On The Buses - Goodbye Stan S07E07 - Full Episode - Stan, Blakey, Jack, Olive.

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[Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody to support but i can't give you that money anymore not on my wages not only what they pay me as a busman's wages all the food growing up i've just bought mum at home it's absolute murder well i'll tell you something i've put in for another job you haven't well i don't get the job well now i've had the interview and uh i'm just waiting to see but i said if i don't get any more money over these people here that job comes up i'm taking it oh no don't be so hasty tell me what black is in his office go and ask him for some more overtime in his office now yeah it's usually on the proudest time of the morning yeah i know but that's no good i've asked that come on it's worth a try oh all right there's nothing what's he doing mommy's father christmas yeah you don't normally shave with it oh yeah i've got it it's been out all night it's been on the tiles jaclyn's got a bride will you come in here out of it come home well what are you doing shaving in here he's my landlord he's locked me out the bathroom he went and put a pad up on the door and won't let me in there when did that happen three weeks ago but he's only just found out he wanted to put my rent up and because i said i couldn't pay he's charging me five bob to go in the bathroom well five buck for a bathroom ain't bad there's a laboratory in there i mean why don't you come to work early yeah he must have run all the way quick now what do you want anyway well i'd like some more over time because i can't manage on the money i'm getting at the moment you can't manage what do you think i'm doing here today i'll call many drivers nobody can manage all the money there's no overtime going back there oh well if that's the case i've got to get myself a better job with better wages that's a loaf that is what's so funny about that who's going to employ a lay about like you cool there's no other job going with a lot of money you know for doing nothing well you've got one well i may appear to be doing nothing to you butler but i'm here usually my brains mate oh yeah yeah what do we what thinking the ways are means of stopping you from getting overtime now get out gordon why did i tell you a waste of time jack mate mum what it's arrived what's the ride my new job hey you never said nothing about a new job to me well no no but i went up for an interview the other day and uh i've got a job oh i just said in case you didn't come up i've got the job see we're lovely yeah it's a it's in a car factory up north i know but you can't leave home well not now why not well you can't leave home until olive gets married again problem if i wait for her to get married it won't be any point i'll get my pension well you know what i mean i mean you won't be getting married this weekend will you and i've got to go monday this is terrible what do you mean charles will you be stand pleased you're something like that my little son leaving home so soon so shoot love you've been here nearly 40 years well i think it's very selfish of you going off and leaving olive and me alone in the house without a man well they look lovely you'll have to get yourself another husband you know and if you can't get an husband you'll have to sort of you know get yourself fixed up you know what i mean you're not suggesting that olive should run without being married well she didn't have so much of her room around when she was married it died oh well i never thought i'd live to see the day when a son of mine would make such a suggestion oh mom don't be like that look i gotta have a better job i'll tell you do you know what this job up there do you know what with overtime i can pick up 50 quid a week oh oh as much as that yes oh well perhaps i was being a little ice cream you'd better go yeah mind you mum with all the expensive and digs i won't be able to give you as much as i give you now you know well on second thoughts i think you better stay home i mean after all you're used to all your own comforts here honey is i think stan's sausages are ready oh yes father weiss dad if you go why you want on me to cook for you yeah i know well you know love you won't like it up north it's all different you know it's always raining anyone like the food it's all that black pudding and things like that yeah well we're all into cooking [Music] oh i never thought you'd leave you don't have to write to me i'm not now to i'm just going to write out an advertisement to let you know for a lodger didn't it look you might wait like oh i'm not going to sandy well don't expect clean sheets tonight it's not worth it one single bedroom oh i can't bear it how much do you think i'll get about four quid a week is that all oh well i'll put down five and hope for the best thanks thomas getting down the demo you know the job i told you about yeah i got it oh great my congratulations well this is the best news we've had for years yeah bill you're seeing black is not in his office no he's not here yet mate oh he is late it must be the first time ever yeah come on hang about now i've got to tell him i'm leaving striker look here he comes oh yeah no i know it is he's going on his holidays you can see how right we use it who's too shut up i mean just about as much as i can take don't stay in there help me landlord knock you out the bathroom again all right i'm gonna break the door down look good yeah you must have been an area to get in i was already in there trying to get out of when i broke the paddle and got out there was a big dog waiting well was he waiting to go in it's no laughing battery they're not