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all right guys who's ready for an all boys block how can I all boys block I'm already here look a I'm sorry but you really need to go especially before Aaron comes in hey what about this block maybe this can help us we got nothing Venture nothing gain to bad Ro banish banishment uh no no not it guys no what the come on I found you see let's go huh right I'm here you can I can stop wa what bye guys are what are you guys doing the app huh what the what is this huh how did I land here where am I huh are those the boys is this another one block what's going on ooh it is think I'm going to help you you have another thing coming was the an idea really come here oh it looks like getting some Revenge for me how do you think I would help you if you killed half in front of me okay you've gotten your revenge just get over it already Aaron get over it you banned her from her own server can they not see me at all guys whatever as soon as we're done you're unbanning so we can be our server she's gone so too bad you promised you'd play with us Aaron that promise was broken the second you banned out wait can I build back wait what wait this is invisible wait a minute this could to be the perfect chance for me to get my revenge you know being on my own into one Block's pretty nice especially when I have a secret area away from the boys all right who built the random stairs next to my house pierce it didn't happen to be you would it I did no such thing I barely even know how to make stairs the it usually helps me listen I don't care just go clean it up all right I not clean it up you clean it up was that you you do not can't see that part but they can't see me all right let me why why one block a little bit more dirt and what is this like a mask and a knife a killer block knif perfect this will help me exact my revenge the way I need to wait what what oh okay so I get some way to hide and I get some interesting abilities okay let's see if I can test these powers out a little bit more I'll never suspect a thing h let's see if I go over this way they still can't see me per you might want to check out this I see it all right the block clearly looks pretty evil I just don't think we should break it at all wait but but it looks horribly we just started we don't even have full houses yet I guess they can't with the mask on we should wait until we at least have stone tools all right I agree we should at least have weapons before we spawn any crazy moner I'm to chaos all right let's see just do this right here take that oh huh here what the lower what did you guys do you N I told you not to break that block did you break the stupid block I I did no such thing and I don't even know what the big deal is anyway cuz we're adorable no we look ridiculous yeah you've always been ugly oh that's it get over here oh they're fighting they're fighting you know what it was you you're the Sheep guy of course it was you this is a miracle and a blessing not me wait what who theck threw me another me you except your I don't like being I did not forget what you did to ask what are you talking about was you Aon oh you want to fight to me wow they've made so much progress yes H I wonder if I can use some of these materials to myself let's see they'll never outsmart this killer because you can't catch me when I'm invisible bread oh I do need some food H all right just going to drop off the seeds and finally wait hey hey hey who took my iron what are you talking about huh I had iron in the fesses and now it's gone what are you guys screaming about now wait where'd you get that iron sword the one block where else would I get it just swords coming well actually that's a little bit Sil I guess you didn't see me rebuild these stairs took my iron all right now I can use to M more blocks let's see go here oh what what is this like a for food or for like bad stuff what the wa oh zombies guys why is there zombies what is this what' you guys do you guys be quiet for like 2 seconds zombies everywhere can I hit them why can I hit them Immortal zombies what you do with your iron magic what do did you guys break another block what are these things you can't even hit them oh maybe it's cuz you have stolen iron Zane I'm taking over your house not take your iron all right let's see I got a I got an axe I got a pickaxe open this up a little bit come on in okay I can fight you they can't get through my door no no no no no this way come on come on uhoh I guess I'll just do this myself whatever they were not following me all right my house is not safe peer what peer let me in okay just come in close the door behind you there you go I don't think it's safe anywhere for them what happened to your house man I don't know I I never heard of a mom that could break down blocks like that there was a hole in my house and then I died in well maybe it's just cuz your house was dumb have you considered that your house is dumb sorry well anyway what uh what has he got here my house too I'll teach him a lesson hey what are you doing my chest my doubleganger there come on man going to think it's is it over yet no it's not over Pier what is it what there there was something in the window dude it's probably one of the zombies outside I know what a zombie looks like and that zombie didn't oh there it is again over there right there right there I'm telling you it's a zombie it's gone oh I'm going to turn them on each other it's going to be great everything's fine everything's good just this what do okay okay you see them now right but let's get out of here you know what just to make sure they stay in there uh don't mind me Pier the bring come on I'm here should