On-Page SEO Strategy for 2024: Upgrade Your Content Marketing

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hey in this video i'm going to show you how to do on-page seo like a pro and here's the cool part i'm not just going to throw some generic tips at you instead i'm going to show you real-life examples of how to do this on real businesses let's get started hey i'm nathan gotch the founder of gotch seo and i've trained thousands of seo professionals and have personally led hundreds of successful seo campaigns so if you're new here this is part five of this free seo mastery training series the previous lessons are below this video so make sure you watch those after you finish this one and don't forget to subscribe because you don't want to miss what's coming next in this training series so let's dive right in so for this first on-page seo recommendations i'm going to be analyzing plumbing boys which is just a local business in los angeles so i went and searched this exact keyword here emergency plumber los angeles and then i went super far back and found this website that wasn't ranking super well so what we want to do is we want to figure out how we can improve this page so they can improve their performance for emergency plumber los angeles so one of the cool things you can do is you can click on view serp and you'll actually see the live results for this particular keyword and as we go down here we'll see that this example here that we're using it they're pretty far down they're probably on the second or third page possibly so they have a lot of room for improvement and we don't even really need to use scm rush at this point as long as we understand what the key components of on-page seo are so before we even start using the tools at all we can immediately just look at this page as a whole and see where the issues are in regards to on-page seo and just the content in general so looking at this they have 24 7 emergency service but the core keyword that they're going after is emergency plumber los angeles or los angeles emergency plumber any variation of that nature so that needs to actually be in the h1 tag that's very very important and then on top of it when we look at this los angeles is mentioned a few times here but overall it needs to be mentioned more than what they're currently doing and also the content itself is very very short and there are also some conversion rate optimization issues that need to be considered as well as you have a phone number right here that isn't even clickable so when someone visits this website on mobile they're not even going to be able to call and it's the same right here too so what would happen is they're actually going to dial this number into their phone instead of just clicking it and then being able to call immediately so this is definitely going to be hurting their conversion rate overall and then on top of it having this generic stock photo here is just not ideal because what it's doing is it's pushing the important content below the fold and that's not what we want on top of this when it comes to images we want everything to be unique so even if you are going to use a stock photo you should still make this photo unique to the brand so you could take this photo put it in the canva put a little background and now that photo has become unique even though it is technically a stock photo but now it's actually unique because you've gone through and added a little branding to it a little corporate identity to it that's really important but from a pure content perspective there's a lot of room for improvement here i wouldn't even need to use the tools to know that we need to beef this page up more and we need to optimize it better our core keyword needs to be in the title it needs to be in the url if possible in this case it might be difficult to squeeze into the url number three is it needs to be in the h1 it needs to be in the first sentence it's not really in there they do mention los angeles and then it also needs to be possibly in the first h2 tag so you'd have some sort of variation there and then you also have it in the last sentence but right now a lot of room for improvement right here so let's go ahead and see what scm rush is saying so we look at this keyword you'll see it has 140 searches per month which is pretty typical for local terms that's not a bad thing and then the difficulty is about 19 so it's pretty easy it's not going to require a ton of links to be able to rank now what we want to do is we want to go over here and we want to run this through the seo content template and what this is going to do is it's going to give us a bunch of recommendations for this page that we're trying to optimize so we'll go down here and semrush is going to give you important recommendations here as far as semantically related keywords so you're going to want to try to get these into the content itself but before you even think about doing that what really matters is hitting this ideal text length here which is 716 words so when we open up the seo writing assistant which you can find right here under content marketing dashboard i threw their content here just to see where they're at and when we see overall there's a lot of room for improvement on both readability seo and originality so if this was the website we were working we would scrap this start from scratch and focus on hitting that word count down here so we want to hit that 716 words at a bare minimum and we also want to include our most important keywords a few times and some additional keywords that are topically relevant as well so and then they also recommend a