heading there waiting for me to stop me getting out there look he sent his teeth right in there yeah good job you got your trousers up in time i was doing me washing oh yeah i hadn't even had time to dry it probably look at that look i'll better put all this on the radio come on i'll give it a look oh there you are you see we always thought of something peculiar about that don't give a here the land ladies are took them down by mistake you took them down by mistakes yeah and i've got something to tell you about that yeah you're five minutes late get your butt out come on i'm trying to tell you i'm telling you about that anyone who starts anything today is going to get the set now get out will you listen to him [Music] what are you talking about look if you chat in your notice now your money stops straight away right but if a saxia he's got to give you a week's money in lower notice oh clever yeah be the easiest which wages i've ever heard all right number 10 come on uh uh no black you know i don't fancy taking the number 10 out i'll tell you what i'll do i'll take two fives out for you are you taking a mickey mouse now you're getting that cab right away and take that bus out as i'll sack you now don't get aeriated just because the landlord caught you with his misses you can't talk to me like that now what do you take me for a fish-faced twit he insulted me did you hear that he was deliberately rude he wasn't butler you take that back right away else i'll take you well i can't take it back because you are a fish-faced twin your check check uh it doesn't matter hang about a shop shirt oh here we go here's your union business i was merely going to point out that brother butler is entitled to a week's money in lieu of notice i'll give him a week's money if i my way i'll give him ten weeks money here i'll give you a little check back though you can take this up and get your money right yeah you don't need to come back on monday yeah i'll take it well thanks very much blakely that's if you've got where you want it that's how you want it he's talking he's took a set i've checked him uh i want you to take a look at this you see because yeah i was trying to show you this in you uh in the room now in your office and you wouldn't listen to me i'll just take a look at it i've got another job you see as you'll see by now so i'm going to leave in any case [Laughter] you tricked me you tricked me out of a week's wages i tell you what blackie oh is [Applause] hello jack that's the last time i'll bring it back from the cemetery gates that's the last time i switched the old engine off mate yeah ah yeah ah yes blackie i'll miss her ah yes we've done a few miles to get a mediocre through fair river and foul yes i shall miss her it's like john wayne saying goodbye results now no hard feelings about the extra weeks away no i've got the manager taking out the road safety fund yeah keeping you off the road come on mate let's push off now wait a minute i promise i put this notice up on the board she's letting my room you see and uh she's looking for a lodger oh there you go look blankie look you're looking for digs no it's a nice room well there's your sister olive there now you might do yourself a bit of good mate okay no don't mind about that it's not a bad idea actually yes i i might think about that but i might give your mother a ring if i'm desperate and it's the last room left in the town goodbye well don't have to say goodbye i'm catching a bus to the station tomorrow oh well i better get home jack now what are you talking about now mate you're coming up the social club for a drink and yeah hey oh and now look it's little on my last night i promise mum i'll get home come on you're just gonna have the one look look it's six o'clock that's all yeah all right all right i'll have one with you mate [Laughter] oh no no not another one no look i said i'd have one with ya listen you have no problem with me i mean you've had one we're built you've had one with harry you've had one with birth and one with me yeah but you have no one with me one step please do what we've done for him i've got all his favorite things but he'll be thirsty when he comes in now where did i put the stamp lab oh i know in here yes ah there haven't you finished whipping that cream yes it's nearly done mum oh he loves a nice bit of cream on his trifle he'll be famished when he comes in hey i'll miss your jockey and some three of the boys i can't drink anymore i mean oh i'm having a marvelous time i promise i promise mama get home hello hello jack oh i'm speaking from the speaking from the demo now stan's agreed to do a light shift just to oblige blatantly oh well how many extra trips will he have to do quite a few i should think uh but don't you worry i'll get him home by closing yeah i'll get him on by 11 o'clock all right thanks for letting me know stan is gonna be late oh my my can't wait i'm so hungry can't we have a house now well i suppose we left and i did so wanted last night to be a nice happy family party and alexa stan and his new job is [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] is smile hello mom hello now i'm sorry i'm like well i added you another shift you know oh i've got some lovely things for you i love everything that you like best oh good yes a lovely friar a nice fried sausage a nice bit of fried liver oh and some lovely chips to finish off oh lovely that's lovely thank you very much now enjoy that because it's all cooked in good bacon fat olives how do you like a bit of my dinner it's the last night oh thank you oh you're a pretty girl i fancy taking his food you had yours earlier you can't have your brother's dinner all right i won't i'm going straight to bed oh yeah