Oil Painting Modern Loose Style - Artist Jose Trujillo

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yeah here we go what's up everybody this is Jose trillo world's greatest sing artist let's do this baby who's with me let's do this I'm about to do a painting going be on a 9x 12 9x 12 in canvas stretch canvas and a 9x 12 let's do this those of you who are ready to do this do this those of you who are not I am so sorry for you that you're not ready to to do this the sound you hear on the background it's uh it's my my uh what do they call my cooler I live I I I live I yeah pretty much now I work in a in a uh large Warehouse it's over 3,000 ft Warehouse uh a little over 3,000 ft and uh and so I I have the cooler on because it was hot today you know that's that's the thing about warehouses it's hot when it's hot it's cold when it's cold you can really heal it so it's been a little bit hot all right hot hot hot yeah baby it's been hot all right so here we go let's start this I'm going to start a little painting right here happy little trees and let's do this so here's uh one of the things that I like to do is is check it out it's going to be a little base with flowers but one of the things that I like to do is sort of just you know draw this thing right here but you know you want to take your time with it a lot a lot of people are very sloppy with it just just because it's loose loose doesn't mean sloppy okay I just want to make that clear a lot of people think that oh my God Jose paint's so loose loose does not mean sloppy loose means that you are loose but it does not mean sloppy it could also mean fast but fast doesn't mean sloppy either I also some people think that they see me painting very fast and they're like oh he's being so sloppy with it I'm not being sloppy I promise you please believe me so I know there's some artists out there who are like man I need to paint loose and then they start doing the whole like the whole loose thing but they do it really sloppy uh I mean do whatever you want I'm not going to tell you how to do it but the saying lose does not mean sloppy cuz it's when when you're painting sloppy there's a you're thinking too much when you're painting very careful you're also thinking too much very careful and very sloppy it's to me it's the same thing very careful and painting like extremely sloppy or extremely careful it's it's it to me it's it's like one and the same you know you want you want to get yourself into a position where you're painting uh but you're not worried about time that's very tricky to do guys okay I'm not going to lie to you it's very very tricky to do uh it usually means if if if you're trying to paint sloppy it usually means you're thinking a lot and so you when you think a lot you have the idea of time in your head all right guys sorry about that how's it going Richard what's up what's up catfish 07 yeah Lo BR yeah what's up everybody what's up what's up maral bit Mar B Mar bit so I was as I was telling you guys uh you want to get yourself in a position where you're not where you don't feel like youi uh this whole idea of time is a killer guys I'm telling you okay I'm not not even joke not even joking with you uh if you have this idea that time is is sucking the life out of you you are probably in a position where you are not you're not painting um you're not fully painting yet okay anyone I'll tell you this anyone who's painting uh desperately painting if you are desperately painting if you're not painting hly you can be loose but you have to be calm guys you have to be calm okay it's not does not mean you can be fast but you have to be calm fast and calm is a very very difficult thing to to here let's do this right here there we go fast and calm is a very difficult thing to to accomplish my God this person keeps bothering me I swear this uh some crazy lady bought some uh artwork for me at some point but oh my God she was like you know you know those trouble like those like those trouble people man like I like to stay miles away from that person anyways that was my rant yes every now and then hopefully never but every now and then there's that person that's like oh my God like what do you want it's not that they it's not that they want attention it's that they it's that they want all of you right yeah uh so anyways let me get back to my to my thing that I'm talking about here look guys if if you an artist and you're having a hard time because maybe you're like oh my God oh my God I'm painting and the painting is not coming out and you're a little bit a little bit desperate or whatever you you probably are fighting with time okay you're probably fighting with the idea of time what you need to do is is paint calmly guys doesn't matter that you're painting that you're painting uh loose or abstract paint calmly look at what I'm doing right here look calmly calmly it's not it's not going to benefit you to try to paint loose see I'm saying this CU a lot of people that that that that try to paint kind of like the deal that I'm doing here they they think oh this this cat's just painting really sloppy so all I got to do is paint sloppy I mean go for it I I don't know if if I don't know if people are going to want to pay you for that but go for it um sloppy is not the same as lose guys okay I just want to say that and and fast painting fast does not mean uh sloppy either you can be you can be fast but you you will not get Speed without first getting um getting be being slow first slow calmly not slow as in as in like taking all your time but calmly calmly look as Eric Cartman would say look hly baby see you paint calmly you get the you you get the keys of of the the kingdom when you paint calmly the Keys of the Kingdom is to paint calmly look there's no rush who's rushing you why are they rushing you why are you allowing people to rush you there's no rush look check it out look FR right here and I get it there's those moments that we're like oh my God oh my God oh my God I can't do it I I don't have time but man like it's better to it's better to feel that you got all the time in the world guys you have to you have you have to put yourself in that position it's not it's not easy it is not easy but it's simple all you really have to do is paint without the idea that you're going to do anything with a painting you're going to go try to sell it or you're going to do anything nope you're just painting look the paint the painting comes out by itself it doesn't really require you if you're doing it calmly it doesn't really require you the painting doesn't really need much of you it's magical like that it's it's when you're trying to hurry that all kinds of wrong start happening okay it's a bit of a a paradox it's like it's like move but take your time it's it's almost like a paradox uh it's very s actually it's move but take your time the very first time that I actually heard someone say that or that I got that idea from was uh uh W herb I was reading cuz you know like Arizona is all about like the wild west and whatnot and so this guy was the there was a uh what do you call it an interview about this guy white Earth and and and the guy who was interviewing him asked him hey how did you survival this all this gunfights and all that in the wild west right and and then he said oh I learned from the oldtimers you can you can probably Google that it's worth a Google he said I learned from the oldtimers this is this this is why her