Old woman lives alone in a forest village. All the neighbors went to town for the winter. Russia
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Channel: The Ulengovs
Views: 2,642,645
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Keywords: life in russia, life in russia 2023, life in russia now, real russia, russia, russian, village life, village, how people live, north, life in north, village cooking, village food, How people live in Russia, life in Russia, far from civilization, remote village, asmr, village people, primitive, ulengovs, russia today, kend heyati, Life in Russia, russians, уленговы, حياة القرية, remote, жизнь других, documentaries, Russian North, travel, travel blog, жизнь в деревне, the ulengovs
Id: 41qk-qhb_cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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