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[Music] what up what up acid and i'm here welcome back guys here's your boy sean and your girl how are you guys doing today we hope you guys are absolutely amazing yes you guys hey if you're having a bad day we gotta turn it around and the key is good energy and good music most definitely so i was having a couple of bad days you guys my thumb was my stuff had to get a you know a little surgery and also my mom um called covet so um guys yes you know what i'm saying so we just got to turn it around we have some good energy and some good music you know so my love who we got today today we'll be reacting to mary wells my guy my god all right okay now this was the comeback song you know temptations my girl all right okay so you guys said check it out and here we are thank you guys you guys know a lot about music and come back soon every day that's what i'm talking about so before we get into it make sure you like comment subscribe to the channel and also turn on your post notification bell so you guys will be notified we appreciate it all right so here we go good energy good music here we go that's what i'm talking about i think this is our first reaction to my well all right first time watching hi everybody and welcome again to shinde hey ask anyone of the beatles who his favorite girl singer is and he'll give you just one answer she's the girl they recently invited girl with a very much imitated vocal style and here with her first million seller my guy is miss mary well wow don't miss mary nothing you can do [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes she do have he said i gave my guy my word of honor i like that answer to be faithful and i'm gonna talk about it yes mary come through come through mary brown um should i take it back together yeah amazing voice let's take it back let's do it again that's just do it again i love it um why not let's just take it back and start it from right here here we go guys and here with her first million seller my guy is miss mary merrywell [Music] nothing you can do [Music] my [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh you know um here we go [Music] [Music] wow i love that i love the way she executed that song that was perfect stuck like blue baby yes she said no muscle man nobody can offer her anything i hate that she's sticking to her like glue yes and i like how she breaks it down at the end she broke it down okay okay this is a nice comeback so yeah you know my guy okay that's what i'm talking about guys um wow let's continue she sounds amazing yes let's see what else she got on the shelf let's keep this thing going yeah so let's start by smashing that like button right now guys smash it up you know thousands of more likes let's continue let's do it that's what i'm talking about let's do it some songs back in the day that just make you feel you know that that love that they had back then yeah it was just so real everything was different yeah they had a different outlook on everything yes and the world has changed drastically yes it has you know calling alerts back then they had to really deal with each other hands-on and now it's just we deal with each other through so much technology and you know stuff like that so it's kind of like watered down now yeah it's not that authentic heavy it's not you know what i've seen just now was a real classy woman yeah you know on that stage yeah and that's how it was like back then the ladies back then strong yeah you know so um it is what it is guys hey we're just here to react and have fun you know yeah turn up um all right uh we're about it baby in the blessing i hate sex i think it's feeling so much better you know um that's good that's what happens you know it's life go through it all right so we're about here guys it's your boy sean receive that good energy yes until next time [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shawn and Mel
Views: 16,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ml6TyHzxGPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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