old picture slideshow2020

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this is all stolen bridge and it looks very less like it hadn't known days the only differences surrounding area has all been demolished all the tenants tournaments are away all the places where people used to work they're all going to stop where the two spires was used to be agreed by key yet the pay to get across the bridge no Brenda corner there was we are going walls that this thing 1296 or shuttle no no whatever up side of the bridge and not in front of buses washes a monument [Music] now they'll show you all the different angles with a bridge it shows the tournaments that used to be there that's a car something about getting dear [Music] this is looking towards cause her head see their buildings right left right hand side they're all going so grass they're new here we're looking down on the railway and the old bridge and Stevenson's bridge and here we are at the bought my King Street well it's changed here nice as Garvin's here on the corner one by Hugh Garvin Draper's this between the two buildings as as flight of steps and they were called the waverly steps probably because they were right next to the Waverly hotel I said yeah temperance place the drunken ear boys you were looking didn't King Street towards lilies there and this is the upper Craig's and this used to be a straight through to the Craig's roundabout but it's a cul-de-sac no so there is two way and it used to be one way [Music] now can a white belt on the corner used to be a Sivan spike that station right there on the right there you'll see the Douglas hotel I've got fire one time in the top half of that old missile here anymore you were looking down and Wall Street Rosalie's golly she was in India [Music] and that is the road to Philander not have been a new bridge put in yet what changes around here [Music] now Bolton is slowly to the day I sent her the eros Westfield's garbage they take a shop that hops to the second floor [Music] yeah well of grave importance this is a gray old store that another shot the Barton road but you could get anything in here what I had mungry and anything for the Walkman this used to be I don't know that's what L very much but it was no plenty for the new buildin the : exchange and he had loved the start of a tale that's had a few names start with the elder hogshead to to Baker Street and that used to be numerous used to get all your what were their you know Peters overalls and because airplanes and the such League they were looking further up but no no twist glowing is all bellhop no and there's a nice restaurant and they thought their Harriman's what's that that's going as well and today there is the entrance descent Miri's waned they will look and in Baker Street and all that on the rate has gone to and Ike its gardens that see anew a lot of pubs up this away now the Bruns pheasants Thurman it'll pause underneath it Nolan curd Street and the church at the India was sit Andrews that's it yeah all I demolished no it's just a grassy Bank yeah [Music] restful mothered abolishment I don't wanna I said down there [Music] Miriam cause her head now stop for a paint in the Wallace arms maybe fellas we got by T in your place [Music] because we hit station that Lane was closed for a long while enough a couple years of bike the reorder nests bulbs on the corner of course your head good no that's not right cause we had roundabouts this is one of the motorized drums [Music] here we have unfilled almost Ellen Albion at one time [Music] and as you can see there the one they always tough or she [Music] I've seen the baton celtech they up there [Music] Motoko in Japan as well this is a king's park and you see that diagonal raining going across here to gear to canvas barn the fever and walking one of the wars they try to plant stuff on it that's an old Fortson tractor there and here's so just off the war I think they must be heading towards the station probably come for the government stores I think that barracks down here this is princess Street and other new recruits I've been there marched off somewhere now pop on the corner there's had a few names as well this is a government stores and you can see they've got heartburn as well [Music] this is sterling station many moons ago [Music] and don't that be the old bus as though our hotel in here two of the Kenema flu Korea for cinemas and Stalin at one time was Lamar away now like that all the way that's a Queen's used to be called the vogue coast obvious reasons [Music] that's the picture house you being in a had many attained [Music] and this is the diesel this is a the bee's knees of cinema's there's a nice old both ma and Sade this is a buildin Dog Island Park cinema yesterday I've been go home sorry have no go up a chair the rampart Street will be across already enough [Music] that's all post office there as they're located in the Thistle Center and this is not such an old photograph but has changed here they've knocked a tree astern so the cameras could won't be able and this used to be a blacksmith shop at one time I think they make genin Nia do I saw in the pod Castle how I think let's pull me is Castle top picture of the others and the ruin used to play and they have many a team there is born picture where to get blowed up tall waste yesterday in the Barton see here and the county buildings on the right the oven you know it's certainly a Bolton's just below the church that's looking up King Street if we agree a [Music] nestled village again and he could see her the Bolton's it work along the side of the fourth year it's all gone here we have on campus Barton as a Bruce Memorial Church there and Alicia Padilla when you have to pace up earlier [Music] in that shop called Hendersons you have got ha a bottle it was sold from the Arabs of whiskey bottle of whiskey maybe an antique this is a quince tree and at the top on the left there was a skull the Queen's animals across I would love a via the bridge [Music] this is upper castle hell most the bones at the top are for that page shall are all gone and it's just been planted in the grass if you're up there be hard to imagine this where all these buildings were no other changes are former beta hope you've enjoyed the sweet slideshow you
Channel: Colin McGregor
Views: 677
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: old Stirling, Scotland, old pictures, Colin McGregor Stirling, old Stirling pictures, Stirling pictures, Stirling s history
Id: QGPzHNu8eK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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