Olivia Duffin blocked me

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so I'm making this video because why I said it wasn't right well it's good to see that you have gone and addressed the problem Olivia but there's one more thing but I think you're missing before I can let you get away scot-free and that's the fact that you blocked me on tick-tock so are you really sorry over Alex and welcome back to another video hopefully you guys are doing well if you're just catching up with what's been going on over the past few days I made a video on this girl on tick-tock who spends her time looking like ariana grande which honestly I think I could also maybe pull off its a future career path in the making and the reason why I made a video on Olivia is because of the fact that she said she text messages to her ex-boyfriend its holder that he was bisexual the being bisexual isn't real and but it's not LGBTQ it's lgt now since then I have been blocked for pointing out that that's probably not a very like nice one thing to say in 2019 nearly 2020 coming down the dais and flutter I got blocked which means I must be real because quite curly I'm tangible well well at least enough to block you know just cuz you blocked me doesn't mean I'm gonna go away now I was on Instagram live just chatting probably making breakfast because that's kind of what I doing there so you know you follow me and then everybody said have you seen the response video um and the answer was no why don't I understand it which is why we're gonna watch it now hi guys no Olivia no you can't do that you can't actually sorry for an apology video you know everybody knows you don't mean it it's a rookie mistake but you'll get better at leisure time so I'm making this video because why I said wasn't right and everyone has every right to be mad at me I'm mad at myself I shouldn't have posted my possession of said why I said I was generally heartbroken oh don't worry Olivia when I'm heartbroken too when I'm having a sad day when all those people tell me to go away to a weird freaky West ISM and they say please please stop and then they follow a restraining order I instantly go to you homophobic tendencies as well and I just pretend that a whole group of people don't exist it's it's a normal thing lgt I literally my axe Liam I loved him with all of my heart and to know that we that was the reason we broke up either I mean that's been twisted also we broke up because he was going away to university and I couldn't do long-distance so I told like I was like love you and leaving you bye so I said I love you and leave you Liam long-distance doesn't really work or say bisexual people aren't real we've all been there especially long-distance relationships or somebody he may potentially like two different genders I mean I think it's reasonable and you guys I'm you keep on saying all biphobia no you're scared of the truth quite clearly that's that's what's going on here and then I was fine week we broke up on like a salon over on a holiday a week before and then a week later after that I let that talk about breaking up he messaged me asking me how I was and as I'm good I'm good what you doing we go to and he was like oh and I send it back a message to just read so jiggly I mean she did do that as I'm good I'm good what you do equal to and he was like oh yes well just at the pub I've been kissing some men and that's obviously when you hear that just alarm bells start ringing in your eyes although not the boys doing all that bisexual stuff at the pub again I'm just kiss some guys just hum pause think that's actually what happened I always I was joking I was actually joking I gotta find the video honestly you can't write this it's like a he's like a bad sitcom innit and I saw like shots I didn't think anything of I was just cuz he was drunk he didn't he wasn't spelling correctly like there's nothing wrong with that but our body drunks kissing other men I would have I would have instantly for that tea to be fair because I would have been like why would you kiss women and men because that's simply not something that happens in fact it's actually made up imaginary so why are you doing such an imaginary thing you must be a bit drunk you just get a bit creative I was like guys and then this of he provokes me to be angry boy it was my massage and of dumb I did yeah I really be providing he's single now and he's kissing man I would be bloody livid - especially if I broke up with him I mean at least go find somebody from my gender I also feel provoked when I see bisexual people provoked her want to kiss him I don't wanna stress this anymore I can't stress enough how much I do believe in all sexualities I was just so angry in the heat of the moment that he didn't tell me that he claimed he said he claims to have told me which I don't remember anything of and I miss him already gay movie you're saying sorry we can't leo you said his I was annoyed about his sexuality I mean he wasn't kissing men when he was with you wasn't he awful our voice but then that's not a bisexual problem is it that's a him problem I don't really get an even the most people apparently and that's more my people are angry people are upset because of your boyfriend's upset because you you went a whole group of people must be what I'm cheating on people or finally kissing too many guys and then pick one oh I don't like that I don't like when people say that my sexuality isn't valid I don't like when people say that my sexuality is something that literally should be removed from the LGBT community completely you know our movement that was created to help raise awareness and also protected got a large group of people who have had that done for them have been basically nearly erased from existence and still do in some parts of the world some people still actually get a lot of trouble for that and they won't you know I might say stuff a lot about people who fought so hard to be treated by equals I don't like it we get wiped off the planet and it was nice it was a good relationship I'm not gonna lies who has is a long time and when you found out news like that is kind of it shocks you a little bit I know I also explained it but oh no Olivia um I think they've added a bit too much value feel about certain thoughts of people maybe maybe