be safe let's go to a no you are not coming to my house get the heck out of here you there's something weird over a Pierce's house and they're hot guys they're called zombies you idiots get out of my house was not ask I think I've got them for now oh where's Zane um see he must be upstairs ooh I guess they're getting him now oh come on um okay let's put up the exit what the where do I go I I got to hide thinks he can hide from me I'll hide with him what if I did this stupid zombie why can't I just leave ah who who hit me oh he's so easily scared for someone who got rid of me earlier get out of my way let's see if I can there so many of them my perfect oh right should be oh oh looks like he respawned that you too my house is not a hotel sa I've been attacked there's where monsters in my house see we weren't lying about this I really don't care I think this has gone long enough I guess I can mine their block for a little bit while they're in there maybe I can put some resources down and oh wait why are they attacking me now guys I'm on your team uhoh what the huh son I'm done all right you guys are leaving you're getting R out wait is there another block out there there's a block who is mining all right let's see if I can try out this new power we got to get that right yeah maybe if we break it it'll get rid of the monster how it got there how about you guys on your way out of my house Z go for it let's see if they can go for it just a w wo W find the block already looks like it's raining it's raining n KN the block all right I'm going back in my house that's actually super cool okay let it come on guys I I trust that you can do this okay no come on just a little bit see get the block already I guess the sun to spawn with that block I guess it's enough mises for right now to normal yeah now stay out of my house Ian I need some help rebuilding this what why are you looking to me cuz you're the one who broke into my house I don't think they're going to help that doesn't sound like me Aon you still will be Iron oh my god dude could you just leave it alone I'll leave that alone when you leave my iron alone okay I think Aaron could use a little bit of pranking after all I mean he didn't do anything but I do need to make sure I'm Fair what's this let's see what he's got in his chest see if I get rid of this I should be able to use a disguise power that I have want to see what it does oh it does work yes okay this will be a fun prank a little small one a fun put all this back he's sming let's see oh I got the bread all right what's you doing I put the iron in there too what why is everything disappearing notice oh you didn't notice I just got all the stuff all right oh oh hello chess that's affected by gravity you uh want to tell me what's going on did I guess you found me out that's what I thought fine I've been messing with you guys a bit but it's for a good reason oh good reason t i me guess Revenge maybe yes but look they kicked out the server and they try to pull me off okay so I got my revenge I could tell you know but uh do you need any help wait what really you will sh all right cool all right so let's see I'll put this on follow me this way how can I you're invisible sh sh just go to the staircase the staircase I knew something was up yeah it's been me I'm surprised you didn't get rid of it this way look hey Aaron can I borrow some bread from what what are you doing what I'm just throwing trash over the edge you know what maybe you should get over here what wow okay first of all rude and no I don't even want to know what you're doing fine no Take that get out of there whatever come on come on this way wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how so this is my secret base I know it's invisible all right whatever whatever whatever come on come on come on come on oh this is kind of nice yeah isn't it cool I have another one block over here something that's never happened before so that's where You' been getting all your stuff I know right all right now follow me downstairs come on look I've got a nice little area I set this all up and I got a nice little you guys do staring at me the whole time wow I'm impressed thank you you can join me join you and want them we can M this one block see oh I got Diamond wait what diamonds nice is the other block hasn't even gotten diamonds yet what this isn't a diamond ooh there a new PL oh I don't know about this one I've got a couple ideas but you should go over there distract them first okay but just don't kill me with this all right okay don't them in on our plan all right I guess we'll see what happens here let's break it all right boys I'm calling a meeting we're going to see who's going to be the king in this one block wait wait wait wait wait wait now they really can't Killers who are you who are you don't freak out all right it's just a skin change nothing's happening stop hitting each other how did this happen to us this is Magic not it's just not magic what what's going on wait wait a minute why are there five of us wait five of us one is there an extra player oh I don't know wait who's who's who well I'm Aaron all right I I'm obviously pierc I'm I'm saying why are you I'm the good one you're the murderer you're the murderer get back here murderer get get get get back murderers every last [Music] way oh I'm fine now hey that's still me I guess I'm the best I get here before they respawn all right now who's the real killer what Zane what are you talking about there's no killer was just us why are you in my house Pierce I got to go home they'll never all all right guys you are freaking out about nothing yeah yeah I'm I'm going home there's only room for one killer Oh Aaron