Old School Homeboys

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we're off of plants water flats and uh here's where a few of the homeboys came and put their black tanks and some are old some are new there's Rolo across the mile I don't know why in my homeboy somebody didn't like him he wrote that in a real 1964 April as you say the same name is sinners that's one of the clicks that came out of flats sinners there's some more names down here Bobby Bobby The Pledge 1945 45. over terrano I don't know if it's still around but he grew up over here what we did just like a lot of other workers wrote their placas on this place they would come walking around through here you know hang around see this used to be like a a secret ground right here you know let's continue for nobody man it's right here see the thing about this place is nothing here there's no there's nobody here that can uh bother us you know like say in the neighborhood where there's a people people all around mother's yelling at you people trying to chase you away and you know the whole thing you know we should come over here and uh just let our minds go you know like us when uh some of the Me Myself and some of the homeboys used to sniff glue you should come over here and sniff glue and just trip off man they beat it they've been in outer space right here you know look down all the way down you know and you just just does something to your mind see how much imagination you have see what you can turn it into we should put a couple of nails on the railroad tracks and uh see it goes something like this right now there's no train coming right now the train was coming let's put it right here like that see come by and listen you know that thing is smash no no no no it would have been I would have put an only knife out of commission see that right there that's what it goes into people so then after we should go sharpen it up come out sharpening it up and then there used to be a knife to go around so hobo somebody they better get out of the way for it take care of you with my little knives because we're little kids at that time this is a big weapon for a little kid they think I'm Gonna Save this one see because going back to the Barrio now and uh we might run into control ones behind me is downtown Los Angeles and over here where City Hall's at there's where east alley starts coming this week as far as the eye can see that's all Barrios there's gonna be a million or more of people living here and the majority speak Spanish Chicanos Latinos have different kinds you know it's all kinds of arios there's live fans dog Town Alpine Macy Hicks Haze or cantaranas islos all it is is imaginary borders the chavalos have done when I was growing up here about 20 years back this was just one huge vario they used to call it the Tortilla Flats in the 50s when when the freeways came in they divided tavarios what happened is that the the guys themselves started getting the feeling that they were in a different vario now they call it cuatro flat thank you foreign
Channel: kideuce
Views: 1,373,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeboys, cuatro, flats, east, los, angeles, california, gang, gangs, gangster, gangsta, cholo, chicano, old, school, 1980s
Id: tVXiFaFcxmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2010
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