Olson Memorial Church Of God Back To School Service For Ardenne Group Of Schools

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the lord the lord praise rejoice [Music] me the lord praise let the earth rejoice let the earth rejoice let the earth the heavens declare the heavens declare is right [Music] the lord prays that the earth rejoice [Music] the heavens declare his righteousness exalted over oh yes the lord reigns let the earth rejoice let the earth [Music] amen [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord we'll sing this morning morning has broken like the first morning and i invite us to stand [Music] morning [Music] praise for the lord [Music] from [Music] sweet foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise for the sweetness [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] race with [Music] is race [Music] and we look to our god as we worship him this morning what a beautiful morning it is we'll ask the reverend wilmer jackson to come to us and to lead us in our prayer invocation reverend wilbur just let us pause for prayer oh lord our great and awesome god the all-seeing all-knowing ever-present and powerful god our refuge and our strength our very present help in time of trouble we thank you for the privilege of being alive even in the midst of this pandemic pandemic that has claimed so many lives and has left so many homes and nations in mourning we are glad because you are our god the god of the ages past and still our only hope for the years that are to come our shelter from the stomach blast and our eternal hope we come in your presence this morning in prayer and supplication oh god we know that we have parted from your ways you have been trying to get our attention but your god we will not listen lord god we pray that we'll be penetrated for you today and invite your presence in this place in our lives in our homes in our nation and in our world in this back to school service we realize now that you are the maker of everything you designed the home and family mother father child the church is your idea your idea yes god we thank you for our schools we thank you for our parents teachers the ministry of education the ministry of health that oh god they are all at work in a time like this and we ask in a very special way lord that you will take over and bless your people in every way we place the service in your hands today whatever we do you get the glory the praise and the honor in the name of no other one but jesus christ our lord and our savior amen thank you reverend jackson our first scripture reading comes from psalm 119 verses 33 to 40 and will be read by our head girl from rn high school as well as a student from the prep school kingston is it and miss achillea plumber daniel russell [Music] [Music] good morning our scripture reading will be taken from psalms 119 verses 33 to 14. teach me lord the way of your decrees that i may follow it to the end give me understanding so that i may keep your law and obey it with all my heart direct me in the path of your commands for there i find delight turn my heart toward your towards your statues and not towards selfish gain turn my eyes away from worthless things preserve my life according to your word fulfill your promise to your servant so that you may be fair take away the disgrace i dread for your laws are good how i long for your precepts in your righteousness preserve my life this is the word of the lord thank you so much [Music] young people for your presentation this morning may god bless you richly well i would like to welcome you this morning those of you are present in the sanctuary as well as those in virtual space welcome welcome welcome uh this is our back to school service and we know that many of our art and parents are joining us all across the island and so we're so happy to have you today may god richly bless you as you worship with us we're very proud of our schools and what we have been able to do in helping to bring education to the people of jamaica and moving along we're going to ask our principal of the high school miss nadine malloy who is going to represent our three schools the arden group of schools as she brings greetings and this will be followed by mr george scott from love fm love 101 fm he'll also bring greetings and thereafter we'll have the arden prep and extension high school uh in giving us an item a selection thank you very much mrs flo darby member of the arden high school board and a distinguished past student of arden high school reverend edener jones the pastor of the olsen chapel and executive chairman of the church of god in jamaica reverend wilma jackson a friend of my late father reverend gordon vice principal of arden high school senior vice principal dr jacqueline pinto principal of the arden extension and prep kingston my friend mrs karin campbell miss karen campbell and my friend as well miss mrs hope morgan our distinguished ladies and gentlemen all here of course my girl our head girl at arden high school mr kayla plummer in whom we are well pleased and other students those persons joining us on the various social media platform uh platforms rather zoom youtube and i think we may be on facebook too yes we are everywhere these days and i'm sure people are joining us from all across the globe i greet you well this morning and with a very thankful heart a joyful heart even in the face of all that we have been dealing with over the last 18 months reverend jones i like the theme fulfill your promise we are working very hard in the arden group of schools to fulfill our promise of delivering good education to our charges despite the challenges that we now face as i thought about the fact that i needed to speak for all of the schools i apologize but it took me back to the theme of our christian emphasis week at arden this past year and the theme was our anchor holds and the moment our chaplain and vice chairman of the board reverend george lewis shared it with me it resonated with me it resonated with me because i recognize