One Hour. One Book: Leviticus

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[Music] all right I'd like to take a look at Leviticus and and just give you a few notes for the opening of laviticus you know that what we're talking about is that there are seven different kinds of literature in the Bible the most frequent type of literature that you see in 54 percent of the Bible if my unscientific cutting a part of Bibles is of any quality and when I say cutting a part of Bibles I mean cutting a part of Bibles 54 percent of the Bible's narrative appears to be biography it is a historical narrative or what you would just simply say if you're watching TNT you'd call it drama and that's the biggest chunk behind that though there are a number of other chunks the smallest one is probably lamentation and that's the one where we go from the the deep emotional angst of a man to where he meets God God you're not fair you're letting people get away with stuff have a cook one - oh God in Wrath remember mercy where we start by looking at the problem and end up by looking at the at the providential one who solves the problem and we start by looking at our emotions and expressing them and we end up grabbing ahold of the garment of God then the third one we have of course is well that would be third fourth one we have it would be prophecy and there's quite a bit of prophecy in the book and we're going to talk about that prophetic narrative and some of it will even bump in - in Leviticus 26 today because there's a tiny little prophetic portion that gets dropped into the middle of legal code there's also poetry and we've got substantial amounts of that because you have a lot of songs and lyrics from the biblical world like the the the psalms themselves - helene the pouring out of myself before god and of course we have wisdom literature which is going to be proverbial literature or how life should work and then here we're in the midst of our seventh one which is legal code and legal code is actually quite substantial in the Bible now here's the bottom line you don't understand how God thinks if you don't understand the law God is a judicial thinker and so you have the three types of law we looked at civil code or part of it in Exodus we will look at part of it in numbers 10 chapters of civil code how to get along on a camping trip in the wilderness and then you have 38 years 5 months and 20 days later the foundation of the constitutional law in Deuteronomy and then stuck back at Sinai was the criminal code of law which was your hearts broke you'll need a goat I'll tell you what to do with it and in the midst of that Leviticus drops into that code of law now remember that we started with what's the Hebrew name for Genesis Bereshit roches head in the beginning and then we started the move to Exodus which starts off with what these are the names show mote names and when you get to Leviticus the opening is and he called Vayikra and vicryl law is the criminal code of law it's just the end he called law it's the beginning of the scroll because when you open up the scroll the first words are the title in Hebrew it gets the name Leviticus because of the Latin Vulgate version of the the translation when Jerome translated the Greek Bible the Greek Septuagint version from just before the time of Jesus after the time of Jesus Jerome translated into Latin and he took the Greek and threw it on the Latin and that became part of the Catholic Church and so it stays with us in the name Leviticus today just means pertaining to the Levites it might be worth you noting on the front end of Leviticus that the New Testament writers quote Leviticus at least 15 clear times and make allusion to it other times beyond that the notion that well that's Old Testament and we don't have to deal with it is not a New Testament notion because the New Testament writer makes his arguments on the basis of Levitical law u-u-undo the New Testament when you undo Leviticus now I'm not saying you have to kill a goat to make God happy because that was a law given to a specific group of people at a specific time I'm saying it's not as clean as well that's the law we're the law is done away wait a minute whoa whoa whoa then the whole basis of he Bru's is deconstructed the entire basis of the argumentation of first corinthians is deconstructed when you take away the law he makes his points of right and wrong based on the law so the law still defines what God cares about how he thinks about things we are becoming soft minded in the church and being told that God used to care about certain parameters of sexuality but nowadays we're not under the law which somehow makes it like God used to think something was wrong it doesn't think it's wrong anymore that's a miss handling of the Bible so when you get into the the Leviticus let's let's stop and ask the question who's the author Moses about when well since the exodus is around 445 BC this will place him somewhere in the first year out of the Exodus because he's at Sinai a year later and I'm thinking specifically you might want to make note of like Leviticus 27:30 for and if you cross-reference 27 34 was 738 you come up with the fact that the this chronicles a time when God gave the law to Moses specifically at the mountain which was a year out he spent time at Mount Sinai less than a year out of the the the journey member 50 days after Passover there at the mountain of the law and then they remained there for a period of time as God unspools that law so it's the year of the Exodus that the law and Sinai is given it's interesting because numbers begins after this if you actually line it up Leviticus picks up the record in the first month of the the new year and then numbers one one picks up the second month so you see that there's actually a legitimate order to it okay I'm not sure that that's that's as exciting to you let me throw something else in here Leviticus in the form that you have it is not the form it was originally written in how do I know that because there are some inserted case studies that are dropped into the narrative in 8 9 and 10 you