Self-drive Safari in Pilanesberg National Park

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Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa sunrise  to sunset here we go what can we find in one   day oh it's elephants well the bush Gods be on  our side I love this place let's go thanks bru so the idea when on Safari is to  try put yourself in the right place   and then eventually the right time will  come this is Mankwe Dam in front of us got hot air balloons in the  distance beautiful reflections   it's moments like this where  it's good to just switch off   tune in listen got some pied Kingfishers just  hovering above the water here oh that's good the largest bird that's able to  hover without the assistance of wind This light is nuts and we're on to the dirt  roads why is that exciting because we can see   tracks this is why I love the mornings these dirt  roads kind of tell a story of what happened the   night before obviously you wake up and you have  no idea what's been going on out here and here   we are we come out and try to do a little bit  of guesswork see what happened what moved where Just crazy. let's move on while the light is good so for those of you that have never been on Safari  before it's just good etiquette to always give a   little to anyone coming past soon as you're  in the park or as soon as you hit a dirt road   that's just the standard hello I acknowledge you  top of the morning to you and you get different   kinds of different kinds of people when it  comes to that you get the The Lazy one finger   you get the over excited tourist who is just like  so happy to be there which is great and it's like   a casual you get the very serious um  stare down dude who just does one of these   don't like that guy you get the ones that just   don't even acknowledge you at all  and like pretend to see something and you're waving like this and  you're like oh geez there goes my ego Rock dassies just spotted a couple of warthog  asses sticking out of the grass they're obviously on their haunches  digging up roots and bulbs and   whatever else they might find. Oh it's elephants so because it's been a little bit quiet today,  i've decided to play the patient game with this   with this large herd of elephants  you can't really see them right   now but they kind of just moving along  the base of that hill there and they   might just slowly make their way this  way towards the road maybe behind me did not pay off but that's how things go that's  the bush you win some you lose some but it's   always worth a try. Spotted another herd making  their way down towards Mankwe Dam these Ellies   have given us the real run around here it's been  hard work it's just been cars doing loops around   this block reversing doing u-turns it looks like  everyone's kind of had a quiet-ish day because   usually wouldn't have so many cars just banking  on one herd of elephants if that makes sense always a pleasure. Um someone just told me  there's two black rhino just around the bend yeah   let's see let's see let's see  oh there we go there we go   it's a mother with a youngster please don't  run away to put it into perspective I have   not seen black Rana in I don't know at least  two two or three years very chilled they can   they can sometimes be so unpredictable or  either run away from you or towards you she might just be coming out into  the open here with the little one I'm just gonna stand ground for now I'm not gonna lie.. heart is beating! The other guy booked it, he's outta here. He  shat himself. We'll I did too to be honest. so   I think what happened there was a guy behind  me that arrived wouldn't switch his car off   geez I'm like shaking um and she got a little  bit annoyed and suddenly her mood changed   he left I stayed I think when she saw I wasn't  moving or turning on or anything or reacting   she decided no this is not worth it and turned  around with the little one following her sorry   girl not something you want but I think we handled  it all right can't get the smile of my face giraffes will do this what they'll do  is chew and and suck on bones that they   find and that might even be a tortoise  shell I'm not too sure getting extra   calcium and other minerals from the bone  that they might be lacking in their diet   so this is called osteophagia yeah that's a  tortoise shell an old one that's been in the   Sun for long so it's turned white but the  same concept applies here this is so cool so I thought I'd quickly show  you tracks of a brown hyena   you can see the front paw much larger than  the hind paw that's because they carry so   much weight and strength in that on  those front quarters and to carry   to carry carcasses and carrion over long  distances um very asymmetrical triangular   triangular back pad and very banana shaped toes  compared to cats which have much rounder toes   and the three lobes at the back ooh I'm  screwing that one up. Well it is crunch   time we have about an hour left of sunlight  yeah let's let's let's do this let's do this well if that's all the day ends  then consider me super chuffed   thank you Pilanesberg you beautiful thing bye Pilanesberg!
Channel: WildWild Journeys
Views: 958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: south africa, safari, wildlife photography, africa, pilanesberg, nature, elephant, warthog, rhino, kingfisher, wild encounter, animals, black rhino, wildwild
Id: 1pueWw4s-8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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