bunch of other things like adding links to your post can make it more authoritative and useful to your readers this is in regards to internal links and also external links so if you talk about something that you could reference a.u or a gov that could increase the trust of the page a little bit more but overall this is the type of situation where we would be building from scratch so revise this content create a content brief with the proper keyword placement and then overall hit the correct word count and make that content 100 unique and relevant to what the keyword phrase is so when someone's searching emergency plumber in los angeles it's a pretty urgent situation so we need to give them the information that they need right away we're not going to be trying to educate them because this is not a top of the funnel key word what we want to do is we want to show them that we're the right choice for them so that they get in touch with us and so that's where a lot of people make mistakes they focus on creating just a ton of content a lot of it'll be informational nature but that's a huge mistake because this keyword is at the bottom of the funnel so we want to provide content that's going to persuade that searcher to want to become a lead and so that's going to be case studies and results and testimonials and maybe even a possible hiring guide like seven mistakes people make when hiring emergency plumbers and there could also be an faq section so anything that's going to be more that bottom of the phone type of content is going to be really useful on this particular page and of course make it super readable make it easy to digest and scan and that's important so ton of opportunity on this page to improve and just with some adjustments some additional content kind of start from scratch here this page will do dramatically better so for this next analysis we're going to be looking at the keyword seo tool so i wanted to do one that was much more competitive than the previous one and so as you can see here it's 92 percent keyword difficulty so very very difficult and the page that i'm going to try to attempt to help as far as on-page seo is going to actually be semrush so we're going to look through here and we'll go ahead and look at the results and you'll see that there are many many websites ranking here that are not as powerful as sem rush so ultimately semrush should be able to rank for this based upon how powerful their website is from a backlink perspective and ultimately a trust perspective like it's a highly trusted tool and there are many competitors here who are honestly beating them at this point now the part that's really interesting is when we think about how would we go about ranking for this particular keyword well when we look at the results we'll go ahead and look at the serps you'll see something really fascinating so there are many of semrush's competitors are ranking here but the part that's interesting is that they're not ranking their home page they're not ranking transactional pages they're actually ranking really informational assets so up here in moz you know they have free seo checkers and premium search tools so they're actually ranking their free seo tools page you have buffer that's ranking a free seo tools page you have neil patel who's also ranking a free seo tools page and then your list goes on and on ahrefs is doing the same thing backlinko they're all really doing the same thing but then when we go down here we'll see that sem rush is really only one of maybe two or three who aren't actually trying to rank a specific page dedicated to seo tool or seo tools they're just hoping that their home page is powerful enough to kind of push everyone out of the way but clearly based on google's data they've decided that the best types of pages for this particular keyword to satisfy the intent correctly is to have a type of list post or something a little more informational in nature so that's what i would personally do if i was leading this is i would try to optimize an informational piece of content and then include scm rush in that list and you can even do somewhat of a comparison of why semrush is better than x or why but that's kind of the first thing now that would change the whole dynamic of how we would optimize for that particular keyword but we can just go ahead and see some targets that we would want to look at so we can go to the seo content template like we did in the previous one and start to see what are some of the semantically related keywords so want to be tackling all these relevant keywords in the content but once again we want to look at the text link because this is where we start we start with the target length that we want to hit and this is going to be based on the average for the top 10. so this is our target and we want to hit that target because if we do we know okay we have the appropriate word count so if we're still not ranking then it's probably something else but this is a way for us to deduce what is the thing holding us back right at this point when we look at it i took the content from scm rush's homepage and i threw it into here and you'll see it's kind of just some random stuff in here so it can be a little distorted but overall even then current word count is not sufficient to rank even though i took a bunch of filler words and there's a lot of stuff in here like they need to rewrite hard to read sentences they need to replace too many complex words there's a lot of things but even just looking from a general perspective like if we wanted to rank for the keyword seo tool well if we go to the sem rush home page and we look