One moment in time (Whitney Houston) - Orgel und Trompete
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Keywords: one moment in time, Whitney Houston, Withney, Olympia 1988, Olympia, olympic games 1988, olympic games, volkmarsen, kugelsburg, kirche, katholische kirche, sankt marien, orgelempore, orgel, trompete, orgel und trompete, organ and trumpet, organ, trumpet, hochzeit, hochzeitsmusik, wedding, wedding music, probe, rehearsal, geige, violine, violin, cello, horn, euphonium, querflöte, drums, chor, choir, katholisch, hochzeitssänger, hochzeitssängerin, karneval volkmarsen, cover
Id: 2FEQ04SF8m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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