have a strange fire incident you all remember that avi who and the strange fire well it's it's told in a chronological story but obviously inserted into the narrative alongside of by the way this is how I want this to work and it's told because it's a record of something that happened at the time of the consecration of the priests in chapters 8 & 9 a little bit of background you get four things from Leviticus that the Israelites didn't have going into the time when they met God at the mountain the first one is they didn't have a marker of his presence I mean he temporarily gave them the highway through the water you know or though well you know the water Springs in the desert but the truth is there was no permanent marker of God's presence so when they created the tabernacle it was quite literally like God dropped himself right in the middle to camp and said this is where I will meet with you so it's kind of like have you ever been to an airport that has a meeting point the tabernacle became the meeting point with God and they didn't really have one that the second thing was they had a specific place and pattern of worship up until that time how did an Israelite worship well before the ten generations of being in Egypt as been being slaves we have some vague notions in Genesis you all remember these vague notions of how does how does Noah know what's a clean and unclean animal we don't know we just know God community kidded that to him and that that's not made clear until Leviticus 11 but he already knew what we have these occasional people that drop by the Melchizedek the Jethro who are the leftovers of when people believed getting off the ark remember went went went when when the ark rested and Noah and Shem ham and japhet got off everybody believed God was serious about sin nobody was gone she I wonder if there's really a god no atheists got off the ark and as they spread out across the earth some people still believed and and so you end up with a Jethro over here in Midianite territory or on Melchizedek stock right in the middle of Eretz Israel or the Land of Israel and they're believers and we don't have any record as to how to trace them back to Noah or how they kept their belief or what their Sabbath school look like we didn't even know if they knew what a Sabbath really was because the record doesn't come until Moses we don't know what they actually believe we don't know how they conceptualized it but but they keep appearing so we have a presence marker for God we have a place in a pattern for worship and one of the exciting things for me and looking at the tabernacle with you was I love to go back every year at the beginning and look at the law and be challenged again that my worship got flat does yours get flat my worship gets flat it does and then at this point in the year every year God brings me back to those passages that go wait a minute I set a pattern for worship the third thing that we got out of this that we didn't have going into it Israel didn't have it we didn't have it nobody had it was a specification of the priesthood we have an actual family of priests coming out of this going for away from Sinai they had a priestly family going into it all they had was a mess interestingly enough what God chose for a priestly family was the guy who caused the mess which i think is pretty funny the guy who was down there overseeing the golden calf experience becomes the high priest and once again you see that if this isn't the God story there's no man that would make up a story this way actually we're a bunch of ex-cons led by a guy who is a former murderer and a high priest who was an idolaters than that we're really good people right so so that's the story now the fourth one is we also and this is really important for Leviticus we also end up with beyond a priesthood and the pattern of the priesthood we end up with this sum this penalty place we end up with a specific remedy for our sin there's a concept and it's the biggest single concept in Leviticus and very few Christians ever talk about it it's called the blood for blood concept by now having read it discussed it and listen to me bloviate on it you should know blood for blood is what okay that originally blood for blood is but the price tag for taking life is life blood for blood and you cannot resolve the taking of life without life there has to be blood for blood that's the single greatest concept in the book and you mentioned the word atonement because you're correct that in that system atonement worked until the blood was equal to the sin and in Jesus we now have blood that does not atone for our sins it washes it away because it's equal to the sin the blood of bulls and goats was not equal to the sin it was temporarily equal to obeyed the wrath of God but it didn't permanently deal with the sin it put off judgment that's what it did now one of the things that I love about this book is that it gives me a pattern it gives me a pattern of a newly redeemed people Exodus 19 verse 6 makes the point that God says to Israel you're a kingdom of priests you're a holy nation now this newly redeemed people have to learn how to worship and obey Him they don't have any other choice by the way 1st Peter 2:9 says the same thing to believers today that that coming out of Darkness coming out of 400 years of servitude of the world's thinking they needed it to reset their thinking what am I saying I'm making a commentary on Romans 12:1 and 2 I'm saying that when you revelation is critical to people who have been walking in darkness God's going to reveal himself at Sinai why because for 10 generations they absolutely were pressed into the mold of an Egyptian way of thinking and the Egyptian way of thinking was pagan polytheistic emotional based and the bottom line is God wanted to not let them be conformed to the image of the world but be transformed metamorphose by the renewing of their mind so that they know what is acceptable to God and so what you have then is let me say it another way worship and morality were badly distorted by their time in Egypt how many of you agree with that you