Old Goodman Heat Pump keeps on running

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all right we're up here uh at the house of the guy that owns the race team we sponsor and uh boy his Goodman looks bad so I don't know which one it is I can't remember I've been coming up here every year and charging one of them so it leaks and we just been filling it up and letting it go trying to get out of having to replace it which we will eventually do there's the race shop down there where some of the monsters are created you can see our big five ton unit there on the corner of the building some of you may have seen us work on that one a time or two let's figure out which unit it is and gash them up and get them going we'll kick this can down the road as long as we can and eventually replace it when we have to so it's this uh bonus room area up here small unit I'm kind of bedroom now was a work area hmm this ain't gonna be no fun to replace storage looks like Christmas decorations it's typical so if the leak is in the air handler over there we uh not going to have any fun getting to it anyway we're not going to really chase this leak in a Goodman we're just going to gas it up and keep going oh Lord looks like it's on but not working so we may have a different problem here sure do so that means I got to get in there all right we're in here that's the main system out here running this is our little heat pump here that's not running I don't see any water in the pan yes I do see water in the pan boy I don't know if it's full and got it off or not good Lord what kind of Madness is that look there's a tankless water heater in the Attic and a nice test gauge that with me I can't tell if it's full but that might be why it's off I'm gonna have to clear some stuff out here all right I'm over here so I don't know if float switch has it off or what but uh there's not a lot of water up on that end let's take it Loose just long enough to see that's what has it off well you sure don't want to forget that yep it came on look at that nice penetration uh voltage are only a 10-2 so I guess it's a 5kw looks like we got a dry Corner up there so this platform is way out of level either way we got to get this water out to make this thing stay running tell you don't you get the nicest people that install Goodman's rats nest there all right it's running and it's actually pulling Heat we're going to put our gauges on it and see and I'm sure that one dripping right there is likely that top floor that that just ran a cycle so hopefully they come down separately and we can try to flush the other drain for this one every now and then you see them teed together into one bigger pipe and I hate that no there they are they're separate so look at that no doubt there's some drain issues here just throw gauges on this thing before it has the opportunity to freeze in case that's what's going on yeah it hasn't leaked that bad and I kind of overstuffed it last year a little bit but it is low we're down on 3.3 3.4 for sub cooling let's look at our super heat super Heat's a little high as well I don't know if that's enough to have made it freeze up or not so I think we probably got drain issues but I'm going to top this off with the Dodge jug we put new s man's and all of our service trucks anyway and this is a designated die um set there we sort of generated them down let's get the Dodge jug out and I'll tell you what we have heard all kind of silly ideas about what we're doing here with this dodge jug a couple of them have even said that it's illegal so apparently they were assuming I was using recovered refrigerant and you know that's what that's what I'm filling this with but that's not the case it's a brand new jug nothing was ever in it we evacuated it drew some dye into it there's a video on it and uh you know what I forgot to purge that hose and that's going to put quite a bit of oxygen in this system so let's not open that yet let's Purge it there we go now we can open it it just depends on where we're at and where everything is set is to sometimes I like to use the valve on the tank and sometimes I like to turn this off and on but uh that might even be a mood for the day thing so we're going to get this topped off get that super heat down and get that sub cooling up then we'll look at the drain situation and yes I'm gonna add it kind of slow I'm going to watch the sub cooling come up and this being a leaking machine and it being summertime the beginning of Summer and nowhere near winter we're not in danger of uh High limits on the head pressure side so I'll probably stuff this thing full again this year like I did last year and uh we'll probably throw this up to nine or ten something like that and we'll watch the super heat and get it down but I'll tell you that had a valve on it I saw it external added valve on the Goodman machine up there so it's not a piston and our high suction pressure right now I'm quite sure is due to the fact that it's really hot up there and that may give us a little bit high of the super heat reading as well but we're just gonna judge by experience here I'm not going to do a scientific charge on a machine that is leaking that is just beyond stupid to me to sit there and really nitpick the exact charge on a machine that's going to change minute by minute second by second I mean it is leaking as slow as it's leaking it is leaking so for all the armchair Warriors that are going to start letting it rip in the comments section congratulations man I'm really happy about you being a better Tech than I am so be sure you go ahead and state that just say I would have done this I would have done that just go ahead and say hey I'm a better Tech than you that way you might feel better about it all right we're climbing slowly on sub cooling we're getting our super heat down pretty quick so let's keep