One fact about every country in Africa

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welcome to factspark in this video we'll take  a look at one interesting fact for every one   of the 54 officially recognized african  nations we will start with the smallest   and least populated country and then slowly  work our way up along the population ranking   the tropical island paradise of the seashells  easily makes it on the first spot on this list   by only counting some 100 000  people as their inhabitants   the archipelago of 115 islands which sits far off  the eastern coast of africa is home to a variety   of different turtle and tortoise species one of  them being the aldabrachaelis gigantea also called   the aldabra giant turtles which is the largest  tortoise species in the world next up is another   island nation laying on the opposite side of the  african continent the former portuguese colony of   sao tome and principe is one of only three african  nations which ranks as a full democracy since 1991   also making it the oldest government of this kind  on the african continent the third least populated   nation in africa cape verde is home to only a  single indigenous mammal which is the long-eared   bat all other mammals like goats monkeys rats  or mongooses have been imported by humans   the comoros is another island nation in the  indian ocean the sunni islamic country has   an extremely high population density housing over  450 people on every square kilometer of its land   this makes the comoros as densely populated  as the densest us state new jersey   the next country on the list is djibouti which  chose elks the largest member of the deer family   as their national animal even though elks cannot  be found in the natural wildlife of the country   Eswatini formerly called swaziland is the  last remaining absolute monarchy in africa   which gives the monarch supreme authority over laws  and legislature equatorial guinea a small country   on the west coast of the continent is currently  constructing a brand new capital city right in the   centre of the territory currently the capital lays  on the island of Bioko around 200 kilometers off   the coast of equatorial guinea this peculiar setup  also makes equatorial guinea the only non-island   nation in the world with a capital city on an  island mauritius the second largest island nation   of africa is home to the only hindu majority in  africa guinea-bissau's official top-level domain   meaning the end of the national website is .gw  and it only has 23 officially registered websites   85 percent of gabon's landmass is covered by  forest making it the country with the highest   percentage of forested area in continental africa  on a global perspective it is only passed by some   small island nations like palau micronesia and  tuvalu and the south american country of suriname   apart from the first 100 something kilometers  the country border of the gambia is dictated by   the river gambia giving it a very unique shape  the landlocked country of lesotho is completely   surrounded by south africa and the entirety of  the country lays high up on a mountain massive   making it the country with the  highest low point in the world   the lowest point of lesotho measures 1 400  meters above the sea level making it higher   than the highest point of countries such as the  uk finland or hungary botswana was the first   country to have developed out of the list of the  least developed countries from the united nations   achieving this upgrade in the year 1994. it has  only been followed by five countries after that   next up on the list is namibia a country of true  geographic extremes it is so sparsely populated   that the only countries on earth with more  space per inhabitant are greenland and mongolia   this is due to the country being made up of  thousands of square kilometers of barren desert   the largest canyon of the continent 40 of  conserved wildlife space and 700 kilometers   of uninhabitable coastline also called the  skeleton coast liberia has its origins as a   refuge for freed american slaves from before the  american civil war around 10 000 former american   slaves made their way to the african west coast  in the 1850s and declared independence in 1847   this makes it the first african republic and  liberia managed to stay independent during   the colonization of africa from european powers  the capital of the republic of congo brazaville   ranks as one of the five worst cities when  it comes to property prices to income ratio   mauritania is holder of the sad record  of being the last country in the world   to ban slavery this only happened in 1981 and  it took until 2007 to officially make it a crime   while the central african republic doesn't  really have much going for it it at least   has the fifth lowest co2 emissions per capita  in the world the north african state libya is   cursed with such bad soil and climate conditions  that 75 percent of the food of the nation has to   be imported less than one percent of the territory  is actually arable land of which most can be found   near the northeastern coast this region used to  be part of the ancient greek and roman empires   togo used to be populated by 37 different tribes  after the country borders as we know them today   were made up by the french following the transfer  of Togo land from the germans of the world   war one due to sierra leone's low literacy rate  many of its people use radios instead to consume   information it is estimated that 72 percent of  the country lists to the radio on the daily basis   according to eritrea's constitution all languages  are equal in the country which subsequently means   that there is no official language after a  challenging start of the nation south sudan   which turned independent just 10 years ago  its economy finally picked up in recent years   and in 2019 south sudan actually booked the  highest gdp growth in the world with 11.3 percent   in burundi it is tradition to consume  beer from large containers with straws   with up to 12 people at the same time benin's  capital porto novo was historically established   to accommodate slave trade with the  americas today however the city of   Cotonou is the largest city of the country and  that houses most of the governmental functions   Rwanda is the African nation with the highest  percentage of arable land and it takes the   seventh spot on a global scale overall 57 percent  of the entire country's surface is cultivated   guinea not to be confused with guinea-bissau  equatorial guinea french guinea guyana or   papua new guinea is the most populous country of  all countries containing guinea in their name   tunisia is home to very rich ancient history  and the famous general Hannibal Bracer who   conquered rome came from the tunisian city  of carthage today the ancient history can   be explored in the form of eight unesco  world heritage sites across the country   the country of chad is home to a massive lake of  the same name in the 1960s this lake