can't go to Egypt and not see God's you can't go to Egypt and not see polytheism and paganism in every monument built by the Pharaohs or built more properly by the slaves for the Pharaohs these guys spent 10 generations and the last part of those generations maybe not the whole time but the last part of those generations they were specifically molding gods of the world so God got him out to Sinai and said you got a stop that's not who I am and how did he tell him who he was he didn't sit down and give him a long poetry he didn't give him a Homeric epic of a guy on a great struggle what he did was he gave them walls and to be honest with you one of the fundamental problems that our world has with our God is they don't want the rules so we have Christians that have accommodated their thinking as it regards God's standards and tried to say well look God is so much more mushy in the New Testament that now his standards are somehow not clear that's not only abhorrent it's stepped down right dangerous when I take away the sharp knife from my two-year-old I do so to preserve their life they don't like me very much at that point to which I say too bad because adults step up and understand what children need now if that's true in the relationship you see can you imagine the difference between me and God and what he sees and what I need what if God warned us off some behaviors because they we would do very well in those behaviors for a time and then we would crash what if God warned off his people from basing their entire economic system on interest and then we grew up in America where the whole system is based on interests until we crash the system what if see I'm okay talking in generalizations but when you get down to that and the church people start getting ruffled the reason they get ruffled is because they're more American than Christian there's they understand American life American life is spend two thirds of your life building up as much wealth as you can so you can spend it in the last 30 your life that's Americanism that's what it is it's all about the the epitome of American life is I own my house I own my car and I play golf when I want as if there's something biblical about that and I'm not speaking downward because I'm part of the culture I'm simply testing the cultural analysis against what the text says is that what God said life should be some of us have gotten used to the idea of the disintegrated family we actually literally believe now I'm 18 I can go pick my own spouse and move out and go do what I want as if that has anything to do with a patriarchal structure of the family it doesn't it doesn't you want the blessing of God and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren there's a way to pull it off but the same God who says I am tender toward those who follow me says I visit the iniquities children hung by their parents on to the third and fourth generation now there's gonna be somebody out there arguing while Jesus took that away I'd like to see the scripture that validates that he took it away because I'm gonna tell you my counseling is filled with people who drink because their parents did who beat their children because they were beaten his children I see this thing snowballing and I see Christians sticking their head and they're saying and acting like what Jesus did away with all that I don't understand how that works I think if we screw up the next generation we're gonna have to live with a screwed up generation does anybody have a problem with that if we tolerate wrong wrong will flourish when wrong flourishes inequity will be the result so when I look at this what I see is that the presence of God's glory among them that the central place of worship was all brought out in Revelation so what we're going to be looking at we're going to be looking at some of the ways God made himself known as we unpeel Leviticus if there is a message for the book for the believer without spiritualizing if there's a message to this book it's as simple as this holiness is distinctiveness from the world's pattern based on a biblical worldview that's the definition of holiness holiness is distinctiveness against the world's pattern based on a biblical worldview so when I I understand what God's Word says and I live according to its principles and I live without trying to somehow tolerate myself into peace with a world at enmity with God that I'm distinct when I look at the person who I'm dating and say no we're not going to do that because I am holy to the Lord I don't mean I'm holy I mean I belong to Jesus and you belong to Jesus and we can't do that why cuz he said so and he knows how it's supposed to work holiness to the Lord is distinctiveness from the world system played out from a biblical worldview and it doesn't have to be mean and it doesn't have to all be like we're sucking green persimmons and walking around telling everybody why they're wrong it's about and a living life with a smile but walking with God and deciding that deciding that your life belongs to Jesus and because it belongs to Jesus you're gonna take what he said and actually did you ever have one of those Plato things where you stick the Plato and you push it down it goes out okay I want you to put yourself I want this this thing to be God's Word and I want you to be this Plato put yourself in it and let it press you into the standard of what God's Word wants not the mold of the world they already have a mold they want you to have how's it working for them because Solomon in Ecclesiastes makes it pretty clear that when he chased things under the Sun it was a crappy life and when you chase things under the Sun they don't make sense in fact it's all a bubble it's all vain because he kept saying I was under the Sun he didn't get it till he went above the clouds today went all the way out in the stratosphere all the way out beyond the heliosphere all the way out to where God is and then he said you know what now it's different out here you want to you want to base your life in look there's two things that are competing particularly in your generation you need