Olivia's Top 5 Favorite Art Lessons From 2020

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hey friends this is my five favorite videos hope you like them bye hey olivia what are we going to draw today a cookie a cookie with what on them m m's or chocolate chips um we hope you're going to follow along with us it's going to be a lot of fun what shape is a cookie my circle a circle we're going to do a lot of circles in this lesson and what else do we need for this lesson crayons and paper paper you ready to start yeah all right let's start we're first going to start with this color what color is this orange orange this is our orange crayon and we're using this because we don't have a brown crayon but our friends at home or in the classroom can use a brown crayon and we're first going to draw the circle shape we're going to draw a big circle for our cookie you want to draw a big circle on your paper oh yes good job it's a tiny one i like it you could even add more cookies if you want and we're gonna switch to our black crayon and this is so that we can put a little face on our cookie we're going to draw two circles one for each eye did what color did i say this was it's black it is black do you want to do two circles for your cookie eyes you can draw two little circles for the eyes one that's so cute and two then let's draw a smile so that our cookie is happy you want to draw a smile between your two eyes yeah oh this is the cutest cookie ever now we can color in our eyes let's color in the circles the little circles for the eyes and color this one and also this one how many eyes do we have two whispers what should we add to our cookie m ms okay we're going to draw more circles and we're going to draw them with different colors so i'm going to draw two circles for red m ms do you want to draw two little m m circles there we go and you can color them in two do you want to do one more do you want to color in my red circles too yeah should we draw blue m m's next okay i'm gonna draw a blue m m and a blue m m over here too you wanna add blue m m's to your cookie what color should we do next green should we do green okay let's add green m m's we're gonna add lots of m m's our friends at home could add as many m ms as they want let's do one more color let's use our yellow crayon and add another m m oh there we go all right we need to do one more thing to our cookie we need to use our orange or brown crayon to color in our cookies now we're gonna we not have a brown yeah we don't have a brown we're using orange yeah we're gonna use this to color in our cookies and we're going to go all around each m m so this is a little tricky you guys at home could ask for a little help if you need to but color around your cookies is that cool olivia yeah all right now this part we're going to fast forward but you guys at home can pause the video and take time to color your cookies also it's black it is black so you got to be careful our colors blend if you touch them so we're going to try and be really careful when we color around our cookie all right this part we're gonna fast forward you ready yeah all right let's do it olivia give me five you did such a great job on coloring your cute little cookie does it look tasty yeah do you want to eat it yeah don't no no don't eat your paper we hope you guys had a lot of fun following along with us and drawing your own cookies now you could use those same steps to draw even more cookies would that be fun yeah you could add chocolate chips you could even add pink frosting on the top mmm pink frosting yeah does that sound good like up here oh yeah you could put the frosting on top yeah you could do a new one yeah the pink frosting could be like hair no we'll see you later our friends goodbye no [Laughter] olivia what are we gonna draw in this lesson i'm a frog yeah we're gonna draw a cute frog now this lesson is meant for younger artists how old are you three yeah three we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need crayons and also paper paper you ready to start yeah okay we're first gonna start with our what color is this green yeah green we're going to start by drawing a green circle in the middle of our paper can you draw a green circle right here yeah good job now we're going to switch to our black crayon and we're going to draw the eyes we're going to draw two more circles but we're going to draw them smaller we're going to draw one right here and we're going to draw another one over here two eyes at the top oh yes and you're coloring it in good job oh i like how i like how small you colored your eyes i'm going to color my eyes in too it's so funny yeah you did small eyes now let's switch back to our oh first before we switch back to the green let's draw a mouth on our frog and we could draw a happy mouth yes good job oh super happy mouth i like it now we're going to switch back to our green crayon and we're going to draw the part that goes over our frog's eyes we're going to draw an upside down u we'll go around like this and we'll go around like this on both eyes one and then another one i love your frog so much yeah that's perfect okay now we're gonna switch to our red crayon and we're gonna draw the tongue because they stick yeah they they stick their tongues out and then they eat stuff what do frogs like to eat um flies yeah flies let's draw the tongue right here we're gonna draw a big u-shape the letter u right here underneath the mouth do you want to color in your tongue yeah you did it now i'm gonna color my tongue also now we're gonna switch back to our green crayon and we're gonna color in our