you may even recognize some of these from surge as well which is cool because some of the filters from odin were ported into search and that's always really neat to see when different free and open source projects kind of overlap and collaborate with this entry set we could take a quick listen to some of these filter types this is the standard low pass with a bit of saturation [Music] let's go to the sem and let's move on to the diode and finally let's do the korg 35. which is a particularly fat and interesting sounding filter here in the center we have the amplifier section which is pretty self-explanatory we can enable velocity by increasing the velocity sensitivity here we have the panning here and the master gain here down here we have the master distortion section which adds a distortion after the amplifier at the moment there are only three distortion types these are sort of limited but maybe that will be expanded on in the future you can add drive with the boost and you can blend the distorted signal using the dry wet control here another nice thing about odin is that the signal flow is indicated visually on the ui so if we take a look here we can see these oscillators go into these filters these filters follow these lines and go into the amplifier we can see if it's enabled or not with the arrows here that feeds through the distortion that all goes through filter three filter three feeds into the effect so if you ever get lost or you're curious as to what is going where and why you can quickly visually reference that using the lines to follow the signal flow as it goes through whatever you've patched up at the end of the signal chain here we've got the effects there are a couple of basic effects we have delay phaser course flanger and new in version 2.3 is the reverb to enable an effect you just click on or off with the little toggle down here and then within each effect you'll find a handful of controls to dial in whatever that effect is doing overall these effects are pretty usable they're really not anything to write home about and they're not anything totally mind-blowing but with a couple of nice external effects odin 2 can really start to shine that said with the built-in effects you can make some pretty decent sounds they're not my favorite delays and phasers and stuff ever but they are very usable and passable especially in the context of a mix to quickly cover the modulation options we've got four envelopes you can click the envelope tag here to switch to that envelope you have a d s and r for each and these can all be looped which is pretty cool which means you can get some even more flexible modulated atmospheres and textures by looping different envelopes and every single one of these including the global envelope can be looped which is pretty cool to see similarly moving on to the lfos we have four lfos click the lfo name to access it each lfo has a handful of shapes you can sync it you can change the frequency and you can choose it to reset or not there's also a really cool feature here which allows you to source the wave draw and chip draw oscillators as lfos so if we set this as wave draw 2 we could go to oscillator 2 get the wave draw oscillator and draw in our own super cool wacky kooky custom lfo and then we can use that for modulation for the synth which is really really cool to see bringing it on home we have the xy pad down here in the lower left which we can assign using the mod matrix so x and y can be assigned to whatever and you can even assign other stuff to control the xy controller of the xy pad which is pretty neat to see meaning you can get some pretty neat evolving textures and if you have something that is an xy controller you can use that within odin down at the bottom we have the arpeggiator which is pretty straightforward it's not really anything too crazy i think you get the idea it does have one shot mode which can be kind of useful for certain effects and other things but what's cool is we have these two mod slots which can be assigned in the mod matrix so these can be used to create some more interesting and spicy sequences to enable it just turn it on you can change the timing the octave the mode there's a handful of different modes here how many steps it has and the gate length next to that we have the mod matrix which is where you assign modulation and stuff you can select a source you can select two destinations for each of these and then select something to scale that by which is useful as well finally we have the preset library in the lower right which contains all the presets and there's a pretty decent number of presets and different categories overall to get you started and learn some of the different ways that odin can make sounds and stuff with all the blabbering out of the way let's hear some sounds from this thing i will say that personally for me i think odin 2 really shines with dense textures and drones and atmospheres i'm not exactly sure why that is but something about the sound of odin just screams big fat cinematic synthy stuff to me and it's one of my favorite synths to use for big fat cinematic cynthia stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um so [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] as one sort of final example here i wanted to show one of my favorite ideas with odin which is pairing it with organic textures for some reason odin just works really really well when you do something like this so here i've got one of my odin patches and i've paired this up with a patch from the albion neo library from spitfire now something about the pairing of a nice airy organic texture layered with the big fat boy sound that is odin just blows my mind every time and it's one of my favorite combinations now on its own the odin patch sounds like this [Music] and the contact patch on its own sounds like this so kind of a airy spooky organic texture pair these two together though and things really start to sound pretty cool [Music] that is absolutely something i recommend you try if you're working on a track and need a cool atmospheric build-up breakdown mid-section outro whatever or you're doing something that's a bit more drony and ambient odin 2 and some kind of sampled organic texture is just a match made in heaven and that is a look at odin 2. i think it's a pretty badass open source free synthesizer there are some things that still could use a little bit of work i think things like maybe making modulation faster and easier to assign adding some real filter fm rather than doing it through the mod matrix because that's sort of hit or miss and maybe just some gui cleanup and a couple more effects or maybe just some different modes for the effects and with that and i'm sure as time goes on it will become one of the more formidable entries in the catalog of free stuff that's just floating out there on the internet i always love to see really high quality free and open source software out there and i think that is what makes living in this day and age as a producer and sound designer and sound engineer so exciting there are just so many amazing free and open source resources out there so with that i think a huge thank you is due to the wave warden and anyone else involved in the maintenance and design and development of odin 2 and all of the other great amazing free open source software out there because it enables plebs like us to make noises and bleeps and bloops and stuff along those lines so thank you to all of the genius generous super awesome developer people out there who make things like this possible that's the end of the video thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed it be sure to go check out odin2 you can also donate to contribute to the development as well with the link down in the description if you want to get involved in the development you can check the link down in the description i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something and as always i hope this inspires you to get out there and make something awesome you
Channel: Venus Theory
Views: 105,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Venus Theory, sound design, bitwig, bitwig studio, fl studio, logic pro x, ableton, cubase, free synth vst, free synth vst plugins, best free synth plugins, best free synth vst, free vst plugins, free vst, best free plugins, fl studio 20, free synth plugins, free synth plugins 2021, free synthesizer vst, free synthesizer plugin, odin ii, odin ii vst
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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