going here and see how we feel about it on a day like today it's pretty hot I will also consider this head pressure as a good a good reference point of getting a full charge on it so we'll take a look at the temperature outside right quick while we're slowly putting some in all right I'm gonna let that thing eat for a minute let's go over here and look at these drains now you don't ever want to stick your fingers and hand up in that in the blind I'll tell you that I did that one time and it was one time too many when I did and I learned my lesson stuck my hand in there and there was some wasp up in there with a little nest and he stung me real good so you always take a look first with your camera or mirror or something but I think this front one here that was Dripping before we turned it on I think that is that main floor and I think this is the one that uh we would be looking at almost got a drop of water there so let's just vacuum both of them out thing is there's pipes that have been broken off of these fittings so gonna have to do something a little different here to vacuum actually in it everything boy look at that garbage I mean that was nasty we pulled the worst of it out and there it is I mean it really came out ugly and brown [Music] so I might have missed that with the camera being up there where it was let's try the one that we're working on today [Music] and it's really plugged there's nothing moving out of it something came out [Music] thank you [Music] perfect that one's bad there so I think we better do a flush on it [Music] [Applause] although it's flushing itself pretty well right now we might be all right that much clean water coming out of there doing pretty good it's too bad we it's that first money shot on this one there's some of the garbage down there but boy it was nasty when it came out and it still is what we better do is take some some diluted coil cleaner and a gallon jug and go up there and pull those caps off and pour it in the traps and pour these lines full and uh come down here and make sure that's flowing that back one's flowing well now so we did a lot right there check on our charge while we're doing this where you see a snake foreign oh yeah look at him sticking his head up he got his head up he's ready to strike look at him he's having a bad day I think he's stuck he's got his tail stuck on them walls he got him with the old people's Grabbers well you didn't get him by his head you got him by his tail put him in the dumpster put him in the dumpster what you running for [Music] don't run let him get over there there's a lake down there you take them down there dang he must been chasing a rat or something he's gonna run boy he's mad he didn't appreciate you getting him with him where you at buddy there he goes he's gone he's gone he's hidden boy you can't see him good oh well all right now before you uh armchair text with your superiority complexes start with the comments on this no I don't normally go in people's kitchens and fill up my jugs and just make myself at home and do what I want to do that's not normal protocol however these are friends of mine and I'm quite sure that I'm welcome to make myself at home here so I've got about the right dilution that I want on that um I probably had three quarters of an inch of foam bright in the bottom of that and I've got some water in here and I'm going to use this to flush these drain lines so you can go right ahead and tell me how bad I am and how great you are as for professionalism service techism whatever it is you want to talk about go right ahead and I just want you to know I'm every bit as proud of you as you are of yourself I'm a little more concerned with how I'm going to get to that one that one I can at least see but we're going to pour these traps full some of this outside and vacuum one more time and put that float switch back in and hope we're okay all right that one not so worried about that one's on negative pressure it's a heat pump this one over on the other side once we get over there is uh gas unit with a case coil but we'll probably have to flip it off in order to pour this in it look at those wires a whole pack of them I guess their wires were short and wouldn't make it in the furnace it's a shame we got to get this water out of here and get this float switch back in place all right let's see some suds so I was wrong the other one the uh main unit for the bottom that main floor unit does not have a a cap and a clean out whatever you want to call it above the Trap so I'm not going to cut into it there was no problem with it I'm gonna rely on the fact that we flushed it to be good enough [Music] well we're getting some more dirt out too pouring that thing full was a good idea foreign [Music] let's finish getting satisfied with the charge on this and get out of here okay our superheat and suction pressure look really good they're coming around it's starting to cool up top too um not quite 300 pounds of head pressure and right at Six Degrees of sub cooling uh I'm not real enthusiastic about a sub cooling reading here as bad a shape as this coil is in but I'm gonna get this head pressure up a little bit more and tell you another thing I'm going to do is I'm going to stop wasting our diet jug as much I'm gonna get the regular uh 410 jug out here so uh not long ago there was a comment from somebody about the Dodge jug situation so anyway the the guy commented that uh he thought it was a good idea but he pointed out that you know using a lot of charge out of the Dodge jug might be really putting more in it than we need so it was actually right um even though I tried to study the dye packs and read the you know what tonnages and all they're kind of for a range one and a half through five tons one tube per system I mean come on that's a pretty wide scope there for sizing and for volume