Old Fashioned Chocolate Cream Pie in Appalachia

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we all have wonderful memories of comfort foods you know when you think of things that you ate when you were a child growing up those kind of things those comfort food foods that that take you back to a time and a place where you felt secure and comforted and safe all those it's like when i get sick i want chocolate milk because granny always gave me chocolate milk cornbread and beans because i grew up with that that's just like a really comforting meal i've heard a lot of people say that macaroni and cheese is a comforting meal to them so there's all those various different things and of course different things for different people so some people you know some other type of food might be their comfort food but even desserts i think of as comfort foods cobblers like peach cobbler blackberry cobbler those kind of things they seem so comforting to me and another one of those desserts that does that the same way or cream pies especially chocolate and butterscotch those are the two that always come to mind i really love them and they really remind me of growing up at grannies and and just eating anywhere i would go to eat in appalachia that might be a common thing that was on the potluck table or at someone's house that they had a cream pie maybe it was coconut maybe it wasn't chocolate or or butterscotch but anyway just like a comfort food those pies like that uh kind of the same as apple pie and blueberry pies those kind of fruit kind of things like the cobblers but when i was growing up and granny first let me start trying to cook i always wanted to cook and one of the first things i tried to learn how to make was like those kind of pies and i would make butterscotch and i would make chocolate and sometimes they turned out good and sometimes they would run all over the pie plate when you cut a piece you know but i still they were still good and we still ate them but as i you know as time went on and i was a better cook i did better but several years ago one of my cousins was at my granny gazzie's house and i don't know what she was doing but she found a recipe from our our both of our aunt faye aunt faye was one of granny's oldest sisters and she was like a she was almost like a second uh grandmother to me to all of us because her and woodrow her husband they lived near granny gassy and as granny gazi got older they always went back there to check on her so most of the time if you went to visit granny gassy they were there too sometimes they slept there even even though they had a house they had a bedroom there at granny gassy's just to make sure that she was okay so so many of my memories are are tied to aunt faye and uncle woodrow along with granny gassy it was like they come in a threesome you know which was really wonderful to for all of us kids and wonderful that they could be there to support granny gassy like that as she got older anyway so she found a recipe that was written uh handwritten by faye and she sent thought i might like it and she sent it to me i scanned it and sent it to me and it was for chocolate cream pie so i made it and it was wonderful and i didn't have to worry about it sliding all over the pan or anything and so ever since then that's the pie that's my go-to cream pie that i that we really enjoy and i've blogged about it over the years on the blind pig and the acorn and i think other people really enjoy it too so i'm going to show you how to make it today but a little bit about faye though i could really just sum her up in one little um one little sentence that pap used faye rogers was a mighty fine woman that was what he said about her that that's just she was all around good good person just just like a motherly type to all of us kids but just a really good person helping in the community doing all those things but she was also a tremendously good cook and she died when i was in high school maybe i just graduated from high school actually i believe i had but i had not met matt yet so i was young i had not met him i think i was about 21 when i met matt so it was prior to that between that and high school of course i could look up and tell you the exact date but off the top of my head i can't remember but what i do remember was she died suddenly nobody expected it she wasn't sick and just that week before that she died granny wanted to go you typically when we went to granny gazis she lived out in rangers on 64 and we would only go on sundays to eat sunday dinner that's most of the time that we went but for some reason granny wanted to go during the week to see granny gazzie to do something to take or something i'm not sure and she wanted me to go with her and i didn't really want to go i was you know i was had other things to do i was you know whatever was going on in my teenage life or my early 20s life i didn't want to go with granny but she just kept on and on and on until i gave in and went with her and thought i'll just go and get this over with i don't want to go of course at this point in time i wish i'd spent way more time at granny gasses than i did but you can't go back in time you know anyway so we we went and i was just sitting in the living room while they talked and faye at that time she was there as usual and at that time they had this little tv circular thing that come out and just free pick up i can't wish i could remember the name of it people that live in my area probably can remember it it was kind of made out of newspaper material but it was just you know just a little book like a tv guide but not the tv guide it was more of a local thing anyway she she brought it in there to me and said i want to show you this little poem that i found in here sometimes they would have things like that in it so she read she showed me the poem and it was a nice poem it was about fall of the year about trees and i read it and said that's really nice saint faye you know thank you for sharing it with me and she said well i think you should cut it out and take it home with you so i did i cut it out and took it home with me you know never realizing that just you know basically a week later that she'd be gone so that's just one of my sweet memories of her but she was a really good cook and although my cousin sent me this recipe there's so many recipes in granny's books and then her handwritten stuff and at the top of it will say phase phase this or phase that so granny learned a lot of cooking from her too a lot of recipes so she was a really along with being a mighty fine person like pap said she was also a mighty fine cook so now i'm going to show you how to make fae's chocolate cream pie so first i'm going to go over the ingredients with you and i love it because it's still in her this was like a scan so it looks like kind of like a photo now this is still the where the my cousin had sent it to me and i printed it out all those years ago and i just have this stuck in one of my cookbooks but it's in her handwriting so it's chocolate cream pie one