to understand them number one you are the first generation being raised not by parents but by crowds speak crowd speak is social media that is there is right now pouring into your life not news sources when I grew up you're not gonna believe this but we had four channels on television we also had something that in the ancient days was called black-and-white TV but back in the day you got it from ABC CBS or NBC or public television or you didn't get it now you're getting news from the blogosphere of people who have lots to say who may know nothing about what they're saying but you don't know that because they put words together well and they pick it you could write a fake article try me you could go out and write a fake article that sounds plausible about some secret thing President Obama did to steal your freedom your guns or rape your daughters and people will broadcast it across the net like it's true the blaze or onion puts out something that's sarcasm and half the people on the net or enraged because they don't understand it's sarcastic it's not true they don't even get it what I'm saying is you're growing up with the weakest position for parents in our society because legislatively we have made parents weak we've made we've made legislators educators stronger than parents but we've made children stronger than educators so we've empowered children and now have crowds speak and why is that important because you can't tolerate Egyptian ideas of morality and sin and not be pressed into the mold of the world the second one that you need to understand is that in Christianity we are now a publisher ran organization we're now run from the top down where somebody writes the 30 days of whatever and everybody preaches it somebody writes the Hillsong song and everybody sings it we are published out of personal response and I'm not saying that all the books are bad and I'm not saying that all the songs like some of the songs I told you that the point is that the in the broad crowd speak of Christianity the individual believer being molded by God to stand out distinctively from the world as being fashioned by a publishing house we got to be careful so we go back to Leviticus and what do we see we see a lot of law in the book but it's given in the context of some events so it begins after Moses supervised the construction the tabernacle and God comes in glory to dwell there and at the end of Exodus Exodus 40 you remember this God showed up and we did two different class sessions on God showed up and and Psalm 15 and preparing my heart to see him and then right in the middle of that it's like God occupies the tabernacle like his palace as a place of meeting and then you come and see the king and Moses on behalf of the people goes and sees the king until he hands it off the Aaron who goes and sees and represents the king and the whole time they're staying at the foot of Sinai one note you want to make at the beginning of Leviticus there's no geographical movement in the book they're parked at below cyanide the whole time they're in the shadow of Sinai for the entire book and in fact you can see that when God comes down to give his law you'll see it in in 25 1 you'll see it in 26 46 and they're still there one month later when the wreck of numbers begins in numbers 1 1 so Leviticus precedes the beginning of numbers and an antecedent exodus 1 through 19 and the arrival at the mountain of the wall alright there are three theological themes one of them is the holiness of God it is mentioned only 152 times in the Book of Leviticus a hundred and fifty-two times if you walk away from this book and go I wonder if it's about holiness hello a hundred and fifty-two times in 27 chef's I mean really what does what does God have to do to get you to go I think that's my theme right there holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy sounds like a Bach concerto Handel's Messiah you know something okay second and and this is I'm gonna say this differently than a lot of Christians say it again this comes from Jewish education Christians will always point out where that it's secondly the way to deal with sin that's true but it's incomplete it's the way to deal with sin and celebration there's an awful lot of what went on in the tabernacle and then went went on in the temple after that wasn't about sin every Christian asks the question in the millennial period how come there's if Jesus has already died why are there still sacrifices because most sacrifices don't have to do with sin what Christians are obsessed with a sin based everything you know why because we have so much guilt and so little celebration in Christianity that it's all about the wrong thing we truncated through a thousand years of Roman theology and in and in the Roman Church we came out of it with enormous guilt they walked into every service and looked at a Jesus being crucified on the cross and and went over the death you know that the mass isn't about the resurrection it's about the death it's about the atonement it's about the the sin problem and that's all they learned so Christians became better at focusing on sin and guilt than focusing on celebration but Leviticus is about both and so quite frankly there's a lot of it that has to do with blessing so I have a she'll mean because I come in and offer she'll mean because God gave me a son it's not sin it's I'm happy so as we walk through and I'm gonna carefully pick through those chapters because we flew through them last time uh as we walk through it I want you to see that there's something very real going on there okay let me go on and say a third one so the holiness of God is one the second one is the way to deal with both sin and blessing and the third one is in the context of celebration it's the worship of God's people the requirements for worship the methods of worship and the results of worship so the some 15 ish requirements what does it require of me to deal with in my life so that I can go into the holy hill and I can relax before God what is required of my life before I get into worship or what I what I like to refer to as