ONAP Setup on AWS - Part 1 - AWS instance provisioning

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hello in this video our use with announce little how to provisional in fill and either move once you log into interviews or you would reach this page if not you can go through services ends under colleges we can go ridiculous the Ichigo is Elastic Compute flower which is basically your voting machines that you can play with you from either grill so when you go to the e2 - oh is this a page that you will be able to see here you can see the launch instance click on rank instance when you click on launch instance you will be going through certain steps for your you can see seven steps that you will go through for provisional instance the first stage is to choose an en I am our is basically our fan place which is work to be used in order to specify what operating system or application or any server that uses but be else to have okay so whatever operating system you are going to select not operating system is going to present all you are ble socket will here I will be selecting the convention of rating perfect differences the province's key point zero fill in selected in the second step you need to choose the type of inches the type of instance that goes to the dependence on your application so these are large occasionally in high school she will block ancient tongue which require the formation called Anna use dire and also to extra large if so that you've become you need number four minimum of eight and Emily - 6040 this rat is the minimum requirement for Valena and when we would require us to make this artful extra light in case okay if you do not go to correct a single large instance you can also select multiple another little clip keeper in that case you can go from our four extra-large green filter or add four last organ circles you will it is going to give you the same capacity apps are for extra-large the freakin delicious and increase on what application you are going to rely on that entrance what is the difference going to be a memory of the multiple are is basically used for memory optimized in printer he said if you require a high amount of slams as compared to the world confuse power then in that case memory of American film is the one that movie fill obtain the power demonstration purpose I will select the three innocence which is for another gear which is t-tomorrow the key thermal flow is an difficult for previous addresses we have gone but if you are going to select any other and still be able cash for it we're going to select definition next step is to configure the interviews in this case we have Sassoon family number pursue you until launch here are the frontal you want one instance its meal and rely on multiple instances you can select you can use an American cheese if you if you want to put it on for instance you can select this part instances are going to keep our extracurricular as a month and senses next step is adding storage - this is the EBS volume available to our PLC people watch if the handlers require a hardware requirement okay for your application the spending a contact you would be required to attach that much amount of flow each community this is the default storage that is going to be attached official business promote one you can answer as additional volume okay the mute volume is the least Rush is going to be required for advancing to your filter remove follow backside HDD is minimal that it requires quite simple if you require taste for example or are required or 120kg advice to add minimum fill in that game I will be selecting them as 120 people or antenna collectives to be a table and I can add additional amount 120 G's anything is for the mouth of the core purposes have one group volume with 85 next and islands that if you learn to add some beta week up in order for you to understand what purpose as you create in this VM form for the define that we can add these - ask them ok you can add stack for example make our purpose and smiles instance you can ask me a couple all of my influences to have an app application journaling or I can select a stab specifying numbers who is the owner of this VM of this audience owner of the CM Punk and razor granule this is how you can add that in order to identify what is the purpose of the medium that you have solution for next is adding or configuring the speculative you circularly group basically is going to be used for allowing a certain number of schools and denying the rest of the code to your info surfaces halation on your instance and your en you want to do an eclipse asset of people who wants to access your instance from your modules you will acetate daily now if you have to open up the ethics code on the infant if it alarm goes that you will not even for education in your instance and super dependent upon 100 you want to be opened up and the instance on the VM the same you need to have it added in the security book I am worrying if you want and Internet access then in that case you also have to add in and to the DN HTTP oh well you know depending upon what all as if you want and you're working machine you need to have all of you all open up so I'll be opening up is it HTTP and HTTPS cool okay so even if you open up your both fuel hose that you know that are going to be required to be open as the beginning okay and you create an instance you would open up but later you see that you also need access to some other both numbers to be opened up then in that case you can add those both number back later page as well next if we knew who you are going to review the configuration on your instance and then you will launch your when your last your answers will be asked for selecting a biosphere hit on a degree is uses publicly crystal rocky considering the instances so that then for our goal to create this key value pair you will be having the private key of the instance and the public key of the influence is going to the school and evaluate okay in the event you access are you able to establish who's not instance using your private key they only you will be allowed to access if you use some other key then in that case you would demand access to the initial this will bucket of security bucket and please if you want to create a mythical details we can give some lately a statistics page and download the feedback from you if you have an interesting Cupid you can select the name update to teacher that you are going to use in order to access this instance and let's launch the images you can use the instance on the - book okay for another inclusive we can go to this intensive here you're able to do the in his book what are you know has cohesion the list of black instances there the senior okay when you click on one particular interest the detail of black uses prefer to be humor at the bottom here you can funnel the public IP address or the engine but this is a public IP of your instance so if you want to access your interest you would be required to use this public IP axis or after the year introduced and people in order to or if essentially every instance if you are using Windows Movie can using package in order to digital your instance you think open up packing this public ipv4 address is what is going to be required for accessing two entities you can also provide the ghostly in yourself the proven to provide the whole claim yourself it is Ubuntu one of over for instance AWS have specified default hostname and for buildings and then he came Co NT IP address of your useful then you can go to a few sips authentication here you need to provide quick a pair so add selected - Ohio secret going to fill in that and then click on open so that is going to open up much instance TNR okay so this is the commands branch of math in person so I am now logged in to my attention and I can from any command under sentence line with update not instance this is going to do an update a second chance is a large you can also start to download and install a DLC or packages that you want to install okay so this is how we can provision instance and access the instance and have come on spot in your initial the market I in this video
Channel: sameera mahajan
Views: 543
Rating: 2.3333333 out of 5
Keywords: ONAP, AWS, AWS instance provisioning, EC2, AWS EC2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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