for seo tool it's only mentioned a couple times here right it's not mentioned very much at all and it's not mentioned in critical spots that it would need to be in that's one thing and the thing with scm rush maybe they don't want to rank for seo tool on the homepage maybe the homepage is serving different purposes that's totally fine too but that's why going back to the original strategy where we would create an informational piece of content which is exactly what google is basically telling us we should create that's when you can start to optimize that specific page for that exact keyword a really really lucrative keyword for this particular company so this is the way that i go about doing it and ultimately one of the worst things you can do is do on-page seo on a page that isn't even a the right page and b isn't serving the right intent and going through and trying to make that better is a waste of time what you need to do is make sure it's the right page that is optimized for the appropriate intent and ultimately look to google look to the competition see what they're doing and don't try to reinvent the wheel right i mean google is telling us clearly i mean at as clear as day that the type of content that it wants to rank for this particular keyword is informational in nature and there isn't a single home page ranking in the top 10. so that should give enough evidence alone that that's the correct path to go so sometimes you just need to revise the overall keyword targeting strategy and map the keywords to the appropriate page and if you don't have the appropriate page you need to go out there and create it using the guidelines that scm rush provides which makes it much easier because you can just grab the exact word count and then from there create something that's different and better than what currently exists that's how i'd go about doing it so the last page and keyword i'm going to be analyzing here is actually for hello kitty keyboard so this is just a random one that i was able to find and the page that we're going to be looking at here is this page here and they're doing pretty well already they're sitting about the first page or so bottom of the first page if we look at the serps so they're doing pretty well so with just some slight tweaks and some better optimization they should be able to get really better positioning than they're currently at so looking at this this isn't a super competitive keyword but just by increasing the rankings by two three maybe even five spots they're going to get substantially more organic search traffic so let's look at a couple things here we'll look at the seo content template for this particular keyword here and what we're gonna see is there's some opportunities to add more semantically related keywords but overall the websites and pages that are ranking here their content is not super comprehensive and that's apparent when we look at the recommended text length which is 371 words so we don't need to create a super long asset to be able to rank for this but we do need to at least hit this minimum target and then optimize the page appropriately so what we can do is we'll go and throw that content into the seo writing assistant once again and i put their content in based on this i just went ahead and copied the content put into here and as you can tell it's just very short so it's only about 64 words and i even included all the filler words as well so the first thing to do here once again is hit that word count that's the easiest thing we can do hit that word count and then place the most critical keywords which is hello kitty keyboard we'll copy that and we'll look so the title is optimized for hello kitty keyboard which is perfect and that's really good already and then hello kitty usb cartoon keyboard so this is pretty close to where it needs to be overall so not anything too alarming on that front you can of course change it a little bit we'd want to also optimize the images as well so we can do inspect and see if they've actually optimized the images for that so we look at the alt tag it is optimized well so that means that you have a better chance of performing well in google's image search but then we go down here there's just not very much content so if they can add some additional content here possibly drive more reviews then this page should perform much better it shouldn't be very difficult considering the competition is not super difficult so sometimes on-page seo isn't actually about jamming a bunch of keywords there we obviously need to get it in the appropriate spots but a lot of the time there's just pages that are just lacking content so we just need to add more content to this page and it will do substantially better so that is how you do on-page seo like a pro if you got value from this video make sure you like it subscribe and drop a comment below in the next video i'm going to show you how to create seo content that actually ranks every single time so thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Semrush
Views: 43,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: on page seo, on page seo 2022, seo, seo 2022, search engine optimization, seo tutorial for beginners, search engine optimization tutorial, on page seo tutorial, on page seo optimization, on page seo 2023, seo 2023, on page seo walkthrough, beginners guide to on-page seo for, guide to on-page seo for websites, on page seo step by step, semrush tutorial, semrush academy, semrush seo, nathan gotch seo, nathan gotch semrush
Id: NS0v8JbRjho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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