the Saturday checklist is my Saturday right because your Sunday will be ineffective for worship if your Saturday doesn't happen properly so take your 7 things that we saw in the 11 characteristics of Psalm 15 apply them to the Saturday's of your life because that's what this pastor does when I'm all finished and I've reviewed everything I set it aside and I go through the dashboard of my life and go okay how am i doing what's my tongue doing and and what I find is if my Saturday stinks my sunday stinks oh I don't mean the performance of it uh you can do you can absolutely offer a brilliant sermon that the crowd loves and Jesus weeps you can do that while you're living in sin I've known many a man who did the point is that if I'm gonna really worship myself and Saturday has to be worked out then when I'm there what is worship how do I decide whether or not I just had a service or whether I actually worshiped because there's a difference and then what should be the natural results that's one of the big keys of what Leviticus gives us all right so what we have in the book is three boxes and the last ones the bigger one one two give us offerings and the offerings are to design or to layout for you the basic atonement issues and to deal with the remedy for sin under criminal law that's what they are that the second one is 8 through 10 and that's the deal with priests and priesthood and because you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and a holy nation according to 1st Peter chapter 2 it's important to know what priests are like how they got in how they act what they have promised and although your priesthood isn't of the same big hat and ephod wearing type tell me you don't need holiness to the Lord written on your head because I'm thinking believers needed I'm thinking that they had a graphic picture of something that we need a spiritual picture of and we need to renew it in our lives and then of course when you get to 11 to 27 you get your third block and this will be the applications of the various types of law the applications of law and I want to look at what they are specifically but let's just make note that the problem with studying Leviticus is this whole section and this whole section only tells you what it only says kill a goat do it on the north side of the altar it doesn't explain why or when okay just says do it and so what you have is a lot more what and I don't mean there's none but for the most part what is the answer there and then this is the when in why section this is when you do it in fact in order to know when a grain offering should be made you can't even just study Leviticus you have to study the rest of the Torah knees and look for the word min min ha if you don't know where the grain offering shows up or the apportionment offering of the min ha your your you have to look all the way through the law so I'm gonna short it out and save you the time by doing it as we go through the study ok so that we don't have to read the whole law and come back and put it in I've done that and I'm gonna dump it back in for you the point is that if you have the second half of Leviticus you know why you're doing some of the things the first half tells you how to do the first half though is telling you what you're doing and how you're doing it and I guess I only only put the what I should have put my to make it what in hell as opposed to what when and why okay is everybody okay with that you sort of got the the general ropes of that here's what I want you to do you've got offerings and do you remember very quickly what they are what's the first offering okay good you're gonna give me the Hebrew for it all day is the burnt offering all for God none for us nothing but smoke going up and ash coming out right what's the second one min huh if anybody does mention I'm gonna come after you okay min ha can I hear you say it please min ha give me a little hat minute ah okay minhas apportionment and it means whether it's a time of the year that you have the seed or the time of the year that you have the stock or the time of the year that you have the head of the grain or the time of the year that you can make it into a cake I want what you have when you are promised me now not later third offering this shall mean shall mean like Shalom the balancing of what is right when all things are as they should be the show meme is I just got something from God and now I want to give back a portion of what he's given to me so that I can remind myself that everything I still have is also his and hallelujah shel means the only one everybody gets to eat including the guy who's offering it it is the biggest picnic one this is the one with party hats and okay alright what's the next two they go together sort of good ha ah the hot tub mmm is the word for sin or misses the mark and it has to do with both intentional and unintentional it has to do with omission and Commission but then there's also the awesome the awesome sin is what it's a trespass and it's a specific subset of hot to are which is you messed with something God made distinctive he considers holiness and the word for holy in the Bible's distinct Kadosh is distinct you took something God made for a distinctive purpose and you used it in a in the way that was not it's distinct purpose my son used to believe that that you only needed a hammer to fix everything when you use a hammer on things that need a screwdriver you mess them up permanently okay so this is the basics now after that in the line between that and the priest you end up with the millah weaned and what's the millah Wien where does it go blood on the yeah there you go blood on the right ear blood on the right thumb blood on the right toe it is a consecration offering and it says be careful little ears what you hear all that my hands do every place at my feet go these belong to God I'm a priest I am NOT my own I bought with a price therefore I am to glorify God in my body which is his okay and so there's a restatement of mooing principle later on alright when you get down to the applications of the law in eleven this is a part