Oldies music playing in another room and it's raining (no thunders , fireplace) 1 HOUR ASMR v.21
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Channel: Nemo's Dreamscapes
Views: 730,040
Rating: 4.9701614 out of 5
Keywords: nemos dreamscapes, oldies music playing in another room and its raining, but its playing in another room and its raining, music playing from another room, music from another room genre, music from another room, but from another room, but its raining outside your apartment, rain and music relaxing, music while its raining, music different room, another room genre, from another room, another room, but its raining, oldies playing in another room and its, asmr, fire crackling, nemos
Id: GN1-0Txh5_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 38sec (5858 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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First song is melancholy me