frog this part we're gonna fast forward so you guys can pause the video and take time to color your frogs also good job you did it okay now let's draw our frog's toes we're gonna draw three toes one two three and you want to draw three little toes sticking out over here one two and three good job then we're gonna add three more toes for his other foot one two three right here one two three oh those are little toes i like how little they are that's awesome okay now let's draw the arms we're gonna draw one arm sticking out over here and another arm sticking out over here i'm gonna draw one line and another arm yeah yes then we're gonna draw the fingers on our frogs hands one two three yeah wiggly arms i like drawing the arms up because then it looks like he's gonna reach for his the flies his dinner we're going to draw three little bumps like this for his fingers one two and one more oh yeah a little one you could draw a little bigger you want to draw a little bigger finger oh yes oh he looks like he's giving a thumbs up [Laughter] okay draw the little fingers over here oh yeah there you go okay add three fingers over here the same size do one two and another one arm yeah it looks like it's on his arm i'm gonna add three over here too one two three never the band-aid i'm gonna color in my fingers like this coloring these the toes down here and toes down here do you want to color oh what he forgot i forgot the fingers over here all right you want to color in your toes and fingers what do frogs like to sit on lily pad a lily pad yeah let's start right here on this side and we're gonna draw an oval comes around like this and back on the other side you can start here draw around and connect over there yes that is an awesome lily pad it's like his house okay what are we missing now we gotta draw something else one more thing five yeah flies we need to draw our flies we're gonna switch back to our black crayon put our green one over here and we're gonna draw a circle first draw a circle and then color it in you wanna draw a circle right here and color it in but i'll do wings oh yeah we'll add the wings too there's the body wow that's a big fly that's gonna be breakfast lunch and dinner i like it all right and then we're gonna add the wings perfect you did it two wings can i add wings to mine yeah all right we're gonna drop a u-shape and another u-shape a big one a big one i love it i'm gonna add one more fly right here rip circle and the wings right and huh it don't have eyes yeah you could add eyes but we're gonna leave those off do you want to add one more fly yeah above his head over here yes you did it i love how big your flies are those look like tasty flies okay i think we need to do one more thing this part we're gonna fast forward again but we're gonna add water underneath our lily pad so i'm going to draw a line right here and a line over here and then i'm going to color underneath it does that look like water okay do you want to add water to your drawing also olivia give me five you did such a great job on coloring and drawing your frog what was your favorite part all of it that was my favorite part too and i especially love that your frog looks different than mine they both turned out perfect that's because the most important thing is to have fun yeah and to practice we hope you guys had a lot of fun following along with us and we'll see you later our friends good bye [Music] what are we gonna draw today yeah pig we hope you're gonna follow along with us we're gonna use shapes and this lesson is meant for younger artists how old are you yeah three for this lesson you need crayons and also some paper paper you ready to start yeah we're first gonna use our what color is this pink your favorite color huh yeah my favorite color looks like red it does look like red but when we draw it on paper it's going to be pink we're going to draw a big circle or oval whoa really big and i'm also going to color it in now this part we're gonna fast forward so you guys at home can pause the video to draw your circle and color it in too so i'll do this and then you could draw a circle and color yours in too what should we draw next ears okay let's draw an upside down v can you do one right here and you could do two for each ear okay yes and then another one on the other side yeah that's okay and then another one yeah and then i'm gonna draw another one over here too and i'm gonna color these in you want to call your ears in too what should we draw next what's up what's our pig missing down here um leg legs yeah let's draw a leg sticking down how many legs does a pig have four four legs yeah so we're gonna draw four lines coming down from our pig do you want to draw four lines yes okay now we're done with our pink crayon and we did all of the pink shapes first now we're going to switch to our black because we're going to do this on top and the first thing we're going to do is trace our oval we're going to start like this we're going to draw a big oval around our pig's body you want to do that again draw another circle or an oval over your pig yes good job and then we drew our ears let's draw upside down v and upside down v for the other ear then we need to draw our legs we're going to draw a leg one two three four all right olivia we did it we finished drawing our pigs we're not done no what do we still need to draw neat eyes we need eyes also a nose and what else do we need teeth or a mouth we need mouth okay let's draw the nose first we're gonna draw an oval in the middle of our circle john over right here for the nose whoa yes looks like a jelly bean it does look so