we'll take the notice of thank you mom thank you very much that's it i'd have had a very hard day mom you know and uh i uh it was just a blatant young you know he got he gave me another shift and uh you know i couldn't refuse it after wow oh you are making short work of them sausages what a beautiful mom absolutely appreciate it [Laughter] oh love you must have been finished oh i'm [Laughter] now it's been a try for us to finish off there you are lamb there now go on eat dead and enjoy it but don't eat it too quick it's a bit sickly i'll just finish over here well i must i wasn't expecting this beautiful trifle mama let's get rid of that lot yeah and let's get rid of that lot oh well i will go to bed now mum oh not a little more no thanks no well i'll see you tomorrow morning all right good night get rid of your boots now i'll stay wake up wake up come on bro come on wake up love you got the gold shake my head stop turning the journey oh now look love come on wake yourself up drink your tea that'll wake you up hear the inspectors here what's he doing here i don't work anymore tell him about y'all you can't get a room anywhere in town i just can't see this room when his teeth scaled it i can't drink it it'll wake you up loving i'm gonna make this bed that's oh [Laughter] [Applause] oh get your dressing gown on you haven't got time to get through go out dressier oh [Laughter] oh there's something in this one [Applause] oh i know what that was mum must have been one of the last night prankster boys played on me you know well what ignorant laugh would put food in a boat i bet they wouldn't put it in their own boots and i suppose they would mum really hold up i'm getting this all cleared up before the inspector gets there the inspector said he had to go i'll thank god for that i brought him up sorry to interrupt her it's all right i'm sorry to place in a bit of a mess but you know what it's like when you're packing to go away you know because i'm a mess here well i can't have a look around the place to see if it suits me you see you know i'll suffer with a touch of bronchitis but i couldn't stay in a damp room you well know bed looks a bit damp maybe he's dripping wait no he's stopping i don't know that's nothing to do with the room inspector that was stan she means i spilt a cup of tea all over me i'm ringing with you don't worry i'll leave it all in nicely for you tomorrow oh oh oh i see you've only got lino on the floor mrs butler it's very cold under foot in the morning you know i suffered shield blanks well there should be a map oh it's got shifted olive oil well although the people sweeping dust out of the rug mrs butler but that's blooming ridiculously inspector i'll have it only nice scrubbed up for you by this evening yeah well if i do take the rumors he's back right move in tomorrow and you can scrub it out twice what's this uniform doing down there on the floor i smile but don't well i'm not using it anymore so i don't believe well you should have banded in a scene i'll take it back to the demo with me no no no no no no no don't take anything excited no wonder it's got my personal things in there all right but this is a private uniform i won't touch your personal things here i'll take them here's your wallet oh and that's food that is good food that's a waste do you know that's almost as big as the one i gave stan last night cause it's nothing like the quality i think you better have that really that fumigated that uniform before what about a pong in here right what is it style beer or something how much shredded you think you're gonna charge it with this place well the numbers are asking so about five quid for it oh quick four pounds yeah i think four sounds a bit more like your mrs buckley yes and don't worry inspector i can have it all clean and ready for you this evening stan's got to leave early this afternoon i will miss you and you will write every week i won't write every week and you register the letter yeah sir why should i register the letter well you will be putting a few pounds in it each week won't you love well i promise i'll just do the best that's all i can do i shall miss your love and i shall look forward to your letters oh come on look we've been late listen don't talk to me like that i want you to treat me as you do one of your passengers oh i'm so sorry lord you get all that bust on the upper body yeah and another thing passengers cutting their own cases it's not the job of the conductor uh inspector just a minute will ya i would like you informed you were in uh conduction here that i would like to be treated as a passenger oh would you well in that case you'll have to pay your fare then won't you give him a ticket and the ticket for each one of those cases come on they're over the limit right that will be 28 p sir what a shame i haven't got any change oh don't worry butler i'll pay for it right i'm so glad to see the back of your head [Laughter] i feel so sad so do i i'm afraid he's going to miss his train i don't care what you're saying you don't come back you
Channel: Stinging Nettle
Views: 281,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: on the buses, on the buses goodbye stan, on the buses blakey, on the buses movies, on the buses full episodes, on the buses stan, on the buses jack, on the buses olive, on the buses arthur, on the buses inspector, reg varney, doris hare, michael robbins, anna karen, bob grant, stephen lewis, mutiny on the buses, holiday on the buses, bus crash, british tv, on the buses series 7, series 7, foggy night, stan, on the busses, complete series, football, omnibus, last, final
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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