Nuestra RUTINA de VIVIR VIAJANDO 👉 Asi es UN DIA viviendo en un MOTORHOME 🚐 24hs VAN LIFE 🌎 Ep.27

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24 HOURS VAN LIFE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR - MEXICO [Music] - Good morning. - Good day. [Music] Good morning, this is how all our mornings normally start so far, this is the basic routine of all the chores, obviously recording took us twice as long but this is all we do, we barely get up. Particularly today is a travel day so we are going to accommodate the truck to get on the route and we have run out of water and we have to go to refuel so before continuing the trip we are going for that. [Music] The first step is going to be to go look for purified water, as we already know here in Mexico, tap water cannot be drunk, luckily there are a lot of places, there is one that is close by so we have already located it here in iOverlander, let's go there. We are leaving this place, the truth is how beautiful these communities are that are put together like this where you can sleep here next to the beach, so we invite you to watch the previous video that shows you several nice beach spots to sleep here. We think these places are very good, especially for when you travel alone, we have seen many families, many couples and so on, but also many girls alone and I think that if I had to travel alone, I don't want to leave you, I'm just saying that if at some point which is often fear, it is very good because you feel in community and you are not alone. Well, let's see if we're lucky, Diamond Purifier. If you still do not follow us on Instagram, we invite you to join us there too, we have made an exclusive reel showing how we load water in Mexico, there are two ways, as we told you, you have to come and buy water no matter what. Where we were there were no garbage cans, so what we do is accumulate it and when we get somewhere we leave it in a basket, normally we always take out those little bags of garbage every day, so they don't accumulate. And there is also a faucet and they allowed us to carry running water as well. We use the running water to bathe, to wash the dishes and so on, we have a valve under here, which I have to open for Santi. This hose that we bought already comes with the thread included but if you have a common hose it is good to have several adapters to use the different threads that the courts have. And out here we have the inlet cover for the 200 liter clean water tank that we have. Regarding drinking water, we have a 20-liter drum connected to a pump that comes directly next to the kitchen and these drums are also here, so we are going to refill 40 liters of drinking water. What a pleasure, this is the best purifier we have used because it has a pause button, because every time, we could not do this process, it is running so as not to waste liters of water. Because we recorded that, we lost the liters of water that... - We had to pay for more water... We literally didn't have a drop of water, so we also took advantage of refilling all the bottles we have here. Once we have the drums full comes the transfer of the small drums to the big drum, always here Santi explains that the drum we have back there could be removed but... We have to lower the bicycles and take everything out, it is easier to put a little hose, blow here for two seconds and it fills. - Techniques with a lot of technology. - Pressure difference... With the drum in the back what we have is drinking water directly here. So while we're at it we add water for the mate. Thermos ready for a day on the road. We just finished two of the tasks that we have to do during the day, loading drinking water and running water, it took us an hour on the clock, as we said at the beginning of the morning, we took a little longer due to the fact that we are recording everything to be able to show you However, they are tasks that require a lot of time. [Music] Next step, supply ourselves with fuel. Well, while we fill the fuel tank, I continue with what I have been telling you, many times out there you think you are dreaming, right? with life they go life that one always wakes up in beautiful patios Today was precisely one of those, right? because we woke up in front of the spectacular beach, but these issues like the ones that are happening today when we wake up, that is, we wake up and we don't have any water not even to drink some mate or have a coffee, are issues that happen extremely often and we are already extremely used to it and we continue to choose this life, but well this is so that you can see that many times our days start like this, we have already been up for, like, almost 4 hours and we have done nothing more than tidy up the motorhome close everything so that it doesn't fall while we move, load water, load fuel and we still haven't even had breakfast, nor managed to do many kilometers, that's how our days are, everything is much slower in this new lifestyle that we lead. I think that one of the things that we have begun to value most since we led this lifestyle 4 years ago is that for us it was normal to turn on the tap and have running water, well where we lived water could be taken from the tap and here In this lifestyle there are all things that one has to manage all the time, so now with the tank full we are going to continue doing chores, cleaning the glass and having breakfast. I spent two seconds with something else and you do like this and Santi already fills your counter... To prepare breakfast, a little bit of butter, we are going to make some scrambled eggs with ham and cheese. We are going to turn on the inverter here we have the extractor key. By the way we show you the new acquisition, the small trash can. Breakfast ready here, scrambled eggs with