now we're gonna do the nostrils we're gonna draw two circles do you want to draw two circles yeah one and also you can color two oh yeah that's a good idea you could color the nostrils i want to color my nostrils too what else should we add to our pigs eyes eyes okay i'm going to draw one two two little eyes don't add two little eyes up here yeah really small eyes one oh and a big one and also i think we need a little smile i'll do a big smile or a big smile yeah oh that's a big one oh even bigger it kind of looks like a mustache too yeah the last thing we need to add to our pig is a curly tail i'm gonna go like this right like that you could draw on this side since you have more room on this side you want to draw a curl that one's tricky curly i like it we could also add another upside down v inside of the ears you want to do that [Music] olivia we did it we finished drawing our piggies give me five and i love that our two drawings look a little different they both turned out awesome yours is my favorite what's the most important thing you have fun yeah to have fun and to practice practice and we'll see you later our friends goodbye that's a long bye hey our friends today we're going to draw a cute what are we going to draw a draft for this lesson you need some crayons we're going to use these what colors do we have yellow brown brown black and black and you also need some paper you ready to start yeah okay first thing we're going to use is our yellow crayon so we're going to put these off to the side we're first going to draw our giraffe's body and we're going to draw a oval shape in the middle of our paper do you want to draw an oval right here right here yeah oh that's a big circle i like it you did a great job then we're going to draw the head way up here at the top and we're going to draw a smaller oval draw up here so that we have room for a big long neck right here little oval yeah good job now we're going to draw the neck it is long we're going to draw a big long line that connects the little oval down to the big oval draw a line that comes down good and then we're gonna draw another line right next to it look at that so that our neck is big what should we draw on the giraffe's head what are these horns oh yeah we need some horns but also we need some ears ears yeah let's draw upside down v we're going to draw up and then down and you could draw two of them one two there's one ear and then do another ear yeah can i add my second ear yeah okay here we go we're going to add another ear right here now we need to draw down here what is a big one it does and it looks like the letter m yeah what's he missing down here what's our giraffe missing legs yeah legs she's missing legs we're gonna draw one and two you want to draw two legs on the front yeah up here one two one i don't want to ruin the table you're not gonna ruin the table good job you're doing a great job keeping it on the paper you got two legs for the front now i need to add two legs for the back gonna do two more legs do back here one and two you look like a fun it does look like a sun these these look like sun rays coming off of our big sun now we need something on the back what do giraffes have on the back right here tail a tail yeah let's draw a long tail up and draw a long tail up great job olivia we did it we drew our giraffe except we need to color it in with our crayon now this part we're going to fast forward so remember you can pause the video and take extra time to color your giraffe's yellow should we fast forward yeah okay you did it you finished coloring your giraffe and you did such a great job did you miss a spot no no but i did that look kind of looks like the mouth right there you want to color it in that's what i thought now you did it you colored the whole thing and you did such a great job okay now we're going to switch to our black crayon and we're going to draw a circle up here for the eye let's draw a circle you want to color my circle in oh good job oh i love your circle yeah good you colored in my circle you want to color a circle too now we can draw the smile we're going to draw a little smile right here for a happy giraffe little line yes now what do they have on top of their heads next to their ears horns yeah let's draw two let's draw two lines on top of our giraffe and you could draw them up here coming out of the eye [Laughter] there you go look like i do it does look like and he could do another one and do another one right next to it now at the top we could also add a little circle look at that and color it in just a little circle for the top of the horn okay okay now we need to give our draft shoes not shoes [Laughter] no they don't they wear feet yeah [Laughter] i'm gonna draw a circle down here and color it in another circle on this one color it in another circle one for each leg how many feet do giraffes have one two three four four do you want to draw four feet on your draft two at the bottom down a little circle and then color it in remember to pause the video if you need extra time to color your giraffe's shoes i mean feet okay we gotta i know just feet now we need to add little hairs on our giraffe's tail i'm going to draw another circle or an oval up here on the end of the tail circle yeah circle or oval either one right here just a little one and then color it in the color color now we did it we finished drawing and coloring our giraffe well we're not completely done because our draft kind of looks like a yellow horse with a long neck what is our giraffe missing it's something yeah spots we need to add spots so i'm going to draw three circles