you don't have yet we did not do this you have the food laws what does God consider food for a Jew now I'm going to be very specific because in Genesis 9 he said for the world of all these things you shall eat then as a subset of the world the sons of ham sons of shem through Terah through Abraham through Isaac through Jacob he said you have a specific group of food laws you are marked by these food laws so I am not asking you to go out and start keeping kosher I am telling you that you're not Jewish and you're under the of all these things you shall eat so try them all because that's what I'm trying to do get through the entire list of food before you die okay so I eat ham with impunity I don't worry about having ham I don't you know I okay I do feel a little bit weird about having ham but that's because I lived kosher and lived in Israel for a long time but beside from that aside from that little twinge of just feeling a little awkward about it we call it the other white meat these are health issues the Israelites didn't know about bacteria and the only thing they knew about people when they die is that you get some canopic jars you open up their body you take their brain out through their nose you stick it in a jar that's what Egyptians did they knew mummification they knew I mean ten generations they've been working on stuff that was totally foreign to Abraham totally foreign to Isaac or Jacob these are not you know I'm not foreign to Jacob but for a whole different reason the point is that this wasn't an Israelite thing it was that they lived in a culture that was not theirs okay so in 12 we have what are called postpartum issues if you go through the experience the incredible incredible joyful wonderful painful and messy experience of having a baby the postpartum issues are issues of blood the thing God cares about deeply is blood there is a reason the enemy goes after every holiday that has to do with remembering God there's a reason why Christmas is now Santa Claus day and Easter is now Easter Bunny day there is a reason because he's trashing the celebrations but there's another there's a reason why people drop a rock on their foot and don't say Oh Buddha they say Jesus because he's demeaning a name and there's a reason that our culture is obsessed with vampires and Undead because they're trashing blood and the story is about blood and there's a reason why our culture cannot stand the picture of monogamous marriage because it's a picture of God and Israel and Christ in His Church and they everything that could communicate to a person in the world who God isn't what he's like gets trashed in a pagan culture everything they're going after this isn't just a culture war it's a cosmic war against the reality of the Bible it's a cosmic war against who God is and how he saves people so we have a post partum set of laws that deal with blood and then we have skin and surface issues and that's gonna be in thirteen thirteen to fifteen Randy I have my own language when it comes to writing and these are gonna be here's the problem when you're in the desert and everybody's living in a tent mold is a really big issue and you're you're not taking care of the mold on your tent will ruin my tent the problem is they were slaves and when you make individuals into a community you then have problems that the individuals wouldn't have had I don't disagree that we need an educational system in the country I believe that when we pagan eyes the education system we gave the wrong people charge over morality why because we're a community now and now how they want to deal with mold becomes the way to deal with mold I simply argue that condoms in the classroom gave us bullies in the classroom how did I get there because when you convince kids they can't do right and will not be held to that standard and then give them mechanisms to do wrong and then give them social media to bully each other what you have taught them is you cannot be held to the standard of right and wrong because there's something defective in you that will make you have sex and be mean what I'm trying to say is very pointed but I'm trying to get you to understand that the skin and surface issues are issues of communal living your rights stop at my nose Robert you can have all the rights you want but when it comes on to my nose now with my rights and so that what we end up with is a society that's trying to define what the communal issues are with no foundational moral base in what God has said if I wasn't a Christian I wouldn't care about abortion I wouldn't know that I was destroying a generation of people I wouldn't realize that what I'm saying I might even buy the argument that it's part of her body except for it's a different sex and different DNA and scientifically that isn't true IIIi would be able to buy into things because I wouldn't have a moral base to stand on when we created a communal standard we trashed the biblical one now when you get down to 16 to 18 you come into some restrictions and guys I know this is kind of heavy but I love this because you're never going to get a better understanding of how God thinks then when you don't understand when you grab hold of the law you'll walk out and go I get it I get what he's like not that he's some you know big bearded angry throned you know guy from an album cover okay it's it's that he's actually he's actually making it it's not wrong for the coach to explain to you the rules before you play the game okay that's not mean that's trying to keep you from getting an elbow in your teeth you can't go out there and in the middle of the game decide you know what I think I'll do it with my feet it's basketball you can't do that and what happens is when people start making up the rules in the middle and reject the premise of the game they play badly and then they hurt each other so in the restrictions 16 is famous because it has Yom Kippur in it and Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement we're going to come back and deal with that specifically 17 deals specifically with blood and issues of blood and it will come back to