how blessed we are in this art in space despite all of the challenges that the pandemic brought to our tables collectively and individually we found a way to remain connected we remain connected because we did some homework and we made sure that those talents that we were given we did something good with it we didn't bury them we invested in them and because of that investment in forward thinking problem solving creativity all of those energies because we invested in those and because we allowed the gifts that god gave us to be fruitful and we in all our schools at varying stages we had embraced technology in teaching learning and assessment we didn't anticipate a pandemic what we anticipated is that the world was rapidly changing and we wanted our students to be able to be in the forefront of what had become the main driver of productivity and importantly communication and that served us well we also want to acknowledge that this pandemic has brought us closer in so many ways reverend jones i'm sure there are more persons in church this morning than we would normally have at wilson and that is because from wherever you are you can join us it has also brought us brought out in us some capacities that we didn't know we have we've all learned new skills we have learned how to navigate the virtual space we have learned how to use all kinds of new devices my mother told me at one point that she didn't want the the phone that she had anymore because it was not smart enough she wanted a brand new one i won't tell you what happened there we have learned to work virtually we have learned to connect virtually and we have learned and there is new meaning to the term blended now pivoting is a part of what we do every day but i think the most important thing that we have learned as christian people in a time when there is so much pain there is so much hurt and there is so much anger even as the frustration levels escalate we have learned in the face of all of this to be kinder and gentler to each other i personally am very grateful and when i spoke to karen this morning i am very grateful of the opportunity that it has given me to be more than just a manager and a leader to be more of a person who can share from what may be called the softer side of me and i know this is something that is true of all schools i speak for everyone when i say that we continued not just to be in the virtual space not just to log on but we continued to make it count and so at arden we did several things at the high school but i just want to highlight the fact that we were able to take home for the 10th time the marcus garvey trophy for excellence in the performing arts from the jcdc competitions thank you and i am still just totally awe of what our students were able to do with our christmas pageant you can log on onto facebook and you'll find it and it is appropriately entitled gratitude is a must and from the prep school it was a long call to learn how to teach online and to connect and engage with our students but the prep school is able to go walk away with a keely quote taking the bank of nova scotia 2021 scholarship as a pep uh graduate of that institution so we were able to have our clubs we were able to have our community service we were able to do our exams and the students did well from both all three schools last year and i know we anticipate good results from them and i'm sure you won't mind me sharing that at the high school we did all of our exams that were available except english paper too in the online e-mode we are really really very grateful and thankful for all of the blessings that we have received as the ardent group of schools i want to encourage you to continue to support each other to be there for each other to be your kindest best it is a difficult time that we are in and we can only make it through as successfully as we have done and even more successfully by being supportive and kinder to each other so i close by thanking the church of god in jamaica we have seen reverend jones and reverend lewis almost every day at our end the virtual spaces allow them to be with us all the time and i know it was no different for the other schools with their chaplains we want to thank the staff of all of our schools you went beyond and beyond you learned you unlearned and you learned and we are grateful we also want to thank the families of our staff members you put up with us being on zoom and in google classrooms on youtube doing all kinds of things whilst we sometimes had to neglect our home duties we want to thank the boards of all of the schools we want to thank our parents our students most awesome our students they pivoted so well we know that that not everyone is doing as well but we are trying our best to learn more how to connect with them better we want to thank our alumni members from across the globe who contributed so much to our efforts in our schools and finally we thank the minister of education for the guidance that they have given us and so our anchor holds and we will continue to hold on to that because we are here to fulfill your promise thank you so much for listening and i know we're going to be blessed with the rest of the service good morning good morning good morning olsen hall uh good morning olson memorial is that a better answer better statement thank you so much for having us in your service today it it it is very uh identifying a word but your pastor happens to be the chairman of love 101 fm so he's my boss and i'm standing before the big boss today and that that brings with us you know a little kind of carefulness about how you you're decorum but i love summer and you might wonder why we are here i love summer has been our parish to parish exploration adventure through june 20 to september 18 this weekend so we've been to all the parishes in jamaica and this week we are closing off in kingston and saint andrew and what better place to be we want to say a very big thank you for having us we want to say a very big thank you to all the churches that we've