cheese, ham, flax seeds , almonds, walnuts, avocado, avocado, as the Mexicans say, we have a little yogurt here and the coffee that we have now finished preparing , and? - Let's have breakfast... We had bought this for the toilet but it doesn't give us much result and we started putting it in the trash can and the truth is that it is great because even though it is small, it is 2 and a half liters but so that it does not have an ugly smell. [Music] And after many hours we now start the truck and a long day on the road awaits us. [Music] We are heading very north, we are traveling through the Peninsula of Baja California and Baja California Sur, our next destination is going to be to reach a beach that a lot of people have recommended to us called El Requesón but we have, it is tremendous, the distance that we have here in Mexico there are 6 hours of travel, 532 kilometers indicated by the GPS, we will not know if we are going to arrive today because it indicates that we are going to arrive at approximately 6:30 in the afternoon but well, several hours of math and routes await us. here. For those who are new to the channel, here with Santi we both love driving so we always divide the number of kilometers and do the driving between the two of us. [Music] - We continue along the route. [Music] Refueling. - Hi how are you doing? - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon, complete. - Thank you. Well, full tank, diesel costs $25.50 MXN per liter, we filled the tank that was there, there was already a quarter left, $1,275 MXN. [Music] We have a life that is so, I don't know how to say it, but anti-routine, there are days that we have lunch, days that we don't, days that we have breakfast early , there are days that we have earlier, today we had breakfast quite late and we have many hours of travel, so let's prepare a quick lunch while we drive so as not to waste time. Especially due to the fact that we don't want to arrive at our destination at night, so we prioritize that, traveling during the day and eating something quick. It's not easy to prepare lunch on the go. The co-pilot has several tasks, the first and main is to prepare mate, the second, just as important as the first, is to always pay attention to the GPS if we are arriving at a place, look for where we are going to sleep, etc. let's say but always look for on the cell phone. - Play music. - Also. I was going to say that in my case I also take advantage of editing short videos, whether reels, shorts, tiktok, that we publish when I'm co-pilot. on the other networks, so again we invite you to go and see it if you haven't already , we upload other types of content, so right now I'm going to take advantage of uploading a reel to Instagram and bait the little boss because if I don't It's going to make you angry, right? [Music] - Good afternoon, how are you doing? - Good afternoon, where are you going? - Let's go to El Requesón. - The Cottage Cheese... Where are they from? - From Argentina. - From Argentina... - How did they get here to Mexico? - Walking. - By land? - Yes, coming from Argentina. - - They come... - Um... Do they bring their passport, everything? - Yes. - No, it's okay. - Good thank you. - No, wait there... - Where do you say you're going? - To a beach called El Requesón. - The Cottage Cheese... - And where do they come from? - Now from Cerrillos more or less, a beach that we were there. - Little hills? - Yes, all of Los Santos, more or less around there. - All that? - All Saints. - All Saints. - Todos Santos, Pescaderos, Los Cerritos, and how did you think? - Very nice, really beautiful. - And how do you get back to...? - We are going to the United States, the plan is to cross there in the next few days. - And do they have VISA? - Yes, we have VISA. -And what do you do? - As? - What do you do for a living? - We have a YouTube channel and we are documenting our entire trip. - Hakuna Matata x the World. - There it is, there you can see it. - Forward. - Well, thank you, see you later. [Music] And with the last rays of sun we are reaching our destination. The truth is that it was a long day of travel but we made it. It took us a little longer than what the GPS indicated, a half hour longer between fuel stops and all that, but it was great. We are now 9 minutes away and we are going to see what we can find to sleep here. And finally we arrived at El Requesón, look what this is, people, this is Baja California, you arrive at a beach and it is full of motorhomes. - Good night. - Hello, how is it going? - Are you going to stay one night? - We don't know what the topic is like? - For one night $250 MXN. - Well okay, charge us for a day. - Well, if you want, because on this side here I charge $200 MXN. - No, we're going to stop here one day, did you tell me then? - $250 MXN. We're obviously going to show you the beach tomorrow, but that's how our big day of travel concludes, we're going to look for a little place close to the water to settle down. We are already settled in the place where we are going to spend the night today and maybe tomorrow but we don't know, we are always seeing the day by day. This whole area called Bahía Concepción had been highly recommended to us, what others had already told us. travelers is that the beaches here in this area are paid, unlike all the others that we have been visiting in Baja California Sur, so keep that in mind. We don't have a cell phone signal here. So reinstall Starlink. Look how good that battery is, we have been traveling all day so fully charging the batteries. We arrived and went straight to dinner because we are trying to have dinner early, we had a pepper and an onion already sautéed from the other day, so we are going to add some mushrooms and we are going to make a small piece of meat and there are two