On to some better cotton + the end of peanut harvest

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[Music] [Applause] all right welcome back to another video uh well we're gonna be stripping cotton again today uh it's monday so it's the next next week since the last time we harvested cotton we already harvested quite a bit of our own cotton uh i didn't record any of it but we did that one day the first day that we ended up harvesting cotton for ourselves we started at 12 o'clock and we ended up quitting at 12 o'clock midnight and we ended up harvesting 240 acres and that was all in one day so it was a very productive day the next day we did just a little over 150 acres so then that we were pretty much caught up with what was already sprayed for that final kill shot after killing the cotton so now we're coming back here we should be able to harvest a few more fields my cousins sprayed these fields last week thursday so they should be able to go today but we're gonna test them just to make sure and then we'll get after and harvest some more cotton we're now bringing this diesel tank to the cotton stripper it still needs a little more fuel we'll fuel the one up the other one the second one is already filled up completely but we'll fill up the first one and we should get after it yeah i guess you know while i'm here filling it up with diesel i might as well uh start showing you guys how a cotton stripper works and uh the difference between a cotton stripper and a cotton picker since there's there's quite a few differences so basically main part is header with a cotton picker i hope i hope a lot of you are a little bit familiar with a cotton picker but if you don't know it has a spindle and just constantly turns and then picks just the con off the plant it doesn't take any of these burrs or anything this is what the cotton sits sits in so the picker does not take any of these birds it just picks the cotton the stripper has if you look inside here you got all these brushes here it basically turns or this one turns counterclockwise and this one turns clockwise so it hits everything off the plant including the burrs anything that it can grab on it hits off the plant brings it to these augers augers bring it up into the main auger that brings it to the middle which there's a fan behind there behind the tire there back here there's a nice big fan i guess it's very dirty you can't see it but there's a fan back there blows air blows air up and then it sucks the cotton from in from in the header blows it up into the spur extractor comes up the chute here falls down to the burr extractor and uh actually hold on let me open up this lid real quick all right open up the lid so basically cotton falls down here comes it falls down and then it hits these drums right here and you got saws on here they're extremely sharp and they can cut you and they kind of beat up against here and it's spinning really fast and then it knocks all the burrs off the cotton or as much as of what it can and then there's a chute all around the bottom there can't see it because you know it's sitting on top of it but that's where the burrs fall down and then the cotton gets thrown to the back of here and then the cotton will shoot up into this accumulator and you can hold quite a bit of cotton in here until the baler here will start to bale it and it works similar to just a regular hay baler a round baler so it just feeds it from underneath there has feeder rolls here if i come here to the back i'll actually show you inside the basket and then you'll be able to see let me just close this up real quick open this lid back here so it has these bead or meter rolls or beater rolls whatever you want to call them and then it feeds it down to that belt and then the belt brings it into the baler and then it makes you a nice fluffy round marshmallow let's just close this back up while we're at it there you go so yeah that's basically how a cotton stripper works picker is the same concept except you have a different header and you don't have the burr extractor it just goes from the header straight into the accumulator the rest is the same so not a very difficult concept but it's very very very simple but yeah that's a cotton stripper for you let's start her up and start stripping some cotton [Music] trying to do this one-handed is a little bit difficult but it works i can actually use my rogons so that's good there we go it looks like we're most likely we'll be able to go at least four four miles an hour maybe five it's kind of what we've been going everywhere so it works pretty good there's still a few green leaves on there but for the most part uh the other stripper my cousin he already checked up on he said it looks good but we'll see how long we'll be able to go it was quite humid today morning so there was a little bit of moisture on the cotton itself but it looks like it's mainly dried up since then it is it is 12 30 so it's been a while since the just morning do the end rows real quick here we have 32 rows here on the outside of the field and then the rest is all straight 180. but you know the moisture shows good we're at 9.4 percent it's gone up to about 11 so it's dry enough that's for sure i just don't know how much the header is gonna want to or like the brushes the brushes might wanna get completely full of the bark from the stems of the plants and from the leaves and everything so i'm not quite sure if it'll be too green on that part but we're going to make a couple