One Of A Kind Sliding Barn Doors Built With Homemade Lumber

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so welcome back to the Sawmill friends before we get started let's go let the chickens out got some more rain last night as you can see it's still a muddy mess here at the farm I try to let these chickens out at least once a day to stretch their legs but here lately with all this snow we've been getting they've had a lot more time in the hen house than they're used to might as well go ahead and check the eggs while up here oh looks like I'm disturbing somebody don't mind me finish up what you're doing I'll be back here in about 2 hours it's about 50 Dees out here today probably the warmest day we've had since Christmas and it's supposed to be nice through the weekend hopefully we can get the excavator out and get some work done with that thing and start breaking it in and this video today guys guys is going to be uh stretched over 2 days of work I got some stuff going on off camera I got to take care of we got some painting to do so it's going to be about two days of filming for one video so if I look like I've uh changed clothes here in a few minutes you guys know why let's head down here to the timber frame first and I'll show you what we're going to start on all right guys we are working on the doors again today hope to make some good progress on them this is the other outside sliding door I put the second coat of paint on it yesterday off camera and I also added those little L brackets in all four corners so the only thing left to do on this door to finish it up is put metal on the outside put some flashing on it paint the flashing that's going to take the lawn just is waiting for the paint to dry and putting the rollers on the very top and that's my goal for today is to get this outside door completed and installed on the outside of the barn so the first thing we need to do is get her flashing and get it painted and I'm going to need these saw horses for that move this door out of the way tap this outside I we be spraying that paint in here sure is some nice weather today but we are due for some I tell you it's been a rough winter here in Tennessee let's go back here behind the barn see if I can find some flashing right there it is just need to dig it out I think that's two pieces yep that should be plenty so this flashing will go around the door kind of like a picture frame and its main purpose is keeping water off the door [Music] all right friends while those are out their dry we're going to start on the other side of this door this is the main entry door there's going to be two of them this is the first one the underside is finished all I need to do this side is put the trim around it and about two rails right here and this door will be ready for paint go and dust this off before we put the trim on it and there's also a very good chance friends that we will get to paint this side of the door before the day's over I ordered the paint about 2 days ago and I just checked the tracking number and it says out for delivery so hopefully to make it here today you never know on stuff nowadays when it says out for delivery it doesn't always mean it's going to be delivered that day I found that to be true especially around Christmas out for delivery could mean the next day so if the paint does come we're going to work this in to building the other door or finishing the other door with the metal on it and if you're wondering why we're going to paint this door and not leave it the nice wood finish that you see right now is because of carpenter bees if I don't paint this door the carpenter bees come this spring guys they will wear it out I have holes all over it and you can put treatment on it and kind of spray it but that's a hassle to have to do several times a year and if you paint it I found they pretty much leave it alone and the paint that I picked out is something pretty unique that some of you guys maybe have never seen before so hopefully it'll be here today if not tomorrow it is so maybe to be here though well we got to stop what we're doing for just a minute I heard some scratches in the dust collector hose up here and it looks like a bird is trying to make a nest in that hose right there happens every year all right guys I'm going to run the shop and turn on the dust collector and there's a pretty good chance you guys are going to see a whole bunch of stuff fly out of there here in just a second I'm not sure how to get rid of this problem it happens several times a year as far as as Birds going in there and trying to make a nest so leave me a comment below how do you guys think I could solve this problem it happens every year last year somebody told me to put a screen over that but if I put a screen over it the wood chips are so large that come out of the molder I think it would clog it up really fast maybe some wire mesh or something that has larger squares I don't know there's got to be somebody out there that's had this problem before and they know the answer to it so uh let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix [Music] it [Music] I thought I had enough of this spray paint to do this job but I don't and the reason being probably I thought I needed two pieces of flashing but after I remeasured the door I need three and luckily we had a third piece but not enough paint to do it all so I'm going to run the Lowe's and get some more paint and I'll be right [Music] back [Music] all right guys it's the next day let's get to work since we're going to be doing some painting today see if we can warm up the shop just a [Music] little [Music] I is [Music] all right guys we got all this trim installed I need to let these little wooden pegs dry for about 2 hours before we cut them off and make them flush the reason I've done that is so when you approach this door you won't see any screws on the face of this board it look really good these will blend right in and before we move on to work on the sliding door I got to fix one problem with this door right there is the problem friends that is a knot that I did not see when I installed this and the knot actually fell out so we had a hole all the way through that board now you got two things you can do here you can ignore it and not fool with it or you can feel it and make it look more natural and that's what I'm doing today I went ahead and put four screws around this to make this tight to the door where the board it's sitting on top of then I also went ahead and put some glue in there to fill up a lot of the space and now we'll come in here with some aoty and fill that up till it's flush with the top of the board sand it over after it cures and you won't be able to know it was even there squeeze that in there so we can mix it together this is a fast setting oty I think it says 5 minutes so that's good all right guys we'll switch gears now back to the sliding door start putting the metal and the flashing on this thing and if everything goes right should have this hang in here in about an hour or two keyw is everything goes right you never know it's [Music] is [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] is [Music] so maybe you're better off to pay some subscription based and justay forun day you know that week or that month whatever it is you know but you don't need 400 horse when you're run [Music] the [Music] he
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 33,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, stihl chainsaw, chainsaw, saw-mill, Woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, portable sawmill, homestead, DIY, rural living, log cabin, cabin, timber frame, timber framing, Tennessee, farm, blacksmith, log cabin build, wood, woodworking, out of the woods, forestry, sawing logs, lumber, kiln drying wood, off grid, off-grid cabin, tym tractor, farm tractor, Kubota, John Deere, grapple, firewood, log splitter, logs into lumber, alone, drama, diesel truck, truck, diesel, transfer tank
Id: zP9oLE5S3A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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