Old MacDonald had a deformed farm... (FULL TRANSCRIPTION)

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foreign [Music] found a wife and made his life complete and KJ my life this year can be summed up in three words [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] and on this farm he had a short-term memory loss elephant e-i-e-i-o and on this farm he had a short-term memory loss elephants and on this farm he had a short-term memory loss e-i-e-i-o and on this form he had a short-term memory loss elephant e-i-e-i-o Old MacDonald Had A D foreign [Music] [Applause] yeah or his farm Save the Day [Music] okay now animals like us can be loved too animals can be loved hands from the zoo don't be don't be alarmed you can go to Old MacDonald's special Farms [Music] oh and on this farm he had an arachnophobic tarantula e-i-e-i-o with a yeah whatever monster [Music] ladies and gentlemen the 2013 International Convention over acting award goes to KJ mcaleesh Jurgens [Music] [Applause] wow this oh this is incredible I can't even describe what this this means to me I uh uh I I I'm usually not one to talk a lot in front of a microphone but uh I feel like I need to thank a few people for this award KJ mcalis Jurgens everyone [Applause] I'm keeping this old MacDonald had a deformed and on this farm he had an overly stimulated heavily caffeinated hopped up on Red Bulls hyperactive sloth e-i-e-i-o with a [Applause] here and up [Applause] there here up foreign [Applause] [Applause] all right old MacDonald had a deformed for me [Music] well you know in some way variety makes living life so Grand living life is also crutches [Music] [Music] old MacDonald had a tea foreign [Music] [Music] right now let's just let's just go now that we know your level [Applause] and on this farm he had an attention deficit disorder dog on Ritalin e-i-e-i-o oh hey it's a squirrel [Applause] look at that man hey buddy hey little furry friends he's a cutie pie he's just chilling oh hey guys we should focus let's just let's just focus in I'm in favor of focusing song correctly I love prioritizing and homework old MacDonald had a deformed foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jason Fieler
Views: 51,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbershop, a cappella, transcription, tag, barbershop harmony society, harmony, singing, love, music, old macdonalds farm, old macdonald, deformed farm, lunch break, contest, mic test
Id: 5kcAq8ygpdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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