been to once a big thank you to our sponsors and i must mention two special sponsors that have been with us from the very first day the university of the commonwealth caribbean and shade drinking water and everybody here today will leave with drinking water in your hand and if you want to get refreshed we can arrange to have you get up shortly and that is part of what the hell of summer program has done we have gone to every parish and we have explored and we are taking out the best of each parish this week we start right here at awesome memorial for the parishes of saint andrew and kingston on friday we will be over um in rosetown at the pointless christian church and on saturday we'll be doing a service at the um seventh day baptist church on charles street so we're we're all over and during the week you'll keep listening to love fm and you'll hear much more i thank you again for having us we are just so happy on behalf of low fm i'm sure i can see this safely mr chairman on behalf of love fm we really appreciate your support thank you thank you thank you so thank you so much george scott for bringing greetings to us uh the art and prep and extension high school your rendition please good morning good morning um i hope everybody is doing well today we will be blessed by this song i'll be seeing oh hello my name is nikhila jones and i'm from arden prep and extension high school so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while we get the technicalities covered we we'd like to approach the throne of grace again we want to talk to our lord and this time we're going to be praying for the schools in jamaica but in particular our schools and education in our country as you know there are many difficulties at this time we're going to ask reverend joseph gordon to do so while he comes let's just say one verse of what a friend we have in jesus reverent god [Music] in jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everything to god [Music] oh oh because we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall we pause for prayer father unto whom all our hearts are open and all desires known we come to you at this time we come at your bidding because you told us to come boldly to the throne of grace where we can find mercy and we thank you for your mercies which are so many we thank you for the blessings that you have been giving to us from the start of this day even until now father there are times when we take so many of your blessings for granted the fresh air we breathe the social standing that we have with our friends we thank you for health and there are so many other things that we need to thank you for and we thank you even though tongues and times would have failed us we just want to thank you again father we just want to thank you for the arden group of schools and we thank you for all schools that as they embark on this new phase of education we are so god that you would bless them there are so many uncertainties at this time so many difficulties so many anxieties fear and confusion although some students have started some have not started as yet we trust you to work things out as we depend on you father we ask that you would bless our teachers teachers everywhere give them knowledge wisdom and understanding as they impart knowledge in the various content areas father we believe the pandemic will not have the last say in the scheme of things but you will work things out as we depend on you you are the great problem solver and we thank you for this reality this morning because you also assured us in your word that you are the same yesterday today and forever help us to trust you wholeheartedly knowing that you will come through at some point thank you for hearing us and thank you for the blessings that you will deliver to us on us for christ's sake amen [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there i found you in [Music] and keep my eyes [Music] into [Music] you grace abounding deep as water [Music] you [Music] and i will call upon [Music] [Music] my [Music] spirit within me where [Music] take me deeper than my feet could ever work and my faith will be there stronger in the presence of my savior spirit leave me well my choice is without voider let me walk upon the water wherever [Music] with [Music] thank you for lovingly presenting the word to us today insane our sermon comes today from our pasta as you've heard is chairman of the love fm but he's our pastor here at olds memorial church and he's also the executive chairman of the church of god in jamaica we love to hear him bring the word and today we look forward to hearing from you reverend jones before he comes we're going to uh to have another scripture reading uh it will be taken from matthew 5 verses 13 to 19 will be done by the youth ambassador siobhan blair from love fm and that will be followed by another rendition from the arden high school uh by nasa graham and lenese they will say who they are when they get here i didn't get the second name but i think it's nice or greyhound thank you good morning everyone [Music] the reading at this time as you heard matthew 5 reading verse 13 to 19 we are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its savo wherewith shall it be salted it is then forth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden upon foot of men we are the light of the world the city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it on their bushel but on a candle stick can it give it light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the lord till all be fulfilled verse 19 whosoever therefore shall break one of these commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven the word of the lord and we say thanks be to god you know to be remiss of me as the youth ambassador to not greet our family at arden this morning and so i want to share just a few words with you this year as you develop a passion for learning may success be yours the past was preparation the future is a dream it's the present that counts persist with passion