rounds here see what we think see how good of a job it's doing and then we'll see it for the rest of the day if we need to just wait till tomorrow or if we'll continue for today but if we start tomorrow there's quite a few acres that we can start covering already so it's gonna we'll definitely have our work cut out for us for the rest of the year although it you know it shouldn't take us a year it better not take us a year especially going five miles an hour this is not the best looking con but you know it's pretty decent for for what kind of water we have here the rain sure helped out a ton that's for sure if we didn't if we didn't get the rain it would not look like this that's for sure well i mean of course you you gotta got a bad spot but you don't always have good spots across the field now the end rows are done this con is looking a little bit more decent but still not the greatest cotton we do have some some other acres where we have a lot more water so we were able to irrigate it a lot more so there the con looks really good right here it's kind of all just decent but it is what it is can't complain with harvesting it now so this shouldn't take too long we only got about four fields oh there's a road right there so we got four fields all along the road right here draw all of them yeah all of them are half circles so heaven is right here there's crp on that side so these are only half circles each circle is only 40-ish acres so they're not very big big circles but we got four of them here in a row and we're gonna get all of them done today hopefully now on to the third field of the day we just barely started this one and then we ran out of wrap so we went to the barn filled up rap again now we're headed back here to continue stripping cotton but we do have on this field a lot of rocks for some reason and it's not fun you have to have your header way up in the sky so it's it's a little bit of a hassle i don't know if you can see all the rocks there on the ground but you definitely definitely do not want to get them stuck in your header because that can cause a fire really quickly and you got to be very very careful and you got to watch out because when one of these machines bring down to the ground there's a lot of money and that's not something we want right now so yeah you got to be careful but on a not cotton side note we are we are about to be done with peanuts we're on our last 60 acres so hopefully that'll get done either today or tomorrow might not get done today because of how slow they're going over there but i'm hoping oh not you know what it's not even going to be tomorrow when we're going to get done with it because the forecast shows tomorrow is going to get very very cloudy and it might have a chance of rain so i doubt we're going to be either stripping cotton or harvesting peanuts tomorrow so i guess we'll see what tomorrow will bring but i doubt we'll be able to do stuff like that tomorrow we'll have might have to catch up on air seating and turning on pivots and all that good stuff and on to the fourth field ah and they're clean again they were extremely dirty but now they're clean it's late and we're gonna go home see you tomorrow or if we can lease strip tomorrow but guess i guess until the next time we start stripping cotton again well it's too cloudy to strip more cotton so back in the air cedar yeah and i air seated for like 45 minutes to an hour and i'm done air seating because i am out of wheat and my brother was supposed to bring me some wheat and he only left to our silos now to to go get some wheat so it's going to be a while till he comes back so i'm gonna drive back here to my truck uh i'm gonna go drive the town pick up myself some lunch because i'm kind of hungry and then except for i forgot to take with lunch to the farm today so i'm gonna go get myself some and then i'll come back to the peanut basket since we are done harvesting peanuts then i will start loading up trucks and start emptying out the peanut basket and then uh i might even put some peanuts in some bags well we don't have any bags so for now i'll just put them in the shovel of the 4455 and then later we'll put them in bags where we can take the peanuts home roast them and have some good roasted peanuts so yeah we will just lower this guy all the way there we go lower that guy i'm gonna grab the tractor bring it up over here and then we'll uh we'll get some cleaner peanuts since i do want to the penis that i want to keep for roasting i want to clean them a little bit that we get all the good stuff so i'll definitely want to put it over the shaker [Applause] let's see how much peanuts do you think i can fit in there oh it looks like it's already over philly got pretty close i might need to just shovel around a little bit though i don't have to keep moving around so man that filled up pretty quickly all right so i can find a few more peanuts in here and then we're gonna eat these these are really good looking peanuts these are gonna be really tasty yeah i think that should be good enough and take these home might take i don't know a few of these out these darker ones might have gotten a little bit of frost damage but you know they look they look good on the inside so regardless we're gonna take these home there's still a few twigs and branches in there but i'm gonna roast these it's gonna be some good snacks right there that's for sure since the peanut harvest is officially done i'm gonna go uh unhook these since uh we clearly