postpartum issues as a subset but blood issues it's more carefully spelled out and then at 18 I guarantee you we will spend time there rules of sexuality and it will be the basis by the way of the rules all the way up until January 1st of 2013 in the United States and as of this year we are now creating a set of rules to deconstruct that Levitical law so that gender in California is no longer your physical parts it's what you think you are that says that's just plain stupid that says you can take it out and go it's a boy and know that it is God spoke by the parts on your body okay it's not about how you feel about them it's about the fact that you have them and you may feel the way you feel because of some other problem so let's start off addressing what the other problem is it's absolutely crazy crazy did you know that abortion is a crime against a woman that came from Planned Parenthood in 1952 one generation goes what grows up saying it's wrong the next one says it's right like they never said it and you go from being bad to good and then here's the problem when wrong becomes right right becomes wrong and now in 2013 as wrong becomes right your point of view that point of view will be seen as wrong you will be intolerant and taking away civil rights of other people because they have a right to do wrong based on biblical reality okay now when you see it then in 20 there's an interesting set of things that happen after this and I can't do this without you racing I'm almost done cuz I know Ben's panicking by now the the let me do it this way 19-inch let me do a box a big box then another small box okay nineteen and twenty in nineteen and twenty he's dealing with the violations and impurities he deals with things that go wrong violations and impurities and he's doing that on the way to a very very large section here that begins in twenty one and moves all the way to twenty five that is all about priestly operations priestly ops with one exception there's a drop down in twenty four there's a very specific chapter that we're going to talk about which is special violations of criminal proceedings these are cases of criminals these are their stories Jeong Jeong okay right there all right then pass priestly ops what we have is punishment and redemption and this will pick up in twenty six twenty seven and one of the most important chapters in all of the book is chapter 26 and we will spend special time there because 26 will offer two things the conditions of the covenant and a pattern of seven let me suggest to you that this is partly prophetic seven years tribulation are first sketched out by God in 26 of Leviticus and he says repeatedly I will give you seven times what you give me you violate this and I'll give you seven seven seven seven seven and he's going to pick that pearl ATAR up and the proposition of the writer of scripture is there's a special time when God is going to deal with his estranged wife and get her to finally bend her neck and say uncle and then he will take her back the restoration of Israel comes in that same thing the end of 26 is restoration it's terrible tribulation followed by restoration 26 1 to 13 is all what happens if you obey or shall I say during those brief moments of obedience here's what I will do to bless you because of it how many of you have felt God's blessing and would admit that it's during those brief times of obedience between the long stretches of disobedience or disinterest ok all right so 1 2 13 we can already smile about put a little smiley face next to it you know what it is all right when you get to 14 if you do not obey me and do not carry out my commandments 16 right next to it the word sick I'll make you sick I will appoint over you a sudden terror consumption and a fever and you will waste away you're gonna get sick 17 war I'll set my face against you you'll be struck down before your enemies those who hate you will roll over you so captivity and then I want you to circle the word in verse 18 seven times verse 21 seven times verse 24 seven times verse 28 seven times and that's before you get down to the land rest which is Sabbath which is the seventh day down in 34 okay do you see that he says verse 18 if after these initial things you do not obey me I will punish you seven times more for your sin so the pattern of something that is a seven times sin is laid out in front of them and by the way in verse 21 if you act with hostility against me and are unwilling to obey I'll increase the play going use seven times according to your sin by the way in verse 22 I'm gonna bring calamity the beasts of the field are going to come in and eat you nature will work against you and how long verse twenty-four seven times for your sin in verse 26 I will break your staff of bread ten women will bake your bread in one oven and they will bring back your bread in rationed amounts in other words starvation and by the way I'll take you into captivity if you don't give my land arrest and in verse 34 the land will enjoy the Sabbath's all the days of desolation in verse 35 all the days of it's desolation it will observe the rest which it will not observe on your Sabbath's while you were living on it do you know why the people went seventy years in the captivity because 490 years they didn't observe God's law and so God gave the land seven years of rest one for every seven that's exactly why they were in there for seventy years later on the Bible is gonna tell you that because Ezra knew it Nehemiah knew it Daniel knew it Jeremiah knew it Ezekiel knew it they all understood what God was doing they even understood how long Daniel gets on his knees and start spraying you said seventy years I was reading Jeremiah you said seventy years at 68 years I don't see anything happening and then Angel shows up to Daniel this isn't random this is part of a story that's going to pop up later on in the text so you want to know the pattern that's here but I want to say something you as terribly important because two-thirds of the American Church doesn't agree with it replacement theology is that God used to be working with Israel and now