Old Top Gear - GMC Syclone
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Channel: William Rowan
Views: 1,254,953
Rating: 4.7884998 out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, Old Top Gear, GMC, GMC Syclone, 1992, Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson
Id: hL6SsL9EyTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2013
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I take serious issue with this video. Maple syrup on bacon is fucking divine.
The Syclone was my dreamcar back in the late 90s as a teenager. I've always liked small trucks. Drove my dad's Jimmy when I first got my license, and the first vehicle I bought myself was a basic S-10 pickup. From then until just a month or so ago have owned a S series pickup or Blazer the entire time.
Still have a soft spot for the SyTys. Unfortunately I didn't have the money to buy one when I wanted, and now the price is rising on them.
I helped my cousin sell his last year, it was also his dream truck but it turned into a nightmare when it came down to get parts for it. Even at the GMC dealer they were not able to locate them or even match something that would bolt on it from the S10 or Typhoon. Some components on the braking and electrical system are completely different from any other GM vehicles, most people en up just doing their own "custom" work on this trucks and it makes it hard to keep in top shape unless you are a builder. The good thing was that it held it's value and he pretty much got his money back after repairs.
The Syclone/Typhoon is on my short list of realistic dream cars. Already checked the Lightning off that list, but boy would this be a completely different experience.
Why doesn't GM turbocharge the current 4.3l to compete with Ford's Ecoboost V6? That 4.3l is legendary.
wow, this video really dated itself with slingshot style drag cars...
I don't remember a pickup version, I had the s-10 blazer version and that thing was insane.
I seriously love the S series in general. I'd love to get my hands on a Sy/Ty.