Omniman confesses his crimes

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[Music] so I guess everyone here is wondering what in the actual happened to the Guardians of the globe I came here today to clarify what many of my friends and family already suspect so here it goes the Guardians of the globe were attacked and brutally killed by me one by one they fell like flies before my magnificent strength however I have to admit that red Rush was quite a pain in the ass at the beginning but when he decided to abandon the defense and go on the offensive I simply crushed his skull with my own hands fun fact his eyes almost popped into my mouth I know I know gross right then Nightwing tried to attack me with the dumbest strategy of all times and Well he kind of liquefied on the ground just like any of you would do in his situation after him I got the green girl whose name I totally forgot and aquara saw me covered in blood and decided that I needed a shower in the middle of the fight I made War woman watched the whole scene from a different perspective in the end I easily beheaded the immortal ironic isn't it but Immortal dead whatever let me see what else H oh yeah I also wanted to warn everybody that in a few episodes I'll kick the out of my son's ass so badly that it will cause the death of a few thousands of you in the process nothing personal of course however those who are on a train or on a cruise trip when this happens will probably and I said probably have a chance of survival and please understand when I say that what I did did and will do is for the greater good of the earth not of humanity of course you all will be slaves of the VTR Empire just trust me well that's what I wanted to say have faith and look to the sky
Channel: Genei Ryodan
Views: 792,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Invincible, invincible meme, omniman meme, omniman AI meme, omniman AI
Id: 3skoaZStWXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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