be daring and determined endurance is power education is transformation it's positive and powerful my prayer is that you'll be motivated and moved passionate and powerful determined and driven as you embark upon the educational journey before you which will be an interesting and challenging one once again but with god all things are possible and he will never leave you may your education be life altering now is the time to make education fun learning make it make me a fun and exciting experience and a rewarding one all the best your friends and family are then god bless you richly thank you from the arden high school and i pray that this rendition speaks to us in our hard times when we forget who god is [Music] [Music] [Music] words that i can say to tell you how much i appreciate all the wonderful things you've given me your loving kindness your tender mercy it's my desire to praise you and tell you how much i love you you worthy of all of the unknowns i don't know how you could love me you could show me so much mercy never had to suffer and die for me way back on calvary and i just wanna say thank you for everything you've done for this new school year thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] you're is [Music] [Applause] thank you very much adam family of schools love 101 fm who is broadcasting today and partnering with the nation at this very challenging and unpredictable time in our collective experience and in the i love summer project of which we are a great great beneficiary at the olsen church this morning thank you for participating in this worship thank you sister flo for leading our worship and for the wonderful renditions that we have heard the reading of the scriptures and the beautiful greetings that have been shared we are taking the opportunity since we are being broadcast by a love fm to contemplate the bigger challenge of education in our nation in the pandemic and to consider the biblical principles that are set in the theme that we have here fulfill your promise or your promises and graph that into a call upon all of us to be deeply oriented toward god toward a well-ordered spiritual and moral life and toward pursuing the highest ends in life that education prepares us for whether we are talking about education in relation to initiation in relation to development or in relation to getting onto a project progressive part where stage by stage we can attain what god has promised to us and so i want you to keep in your in front of you the text that we read this morning from psalm 119 verse 33 to 40 and matthew chapter 5 verse 13 to 19. when you look at the text and you set it in the broader frame of the psalms and of psalm 190. and when you do the contextualizing of it by setting it in the jamaican experience going through the pandemic and the world experience you will recognize that we are going through a time of instability a time of unpredictability and certainly a time when we recognize in fresh ways our exposed existence as a people every major parts in life have been affected whether we are talking about education and the social sector whether we are talking about the economy and livelihood and industries and whether we are talking about people living in community pursuing their dreams and anticipating the next steps in the progress of their lives we have been thrown we have been disturbed and if we are not careful we become easily overtaken with anxiety with overwhelming fear and with depression as a people the word of god is the greatest antidote the greatest source of renewal of resiliency and the fortification of our lives in difficult times in difficult places as we live imagine brothers and sisters and my jamaican family we over the last 19 months have never experienced on the scale that we have experienced they enormous loss of learning when we drill that down to our children her child per capita it is going to take remarkable remedial effort in education even re-socialization in other places on cross-sections and intersections to ensure that we don't have permanent losses to our children to the generations coming after us and the great light and society not only jamaica but in different parts of the world the psalmist whom we believe is david is contemplating all of life and is exhibiting his journey in this psalm by raising the important questions of life what about life is reliable what about life is unchangeable and unchanging and what is it that we can hold on to in all seasons of life regardless of what may be going on and that is what the psalmist i say david calls in this psalm on a couple of occasions promise the promises of god and in this particular psalm that we have read this morning it is a prayer that david is making lord fulfill your promises it is not an expression of doubt in the character of god or that god ever walk back from his promises it is an affirmation in the first place of whom god is and of his pure and unchangeable character and that he remain constant in the dynamic experience of the human story on an individual level of on a collective level so the thumb is calling us to disciplined attention to the word of god and the psalm is calling us to delight in god's words and god's ways no matter what else may be going on in life he is captured in a thought in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 to 27. faith in a very nice way by the message translation of the bible eugene peterson keep vigilant watch over your heart that's where life starts don't talk out both sides of your mouth avoid careless banter white lies on gossips keep your eyes straight ahead ignore all sideshow distractions watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before you look neither right nor left leave evil in the dust and to bring the elements of human duty and purposefulness in relation to god's promises that are certain that are unchangeable the psalmists also call us to the promise that we make and must make and must make to god almighty lord of hosts creator redeemer sustainable the architect