Olivia Newton-John & John John Travolta on Dick Cavett Behind The Scenes 1983 Part 1

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I thought because you must be tired of doing publicity and having the same old things over and over that we would just stick to sort of defined areas today okay what's the worst orgy you've ever been to that's just have fun yeah yes that's right I've never been to a bad orgy that's it by definition they're good by definition they're all very interesting I wouldn't get I wouldn't go near one point that'd be you know somehow I knew that would I got the same I got taste and orgies mm-hmm you can tell when one's getting off the ground and wouldn't even enter the area yeah boy hey oh this is real destruction is good stuff thank you to new HBO to get that you can't get elsewhere you see what happens in about ten minutes when it gets hotter in here two of a kind that's what uh is this movie you'd recommend to people to spend their hard-earned money on I mean it's good entertainment consider City escape from yeah I think in this year of at the end of this year with a lot of sort of down or type films out I think this is one of the few that you could go out with a little kick in your heel yeah isn't a Skype movie it's just funny movie that son is if some substance and real chance for acting for you though cuz it's your first well do you remember it's a wonderful life with Jim Stewart yes okay his favorite movie well it's not a something like that it's nothing remember the Godfather yeah that's the way that Democratic okay um but it has that feel that flavor to it it has an old-fashioned movie got a feel to it and it has we have some great people in it Oliver Reed and Charles Durning and Beatrice straight Scatman Crothers and it's good it's fun it's got a great soundtrack and Olivia's wonderful I think sighs Charlie hey you two might admitting that you've been in a couple of turkeys or I mean oranges olives Matt turkey something most people are the other way around I know well some words you say probably with me open my mouth too much no I know is that ours you wear the turkey huh yeah when you look back on one that didn't make it do you think I owe what were you pressing on my foot get off ha ha oh I see are you sure you know they've been in no turkeys at all no um last one when you look back on one that didn't hmm I think you've each add one to keep you honest uh can you tell I knew at the time or did it feel just like the ones that have been smashing me we were doing it did you the one I've had out of the eight that I didn't your Singletary I single there yeah now I'm adding average run pretty good run that one I sort of felt it's odd think on you two what is it you can feel is it just something dead at that around the set oh is it you knew the script was wrong yes II ever put you I guess we could put your finger out of people would leave only successes I think sometimes you don't why are you making it you kind of caught up in it even though things are wrong you think Oh it'll come out all right on the night nor come right in the mix and then you go to the list maybe it's the crew putting all that bird feed around the set it's the constant sleeping on the recruits you're waking up the day no turkeys only a matter so no couldn't speak what were your turkeys come to think of it father I can't forget is a natural turkey with no no your you the movie that you would not put in the time capsule Oh probably moment by moment would be mine yeah no attitude cuz I've made so many movies that I have to think now um grease no Santa do the priestess all right wasn't it do i oh yeah you better do you suppose you'll be a team for years yes Brennan Tracy yes we decided we're gonna make all people home movies to get it oh my god yeah no we we could be we like to be good like to me you by the chemistry idea the fact that there's chemistry between Olivia failed chemistry I did Olivia dropped out during did you have chemists but I found all my subjects this program by the way is not recommended by the National Education Association because two of us here dropped out of school relatively early Oh Dana didn't two of you I did the new toys see what a trap question on the two out of three yeah he's well educated the back east type well the ice one see if people could pick out from whether we thought good they're just to beat his type up alright yeah I'm the kind of guy you trust the street when you saw me can we go probably good carry books like this and hit a strap and we all know that meaning our education but what about your education really how well school Murray that's right are you what's well I know that's close but it's so embarrassing Harvard you're not supposed to ask me things no we'd like to know yes I did I went to Lincoln High School in Lincoln Nebraska and then there I don't you say that to impress here and then and then I could I go to you I went to Yale but I uh had a scholarship so you know I want you to click I was born with a silver spoon in any part of my anatomy well I wanted his award at Harvard so I felt you Man of the Year I was Man of the Year at Harbor of the it's nice I I had a little little speech I made that I thought that this might help me get in dinner school but um I don't really think it acts as credit now would you recommend to all the young people are watching now who are your fans no doubt of that miss being at her but um that to drop out of school immediately and they want to be stars I was on a theatrical family and I grew up with that son I sort of natural for me what about you well my family wanted me to go to Yale or Harvard or at least University but because my father was a professor at University and I was brought up in the campus grounds but so it was English up to them as anyone but I think you just have to do what your heart tells you to do I think but I think everyone should try and get as good an education as they can my mother wanted me to stay on sure he talked about not having been to a psychiatrist but feeling that the emotion that comes out in acting probably feels very much like it are your emotions quite close to the surface for you when you act when I act yes yeah and actually doing this film was a way of really getting in touch with them because I had to use a lot more emotion than I've had to and and being an actress you have to expose a lot more of yourself I'm sorry likewise no so I worked with them an acting coach who really helped me um let those feelings show so I think since then my emotions have been there's a license watching her go through them because I I felt them I felt a lot of feelings from her I'd never experienced in person you know is it refreshing in a sense cuz my feelings are very on the surface I grew up in a theatrical family so we were throwing our feelings around all the time mm-hm but Olivia I was felt in person was sort of reserved and when she was feeling those feelings on the set all the time I felt uh it's very interesting there was a scene supposedly where you this has been reported anyway you thought she could do it better and knew that she had something in her that hadn't come out of that take and blew a line or something which gave her the chance to do it again that ring a bell train all tricks of the trade you know it was very generous for us people to the line and then no no I blamed you were doing it minds all the time but I did that I did it was very nice of him because not many actors will do that for you to blow a line and grease is pretty difficult since there's only three lines would you do the movie for us quickly now you said once people don't want to hear that you're nice in real life you remember saying this in an interview somewhere I'm a yeah I just wondered if anyone had come for you and said I was so sorry to hear that you're yeah you're not a wretched woman in real life I know how that probably came up in that they're always printing things about me that were totally false and negative because they couldn't find anything in my real life that was they invented things cuz they didn't want to know that you're a happy person that you had a good life and you're quite normal it was not very interesting which I understand I mean you talk interestingly about death in something I read years ago not that many years ago but just so when I guess people close to you have died when one of them your mother in fact within a very short time that you had at that age that sudden feeling of I better enjoy people and my life attention because before you know before I had anyone die on me that was like so into um like in the film are lies I'll give me a Bergman film give me last hang on parents give me something where I can look look death right here you know and then when death really happens to you start to say you know it's really right there and now I know it I've seen it I've watched it and I really am not that interested in entertaining those thoughts anymore or who
Channel: CR7
Views: 823,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olivia, Newton-John, John, Travolta, Two, Of, Kind, Dick, Cavett, HBO, Behind, The, Scenes, 1983, Twist, Fate, Take, Chance
Id: q8wiOXrVKF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2009
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