so I think I put two of those tubes Into The Jug and put about 15 pounds of refrigerant in The Jug so it's kind of trying to lay somewhere in the three to four ton popularity range and uh nonetheless this is a small it's either a two or one and a half ton I can't remember which I think it's a two ton but anyway I felt like had enough dye in it definitely put a couple of pounds out of that jug in here so that's why I chose to go ahead and unhook that and hook up the the straight jug so now our sub cooling is up around 10 where over 300 head pressure where over 300 head pressure it is about 85 degrees out here today I think we're close enough on our charge as far as a leaking system goes so I'm gonna Purge that liquid out of that line there then go ahead and disconnect and leave this as we are so let's go do one more thing that I bet some of you guys are thinking I'm going to forget I was right I bet a bunch of you thought I was going to forget this [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] okay I believe we're all right here and now so let's get some disclaimers out here um no I'm not going to do anything further no I'm not going to be as good as you are no I don't care that you are a superior Tech and I'm not and if you are superior as far as being a service tech like a lot of you like to say you are I do want to offer you congratulations and I'm happy for you but these junky old Goodmans getting drug along and kick the can down the dirt road a little bit further is uh only worth a certain amount of effort and what you just saw is all they're getting this year we'll probably replace these especially if anything major happen to one of them this one I can see going away pretty soon so while we're all the way up here let's stop down by the race shop and just make sure that unit's running well before we leave all right I have no idea if anybody's here or not this is the totally cool um mini split that we put on the trailer here and I just didn't trust these brackets as far as Towing them down the road goes so they put these straps over it and when we're Towing down the road we don't want to spend that fan to death so we put that cover over the front grille and then the only thing we have to do is be sure not to forget to take this cover loose when we get to the track and Crank It Up here's the cord we use this runs off a generator it is a 240 volt and as you can see the head unit is right inside there and we just cut a hole through the bottom here and brought our drain along with the line set um we did go the long way around to get to try to get 10 to 12 foot minimum of line just to kind of keep the noise down these things when you get under 10 feet of line set they tend to get noisy um I forget the btu here whether we put a two might even put a two and a half ton might even put a um thirty thousand I can't remember I don't know if it's locked or not yeah probably nobody here so we can't look at the head unit but what we did is we made a a tall aluminum plate that goes from the ceiling to the floor and then a little bit of an L on the bottom so it's bolted to the floor to a couple of these frame rails you can't see it now because we have this on there but um so these bolts are not just through this you know cheap trailer stuff because it's pretty flimsy and there's a plate inside and these bolts go through actual frames and through the plate so we did a pretty good job on it they've traveled quite a bit and it stays there um see if we can see the tag on it yeah it's a 24. so the communication wire and the lines so uh like I say it does a very good job for them they say it'll make a refrigerator out of that entire thing I'm not sure if this thing is on or not I just thought I would stop down here I don't get up here very often and it is not on so let's just make sure they don't have it on inside if we can get in there was a another truck down here earlier that's gone now so it might be locked out well that's not the fastest one they have it's not the late model but it is quite a race car number nine there's our logo I don't know if we put the train logo on it or not I know they didn't give me any money this time so that's probably why we didn't put it on there but they have a couple of other cars I'm gonna guess one of them is probably inside the trailer because they're probably going to race tonight it's Saturday so I'm gonna imagine they're going somewhere so yeah nobody's here but that's our unit up there the inside unit there's been some other videos of it in other videos of working on the old one that was here prior to us putting that one in I think it's just a simple S8 furnace 80 percent and I believe it's a five ton we did not do that duct work it was all here and I think what we did was just added this leg here and another leg like that over there and left all that that they already had [Music] um but it works very well they're very happy with it and for whatever reason it's not on today all right I think we got them patched up and doing good [Music] so we're gonna get out of here this is going to be the new shop they do concrete by the way so those are the uh power trowel things they use so this will be the new shelf we'll put a this is all spray foamed so it's probably only going to get 10 tons on the end down there to be a gas pack and it'll it'll go in sometime soon I'm sure they do so much concrete for these other big jobs they don't have time to concrete their own floor but this is a nice shop they've built and this will be the new Race Shop there'll be a couple of lifts back there and some other stuff here all right let's hit the road thanks for watching
Channel: Anti DIY HVAC
Views: 14,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zyp8fzo8EGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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