he's working with the church that isn't true and they do it based on what they call a conditional covenant of Moses but wait a minute the Covenant started with Abraham and Abraham's covenant was it conditional or unconditional unconditional because Abraham was asleep when God made it it wasn't about him it was about God I will do this for you and he parts these things and walks between them and says all the things I told you in chapter 12 of Genesis and 15 of Genesis and 17 of Genesis and then he went on to say again in 23 and 26 of Genesis and in 46 of Genesis he says I have been making promises to the people these promises aren't conditional in other words I'm going to bless the world through you and I'm gonna give you a piece of real estate and if it takes five thousand years I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna I'm gonna put your kids out there like the sands of the seashore in number and there's going to be an incredible obvious blessing to those who bless you and a curse to those who curse you there's an unconditional set of confidence but in that covenant there was also a land contract that I have a special piece of grant Abe look North looks out look east look west all this is the land contract for your kids for how long forever now that's not conditional but what this covenant says the Mosaic doesn't cancel out the Abrahamic no later covenant bulldozes an earlier one so in other words after the Abrahamic covenant we don't go well but now we have to worry about rain storms again the noahic covenant isn't erased by the Abrahamic one the Mosaic Covenant is this it's not conditional about the ownership of the land or the blessing of God this is where you find it right here in 38 but you will perish among the nations your enemy's land will consume you so that those of you who may be left will rot away because of their iniquity in the land of your enemies and also because of the iniquities of their forefathers they will rot away with them if here it is here's the turn box it put a box around the little F if verse 40 they confess their iniquity the iniquity of their forefathers in the unfaithfulness which they have committed against me and also in their acting with hostility against me I will also was acting with hostility against them to bring them into the land of their enemies or if their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they may make amends for their iniquity now put a box around then if then if then verse 42 I will remember my covenant with Jacob I will remember also my covenant with Isaac I will remember my covenant with Abraham as well I will remember the land in other words yes I'm gonna beat the stuffings out of you if you walk away from me the condition is a domicile condition this is an ownership title condition in other words the land belongs to God and he says I give it to the sons of Abraham in perpetuity forever but you'll only get to live in it if you walk with me and if you don't you'll lose your domicile you don't lose the potential to have it back you lose your domicile for a time but look at how the story ends it ends with for the land will be abandoned by them verse 43 will make up for its Sabbath's wallet is made desolate without them they meanwhile will be making amends for their iniquity because they rejected my ordinances and their soul abhorred my statutes yet in spite of this when they are in the land of their enemies I will not reject them nor will I abour them as to destroy them breaking my covenant with them for I am the Lord their God he doesn't cease being their God even when they cease acknowledging him he doesn't cease being their God even when they walk in coldness and he spanks them he's still their father but he's waiting to bless them with the domicile the promise the domicile just means you live there they don't get to live there if they don't do what he says and he says in verse 45 I will remember for them the Covenant of their ancestors whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations and I that I might be their God I am the Lord and you will see that phrase over and over in the text these are the statutes and ordinances and laws which the Lord established between himself and the sons of Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai let me summarize this by saying this you're going to hear in many places in Bible studies that mosaic of it was conditional it wasn't conditional as to whether or not the Covenant of Abraham would be overruled it was conditional as to whether or not God would bless them in the land where they had prompt he had promised them and it was going to remain that way and they would lose domicile however the title and ownership of the land was there it's even when they weren't in it because forever means forever I give you the land to you and your sons forever check 23 check 46 of Genesis you will see it over and over the point is you don't get to have it so my son out of blessing or my daughter's out of blessing get a car from the old man I give him a car and then he's out too late because you know him and Larissa they're just you know staying out late and whatever and so I take the keys the ownership is still titled to him but the keys are in my hands that's how that covenant works in replacement theology in the theology of the Reformed Church in the theology of churches that understand that we are now Israel this is a conditional covenant that that wipes out the earlier one however I will show you by the time we get to the New Testament that the scripture is clear that no covenant wipes out a previous covenant God didn't dismiss earlier covenants with later ones when he says it it's continues to be [Music] [Laughter] [Music] don't lose heart I'm coming back I went away to find a place for tell and I'm coming back I'm [Music] leave the light on if you're ready to [Music]
Channel: One Hour. One Book.
Views: 55,521
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Book Of Leviticus (Book)
Id: 4h_g5j6pQAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2013
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