Olivia Dean "Dive" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Genius Verified

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I have no interest in immediate virality I just want to make music that lasts and that you can come back to you know like a good bowl of soup this song is just one of those honest songs it's really pure and from the heart and I think people like to fall in love you know even though they say they [Music] don't I was listening to Diana Ross I was listening to The Supremes I'm very like a Mot toown head you know I think I went through a phase of writing a lot of quite sad breakup music and I was like I want to write something light I was falling in love which is you know crazy but a nice feeling and um it's just really changed my mindset and I think I'm I'm happier because of it it isn't working I'm a TI wave of marks and you're just Ser leaning into me like it's an art I always want to make sure the first lyric I say is like poignant and has like something quirky about it and these lyrics are my favorite lyrics I've ever written I love the imagery of this person being like on this tsunami of certainty we are in love like this is the real thing I feel it and you feel it too and I'm like I don't know if I know what love is I don't know what it looks like anymore like I feel so jaded and that's sing it's so crazy like you just understand my feelings make me see I'm capable and F and feel it beauy tonight I'm ready to die capable is a funny one I think it is in that remembering when you've had your heart broken and it feels cliche but everybody knows it's like grief letting go of like a life you thought you were going to have with somebody else and you're like I'm never going to to feel like that again and then suddenly you are and you're capable of opening that little chunk you were holding back I met somebody who it just felt very easy with I can be capable I think I'm actually going to be okay maybe it's the Ling in your eyes I'm here see through maybe it's the Magic in the wi I Fe let this chorus I feel like sometimes people get the words wrong so setting the record straight Maybe it's the loving in your eyes and that is that thing where you're looking at somebody directly and you see that glaze of Love across their eyes and you're like whoa you love me wow that is crazy and then my response to that in the kind of backing vocal is like I'm here seethrough I'm completely transparent now and then the next line is like oh is it the Magic in the wine are we just drunk maybe it's the fact that every time I fall I lose it all but you got me from my head to my feet and I'm ready to die this is kind of the saddest bit of the song I think the reality part that is that voice in your head reminding you like if I actually give everything that I gave to this last situation I don't think I can survive again and I think people often hold a piece ofs back the more and more they sort of you know go through breakups and whatever and so it's scary but you got to do it you have to put everything in to get everything back cuz the water's warming nothing wrong is all right yeah I'm coming out and diving in tonight that I'm coming out is a little nod to Diana Ross as in I'm coming out her classic smashit song by this part of the song you've kind of decided that you're going to get into the water you're waste in you're like this is warm I quite like it I think I'm going to enjoy myself and swim out a little further I just wanted to keep this verse like short it's half the length then just like you know we're in diving into you diving into me want to swim good and I want to swim deep I'm diving into you diving into me want to swim good and I want to swim deep I love a bridge I I think I'm pretty like traditional in the way that I approach songwriting like I'm a sucker for verse pre Chorus Verse pre bridge and then we're out and I think a bridge should be kind of touching on a different thing that you haven't said already but should be a release and yeah I just love the imagery of like these two people you know diving into each other like I'm finding out more about you by this point you're finding out more about me and we're just like becoming one person in a way it's funny I'm always like oh this stuff so personal like why am I sharing all my personal business out for the whole world but people aren't thinking about me when they're listening to the music they're thinking about themselves and that person that they want to fall in love with but they're not sure and so it's an act of service it's like here you go take it and and go forward with that
Channel: Genius
Views: 25,490
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Keywords: olivia dean dive lyrics meaning, olivia dean dive verified, olivia dean verified, olivia dean genius, dive verified, olivia dean dive genius, genius verified olivia dean, genius verified dive, olivia dean dive lyrics, dive, olivia dean dive, olivia dean, genius, verified, genius verified, dive genius, olivia dean dive official lyrics, dive lyrics, dive lyrics verified, olivia dean dive lyrics meaning verified, olivia dean dive genius lyrics meaning verified, gbwc3p
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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