cup sugar three tablespoons sifted flour three tablespoons cornstarch one third cup of cocoa three cups of milk a pinch of salt one teaspoon vanilla two egg yolks beaten and you'll want to save your egg whites for the meringue uh you mix sugar flour cornstarch salt and cocoa on top of a double boiler that's what she said to do i don't have a double boiler so i've never done that so i just do it in a sauce pot add beaten eggs and milk slowly add vanilla and cook until thickened remove from heat and beat well this makes the filling light and fluffy pour into 9 inch baked pie shell topped with meringue and brown so that was her directions now sometimes i do in the beginning i always did i beat the chocolate afterwards and i'm going to do that today for you i don't always do that if i'm in a hurry but i do think it makes it light and fluffy and i think that's something maybe that fay come up with on her own granny would tell me that about some of her recipes she would say faye done that because she thought this made it better or that made it better makes me wish so much i could talk to faye today and ask her a lot of questions about her recipes that granny had over the years but of course i can't i'm using i made you see corey behind me she's also making something today so she's in the kitchen trying to prepare but i just made my own pie crust you can use store bought you i'm sure you probably have a good recipe i'll share i'll put in the description below i'll put a link to the ones that i make my recipe that i use it's not my recipe one i found online and i've been using it ever since so i'll put a link to that and just a word about the meringue so that's only two egg whites that you're using so what i've found over the years if you're not picky about how things looks you'll be fine with that but if you are picky and you want it to be those big fluffy looking meringue you'll need to add more egg whites than that that's just not enough egg whites to totally cover the the pie and those big fluffy things fluffy um always reminds me of waves of the ocean like and there's all kinds of videos out there on how to make the perfect meringue so if you want if you're interested in those big big peaks and big waves then you can definitely find a recipe or a video online showing you how to do that but now we're going to put it all together so now i'm going to mix my sugar flour and cornstarch a little pinch of salt and the cocoa now i'm going to start adding the milk go ahead and add the eggs so i'm going to add the rest of the milk and i'm going to add the vanilla and we're going to let it cook until it gets thick so it's beginning to thicken up we're getting there so you can see it's got really thick now so now we're ready to remove it from the heat so now according to aunt phase directions i'm gonna beat the chocolate pudding before i put it chocolate cream pie filling before i put it in there but at the same time i'm gonna go ahead and start my big mixer start whipping my meringue so the theory behind beating the chocolate according to aunt faye was that it made it light and fluffy she says just change the texture i have made this lots of times though and not actually done the beaten step and it's still really good so if you don't want to do that part don't have to so now we've got it all in our pie shell we're going to finish with the meringue we're almost done make sure to get all the chocolate out i've made a mess so now once our meringue is done we'll put add the meringue and be ready to brown it and then let it chill before we eat it so now if you've never made meringue before it's just egg whites beaten with sugar you can add a little cream of tartar if you want to and then you just put it on top of the pie and brown it some people call it calf slobbers which is funny i think but i've heard it called that and like i said at the beginning of the video there's all sorts of uh instructional videos that will show you how to make a beautiful meringue i don't really i'm the kind of cook that i worry about how it tastes but i don't especially care about how it looks so mine's not always the the prettiest and for sure is not the the big wavy peaks that you'll see also again the two egg whites really doesn't make enough to do it justice so you'll need to if you if you're really picky about it being prettier you'll need to add some some extra egg whites i added two extra egg whites to this we're lucky that we have chicken so we have plenty of plenty of eggs so i don't have to worry about that but but i have made the pie and just used the two egg whites and it will cover it it just is not as it's thick and luscious once you get it all on there one really simple way to kind of get some of those little peaks is to put your whatever you're spreading it with down and then kind of pull it back up and you'll get a few of those little peaky looking places that are really pretty and they kind of brown before the rest of it now when you put it in the oven to brown it you can do it on broil or 450 something like that but it's one of those things that you really have to watch because it can instantly burn on you and i've done that before and it's no fun when you burn your meringue i think that looks pretty good now we're gonna brown it in the oven i'm gonna get a little towel corey's trying to help me you know so i just got the pie out of the oven you can see how pretty the meringue looks once it's browned i'm going to put it in the refrigerator and let it chill and then when we cut it we'll show you what it looks like so our chocolate pie has been in the fridge for a couple of hours now and we're going to cut it see how it turns out so pretty i don't know i don't like that one get my big knife first piece of pie is always the hardest to get out looks delicious though so you can see it sets up really firm and nice the meringue looks good my crust could have been prettier but i think it'll taste good so let's see what it tastes like so good really a comfort food i think aunt faye would be really pleased to know that i'm still making her recipe all these years later i think that would make her smile it certainly makes me smile so i hope if you try ain't face chocolate cream pie that you'll like it as much as we do and as always i hope you'll continue to drop back by and help us celebrate appalachia which includes so many food ways that have been handed down through the generations like ain't faced chocolate cream pie
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 21,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate Cream Pie Recipe, How to make a homemade chocolate cream pie, Old fashioned chocolate cream pie recipe, Chocolate cream pie with cocoa powder, traditional chocolate cream pie, grandma's old fashioned chocolate pie, best chocolate pie, chocolate pie with meringue, cream pies, best cream pies, Appalachia, Appalachian Mountains, Old Recipes, Appalachian Foodways
Id: o3ICs3X61uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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