measured a   surface area of 26 000 square kilometers putting  it on the same league with the east african great   lakes of lake malawi lake victoria and lake  tanganyika today however the lake shrank down   to less than a 20th of the previous size  and it barely covers 1 500 square kilometers   zimbabwe's currency had a two-year period of  hyperinflation between the years 2007 and 2009   where at peak moments the year-to-year  inflation rate was passing 89 sixtillion percent   after a hard stop on using the Zimbabwe dollar in  april of 2009 it was reintroduced in july 2019   and already has an inflation rate of over 700   in the year 2022 senegal will be the first country  of the african continent to host the olympic games   while it won't be the full version the youth  olympic summer games will still be a great   opportunity to let the world get to know africa  a little bit better mali is home to the great   mosque of Djenne which is the largest mud-based  construction in the world reaching a height of   16 meters the material it is built from is called  adobe even though zambia is a landlocked country   it is still home to one of the most magnificent  water spectacles in the world the victoria falls   on the zambezi river is neither the widest highest  or most volumetric waterfall the high ranking in   all of these categories however often gives it  the nickname of being the largest waterfall in   the world while prehistoric rock art can be  found in a variety of places across africa   malawi is the country with the highest density  of rock cavings from our ancestors the chongoni   rock art area consists of 127 isolated sites  with carvings dating back to the late stone age   in niger you can find the Aïr and Ténéré national  nature reservoir which consists of multiple small   overlapping reservoirs which makes it the largest  connected area of nature reservoirs in africa   burkina faso is officially the hottest country in  the world with a yearly average of 28.25 degrees   celsius if you've come this far on the video  and you enjoyed it please consider subscribing   helps a lot cameroon also holds an africa wide climate record specifically cape debundsha which   is the sixth wettest place in the world and  the place in africa with the most precipitation   annual rainfall averages over 10 000 millimeters  due to madagascar's remote location and subsequent   little intermixing of species it is home to  the second most endemic species in the world   just after brazil when it comes to the amount  of endemic species in percentage to the total   amount of species however madagascar is the clear  world leader the only region that surpassed the   87 of madagascar is the kerguein island and the  cocos island which only houses a single species   respectively giving them an unfair 100 score in  cote d'ivoire's thai national park you can find   the last remaining virgin rainforest of western  africa somalia is one of the very few countries   within africa with a very low prevalence of  hiv-positive adults together with madagascar   algeria and sudan it is leading the ranking  with less than 0.5 percent of the population   infected with the virus while most african nations  biggest exports are agriculture products 88 of   Angola's export is crude oil on a global  scale it is the 14th largest exporter of oil   ghana is the closest country to the center point  of the standard world map meaning the point where   longitude and latitude are zero degrees while  almost all countries in africa share the fate   of having suffered through colonization mozambique  was one of the first territories taken over in the   15th century and therefore was under european rule  for a total of 473 years together with equatorial   guinea and guinea bissau this is the longest time  of all african nations contrary to many muslim   countries morocco has rather modern women rights  which are anchored in the constitution while many   traditional and conservative values still prevail  it is a good step to a more equal future while   egypt stands out with the largest ancient pyramids  sudan has the most ancient pyramids built around   the nile many of these were built around 800 years  after the pyramids of giza finished construction   algeria is the african country with the least  external national dept as a percentage of their   GDP and only Turkmenistan Brunei and Lichtenstein  have less external governmental debt due to a   long colonially intertwined past with the uk  Ugandans are the best English speakers of all   african nations even ranking higher than the south  africans according to the world linguistic society   kenya's largest ethnic group the kikuyu which  live in the proximity of mount kenya the second   largest mountain of the continent do not have  kenya's national language as their main language   many of the kikuyu people however speak swahili  and english as well tanzania is home to the   largest mountain of africa the mount kilimanjaro  as well as the largest mass migration of animals   every single year around 1.5 million gnus  as well as half a million other animals   like zebras and gazelles across the plains  of tanzania in search of new grazing grounds   based on my personal set of criteria which you can  find explained in full detail in the card in the   top right corner south africa is the most diverse  country in the world the democratic republic of   congo is home to the most active volcano of the  continent the three thousand meter tall shield   volcano Nyamuragira erupts roughly every two  years Egypt is the most obese country in Africa   with 31 of the population having a bmi of over 30.  Ethiopia is the most populated African nation to   have never qualified for a FIFA world cup despite  having won the African cup of nations before   and finally the most populated country of the  African continent is Nigeria with over 200 million   people it makes up one-sixth of the entire African  population and that is rich not just in people but   also in almost all other aspects it has Africa's  largest economy measured by GDP it produces the   second most movies in the world it sits at the  delta of the third longest river of Africa and the   over 250 ethnical groups speak over 500 different  languages if you enjoyed these facts and stories   about the 54 African nations I'd be very happy  if you subscribe to this channel if you'd like   to know one fact about every country in Europe or  south America you can click here or here cheers
Channel: FactSpark
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Keywords: Africa facts, one fact for every country, one fact for every country in africa, geography, geography facts, facts about africa, all african countries, all african nations, african nation facts, one fact for every nation of africa, fun facts about africa, africa fun facts, africa geography, Sahara geography, north africa, south africa, east africa, west africa
Id: A41NswbWyKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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