right and he said the trick is the trick right the trick is to move fast while taking your time yeah baby that's what he said and he didn't even know me if he knew me we would have been Amigos maybe I don't know I don't know if he would have liked this B umbre I think he would have um that's what he said the trick is to move fast but take your time and and that's a that's a Zen concept that's not that's not something that anybody or everybody would just know that cat that cat knew something about it that's a it's almost a Buddhist Zen um um what do we call this esoteric concept that's not a concept but let's call it a concept because it feels like if we call it something at least we can point to it if you move if you move with calm if you're calm but you but you keep moving you're actually moving fast this is uh this is this is really my [Music] my my superpower when people are like oh my God how do you do all that dude there there it's it's not that I do so much necessarily is that I keep moving that's a superpower see the every every moment that you spend thinking about something you cease movement it's better to move even if you're even if it looks like you're moving slow it's like the clouds right it's like the clouds they're moving you just don't know because because they look like they're moving slow but they're moving they're always moving you guys ever seen any of those videos where the clouds are moving in the sky it it the freaking clouds are moving right it's just that we don't think they're moving when we look at at them you have to stare at them for a little while and then realize oh my god look they're moving right it's a very Zen concept it's it's oh it's also like water right water is always moving it's always in a in a state of unless you unless even if you trap it somewhere it it it's it's it's doing this you just can't see right it's doing this it's rocking itself it's rocking right it's moving um if you're an artist and you're not moving oh baby you're in for a treat see the the the whole the whole trick about being an artist or doing anything is to move baby you just got to move but too many of us get stuck too many of us get stuck we're like we're like oh yeah I want to paint I want to paint too many of us go I want to paint and then we go and we start thinking about what we're going to paint or we start thinking about how we don't have time or we start we start thinking about all these things guys don't don't think because I'm a full-time artist I don't have those thoughts if if I would have not gone about those thoughts I would have never become a full-time artist I I know those and and I haven't fully got above those those those thoughts still with me they're like hey how how's it going Jose you want to feel like we're going to make you feel like you like like you don't have time that's what my thoughts do sometimes you know hey you want to feel like today all you got to do is feel like you don't have time and then you're going to start feeling really bad because you got all these things to do and you feel like you don't have time man I still go through that that's the daily that's the daily you know and all I got to do is like Zend myself out and remind myself hey hey hey hey start here start here there's no there's no there's no need to feel like you don't have time there's always time what there isn't what there isn't um it's perceived time right there's always time but what there isn't it's perceiv time the idea the idea is killing you but not real real time's not killing you baby it's just the idea you know what's up what's up Jared so this this whole thing about painting loose has people like thinking that painting loose means means being being sloppy and it's not guys it's not it's actually it's actually not sloppy at all it just looks that way to the untrained eye to the untrained eye painting loose means that you are that you are comfortable with letting something go what to get gain something else that's all it means you're exchanging that's really all it means is you're exchanging one thing for another I'm exchanging realism or or or um I'm exchanging a lot of of um what do they call it uh yeah realism or representational right I'm I'm exchanging the the representational aspect in order to gain an expressive right an expressive part that wasn't there that that that never Nowhere In Hell in a million years will something very representational give you expression right that's why some of the best artists in the world uh in history were very abstract for one reason guys because if they wanted to to Really conceive something with a lot of expression you need to go beyond the idea of what we consider realism right if you really want to express something you need to go beyond the whole idea of realism if if you're trying to be this realist painter and this realistic painter this very um trying to paint every single little thing and whatnot you you are going to do that but you're going to miss you're going to miss other things right and that's what the abstract artist does that's what the the the loose paint does you're you're you're you're missing some of the representational to gain the expressive right you're you're willing to to to bargain with that you're willing to let it go a lot of artists have a hard time with that even even though I'm including myself right you don't think that there's days that I'm like oh my God it doesn't look like anything because I want it to look like something right I want it to look like something and so therefore there's always this uh there's always this fight right there's this fight there's this this fight going on between it needs to look like something but I need to express something right I I I want it to be somewhat representational not completely but I also want to express something so this is this this fight going on and it's just part of it guys it's not it doesn't end right it doesn't end it doesn't matter what who the artist is it doesn't end it there's always something there even for abstract artists we have this idea in our minds that you know if you're an abstract artist you probably have many ideas in your mind of what abstract art should look like and you're therefore not completely free right because you're in that in that struggle right very few artists are completely free and I I think the less the artist knows about art the more free the artist is the less the artist knows and that's a tricky thing to do knowing without knowing is a very tricky thing to do in in art it's a it's a Master Level you know it's a master level as a as a painter if you learn how to know without knowing uh it's a very it's a very high level it's an allowing level right it's an allowing level I'm getting all esoteric today I don't know why what the hell's going on with me it must have been the breakfast I had look at that so I'm telling you guys be cool stay school I got to go now I did two paintings for you guys here live in this little segment there it is I need to I need to put some white in there it's calling me there you go by the way if you like what you saw here uh this painting will be available on my eBay shop okay the auction will start at $1 check it out the link is in my profile bam baby peace
Channel: Jose Trujillo
Views: 24,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s501yPnXsIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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