Ollama - Loading Custom Models

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Okay. So in the previous Ollama videos, we've looked at how to set it up and stuff like that. And we've also come in here and looked at how to install different models in here. The challenge is what if you actually don't see the model that you want in here? And for example, if it's a fine tune of one of the models that are in here, but you don't actually see the model that you want in here. So don't despair. It's actually quite easy to install custom models into Ollama as well. So in this video, let's look at how to do that. All right. So the custom model that I'm going to install here is a model called Jackalope. So I've been playing with this in CoLab. I might actually make a full video just about this model. but for the sake of this video, we're going to install this into Ollama. So you can see that this is basically a 7B model. it's a fine tuning of the Mistral 7B model in here. And what we want to do is we actually want to get the quantized version of this. So if we come down, the one that we want is this GGUF here. so if I click into this. You can see that TheBloke has converted the weights from this model into this GGUF format. So GGUF is used to be GGML And this is, a quantized version of models. So this is the project called LLaMA CPP and allows us to basically run models. It's what Ollama is using for models underneath the hood. next up, we're going to go into and find the files and versions of this model. And here I've got a bunch of different choices. So basically these represent the quality of the model. They're different quantizations in here. I'm going to go for a reasonably big one. I'm going to go for these Q6K in here, but you might want to pick a different one. I'm just going to click download here. Now, if you're using git, and you're quite comfortable with git, of course you can just do you can just pull this down by a git as well. but here we can just come in here and we can download it. So that's going to take a little bit of time to download. but what I'm going to do is download that and I'm going to put that in my model's folder. so that I can then start processing it. Okay. Now the model is actually downloaded. We can actually see it here. in my model's folder here which I've made. So you can see I've got some other models that I've downloaded last week. And I made custom versions of last week. So the next step is that we want to make a model file. So if we come in and have a look at the Ollama model file, we can see, you know, what the parameters are. and the general thing is going to be from, and rather than us put in sort of LLaMA-2 or something here, we're actually going to point to the file that we downloaded, where they're going to set up, our template, et cetera. and then we're going to use the model file to actually create a model. So let's do that. So I'm just going to make it a text file for a model file in here. Okay, so you can see here. I've just sorta prefilled the model file in here. So we're basically saying from, and we're pointing to the checkpoint that we just downloaded the model weights that we just downloaded. So remember these are the quantized version of the jackalope 7B model in here. we need to put in a template for a system prompt. So this is the template that they're using here. and then the system prompts people can actually fill that out. when they're actually running the model in here. So, okay, I'm going to save this. Okay, so i saved that out. we can see now i've got my model file there Now you can see that i'm going to be making a model called Jackalope using the model file Jackalope that we've got here. So if I run that You'll see it passes the model file. It's looking for a model. It's going to create the various layers it's going to create the system layer, et cetera. And then it's going to write the weights And then finally at the end we'll see this success here. Now if I come in and have a look at my models Under model list. You'll see that i've got the hogwarts model which remember is just a different prompt for LLaMA-2. And I've now got this Jackalope model in here. So if I want to use this model I can just come in and say, okay, Ollama run Jackalope And it will start up the model You can see it's running. And now we can use the model just like a would any other model in here So if I want to ask it a question I can do that. I can converse with it just like a normal If I want to see the commands of what I can do I can basically come down and see that and you'll see that it's just like normal for these particular things. So this is basically how to set up a custom model how to use it .There are probably are some models that are not going to work. But certainly all the fine tunes of like LLaMA-2. The fine tunes of Mistral 7B, the Falcon models et cetera we'll work for this So this is something that you can definitely use to basically start trying out different models that you see on the hugging face hub there. Anyway as always, if you've got any questions or any comments put them in the comment section below. Please click like and subscribe it will help people see the video. I will talk to you in the next video bye for now
Channel: Sam Witteveen
Views: 14,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natural language processing, langchain in python, langchain ai, ollama, llm, run ollama locally, install llm locally, langchain locally, mistral orca, mistral 7b, orca, ollama custom prompts, llama-2, custom model, jackalope, jackalope 7B, thebloke, gguf, GGUF, openai, AI Alignment lab
Id: 3BnnsQCmgLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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