nice work Time Try not can kill me all right yeah sorry I had to take you out I didn't know which one you were all right there we go now I have all of this together they'll never stop me okay I'm going to start mining on the one block guys I'm already doing that Zane looks like they're making more progress wait have we found anything good yet oh no no no nothing dude guys wait wait wait hang on I got oh guys I only have a stone pickaxe man that sucks I guess this is mine then no no no no no no no Aaron let's talk about this let's talk about this them what do I have that you could want um how about zay's house deal huh wait what what was that what was that wait what is this what are those particles what is this red to me what is oh no what are they doing somewhere hey hey what what if it has to do that got to get away it's just leading to me leading to what Aon going on top ofan house leading to your house you must have something hiding no no no no no no no no no Ian do you have something to tell us no no no why is it tracing me that's not good going on zay's house it's like you too oh okay I don't know what it is though no ma' but maybe we should go investigate your house we got to go over here I got to get out of here I got got figure out how to get rid and away from wait why don't you house uh there something you see in your house Pier no no no I think everything's fine over there I don't know what you guys are talking about guys listen these thingss are clearly going everywhere it's probably just random or something let's not worry about it or that's exactly why we need to lead wait where did that Tower just come from did they see that they definitely saw that oh oh no no I I I buil that earlier you never get me alive question me you ID I'm not about to lose my revenge story here oh you love that's right I forgot you love building things out of birch Birch yeah oh I love be safe here right right now here I'll give you some more that buddy here you go thank you so much be bir it's back I have an idea seriously this is like a wild goose chase let's not focus on this focus on the one block all right why you being suspicious Aaron suspicious I'm the one who's here doing you guys a just the particles to get hurt that's what I'm going to do is happening hey where are they going just a big idea stop hitting yourself chase the particles them maybe you get each where are they got a pi you got him oh what why why does it keep why does it keep working nice job babe thanks I appreciate it okay oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no it all makes sense now no no no no no no no no no no another there's only one thing to do I have to reveal myself yes it is me what do you want I knew it I knew you were the killer on the server did you though I did will you tell anyone you know what I'm going to tell I'll do a line later will you please have me on your team what what yeah I I I want to be on the killer team I mean obviously you've got cool stuff like a secret way to watch everyone and there must be really cool things in your one block can I mine it for you please um please just as long as you're not telling anybody else okay okay yeah yeah you can be on my team and you can have the gold too how about that deal all right all right just try not to break anything reveal us okay uh yeah sure no problem just mining the one block I'm going to regret this so much I think okay let's just I don't trust you in I got to be on my toes with this one uh Hey a what's up um what's this one is it a killer power I don't know where I want I what the heck what oh no oh no why is he back hey Ian now that we're both Killers we can go take revenge on Zayn right oh I want to take revenge on more than just Zane I want to take revenge on everyone oh this is bad oh wonderful this is I don't share with the end the heck who you're hug either go big or go home hey wait no I just replanted that did you use on your house just a little bit oh hey what are you doing this for FM I think it's about time I beat you your own game what are you doing here I thought you were banned what what are you doing here you are supposed to be banned well I've come to save the server as a killer G yeah see how she lied to you all now I get to destroy everything it's the blow up everything I said so was a bad idea maybe I can use my knife throw oh wow my it's big no no no you care jeez got him a little bit smaller I think what little little wow that was that was pretty pitiful wait oh oh I fell off did fell off wait did he Sid down or nothing oh there he goes again there he goes [Music] I guess I guess we're all good wait wait this is never going to get old got to get used to this oh what the a man I'm not tall anymore oh really is Ghost Stow she's here to haunt us so you guys are sorry for everything you did to me right uh yeah I guess I mean it was kind of funny trying to see you take care of this mess and sorry I could quite hear you Z what you say oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh that's better okay I'm going to catch you I'm going to catch you this time I did it all you gave one block that's good no wait wait I think it's fine and go oh no I didn't get it hold on let continue come on let's go below my one block how about that you almost got it Budd do not save let him keep doing this yeah got we'll let him figure it out just leave it down help house we going to catch him you don't need to catch him if it's down building
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,947,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: 7T8TnflhfIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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