of the best futures that we must make promises to god that are aligned to god's promises to us and so if we just look further down in the same psalm 119 and verses 57 and 58 we receive a very insightful pronouncement from david on god's commitment god's covenant god's responsibility to the world to his people and our call to duty and to purposefulness of life so verses 57 58 says you are my portion lord i have promised to obey your words i have sought your face with all my heart be gracious to me according to your promise when in this song and in this context of unpredictability that pertains to resignation withdrawal numbness weakness meaninglessness for some of us fulfill your promises of a call to god is on a is a reassurance of the sovereign grace of god in the world and in human history every day whatever the eventualities for others it is a redirection it's a calling to take the right path and not to look to the right are to the left as divergent or destruction yet to other persons maybe some of us today here and listening to the radio it is a call to reorientation to the basic question of the meaning of life mortal danger common humanity destiny necessity and frustration that comes in life and what a time we are living in what a time for students in infancy in the first stage of their formal education what a time for students at other level in the early childhood education system and primary and tertiary and high school there is something about this time that if we are going to make the best of what we have we have to keep focus we have to have a direction and we have to have a discipline and a habit of renewing our promise to god in relation to the god potential that we have and that we are going to be and become an advance in being the best people that we can be that we will come out of this difficult time of loss of grief and griefing grieving of die death and that we are going to come out stronger more resilient and more deeply committed to the present and to the future so today think about where you are think about your inner life think about the external circumstances in which you are living out your exposed existence in face of unpredictability instability mortal danger and make a resolve to use the resources that you have the best of wish is you to be stable to be focused and to press along some biblical figures help us to think about this and some others solomon from whom we read a while ago has this to say the whole duty of man is to love god and keep his commandment that's not a seasonal duty and not an optional duty paul the apostle says for me to live is christ but to die is gain pandemic or no pandemic phantom ghosting in the third century said we are made for him and we are restless until we resting him the restlessness of the pandemic is also a call to rest our lives in god purposefully on the westminster catechism owned by the catholic church but owned by me the chief end of man is to glorify god and to enjoy him forever so i say quickly to the nation and to all of us avoid the construction of good values during this difficult time recognize that we are in a materialistic age but the spirit of greed is not of virtue and it is not something to embrace and youthful exuberance is no exp excuse for carelessness or for excesses in our life why was the psalmist seized with the frame of reference of god's promises as restrained for himself he said turn my eyes toward your statutes and not towards selfish gay turn my eyes away from worthless things today i say to you jamaica and the world in this final word in the pandemic in all of the variables in the pandemic god's word does not change his promises remain true day after day season after season experience after experience what may change is our attitude our attitude to god our attitude to the world even our attitude to ourselves and to our institutions and i say today as a guide as i call us to focus on the future and on the present and on the rigorous pursuit of the best ends i say to you this word from god is about grafting the promises of god crafting them in our minds as antidotes to being dispirited to being depressed to be drowned in confusion from misinformation disinformation rumors that are dominant features of our last 19 months as a collective experience in the pandemic it is foremost in the face of the foreboding broken systems incoherent messages fast tracking followed by fast and furious backtracking mayhem and misery that by god's grace and with god's help [Music] we can face this national crisis face it bravely responsive creatively with the level of resiliency that only god can give ramping up our countervailing emotions raising our consciousness to a new level realigning our social conscience building consensus and calling on the collective will for the constructive best in the world i visited manhattan new york in 2005 after the 9 11 terrorist attack and the laying out of ground zero for the rebuilding and for the memorial was taking place that's what the people have to do after disaster in england in 1940 on the church hill after the nation was bombed by germany somebody said i believe it's david brooks that there were five things that kept them alert mentally healthy and well going through that difficult time agency a sense of social connection finding humor in tragedy and tragedies and learning to keep well equality and a sense that we are all a common humanity and we belong together and we should take care of one another and i believe most important moral purpose today i challenge us jamaica i challenge us adam's family of schools and all of us contemplate beyond just the temporary and the temporal and the transitory and the transitioning and embrace the truth of god's promises align your promises for your future with god's promises live full live to the best don't live selfishly take care of one another and after this 19 months plus as variants come and go god helping us may we be a stronger people a more equal nation with a greater sense of equity and taking care of the