on the body do you want to draw three circles too and on the neck yes we're gonna add them to the neck too let's first draw them three circles on the body yeah there you go and you can color it in this part let's fast forward again we're gonna color in three spots on the body and then let's add two spots to the neck you could even add more spots if you want remember to pause the video to take extra time to draw your spots too yeah olivia give me five you did a great job on coloring your spots and drawing your entire giraffe was that fun yeah what was your favorite part the legs i think my favorite part were the spots and the legs i like the legs too we hope you're fun we do we hope you had a lot of fun making a draft should we say goodbye to our friends yeah see you later our friends goodbye hey our friends today we're gonna draw a bunny yeah we're gonna draw a bunny with a carrot yes because bunnies like carrots yes and i love carrots for this lesson you need something to draw with we're gonna use what are these called um crayons yeah crayons you also need some paper you ready to start yes now we're going to use our blue crayon first and we're going to draw our bunny using shapes the first shape we're going to draw is oh we're also going to use letters but the first shape we're going to draw is a circle for the bunny head we're going to draw a circle like that do you want to draw a circle yes right here yeah that's a good spot oh it's perfect circle it looks like an egg it kind of looks like an egg that's okay because bunnies like eggs too next let's draw our bunny eyes i'm gonna draw a circle and another circle two circles and color them in there's one circle there's one eye and then another eye yes do you also want to draw the smile to make our bunny happy yeah okay there you go that's perfect i'm gonna do the same thing draw a little smile for our bunny a nice job yeah what's our bunny missing big yeah big ears we're going to draw the letter u but we're going to draw it upside down so we're going to draw a big bunny ear like that you want to draw a big bunny ear going up and down go up and down there you go there's one bunny ear now let's draw another bunny ear because they have two right yes one two you want to draw another bunny ear right there oh and i like that one that one's a little smaller it's cute next we're going to draw our bunny's body we're going to draw the letter c we're going to draw it right here connected to the head there's the letter c you want to draw a body start here go over and back start up here there you go over around it's a little body i like it and then we're going to draw you could draw a bigger body if you want there you go that's a big body and then we're going to draw another c but we're going to draw a smaller one this is for the tail look at that letter c you draw on the on the back of our bunny ah that's a perfect little bunny tail next we're gonna draw a w or two u's stuck together for the feet i'm gonna draw them up here one two two u's stuck together we could draw right here two bumps and another one yeah there you go then let's do two more two more feet for the back feet one two we could draw them back here by the tail one oh that's a big one well you could draw another one right next to it you did it you drew your bunny feet and a pink yeah oh yeah we need pink in the ears right okay let's switch to our pink and we're going to draw the inside of our bunny ears so we're going to draw another shape upside down you like that in each ear you want to do it yeah right inside go up and then down oh yes you're doing wow you did it that's okay you press a little harder do it again press harder there you go look at that you want to do another one right here in the small ear yes inside there you go i'm i'm going to do the same thing inside of here now this part we're going to fast forward but we're going to color in the inside of our bunny ears now you guys can pause the video and take time to color in your ears also all right we did it we finished coloring our bunny ears we could also do little cheeks too if we want we're gonna do pink cheeks you want to do pink cheeks yes yes one and two two pink cheeks one and two now we're going to switch to our orange crayon because what is our bunny missing um a carrot a carrot let's draw another shape we're going to draw an oval for our carrot but i'm going to draw a tall oval for our carrot you want to do a tall oval right here so that our bunny can eat it yes then we're going to color in our carrots orange is better orange is better yeah do you want to color in your carrot [Music] now we're going to switch to our green crayon and what's this for what's our green crayon for the top yeah the top of the carrot let's do a leaf yeah leaves you're right let's do a line coming out of our carrot right off the top out of the top go online and then we're going to draw a circle because there's lots of leaves on the top and then i'm going to color in the circle so draw a circle and color it in for the top of the leaves olivia we did it we finished drawing our bunnies and our carrots did you have fun yes you promised we hope you guys had a lot of fun following along with us and drawing bunnies using shapes do you want to tell our friends that we love you i love you we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Laughter] you
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 842,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, Olivia, favorite, top 5
Id: 94R3s1-aM18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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