Oil Removal From 100+ Year Old Gunstock

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i'm just going to make a quick video here about uh removing oil from a stock now i know people who get military surplus rifles have cosmoline in their stock and this is actually a sporting rifle mauser and what's happened is it's over 100 years old and basically a hundred years of cleaning from the chamber to the muzzle end you've got gun oil and everything else that's just gotten into the wood from when this pet when the cleaning rod and wet patch passes over this area and so um what's happened is it's it's um it's soaked into the wood the wood has held that oil and when the gun gets hotter if it's shooting on a hot day it starts releasing all that built up oil and in fact there's a chip out in this rifle i'm not going to move the stock right now but i think that's actually a result of you know the stock absorbing the oil and what's happened then is the wood is expanded and so then then there's a pressure spot against the metal and when recoil happens and everything else that now this little chip out area that was part of the wood that you know is stopping the recoil and what really should be stopping the recoil is the you know the recoil lug section there and so um yeah i think that's the whole reason this chipped out is basically you know the wood uh took in the oil and then uh expanded and through the course of firing this there was a chip out eventually it's a small chip out but uh yeah so i've got a heater you want to be careful not to get this too hot because you don't want to actually burn the oil but what i'm doing is i'm heating it up expect getting the wood to come to the surf excuse me getting the oil to come to the surface of the wood and then i'm using this stuff i'll show you here in a second so i'm using this brownells whiting stuff it's pretty good i can't remember the full chemical formula but it's a long used gunsmithing component i guess you'd say or let's see here element compound i can't remember the chemistry term for these things but it's calcium carbonate and you mix this up with uh brownells recommends this stuff tce cleaner degreaser you mix that into like a pancake batter style and basically once i bring that oil up to the top of the wood i apply this i let it dry that takes the oil out puts it into this stuff this gets a little bit brownish looking and then i brush it off you don't want to breathe this stuff in it um it's not good to breathe in so make sure you do it in a well ventilated area and you're upwind from where you're brushing i think this stuff too is not particularly good to breathe in so you want to be well ventilated area like always but uh yeah i'm just doing rounds of this and slowly getting the oil out of there so hopefully it will uh hopefully be a nice and good gun stock again so yeah just made a quick video
Channel: Tristan Euritt
Views: 28,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: icUpZw-KQDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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