Once I write my vision down, can't nobody tell me different!!!

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(audience clapping) - I don't listen to what nobody tell me. Once I write it down, I write the vision and make it plain, it will come, surely it will come at an appointed time. It doesn't matter that nobody sees it. It doesn't matter that it's visible to other people. All you gotta do is write it down and believe it. God is greatness, man, all day long. (audience clapping) What he's done for me, he'll do the same thing for you. When you imagine stuff, it's actually God showing you a preview of a coming attraction he has for you. (crowd clapping and cheering) The problem with success, the average person doesn't think it's for them. That's the only thing that's stopping you from being really successful. You become rich. The day you decide to become rich the process starts immediately. If you never decide to be rich there is no process that gets started. It's not a magic trick. It's not God picks certain people he'll make rich and certain people he don't. He gives all of us, as his children, the power of choice. You have a say so in that. You can decide to be rich. And with God's help it's highly doable. But you first have to think it. Why do you keep imagining yourself with a second home? 'Cause God wants you to have a second home. Why do you keep imagining yourself in a supervisory capacity on another job? Because God really wants you to have that. Why you keep dreaming of opening a business one day? That's cause that's what God really got for you and he put it in your imagination. The difference between successful people and non successful people is here. I'm no better than none of y'all. I'm not a better person than you. I'm not a better Christian than you. God don't love me more than you. None of that. If you wanna be successful, you have to change this. This has to change. (crowd clapping) - He was going with slick, he gotta be more reasonable like the teacher said. He said, "Well Bill that don't make no sense if that's what the boy want to be." She said, "He can't do what he want to do. Got do like teacher say." He said, "Boy, go in your room." Come in the room a little bit later on, he said, "Boy, what you write on your paper?" I said, "I'm gonna be on TV." He said, "Well, what she want you to put on the paper?" I said, "I don't know, daddy, like a policeman or ball player or something, what all the rest of the boys would." He said, "Well put that on the paper and take it back up to the dream-killing heifer." (crowd laughing and clapping) - The problem with your imagination though, is you tell it to the wrong people. (crowd murmuring and clapping) If you wanna kill a big dream, tell it to a small minded person. You can't, oh man. - [Crowd] Yep. (crowd clapping) - Think about this in your life, how many times have you had this really incredible idea and you took it to your family and your friends, you shared it with them and they shot it down. You know why they shot it down? Cause they couldn't see it. Because God didn't put it in their imagination. He put it in yours. It was your evidence of things not seen. - God created us in his image. - [Crowd] Yes. - God thought of this world. - [Crowd] Yeah. - He thought of it, so he created it. So he made you just like him, that your thoughts can create things. (crowd clapping) He made you just like him. Now, you can't go make earth in heaven like he did but you can make a better world for yourself. - Because that is a principle of success that all successful people know. If it is written, so shall it be. - See, all this stuff you've been imagining y'all to start working on it. Cause that's what God really got for you. Your real life is in your imagination. I'm here to tell you that. You think I'm here by accident? I'm here because he put this in my imagination when I was 10. - So he said, "Now take that paper and put it in your drawer." He said, "Every night before you go to bed, read your paper." He said, "Every morning when you get up, go to school, read your paper." I did it. If you turn on your television set (crowd cheering and clapping) seven days a week (crowd cheering) I'm on there somewhere. - God wants every last one of you to be successful. Every one of you. We have to make decisions along the way to get it. But you could do it. You just gotta quit tripping. Quit asking God for little bitty stuff. You ever thought about asking God for something big? (crowd clapping) Why you wasting his time? Oh God, help me. Help me. Help me make my rent. For what? Why don't you ask God for a mortgage. If he gonna give you the money for a place to stay, if you keep asking for rent, he keeps giving you the rent. If you ask for a mortgage, he'll give you the mortgage. Go home and cut your TV on. - [Crowd] That's right. - That little boy with the stuttering problem, he all over that TV. You can't cut your TV on. (crowd cheering) You can't cut your TV on not nah day of the week and you don't see that little boy. That little boy with the stuttering problem is all over that TV because God put it in my imagination. All I did was hang on to that thought. I just kept hoping. I just kept hoping that what I had wrote on the paper would come true. - But you gotta write the vision. Go home and read Habakkuk 2 and 2. Go home and read Bible verse, Habakkuk 2 and 2. Read what it say. If you do that, you'll change your life. Appreciate it. (crowd cheering and clapping)
Channel: The Official Steve Harvey
Views: 133,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve harvey, family feud, inspirational speeches, Family Feud funny moments, family feud porcupine, motivational video, kings of comedy, miss universe mistake, Steve Harvey Standup, standup comedy, act like a woman, jump book, self help video, self help guru, inspirational quotes, life hacks, career advice, make money, be successful, worst answers family feud, funny answers
Id: rW6dp8-9pp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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