portions of spinach omelette so Well, let's re-grout everything. - Shall we have dinner? - Come on! Dinner here and a series. - Enjoy. What a great way to end the day. [Music] The king is already asleep so see you tomorrow. Lie, I'm going to read for a little while and then see you tomorrow. [Music] Good morning, look where we are. - Did you want me to park the truck in the water yesterday? - I think that today we can jump out of the motorhome and fall into the water. - I got worried because I said the tide is rising and what happens? Look, this is the view from the other side, we are going to show you the peace in this place, impressive. We have already finished the first part of our morning routine, tidy bed, everything put away, and now we are going to do physical activity. I'm going to go running, Santi is going to do functional training here and that's how many of our mornings normally start. We like to do physical activity as soon as we get up. I already finished running, Santi is still there with his training but we are going to proceed to prepare everything to take a shower but look how beautiful that patio we have there is. For those who don't know, here in the bathroom we have everything good, the toilet here and here we have the sink, which is taken out and we place it up here, there we bathe. So now let's take all this out so it doesn't get wet. And now, a bathroom completely freed up for bathing. But before I go swimming I'm going to go test the water because it's cool here so I think that if I don't go in now I don't know if I'm going to go in for the rest of the day. Ugh, it's impressive how birds dive to look for fish. These two just came out of the water, look how they get in, oh there they disappeared, I lost them in the recording. - There they are, there they are, there they come here. Look, it's going to come out here, look, look, look. I thought the water was going to be much colder and the truth is that it is not, comparing it when I got into Pichilingue I feel it even a little warmer than this one but look at what the transparency is, little sand, it is very pretty and on top of that now it is wanting The sun came out because there were many clouds , the color of the water was even better, what a paradise the place where we are, it is very beautiful. [Music] And meanwhile here I'm heating water for coffee and making some banana, blueberry, almond flour, walnut and egg muffins. [Music] A luxury breakfast, look at the view we have. [Music] And that's our life, yesterday was an intense day of travel and today a day of total peace with the motorhome parked there drinking mates, working, editing, enjoying this paradise. The tide has gone out a lot now, look how it is, throughout the day it was going down, so surely now it is starting to rise again . How beautiful this place is, it is worth coming to make a stop at this beach. Let's go with lunch, a while ago a girl passed by selling seafood so we bought some prawns, we're going to make some prawns sautéed with butter, some portobellos. [Music] Look at what this lunch is please, portobellos with Roquefort cheese stuffed pepper, my mouth is watering, hard-boiled egg, tomato. And I come to show off my prawns, look what they are. - They look good, they might steal a little piece from you. Well, I'm going to eat before my food gets cold. [Music] Look what this little beach is and what it's going to do this evening, a bonfire is coming. [Music] And now, after having enjoyed the whole day on the beach with the little fire and so on, we are going to take a bath, as I said, this is taken out and placed here and we also have this curtain so that all these things do not get wet and now we are going to bathe. And the rule is that the first person to bathe is in charge of taking everything out and the person who bathes second dries and puts everything away. - Tell people how many times a day you sweep here on the beach. - Many, many, many, I sweep my feet many times before getting into the motorhome so that there are no pebbles here so I can walk barefoot. - And I collaborate? - No zero. - Don't be unfair! - Zero. And here our video ends, all the activities that you have seen are those that we normally do in a day, so it is 24 hours of van life what changes is the order or the number of hours that some task may take us, for example There are days that we travel more or there are days that we travel less, days that we sit in front of the computer all day working, sometimes with landscapes like these... Sometimes in the mountains, sometimes in the cold, in the heat, in the wind. but basically the routine of van life's life is this one that we show you, the truth is that we love it, tell us what you think you could live like this and be willing to do all these things, every day We would like to read them in the comments. Basically they are the same tasks that one has in a traditional house, only with different patios. If you haven't already, subscribe to this channel and activate the bell so you don't miss any videos every Thursday and Sunday. See you in an upcoming Hakuna Matata x el Mundo video! [Song "Restless Souls]
Channel: Hakuna Matata x el mundo - Caro & Santi
Views: 404,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bahía concepción, playa el requesón bahía concepción, playas baja california sur, van life Mexico, van life baja california sur, el requesón baja california sur, playas baja california, vanlife Mexico, vanlife baja california, 24hs vanlife, van life, vanlife, vivir en motorhome, bahía concepción baja california sur, motorhome Mexico, pareja viajera, caro y santi, caro y santi vanlife, caro y santi en Mexico, vivir viajando
Id: 0DRHyMZpW-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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