basics our health system making sure that infants who are not in school in the government system are given a contribution to their education so basic school children are not left behind having an outlook for the best good in our nation otherwise this great pandemic would be and would have been lost on us ahmed what a challenge and what a word for us we're going to be singing higher ground i'm pressing on the upward wave new heights i'm gaining every day but what if we just learned and heard all of this and there was no commitment and no blessing so i'm going to invite us the members of staff from the art and group of schools and our students to come forward during the singing of this hymn i'm going to ask our pastor to come back and to pray god's blessing on you as you commit to a better tomorrow we can stand as we see [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] want to [Music] [Music] a [Music] lord [Music] oh [Music] and we may come forward now for the prayers prayer for our staff members of staff as well as our students please call me i want to escape [Music] of glory [Music] lord leave [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] a mighty fortress is our god some trust in chariots and summon horses but we will remember the name of the lord oh god in this time of turbulence we come to you lord you have called us to yourself you have called us to counsel you have called us to contemplate the deep meaning of life and to face the questions we stand this morning at your altar in your presence we stand recognizing the significance of this time in history and our place in it we stand recognizing that you are the lord of hosts the god of sovereign grace the god of providential care and that you watch over us and that you neither slumber or sleep i pray for these leaders in education teachers and students and parents here today who are representative of their groups across our nation we pray god for grace and for mercy upon all of us we pray for your light through this dark time of our lives we pray that your truth will stand out in our total experience and that we will recognize you and what you're doing because you're always working train our minds lord to contemplate again your promises that you're our god who is the architect of our future and that in your hands we are safe and secure and that we can live purposefully day after day i pray god for your blessing upon all our basic schools across the island all our early childhood institution of other types the primary the high schools the colleges and universities and other tertiary institutions and places of advancing learning oh god we pray for stability during this time we pray for the flow of resources you know into our system so that we can keep the shape of education and educating our nation of lords we pray for special enabling and special protection and fortification during this time for a board of governors principals and teams of principals and vice principals and senior teachers and teachers and administrators and all category of workers in the education system of our nation today grant oh god special help that even out of the experience of setback these institutions might be set up for a greater future and even in the present pivoting and learning and unlearning will be robust and strong and have the best outcomes possible in the circumstances we thank you lord for your grace we are firm again that we are your children on whom you have bestowed your promises we seek to respond committing and following through being the best that we can be doing our duties carefully and taking care of all our stewardship we pray for the whole nation jamie we pray for the government who give leadership during this time we pray for help for the government lord jesus and pray that the government will be pliable in your hand in response to your grace and pray for all those who are interested in the political direction of our country by the opposition parties like civil society groupings like our churches unlike all of us may more like-mindedness evolve in our country and a greater collective will for the best good come of us and so lord bless those who stand here this morning bless them as individuals bless the schools that they represent and bless the representative groups across all sections of our island we thank you lord for love with them for their work in the nation of the family station we pray for grace upon the entity we pray for provision so that their work can be carried on effectively and in the widest way we thank you for their generosity to the church today and to the schools in coming to join us may you cause prosperity for lovethem and all the other entities involved thank you lord bless our church and bless all of us together and send us with your grace with your promises through the name of jesus christ the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the life of his countenance upon you and grant him for another few minutes just a few minutes before we go the broadcast has ended so i just wanted to say thank you so much for those of you who attended today we're really grateful that you came glad to see our principal of the prep school and um some of you i don't recognize with the masks but dr pinto welcome reverend uh gordon who is chairman of the prep and extension school i just did not give you your title when you came up so blessings thank you everyone am i missing anybody miss malloy mr wilson music oh okay wow mister music teacher who wins everything welcome welcome to olsen uh we do something here so welcome parents i see some of you thanks for coming without you it wouldn't work would it and for those who don't know our head girl belongs to this church we do something here at olson we try to
Channel: Olson Memorial Church of God
Views: 2,184
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: 7lReTcFWPDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 48sec (4848 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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