don't but they may be just idea so I'm gonna touch upon the topics that Alex had made a video about me that's me welcome back now this is the thing that kind of confused because obviously Olivia touched on some topics about stuff I said based on the messages but then she blocked me so I'm starting to think maybe it didn't really learned so he used my video that I posted on set so he does an apology and sort of like like a reassurance video kind of well this one also has it an apology Olivia so I'm doing it twice now I'll keep on doing it really especially when you provoke me while blocking me so I'd been provoked when we got so angry and you know you know that fails um I said that I have nothing against bisexuality it's 100% okay which it is gain straight anyone is accepted in this like this world and there's no problem with it I just lashed out because I had crazy feelings for him and it hurt me to find out that he wasn't who he said he was I mean he was who he said he was he came out as bisexual it wasn't that he wasn't that before it wasn't that you lied it wasn't like oh and now for great for a beer I'm bisexual no he's not like it he's not like a Bond villain right he just told you how I was feeling so he's very easy for people to count and say don't have to mention you know people get like oh people get that happen to himself are so so maybe they don't want to come out and say especially when they get treated with it's not real I don't know what hit it oh no I didn't tell you straight away but I wasn't just my problem it wasn't just that wasn't the text messages it was the fact that you then decided to play this incredible charade of queerbaiting on your tip top where you pretend to kiss women to make it what seemed like oh well I can do it I mean I I am NOT one of these people but I can do it so stop gay upsetting me because I kissed a woman you know trying to play sexuality for like internet points oh man it makes me feel sick because of the fact that it's something that I've had to deal with something that other people loads of people walk across the world have to deal with and they don't get very nice responses you know I didn't say anything about who I was for a long time because of the fact that I had been bullied for the fact that we may have been a possibility in school and that's something there's a reality for loads of people so when you got not really real it's just one and that's why I original I tried to make a joke even here but now you've provoked me again and and now I have to deal with this if he's happy now then I'm happy that he's happy and I'm happy doing what I'm doing this screenshots didn't need to come out but they have in what said what's done has been my worst said has been sad and at the end of the day I can't go back and change why I said so I'm just gonna speak my mind and tell you guys how I really feel um you know it's it's heartbreaking it's find something you love isn't in citrus you know hey Olivia this is where like the phobia season because what you've basically said is hey and because of the fact that you're bisexual it means you don't just love me you love other men maybe well where it's men in it which it because if he was straight there you have a problem the fact that you may love other women because you just assume that he's into you it's the same for us ordinary people he hasn't gone hey love ya I love sure mendes shawn this is really attractive beautiful man that's just an example I like I thought I picked out that random no no he's gone oh you know I also am into men but I'm dating ye because I like you and I mean I'm in a relationship for you it doesn't mean he is actually going around kissing other guys so if it's struggling to come off a bit disingenuous it may be just because of a fact that now that really makes any sense but it could also be because of the fact that you put loads of ads on it so you kindly in on all that apology but it may also be to do with the fact that I got sent a video of you on Instagram before I made my video because obviously this is kind of a bit but I would situation is we go on for a month in a bit all over well why you said that you don't actually think you did anything wrong I'm not replying to messages then that's why I need to explain myself I'm innocent I've done something wrong oh well yeah you may this this this video saying you're sorry we'd see you haven't really actually so but then you've done that Instagram thing when you've gone there actually I was right lgt rise up and do you know what I can get behind this movement I really can and that's why I decided but the lgt community is gonna be the let's go team and I've seen the work that you my lgt community have been putting in recently and I saw that Olivia went live on tick-tock and she was greeted well I can only describe as a badge and I saw this lgt community and I thought there we go squad there we go that's the elf or lgt not firm loser that's it for this video hopefully that shows you that although you may block me and you may shun my movement I am here to stay and I am very much real if you guys have enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you need and if you want to be a part of the lgt community all you have to do is garish tag it but if you want to go the extra mile I dropped some new clothing recently internet sensation shop if you want to go pick it up I greatly appreciate that we could all rise up I could spot you in the street and I could go that's a fellow member but I want to say I greatly appreciate everybody just doing their thing and standing up for so many people whether you are or aren't bisexual or whatever it is stuff like this are actually generally portrays an ideology about people but it's just simply wrong bigoted and incredibly unfair and it's cool to see people challenge that so pick up Sheila I'll see you guys in the next one love you have a good day o-line now I'm gonna go make some ariana grande [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,290,522
Rating: 4.9655809 out of 5
Keywords: satire, olivia duffin, response, Apologie, im sorry, Apology, tik tok, ariana grande, singing, imallexx, drama, blocked, my response
Id: iDls-JxQCnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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