Old Style Chicken Dance Special in Honor of Daniel "Temartz" Sampson & Edith "Kamusni" Sampson
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Channel: Warhoopin Productions
Views: 561
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: chicken dance, special, native american dance, dancing, Treaty days 2014, pow wow, Daniel Sampson, Edith Sampson, Sampson Chicken dance special, White Swan, Pavillion, old style chicken dance, old style, Yakama style, Yakama Treaty Days pow wow, Elvis Sampson, Donald Sampson, Violet Olney, Marie Olney, Teddy Olney, Gary Olney, Audrey Olney, PeterJoe Olney, Norene Sampson, Sampson, Yakama Nation, Indian Nation, Eagle Spirit
Id: sSSkWNAXbmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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