don't need these anymore or for the rest of the year anyway until next year i'm actually going to wait just a little bit before leaving here i see a semi off in the distance right there and if he turns off this way to look come load up peanuts then i'm going to wait so i can load him up first and then leave with this buggy so it looks like he's slowing down yep i'm gonna have to wait with this just a little bit and then load up a semi truck first before leaving here because it would take me at least 20 minutes to get to the shed and back where we usually park these buggies so take my it will take me about 20 minutes to get there and back and unload it and everything so i'll have to do that later and load up some of my trucks first anyone want some dirt or does anyone want our dust you can have it for free no charge that's one and then there's the second one parked for the winter there's the peanut equipment parked for the year two buggies are back there and then we got the six row digger behind this one then we got the eight row digger we had to kind of take off our doors here because the aerodigger didn't want to fit in here so we made do with it all right after a couple days of complete moisture and a bunch of clouds and a lot of dew in the mornings we weren't able to strip any cotton or not any for the past couple of days so we're out here now i believe it's believe it's friday no actually it's thursday but yeah anyways we're coming out here now hopefully we can flip some cotton today i'm gonna walk out here to the field the shield actually looks pretty pretty decent compared to some of the other fields that we were going at so i'm gonna feel some of this cotton see what it feels like let's see well there's no really any moisture on there anymore today morning i checked the cotton and there was a lot of moisture on the cotton itself seems like that has all gone everything's crunching pretty good we might be able to go i'd say we grab one or one of the strippers come out here maybe drive a couple of a couple of yards and then see what it see what it looks like but as far as moisture on the cotton there is none and they're cracking good yeah i'd say we could start stripping some cotton again this is not the field we are going to be stripping we just wanted to cover a few end rows we had half peanuts half cotton so we wanted to quickly strip just one round right here because the pivot is supposed to move on to this side and start watering the wheat of the air sear right there just barely sewing on there so we don't want to get the cotton all wet here so we're just going to quickly strip just a couple passes down here and then we'll move to the actual field that we're going to harvest time to do the in-rows and let me tell you what cotton's worst nightmare tumbleweeds they are the most annoying thing ever you want to get like stuck on your head or like that and you're just lifting up backing up fell off oh and you got to keep going and walking out takes two longs and you're just constantly playing with tumbleweeds you know i picked up that last one let's see it'll drop off now come on there it is all right tumbleweeds are very very annoying if you don't have them you're lucky be thankful count your blessings every now and then you gotta let one tiny tumbleweed come through because those won't bother too much but once you got really big ones it can really cause an issue pretty quickly too i'm actually pretty decent cotton not bad i do have a screen in here finally but i was gonna have my yield monitor set up on there but i need the bubble first and i don't have the bubble i just currently just have the screen so i'm gonna have to do without the yield monitor for a little bit now that's a big one i can get rid of this one i don't want it get off my field while i'm out here might as well grab a few more [Music] yeah these end rows are sure gonna take a while i just barely came right here on these eight rows now i'm headed back these are our mile long rows and so the outside ones are like what is it i think 1.7 or 1.8 miles or something like that so it's quite the long distance to do these end rows but it's working good besides the few tumbleweeds that there are finally done with the in rows now on to some better cod or some good cod not our greatest con but this is actually some pretty decent con i think in about like five days then we'll move some of our best move on to some of our best stuff so that'll be exciting or let's hope five days it might be a little longer than that but that's what we're shooting for and that's gonna be it for today i just barely finished my bail so that's why i'm backing up now uh we don't really like to leave cotton in the cotton strip or in the baler because there's potential to start a fire and we really don't want to do that so we like to have our machines as empty as possible so now that i got no cotton in my round baler or in my accumulator or anything now i'm going to head to our gigantic air compressor and then clean this thing off and call it a night if it works [Music] [Music] this [Music] all right she's clean currently filling her up with diesel gonna grease her yet and then she should be ready for tomorrow morning but as for now i do appreciate y'all for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Conley Banman
Views: 47,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -sjEaxFpEik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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