OLD J.H. Williams Wrench Restoration

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guys were gonna try to resurrect this wrench from the dead come take a look and in the country that I know no money and what he used no he don't care what [Music] [Music] what's up guys today I'm gonna try to resurrect this old wrench a good buddy of mine Bruce Evans gave it to me he knows that I love a lot of old tools and stuff I pretty much like anything old so we are gonna see if we can't bring this bad boy back you guys take a look and that work might not we'll see alright the first thing I'm gonna try to do I'm gonna try to just get all the loose stuff off of here for the wire brush then I'm gonna blow it off the blower my looks a whole lot better just giving her breasts my teeth when I brush them to get that part done we'll move to the next step all right we've got the old Christy rusty blowed off plastic opinion to put it in so the thing that I read said you use one tablespoon of salt per cup of vinegar I don't know we're gonna find out so when I did a little Google ization it said that one cup of salt translates to one gallon so that's what we're gonna try I think what I'm gonna do is try to further this stuff up first may not be necessary I don't know I've never tried to clean the wrench before so we'll fix that finding we'll learn this together yes some of you guys out there probably laughing y'all got a better more effective way to do it this is kind of a trial on their thumb every time I smell vinegar I think of Easter eggs don't put the salt in here stirred around like some kind of cooking stuff all right I've got some more vinegar in case that ain't enough and we'll see what this is gonna do put it in and then of course it only covers about - let me get them out of the gallon let's got it covered I was about another three quarters of a gallon alright guys well let's see what happens in 24 hours and hopefully it will eat some of the gooey gooey off of this boy hey there's my bucket and we've had it in here for about 26 hours so far as you say it does have a good bit of russets come off of it it's still not where I want it so I think what I'm doing I'm gonna take it out of here and maybe trying to brush it off and we'll put it back in there for another 24 maybe so we'll go over here and brush it off see the other side all right I gotta know what here on the all right as you can see it does look a lot better all off the camera I'm gonna pick this up or not but she's starting to show a little color down here and here so there's hope I think we're gonna soak another at least 24 hours would go good with that so we'll just see what happens yeah we're back over here to vinegar and salt solution a little bit at all you can see it's it's working it's just a slow go oh yeah oh oh you guys can see that or not but it's starting to show some color back through [Music] and I don't have to be in a super hurry for it so we're gonna see what happens so let's give it another 24 hours and we'll check it again all right guys let's take a look and see what happens this is after another 24 hour soap you can see the color has really come out in it and the rest is just pretty much just wiping off of it so I'm real pleased with that I was talking abou savings today and he does a lot of knife work and stuff I know you guys have seen the videos and we talked about it but anyway he was saying to neutralize the vinegar and stuff to use Windex so my plans are trying to wipe all of it our can off and I'm going to spray it down with Windex man it looks way way way better she can see it's pretty much taking all the rest off of it like I thought this thing was gonna be unsalvageable but I am really pleased with the way it looks look two thousand times better than did all right think you can use baking soda and water baking soda we did I have to warm it right away to my braces sleep you know knows a lot of stuff about metal no gather over here the old parts washer just got mineral spirits in it I'm going to do is rinse it off a little bit of a pan just leave it in here I'm trying to free the three heads on it my way you can see like there's pretty doggone clean but I'm gonna let this thing sit down in the bottom of this porch washer in this solution and see what happens really maybe we break it free Hardy beneath so what it is today's Friday so I'm going to leave it up with a weekend in there and I'll come back Monday and we'll see this thing's been something here all weekend today's Monday and we're gonna try to see if we can't get it to move today it looks see what'll happen thanks Rosa pretty good simply can't bust your leash all right a Cal it'll paint there P us on it see what happens my work better he's gonna slide here too I might just have to let it sit and think about it a little while all right I got the whole thing sprayed down with wd-40 also little pecker action pick your action good pull I did some pecker on it definitely oh you're back I'm working all the way back one way to the other dude well I'm very pleased for the way old crusty rusty turned out and end up getting it broke loose as you can see where it was here and here it was stuck and we got to run down I'm going to back it out and I stripped the three of them but anyway it's still a super awesome cool gonna be a wall hanger that's what I reasonably got it for anyway so I'm really pleased with the way it turned out and if you can come in real close you guys gonna see here it says JH Road special JH Williams and company warrantied made in the USA and it's got a WB mark here on the handle but I'm really pleased with the way this thing turned out and at the end of this video I plan on putting a side-by-side comparison of a tooth that way you can see where it started and where it goes or where it ended up so anyway I plan on putting that bad boy right up there above my sign and that's where she'll live for as long as we have the old shop but I'm real pleased with it so the vinegar and salt trick definitely worked anyway you guys have a great one try a cool project like this let me know how it turned up for you as always guys if you liked it hit that thumbs up button and subscribe down here we'll blow and we'll catch you [Music]
Channel: Koon Trucking
Views: 677,119
Rating: 4.1719427 out of 5
Keywords: J H Williams, snap on, old wrench, rust removal on tools, restoration tool, tool restoration, rusty, vinegar and salt restoration, vinegar rust removal, how to remove rust, how to remove rust from tools, tool savior, clean rusted tool, clean off rust, wrench, rusted tool, restoration, tool, tools, snap on toolbox, shop tour, ford, chevrolet, dodge, cummins, duramax, 5.9, 7.3, 6.7, 350, 454, 500, powerstroke, snap-on
Id: 2RLPoCNa2cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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